
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Silk Road: Student Scenarios

Students, the Silk Road adventure has begun. I hope you are all still surviving. As you discovered in class, there are many different scenarios for this game. Anything and everything happened to the Silk Road travelers in ancient China. Harsh climate, thieves, warriors, things all happened. Thursday, I put you through many different scenarios that I came up with. Now, it's your turn. On this post, comment with a Silk Road game scenario of your own. That's right, now it's your turn to create the scenarios. I will pick a few of them and we will complete our silk road adventure Friday with the student scenarios. Like all of my scenarios, make sure you create a scenario where you either gain points or lose points. Think about the ones I read to you. Be Creative!!!

Task: Create your own scenarios for the Silk Road game. If you are lucky, I just might pick yours!
DUE: Friday before school.


  1. You are walking along and you are dumb-founded and see a pouch of golden coins. You pick it up and find $150

  2. You get attacked by warriors and kills camel

  3. southern only you are walking and come across a cobra is you have a sword you get +10 if not -10

  4. knock your friend out cold get 2 spools of silk

  5. knock your friend out cold get 2 spools of silk

  6. knock your friend out cold get 2 spools of silk

  7. You almost died because of attack if you have the medicine +10, if you have the first aid kit and the medicine gain +20, if you have none of these -10.

  8. your walking in the moutains and your camel falls and dies with your equipment. -20 + 10 if have 3 ropes to save it.

  9. IF you started out with 10 or more spools of silk, you should get 10 points

  10. You are walking along and you see a Banded Krait if you have a sword You cut of its head +10 if not -10

  11. you go to sleep and your dog protects you from a snake +10 if you dont have a dog -5 your partner has to suck it out

  12. if you are a girl +5 if you are a boy -5

  13. thiefs came and tryed to take your silk but you tied them up then they broke out use your chain +10 points if you have a chain -10 if you dont have one to tie them up.

  14. You have been walking along until you find a dead caravan along with a dead traveler. You are able re-supply, but only if you have a and a sewing kit and a robe. you will use the robe and sewing kit to make bag. if you have those items, +20 if not -10.

    (you can shorten it or switch the words around if you would like)

  15. mine would be u got robbed by a robber and they took both ur dogs. if u had a dog -10 no dog+ 10

  16. you get +10 points if u have a pen/pencial. if u have nothing then u have -15

  17. Some thieves com along and are hungry. They are wanting food, so if you have 5 pounds of rice they leave you alone. If you have none they take a spool of silk. -10.

    After days of traveling your clothing rips. If you have a sewing kit, +10. If you don't have one, -10.

    A warrior comes and challenges you to a sword fight. If you have no sword he laughs at you and attacks you. -10. If you have a sword, you are able to defeat him. +10.

    Nights are dark and cold, so to light a good fire you need some flint. +10 if you have flint and -10 if you don't.

  18. you are hikeing the himalyan mountians when a yiti nocks you and your carovan down to your feet, your partner is uncochus and the yeti is walking off with one of your camles.

    if you have a crossbow or other projectiles 10

    if not -25

  19. Scenario: If you chose the southern route, the Guangzi Region is a wide open plain! So when you were sleeping a bunch of bandits snuck up to you and stole your yak! If you have a yak -10, if you don't +0.

  20. you come across men trying to trde 30$ for 10 ponds of food if so 30$ if not -30$

  21. Get stoped by snakes!!! Use your numchucks to hit them... If have numchucks plus 25 if not they bit you use 1 jar of medicine and if no medicine -30

  22. you are attacked by thieves. you can survive IF you have these sword, 4 throwing stars, and 2 throwing knives +20 if you have them all
    -10 sorry you are badly injured

  23. A snake comes by you if you have a sword you cut it in half and get supper + 10 if you do not you get bit -10 and you dont get supper.

  24. if you bought 40 pounds of food you get +15 if not -15

  25. a lost kid comes up to you and asks for some water. if you dont have 2 jugs lose 10 points, if you do, plus 5

  26. Southern Route: While climbing a mountain, you get attacked by a mt. goat. -10 points.

  27. your walking and you come across another caravan but in the caravan are 5 thieves if you have 5 throwing stars +5 if not -5

  28. yor wlking and you find 3 new throwng stars if you already have 1 or more throwing stars already

  29. you come across 10 thieves fighting at a different caravan tey come at you if you have a crossbow and 10 arrowws +10 if not -10

  30. Northern and Central: yo are walking you are in the desert and a scorpion come bye you if you have a knife you get +20 if not you get -20

  31. you see a person and you dicide to kill him so if you have a throwing knife or throwing star +10 you get 2 silk and 10 dollars you throw it at him he dies if you do not have one you get hurt and loose 1 silk and 5 dollars.


Sign your name: (class period) (group name) (First name)
Thank you.