
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Silk Road Adventure Begins!

The time has come for the Silk Road Adventure. The silk road was a major trade route for people in ancient China. They would use this route to bring silk into Europe to get the things they needed. Nobody else in the world had the silk worm. Only China, which put China in a great position. They would bring silk into Europe, where there was a high demand, and trade it for things they needed. The trip was made by many people, but it was a very difficult trip and many people did not survive. You must use your head and do a good job of making decisions, otherwise you may find yourself in a bad situation. You need to plan for the unexpected. Anything and everything will be coming your way when you embark on your trip on Thursday. When you begin shopping, a few helpful things to keep in mind: there's a great chance one of your camels will die, so perhaps you better buy an extra one. Trips of this length can be quite dangerous, but they can be also quite boring, so plan for that. Don't allow yourself to get bored. The Silk Road was a dangerous place, full of bandits and thieves. With that in mind, it would be a great idea to buy plenty of silk, for without it, its impossible to win.
Twitter Alert! I will be at my daughters music concert tonight twitting helpful tips or clues on how to win the silk road game. So tune it, because those tweets will soon vanish, like your chances of winning if you don't see them.
Good Luck on the Silk Road Adventure. Be Confident. I hope you all survive. (but I doubt you will.)


  1. Thanx for all the encouragement Mr. Klumper!! :)

    Example: " I hope you all survive. (But i doubt you will"

    Ha Ha very funny! :)

  2. cant wait to travel the silk road i have it pland out. Mr. Klumper cant wait for tomorrow!

  3. I already plan on spending $450 just on the stuff you showed us yesterday

  4. just posting for the points

  5. The silk road sounds really fun thanks for the clues! By the way you are my travel partner.

  6. The silk road will be VERY dangerous!!

  7. This is so fun!!!!!!

  8. cant wait to travel the silk road 2morrow it will be awesome by the way the white shirt production movie about the ancient egypt weapons that was pretty awesome and i thought the part where you use the sword.

  9. You r one of the best teachers in the school

  10. Can't wait to travel to the silk road it will be so much fun!

  11. I am almost done with my shopping 0spree!!!!!! this is going to be SOOO fun!

  12. I cant wait to start traveling!!!!!!!

  13. Hey Mr klumper im ready for some bonus points.


  15. I want bonus points!

  16. so happy, I love shopping!

  17. I can NOT believe I am actually going to travel the silk road! This is going to be so cool, just like Mr. Klumper! Mr. Klumper is so smart for coming up with this. It's going to rock!

  18. The silk road adventure is all planed out for me so far I have all my supplies

  19. Hey I'm ready for the silk road adventure

  20. I am posting this comment for extra credit I dont know if you got my other comment but yeah!!! So I am totally having fun spending I only have $632 left. Right now at least. I am going to spend the rest and I have a question you can just post the anwser to my twitter speaking of that my twitter name is PaigeDelBieber. Ovouisly I am a BLIEBER!!! Back too toppic Will there be anything other than the stor ethat you will need money for like can thieves steel your money??? Thanks Mr.Klumper OH and before I forget too tell you I am making a powerpoint about your website for my little brothers too look of I know your website wont help them much now but it will in the future and I dont live with them soo I can type in the web address in fact they dont even know how too!!!! I cant wait too accually start the silk road adventure> Thanks for the tips on not too take the South path and how too get extra credit you should post more and leave them up because me and a bunch of other 6th graders that go to my church are at church from 5:45-9:00 because we stay for Awana and Youth. If you dont belive me I can even bring you a shedual that says when church starts and ends. I would tell you what my church's name is but I dont remember it!!! Sorry and thankyou Mr.Klumper (this is only soo long because I want the extra credit)

  21. That shopping was fun. But I still don't know if I have all the right things....or enough food....

  22. Ancient China ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. The Silk Road is 4000 miles long.

  24. This is going to be Awesome....

  25. I hope I survive and win because everytime you tweet I check it like every 20-30min.

  26. Ive got my shopping done and I'm almost ready silk road here i come

  27. Mr. Klumper you are tweeting non stop about random things. crazy and weird!!!

  28. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  29. I hope i make it!! Had fun shopping tonight trying to decide what to bring. I read some of the clues!!!!!!! Thanks for the Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Cant wait cant wiat ahhhh!!!!

  31. wow!!!! you guys are weaird


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