
Thursday, May 19, 2011

The School Year has Ended.

6th Graders, this morning I find myself saddened that you are not coming through my doors for social studies. I find myself wishing we had another week to learn together. I find myself waiting for the bell to ring and for class to start. I find myself feeling so fortunate that I had the opportunity to be your teacher and in your life for these short 9 months.

I thought you all did such a great job this year with effort and enthusiasm. I have had a blast working with you and getting to know you. I just want you to know that I think each and everyone of you is a special kid. You are all unique with different talents, which makes my job the best in the world. My last words for you is this: as you continue to get older, please make good decisions. Please work hard and try your best in all that you do. Please be a nice person who looks to help others. Please remember to be respectful.

What does life have in store for you? I guess we shall find out. But know this: you can be great. You just have to want it. Go out into this world and make a difference.

Take Care,

-Mr. Klumper


  1. Jaden Carlson pd 8May 19, 2011 at 1:32 PM

    Wow Mr.Klumper that was a lesson to learn to be a better person.

    Jaden Carlson

  2. I never knew trying to find something for lunch was so hard!!!! Any ideas that are fast and simple?

  3. LC!!! Yes, i have a few ideas. 1. peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 2. banana with peanut butter and chocolate chips (seriously, very good) but make sure you have some milk with it. 3. pizza rolls (triple pepperoni)
    good luck finding something to eat. ha.

  4. Hey Mr.K. 6th grade was pretty much the best year ever. And SS was my favorite class over all. I didnt mind getting up early and going to school because I need to learn. Its starting to get kinda weird when you don't have to get up at 7:00 every day in the week and go to school for 7 hours. I'm still trying to get used to it. I'm sure ill be remembering the wax museum for the rest of my life like you said i would haha. And without water for sixth grade, SS wouldnt be SS without it. There were a lot of fun things we did in sixth grade like field day, wax museum, when i went to Texas for 3 months, and much more. You should like make a video on reflecting the sixth grade year in SS. I really dont have a lot of summer plans. Im pretty much gonna be at the golf course all summer. I'm pretty sure ill see you there every once in a while.


  5. Hahahaha thanks!!! I am guessing you like peanut butter.Today I had Mac'n cheese with tomatoes really good.Mr. K this makes me think of idea.You should have a recipe link on the blog OMG that would help me with my lunch problam.

  6. I bet those sandwiches are good! I'm with you Elsie, I havnt made lunch in a LONG time!! It was great having you as a teacher Mr. K! Take Care.

  7. andrewb used to be 3May 21, 2011 at 9:00 AM

    Hey mr. k its me again how u been Iv had a good 4 days of summer what u been up toiv been mostly hiking and hangin w/ friends. one of my best friends has a slack line and i can do it,[kinda] who knew. though i have been bored alot its good not have to wory about homework though.............

    This summer I am goin to go to rapid city, Miniapolis, maybe wisconsin, and maybe las vegas.It should be fun I love going to rapid city and spearfish because there is this one hiking spot called Devils Bathtub u should go its kinda out in the middle of no where but its so fun also your kids would love another place called old storybook island a creek runs through it and dyou can swing out on a rope that is there and you can jump in. in devils bathtub it is very challenging and treacherous, but if my dad can do it i think if u go u would be able to make it, its AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:]:}:]:]:]:]:]:]:];];];];];];];];;}]

  8. Hey Mr. Klumper I thought that i would come to wsg to find a friend when i saw this post i read it then read the comments I'm with morgan i'm not used to making my own food. I just got done with my cousins graduation and i recorded parts of it. I want to make a video that includes the stuff i recorded and some pictures of him do you think you could tell me where i could make it at or tell me how??
    I miss 6th grade and i miss all my classmates and teachers! But see you next year!!!


  10. Hey Mr.K!!!!!! I just went to check out the blog on my new iPod touch I love it!!!!! I will come and see you sometime during 7th grade. I love summer and can't wait until the pool opens!!!! I really miss my friends but I'll see a lot of them when the pool opens!! Have an awesome summer to everyone who reads this and Mr.K!!!!!

  11. Mr.Klumper, I will miss 6th grade and social studies:'( I will see you alot next year.

    Stay Awesome,

    Your AMAZING Student

  12. wow since school got out i have been itchin to go to hawaii i will be going there in a week it will be so fun!:-) we are goin snorkeling. that is going to be awesome. then after hawaii i really dont have any plans except softball games and softball tournaments. those will be fun. the only thing that wont be fun about hawaii is the 12 HOUR plane flight that will be horrible.

    well hope you have a awesome summer.

  13. Carson Haase not in ur pd. 9 anymore:(June 1, 2011 at 3:18 PM

    Hey Mr. K! I miss school know! Im bored at home.... But these last couple days have ben AWESOME!!! I went up to minneapolis to see my uncle david that works for the navy and we went to Manni's Steak house! i had a steak the size of my head! no.... it was bigger... but i didnt eat it all than gosh, or i would have exploded! it was huge and very amazingly tasty! but i miss school! and cangt wait for school to come around! i will come and visit often! talk to you later mr .k! have a good summer!

  14. Hey Mr. K, you should write another story over the summer and post it chapter by chapter. maybe 1 chapter a week?

  15. hey mr. k alot of baseball to rapid city, huron, sioux falls, kansas city alot tournaments every where and the la dodgers stink put still rooting for them new owner wanted i would buy them but i onley have 5 dollars. recover see you.


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