
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer Bummer

Well, I hope you are all having a great summer. My summer started out great, but it has now taken a turn for the worst. Last Saturday, I severely injured my hamstring water skiing. The pain was so severe that I actually passed out on the dock. On Saturday and Sunday, I wasn't even able to walk without crutches. I saw the doctor on Monday and he told me that I didn't need surgery, which is a good thing. I was able to move around without crutches on Tuesday, but very slowly. So today, the fifth day after the injury, I am still at home, unable to go shingle or do anything. I have been sitting around the house everyday going crazy. I hope I will be able to return to work soon. I thought I would just post an update on WSG about my injury. Hopefully you read this and post a comment about what you have been up to this summer so I can read it and have something to do. I hope all is well in your life.
Take Care,
-Mr. Klumper


  1. Sorry to here about your injury. I have been busy with softball and basketball.
    Hope your better soon

  2. FLASHBACK!! That is what happened to me last summer I was on crutches for a month and in a boot for a month.It ain't that fun.

  3. Jaden Carlson PD:8June 9, 2011 at 8:21 AM

    Wow Mr Klumper that sounds like it hurt! Be careful next time.
    Get Well, Jaden Carlson

  4. Sorry to hear about that. I have been playing lots of softball and hanging with friends!

    Hope your leg feels better

  5. Wow! What a bummer Mr. K. I bet you sure are missed on the roof.

  6. hey Mr.Klimper that sounds like it hurts and isn't fun sitting at home. Well I have to do alot more chores now that I am home all the time but it is a good thing I like to organize and clean I hope your leg gets better soon!! ;)
    -chandler Harstad

  7. Why is you telling him all the fun things that you are doing? It's like rubbing it in. I hope you feel better soon Mr.K.

    Cole Woessner :)

  8. KaitlynH......whom used to be a period 4 student!!!!:(June 13, 2011 at 6:41 PM

    Wow I bet that would hurt...... how are you feeling now on june 13... I have been busy with softball.... basketball... tennis camp... and being with family and friends!!!!

  9. To my faithful and concerned bloggers: Thank you for the comments. It is June 14th and my leg is slowly getting better. I'm able to walk, but not quite like normal. I will be returning to shingling on tomorrow (wednesday) so i am happy about that. Thanks again for checking WSG. Come back soon. I will post a few more new posts over the next few weeks.
    Take Care,
    -Mr. Klumper

  10. Oh! Mr. K that sounds like it hurts! or did hurt anyway im kinda late:) I broke my toe about three weeks ago and now i am just getting back to softball... being injured really stinks!


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