
Thursday, January 20, 2011

50th Anniversary of JFK's Inaugural Address

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the day President John F. Kennedy spoke his famous words, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country," which were contained in his inaugural address. Let us celebrate his words, his wisdom, and his vision. Too often, people are looking for their country to do things for them. We must remember JFK's words and heed his advice. We must look to help out our country. We must look for ways we can make a contribution, a lasting legacy, a fingerprint on the world. Go out, make a difference, don't let the word "impossible" be in your vocabulary. Watch the video I have included. It will be three and half minutes of time well spent. Show your parents. Watch the video with them. Ask them about JFK, about what they believe, about the world. Go out, make a difference.

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