
Monday, January 17, 2011

Water for Sixth Grade Welcomes Blake Harrison of "Flocab"

Water for Sixth Grade would like to welcome Blake Harrison of the rap group: Flocabulary, commonly known as "Flocab." If you are new to Flocab, here is a quick description: Flocab is a rap group that performs on ChannelOne news each Friday to give the "Week in Rap." The Week-in-Rap highlights the major current events from around the world of the previous week. This is a great way to conclude the week and the major current events in a way that the students can follow and understand.
It seems to me that most rap music being made today is a contest to see who can get the most profanity into a song. However, rap music is very popular. Kids like it. That's why I think Flocab is even more important. They take rap music, something kids really get into, and turn it into something that is actually worth listening to and important.
Thanks to the kindness of Blake Harrison of Flocab, we have a great opportunity to get to know this group a little bit better by asking a few questions. So, without further adieu, I introduce Blake Harrison of Flocabulary:

Questions for Blake:
1. Where are you from originally? Where do you live now?

2. How did Flocab start?

3. Have you ever rapped with any other big name rappers?

4. What is the process of writing a “week in rap”?

5. What is your favorite: movie, book, tv show, and food?

6. Did you go to college? Where?

7. How do you stay up-to-date with the current events of the world?

8. How many people are in flocab?

9. What else do you rap about besides current events?

10. How long have you been rapping? Where do you get your inspiration to write music?

Once again, Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to respond to our questions. We greatly appreciate it.


  1. 1. Where are you from originally? Where do you live now?

    I'm originally from a little town outside of Boston. I've lived in Brooklyn for 5 years now. I can't think of a better place to live, except during the winter when I want to live in Buenos Aires or Savannah, GA.

    2. How did Flocab start?

    I had the idea for Flocabulary when I was a student in high school. I was frustrated with how boring and difficult it was to memorize facts and vocabulary definitions for school. But I found it really easy to remember lyrics to my favorite songs. So I figured someone should create songs that taught useful facts and info. I'd mention this idea to people from time to time, but I never thought I'd be the person to do it. When I met music producer and Flocabulary co-founder Alex Rappaport, it all became a reality. That was in 2004.

    3. Have you ever rapped with any other big name rappers?

    I did a show this morning with a rapper named D-Stroy, who used to be with an underground hip-hop group named the Arsonists. I was a fan of his when I was in college, so to get to work with him now is a real pleasure. But I haven't had a chance to rock a show with Jay-Z. Yet!

    4. What is the process of writing a “week in rap”?

    Channel One sends us the week's headlines on Wednesday afternoon. The Flocab artist (either Dillon Maurer, Dave West or myself) writes the song Wednesday night. We record and mix the song Thursday morning. Channel One cuts together the video Thursday afternoon, and the video goes live on our site Thursday night. The video airs on Channel One on Fridays, and we also throw the video up on our facebook page.

    5. What is your favorite: movie, book, tv show, and food?

    I have lots of favorites, but I'll say: Blade Runner, Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl, 30 Rock, and lobster.

    6. Did you go to college? Where?

    I went to the University of Pennsylvania. It's in Philly.

    7. How do you stay up-to-date with the current events of the world?

    Mostly by reading the news online. I visit and everyday.

    8. How many people are in flocab?

    We work with a really large roster of artists and educators and creative people. But there are five of us working full time in Brooklyn.

    9. What else do you rap about besides current events?

    We have programs that teach U.S. and world history, science, math and vocabulary. You can listen to samples of all of it on

    10. How long have you been rapping? Where do you get your inspiration to write music?

    I started rapping with friends in high school just to have something to do when we were sitting around. Freestyle rapping (when you make up what you're saying on the spot) is still one of my favorite things to do. I've had a chance to do a few shows with a rapper named Spectac, who is a freestyle monster. He just never skips a beat.

    I think we all need inspiration, whether we're doing something creative or not. I think it's crucial to stay sensitive to life; to not just treat each day like we did the day before; to think about and discover and celebrate the world. I'm just trying to stay motivated and do something that affects positive change.

    Thanks for the questions, guys! Keep your ears open for a shout-out in next week's Week in Rap!

  2. Thanks for responding!

  3. Dear Blake,
    Thank you for answering our questions. This means alot to me and my classmates. Thank you for saying you will mention us next Friday. It is such an honor.

  4. Thanks for doing the blogging thing for us we enjoyed it. I am looking forward to see what Channel 1 is going to do for water for sixth grade about the Flocab thing. I love Flocabulary the songs are cool and how you make them up on history!!!! Thats even better!!!! Thanks ,

    From: Bryn Nelson 4th period Mr. Klumpers Social Studies Class!!!!

  5. Thanks for responding and putting us on the WEEK IN RAP!!

  6. Hey, thanks Flocab. (Espically Blake.) Amazing songs :D

  7. Thanks so much for doing this!I really think its cool to be able to talk to you!thanks agian!:)

  8. Blake, Thank You a lot it will be so cool that Water for Sixth Grade is going to be mentioned on Channel 1!! Also thanks for responding I bet it answered a bunch of peoples questions =)

    Thanks Again, Carly Campbell Mr.Klumer 4th Period =]

  9. Thank you Flocab for responding to my classmates and I's questions. We really appreciate it. Thank you for adding water for sixth grade into your next weeks week in rap.

    Thanks again,
    Abbi Hanna
    Period 3

  10. Thanks for responding,Blake

  11. Hey Blake, thanks for responding to our comments. It was really nice of you to take your time to do that.

    Once again thanks! :)

  12. Thank you so much for posting. It really means alot to us.

  13. Thanks Blake!!! You would swear all of us have ants in our pants waiting for next Friday!!! haha! Thanks for taking time out of your bust schedule to come blog with us!!!! :D

    Thanks Again,
    Morgan from Mr. Klumper's
    4th Period and Channel One class!!!

  14. Thank you for responding!!

  15. Thanks for responding to our questions! It means alot. Also thank you for putting us on Flocab's week in rap!!!! We will all be watching for it!:D

    Thanks a bunch,
    Macy Clark
    9th period and homeroom

  16. Thanks Blake for replying im kinda into rapping myself i dont know if u know him but this guy named cj dippa and he was on americas got talent for rapping me and him are close friends even tho he live in houston texas i was gonna try out but i have horrible stage fright issuses so i didnt but i kinda regreted it because he made it to the semi finals any comments on that?

  17. thx black for responding to us i cant wiat to hear you on friday :D :p

  18. Thank you Blake for doing this for water for sixth grade. We really aprecheate what you are doing. The only thing I look foreword to in channel one is the week in rap so all I am trying to say is thank you and keep doing what you do best.

  19. Thanks for answering our questions!

  20. Hey thank you Flocab I was gonna thank you last night but I fogot sorry!

  21. Thanks again for answering our questions we really appreciate them thanks and I love Channel One but I love the week in rap people probably think its so cool they sing it in the shower WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THanks again bye bye
    mkay bye

  22. Dear Blake,

    Sounds like Brooklyn is nice,maybe even warmer than SD and thanks for answering,peace out :}

  23. Thanks for responding to are questions.

  24. Thanks for answering our questions Blake!!!

    -Kate Forster

  25. Thank you so much for responding with your tight schedule! :)
    Thanks, Blake :)

  26. Roman Berestyuk pd.6January 24, 2011 at 7:37 PM

    Hi, my name is Roman B., thanks for answering the questions we asked you. Also for thanks for putting us in the week in rap this friday, hope I can guess what your gonna put in flocab.

  27. No problem guys! We're recording the Week in Rap tonight. Look for your shout out right at the end.

  28. sup dude how are you? you know it would be good for you to write back to me.

    p.s. i dont like capatalizing the begining to moast sentences because it is sooooooooooo boring

  29. Thanks for the comment and the rap

  30. I know this is Really late but thanks for everything. It meant alot to us. You guys are great. Keep up the good work. ;)

  31. loved flocab. can wait to see it next friday! Please mention Water for Sixth Grade on Channel One!


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