
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Welcome to the Medieval Times

Ancient Rome is over. The Wax Museum is over. Now what are we going to do? I know exactly what we are going to do: Learn about the intriguing world of the Medieval Times. In our last "big" unit of the school year in ancient civilization, we will be learning about a time period in history that is not all that long ago compared with Mesopotamia and Egypt. The Medieval Times, often referred to as the "Middle Ages," takes place roughly 1000 years ago. In this unit, we will be covering a plethora of interesting topics. You will see very quickly, this unit, as our grand finale, will be one to remember. For this blog post, as we typically do whenever we start a unit, you need to search the Medieval Times Links that I have posted for you and tell me something you have learned. How many items? Well, since there is a lot of cool stuff, please tell me 3 facts you learned will searching the websites. Good Luck!
Task: Search the websites I have found for you and post a comment with 3 facts you learned.
Points: 20
DUE: April 22nd, 2010


  1. #1 Women were treated like property.
    #2 The beginning of the Middle Ages was often called the "Dark Ages".
    #3 The church was very much in control of the gamut of medieval life

  2. there were lot's of romans back then there emporor was baned from the throne then they all combinded into one big island

  3. IN AD476 warriors atacked rome and ended more than 800 years of glory for the etenal city the next thousand years were called the niddel age the latin term for middel age is medieval.
    the began of the middle age is offen called Dark ages.

  4. In AD 476,a band of warriors attacked the city of Rome and ended more than 800 years of glory for the "eternal city."
    The beginning of the Middle Ages is sometimes called the Dark Ages because the great civilizations of Greece and Rome had fallen.
    The Dark Ages were anything but dark in other parts of the world.

  5. 1. The black death was a bad disease in that time and was caused when a mosquito bites a rat and a poison is in the mosquito. The mosquito then bites a human which infects them with a deadly poison and it will cause swelling and sores and eventually death. Later the poem Ring around the rosie,
    A pocketful of posie, Ashes, Ashes, All fall down, was made to describe it. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
    (And since you described this so well in Lances, What he does, clue thing, I almost puked and my neck feels sore now, so thanks for that Mr. Klumper)

    2. Students use a bone or ivory stylus on wooden tablets coated with green or black wax.

    3. The Church was interested in using Bibles to spread its gospel throughout the land.

  6. #1 Women were treated like property.
    #2 Students use a bone or ivory stylus on wooden tablets coated with green or black wax.
    #3 The beginning of the Middle Ages is sometimes called the Dark Ages because the great civilizations of Greece and Rome had fallen.

  7. 1. Jousting was a very popular sport.
    2. The was a place where people could be stress free and read thir bibles in freedom.
    3. The beginig of the Medevil times these times were called the Dark Ages.

  8. 1.In medevil times the beginning of it was called the "Dark Ages"
    2.In churches they used bibles to spread its gospel across the towns.
    3.The church was in charge of the gamut.

  9. 1.Women were treated like property.
    2.Students use a bone or ivory styluson wooden tablets coated with green or black wax.
    3.The church was interested in using bibles to spread its gospel throughout the land.

  10. #1. The beginning of the Middle Ages is often called the "Dark Ages" because the great civilizations of Greece and Rome had fallen.
    #2. The Dark Ages were anything but dark in other parts of the world.
    #3. Life in Europe during the Middle Ages was very hard.

  11. 1.Clothing and fashion else during the Middle Ages was dictated by the pyramid of power which was the Feudal System.

  12. 1.Medieval Europe was very much divided, yet societies during this time were remarkable similar. 476,the king was thrown of his throne by barbarians.

    3.there was a lot of dieses back of them was called ''the black diese"

  13. 1.Centuries of Roman rule in Western Europe came crashing to an end in 476 when the emperor was driven from his throne by barbarian ivaders from the north.

    2.Medieval foods and diets depended much on the class of individual.

    3.Medieval societies always feared having a lack of food. The food was surplus and rarely enough to feed a families of seven of more.

  14. 1.Women were treated badly!
    2.slaves had to bake food for kings.
    3.jousting was the main sport in medieval times.

  15. Levi Sturnberg PD. 4April 19, 2010 at 3:05 PM

    #1. Women were treated like property.
    #2. Jousting was a very popular sport.
    #3. The church was in charge of the gamut.

  16. Taylor Fjerestad pd.4April 19, 2010 at 4:15 PM

    1. Jousting was a popular sport.

    2. The middle ages were somtimes called the dark ages.

    3. In 476 a.d. when the emperor was driven from his throne by barbarians.

  17. 1.Most people in the Middle Ages wore woolen clothing with undergarments made of linen.
    2.During the midieval time would eat meat.
    3.The midieval best games were dice,knucklebones,marbles,checkers.

  18. 1. Jousting was a very popular sport in the middle ages.

    2. In the middle ages women were treated very badly.

    3. The church was interested in using bibles to spread its gospel through the land.

  19. 1.many castles in middle ages

    2.many knights in middle ages

    3.their were kings in middle age

  20. 1. The Dark Ages is another name for the Medieval Times.

    2. The church was in control of the gamut.

    3. Civilization was progressed slowly.

  21. 1. It was didvided in half.
    2. It was called, "the dark ages."
    3. They always feared of having alot of food.

  22. 1. The medievel period was between the 5th and 15th centures.

    2. Plagues were a major concern in medievel times. About every 100years a plague would devestate whole towns and castles killing thousands.

    3. Jousting was a popular sport in medievel times and involved two people on horses trying to knock each other off with long sticks.

  23. 1.In AD476 warriors attacked the city of Rome and ended more than 800 years of glory for the eternal city.
    2.The beginning of the Middle Ages is often called the Dark Ages because the great civilizations.
    3.The Dark Ages were anything but dark in other parts of the world.

  24. 1:The beggining of the medieval timess were often called the "Dark Ages"
    2:There were Muslims that were in the Middle East and North Africa, they also worshiped only one god.
    3:The Middle Ages took place in Europe.

  25. 1.In medevil times the beginning of it was called the "Dark Ages"
    2.In churches they used bibles to spread its gospel across the towns.

    P.S its Dana i miss u alll!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. #1The Middle age were started after the fall of the Roman empire.
    #2The Middle ages were also called the dark ages.
    #3The Crusades happened during the middle ages.

  27. Amanda Schwint 4th p.d.April 22, 2010 at 11:12 AM

    #1. the middle ages was calle the dark ages and the medieval times.
    #2.very few people could read or write and nobody expected the conditions to get better.
    #3. In the middle ages their was strong belife in Christianity.

  28. 1. the black death killed one third of eurapeans

    2. john of arc was the first girl general

    3. the vikings were fierce invaders

  29. The Medieval ages were also called the middle ages.

    There was disease in the middle ages.

    The middle ages belif was christanity.

  30. 1. Centuries of Roman rule in Western Europe came crashing to an end in 476 when the emperor was driven from his throne by barbarian invaders from the north.
    2. Chivalry is the generic term for the knightly system of the Middle Ages and for virtues and qualities it inspired in its followers.
    3. Daggers-made of all shapes and sizes often encrusted with jewels.

  31. 1. married womens had no rights
    2. Rome is the home of the pope
    3. the lord's home was the Manor house.

  32. 1. Knights held tournaments called joust's.

    2. A monastry was like a little town.

    3. There was tension between Christians and Muslims.

  33. #1. Knights wore a wight belt that stood for justice.

    #2. Women were treated like property.

    #3. There was a diseese in the Middle Ages called the bubonic plauge.

  34. The begging of middle ages was called dark ages.
    2.women were treated like property
    3.The vikings were veirce warriors.

  35. Vikings attacked Rome in the 700s AD.

    Nuns lived in monasteries.

    It took many years to become a knight.

  36. 1. Jousting was a very popular sport.

    2. There was disease in the middle ages.

    3. In medevil times the beginning of it was called the "Dark Ages"

  37. 1. The Middle Ages was called the "Dark Ages".

    2. There was a big disease in the Middle Ages.

    3. Vikings were very good warriors.

  38. #1. The bubonic plague.

    #2. Knights were famous.

    #3. The lords could control what the king did.


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