
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wax Museum 2010 Reflection

Hello 6th graders. I want to hear from you about the Wax Museum. I want you to tell me about it. I want to know what you think, what you liked, what you will remember. I thought April 13th was one of the best days of my teaching career thus far. I had so much fun. I thought it was just awesome seeing all my students dressed up and performing their speech. I have never been more proud of a group of kids. I know I have said this many times already, but I can not say it enough: Great Job. I am proud of you. Now that our big night has come and gone, I want you to reflect on the entire project. I want to read what you think. So for this post, I want you to write a reflection telling me about your experience with the wax museum.
To help give you some guidance as far as what to write about, please respond to the following:

What did you think about our Wax Museum night?
What did you like about the night when you performed? What was your favorite thing?
What did you like best about the entire project?
What do you think about the whole project from start to finish?
What did you learn from this experience?
Was anything difficult about the project? Such as?
These are just some guide questions for you to think about. Basically, I just want you to tell me your thoughts and opinions and feelings about this project, which is one of a kind. You may add anything else you would like to say about the project.
In-Class blogging. If you do not finish, or you want to write more after class, you may do so.
Thank you very much.


  1. I thought it was fun at times and boring at times.
    I think that the best part was the refreshments.
    I liked the costume and making the canister.
    I think that it was a good learning experience.
    I learned facts about Julius Caeser.
    Memorizing the speechy for sure.

  2. #1Getin money for make a wish.
    #3My costume
    #4It wasn't the best thing ever
    #6The speech

  3. It was easy but I got sweaty and hot and I was hungry too.

    I liked the place a was at when I performed and I liked the icecream afterwards. My Favorite thing was when I got a break and could take a drink after 7 people put a coin in all in a row!!!

    I liked working hard to get money for Make a Wish.

    One thing that I would recomed to younger kids is to pick someone that you would like to be and whant to be like and also I would tell them to dress lite and to have a bottle of water. It will help.

    A thing that I would like to change about that was that I would tell Mr. K to order more cookies cause I was disapornted when there was none left in the end.

  4. #1. I thought it was cool by how much money we made and how many people came.

    #2. I liked how busy it was and how much money we made and leaving.

    #3. I liked doing the dress rehersal in front of the class because we could hear everbody's speech. :)

    #4. I thought it was fun drafting the charectors and working on our costumes.

    #5. I learned that if you put your mind into learning something you will accomplish it.

    #6. I think the memorizing part was the hardist part. I also think that it was hard to perform it in front of people.

  5. I think the Wax Museum night was really fun.
    I probably liked earning the money for Make a Wish the best.
    I liked to choose our person and I like to do research on him.
    I thought everything in the project was fun.
    I learned that this project was actually easy.
    No, nothing was hard at all during this project.
    This was the coolest project I've ever done.

    You're AWESOME Mr. Klumper!!!

  6. I thought the wax museum was going to be scary for me on the night.

    I liked the fact that we helped out a charity. My favorite thing was seeing everyone around me also dressed up.

    I liked giving money to the make a wish foundation the best but I also liked dressing up like my person.

    I thought the project was fun but at the same time scary because you had to say it in front of people, which personally Im not a big fan of.

    I learned if u try your hardest at something you can do good and i learned MANY things about Eleanor Roosevelt.

    There was a few difficult things in this project, like memorizing a long speech and having the confidence to say your speech in front of people.

  7. I thought it was one of the mot fun thing we done in social studies.My favorite part was when we told it in front of peole and they like it.My favorite was dressing up in a costume and memerizing my speech.I thought it was really interesting but first i got confused with it at first but i got it for a while.

  8. I thought the night was fun.My favorite thing about it was the costumes.I liked the make a wish part the best too.Well at first I thought it would be horrible and bad but it turn out ok in the end.
    I leared a lot from this experience, i learned a lot about my character mostly. I thought the memorizing of the speech was the most difficult.

  9. #1.It was scary
    #2.Me not messing up aand was talking to people telling them about my person.
    #3.we go to dress up
    #4.It was hard then it got easier
    #5.Should remember things better
    #6.It was difficult remembering my speech

  10. 1.It was exciting and weird coming to school at 6:00.
    2.What I liked about the night was that we got to doanate money.
    3.We got to dress up.
    4.It sounded fun and then when it came it was scary.
    5.I should remember things better.
    6.Yes it was difficult, remembering my speech.

  11. I thought the wax museum was very fun. My favorite part was donating money to help other kids. I also liked dressing up in a costume. I thought it was hard at first but then it started to get easier along the way. On the night of the museum I was excited. When it started and people came to me it was really fun to tell them about my character. After a while I got tired of saying my speech over and over again. It was really fun and i had a really good time doing it.

  12. I thought that the Wax Museum night was fun at parts and boring at other parts. I liked a bunch of kids coming up to me and saying mommy look. My favorite thing was dressing up. I thought that the whole project was pretty fun.
    I lerned a bunch about Heath Ledger in the wax museum project.

  13. 1.i think it was awsome it was well put together and was fun and enjoyable.

    2. i liked saying my speech and acting like the great jonny unitas

    3. i think was awsome to researching to the " night " and it was fun learn about real famus peaople of are great past

    4.i liked best about the entire project was dressing up and helping less frunate kids

    5.that if you practice at something you will be good at it and thatyou should be proud of your work

    6.yes the part about memerizing the speech was the hardest

  14. 1.I think it went great with so many people and so much $money$.
    2.I liked that my friends from the black team came to watch. My favorite thing was when I performed.
    3.My favorite thing about the entire project was undecidable. I can't chose between dressing up and the actual performance.
    4.I think that it was a very cool idea and put something interesting in the school year.
    5.I had never heard about my character Liliuokalani, so it was interesting to learn about her.
    6.It was difficult memorizing my speech along with other school work and activities outside of school.

  15. 1 it was fun and alot more people came than i thaught
    2 i liked watching people arowned me talk
    3 getting money for the chairity
    4 it took a long time more than i needed
    5 more about talking in front of people
    6 the research

  16. Taylor Fjerestad pd.4April 22, 2010 at 12:57 PM

    It went slow and it was cool I will remember it for the rest of my life, (I think).

    Dressing up for the wax museum.

    The history of my person, (Ray Charles).


    To talk in front of a lot of people.

    Trying to memerize my speech.

  17. 1. In My Opinion I Got Really Exhausted From Standing!! It Was alright.
    2. I hated standing and keep talking over and over the same thing! No It wasn't my favorite.
    3.I liked dressing up and donating our profits to the Make a Wish foundation.
    4.I hated the beggining because i hadn't even heard the name before in my life. Memorizing the speech was killer! I liked dressing up but then I got bored at the performance.
    5. I learned about my person thats about it.
    6.Yes!! Memorizing the speeches and saying them over and over in front of people.
    It Was Sorta Fun Though. :]
    Wait Until Next Year All the other kids will think the same.
    But oh well.

  18. i loved it.
    Getting money.
    Getting money.
    It was a great experience.
    About my person and to talk to adults.

  19. 1. i was really nervous but after a while it wasn't so bad my first people i forgot my hole speech but thats what happens.
    2. I liked saying my speech and having people tell me stuff that wasn't in my speech so i learned some new stuff.
    3. I liked raising money for the makee a wish foundation {how do you spell that?} so it was preety awesome.
    4.It was a fun expiriance and it was pretty awesome and enjoying listening to every ones speech was pretty cool and how some people emphasized stuff.
    5.I learned a lot about a former rocik and role artist and a hole bunch about other people and it was pretty cool to see all the costumes.
    6.yes memarizing the speech i forgot a lot of stuff but it turned out really good so i was really happy.

    Don't post please! if you want you can i dont care i really dont just erase this thing.

  20. The thing I liked most about the Wax Museum night is knowing that we were doing it for a good cause.

    My favorite thing about performing was when I did my speach well and knowing that the adults enjoyed listening to me.

    The thing I liked best about the whole project was hearing and seeing other student dress-up and say their speeches.

    At first I did not like the idea of this project but in the end it turned that when I did all this stuff it wasn't so bad and it payed off.

    The one thing I learned from this expierence is that adults enjoy listening to what you have to say.

    The one thing that might have been a little difficult was memorizing a 2 1/2 page speech, but all in all it was good.

  21. I thought that the Wax Musem was lots of fun. Performing was the best part about it.

    The thing that I liked about the Wax Musem was when we performed the just swarmed me it was crazy. I never got one drink that night it was crazy. My favorite part was when we poured all of that money into the very manly pink bin.

    The thing that I liked the best was giving all that lovely cash away. It blew me away when I found out about having 2,000 some dollars.

    I think that the project started from disater to WOW that was amazing. It was easy for me to memorize my speech but for everybody else it seemed like the most impossible thing in the world.

    I learned about Walt Disney of course what kind of question is that? I did learn that in stead of helping yourself help someone who needs it.

    I didn't think that any thing was hard about the Was Musem at all. It thought it was fun. I'm glad your doing it next year.

  22. The night was awesome and the thought of helping people out by raising made it 2x better. I liked getting out of my hot costume the most on preforming night. I thought helping out people was the best part of the project. I thought it was boring at first but after that it was fun.

    Part 1

  23. What I liked was that people dropped lots of money in my canaster to put in the big bucket for make-a-wish. I wish their were other things that took along time to do because if I am bored then I would just go over my speech to make it even better.

    My favorite thing was giving my money I earned to you in the bucket and seeing how much money we got, and I loved my costume that I wore because it was so old it had weird shoulder pads!!

    What I liked best what I said so many times already was that getting the money for make-a-wish it was so fun and I hope they get good things out of the money we gave them and if they come here then that will just be so cool and I said this too that I liked my outfit.

    I think we did a great job and worked hard on it because it takes along time to memerize a three paged speech! It was just such a great experiance for everyone of us.

  24. #1I thought what would happen if I messed up.

  25. I thought the WAX MSUEM was a great time, great expirience, and awsome that we got to help dieing kids that want their wish to come true.
    I liked saying my speach in front of people.... ecept that one brat lady that wanted to hear my speach twice. my favorite thing was the AUDIENCE! IM A STAR!!!!! i have to go there will be a part 2

  26. Well, I thought that it was fun performing but after a little bit I got warm in my suit. Im glad that we raised alot of $money$ for make-a-wish. My least favorite part was memorizing my speech.
    I also felt it was wierd saying my speech to my mom or my friends parents. It would be fun to keep doing it but I hope that its done next year. It was also fun learing about someone new instead of the same person over and over again each year.

  27. What i liked best about our wax museum was we raised alot of money for the Make A Wish Foundation.
    I liked how little kids looked so into you and people looked like they actually really interesing.
    The best thing about this entire project was raising money but the second one for me was dressing up in a costume even though my mustache was falling off and my friends mom had to get me a sticky thing to put on it!!!!!!!!!
    I think that the whole project from start to finish was really fun but at the same time really annoying writting the speech because I did a wax museum last year to and it had to be like five minutes long! :( :)
    I learned from this experience that even if it looks like alot of work and to much for you just try your best and see what you get. :0
    The thing that was most difficult for me was writing the speech:( IT WAS REALLY HARD!!!!!!!! But after it was done it was pretty easy to do everything else! I loved doing the costume that was probably my favorite part and raising money!:)

  28. Amber Thompson pd.8April 22, 2010 at 2:19 PM

    1.I thought that it was fun on the night of the wax museum.

    2.Yes it was my favorite thing because I like memorizing things and practings also dressing up.

    3.I like raiseing the money for the make a wish.

    4.I learned more stuff about Laura ingalls wilder.

    5.Yes I thought the hardest part was memorizing the lines but also I like to memorize things so not really.

  29. #1. The Wax Museum night was tiring, but I still had an ok time.
    #2. I don't think I had any FAVORITE things about the night we preformed.
    #3. One thing I liked about the project was getting to learn about my relitive.
    #4. At first I thought it would be horrible, but at the preformance night, I thought differently.
    #5. I learned that speaking in front of people isn't really that bad.
    #6. I think the most difficult part was standing for an hour and thirty minutes.

  30. I thought it went great....
    My favorite thing when I performed was when I shook the person, you would see the suprise and shock.
    I liked the costumes the best, people really worked hard on them.
    At first I thought it would be pretty boring, but then I changed my speech and everything seemed better.
    I learned that it takes a lot of work for a small and simple project.
    My speech was a little difficult to memorize, but that's all.

  31. 1. I thought our wax meseum was kind of fun.
    2. I liked when I was standing in my pose because everytime i was doing my speech I thought I was repeating myself.
    3. What I liked best about this project was learning facts about the person while having fun and dressing up as them.
    4. I thought I wasn't going to memeorize my speech and that it was going to be really scary but it wasn't as bad as I thought.
    5. What I learned about this experience is to try hard and to not think that you can't do something and I learned many facts about my person.
    6.Yes, memorizing my speech..I'd do while i was laying in bed, in my mind....

  32. i thought the wax museum night was amazing i think it should have been longer though.
    2 my favortite thing about the night was when people commented on my speech and when people asked me to moonwalk.
    what i liked best about the project was either the night or dressing up like micheal jackson.
    4i thouht the project was very fun and educational.
    i learned about a great musician and from watching other peoples speeched i learned a lot about people i didnt know until then
    the most diffiicult part of the project was memorizing it.
    i would have made the night longer next time or add aother night to do the speeches.

  33. What I liked about the wax museum was that we got to learn about important people in history. I also liked that we raised alot of money for a good cause. The poject at times was hectic but it turned out amazinly good. I learned alot about my person and other people but I also learned that if you work hard at somthing you can make it the best thing ever. The most diffucult thing about this project was memorizing the speach but it alll paid off. In turn it was a great expirience that I will never forget.

  34. 1. I thought that the wax museum night was fun.
    2. My favorite thing about the wax museum was raising the miney for make-a-wish
    3.I like making the costume the best out of the project because you did not have to memorize something
    4.It was a long process and i think next time you should not start it in the begging of the year other wise people will forget about it.
    5.i learned how to memorize something that is longer than 2 minutes
    6.memorizing the speach and getting the information about some people was a little bit hard

  35. 1. I thought that the wax museum night was fun.
    2. My favorite thing about the wax museum was raising the miney for make-a-wish
    3.I like making the costume the best out of the project because you did not have to memorize something
    4.It was a long process and i think next time you should not start it in the begging of the year other wise people will forget about it.
    5.i learned how to memorize something that is longer than 2 minutes
    6.memorizing the speach and getting the information about some people was a little bit hard

  36. 1.I thought the Wax museum night was awesome. Even though my feet started to hurt, it was pretty awesome.

    2.When we got to look at everyone else and got to see what they dressed up like.

    3.Getting the costumes for the Wax museum. experience and good learning ability.

    5.Where my guy was born and other interesting facts about him.

    6.Yes, there was one diffucult thing such as learning the speech. It wasnt to bad but a little pain.

  37. Madison Mogck 9th prdApril 22, 2010 at 3:03 PM

    1. It was very nerve wrecking!
    2. Ummmmm when people didnt go by:]
    3. Havin to sit on a chair and be lazy:}}}}
    4. It felt really long!
    5. I learned alot about my character.
    6. Yes.......remembering your speech and to say it over and over and over and over and over again and again and again!!!!!

  38. I thought the Wax Museum night was fun and once it was over we finished one HUGE project. I know this is going to sound weird but I really liked having a dry mouth through the whole thing because people kept coming so i had no time to take a drink of my water. :) I guess I really like the relief of finally getting the night over but time flew really fast(I guess time really does fly when you are having fun.) At first I was kind of worried about not being able to memorize my speach but again once it was over it was I really did I learned that you can accoplish anything you put your mind to even a 3 minute long speech! I guess it was kind of hard finding an outfit for my character that i really knew nothing about.....All in all the night of the Wax Museum was a big turn out!

  39. The night of Wax Museum was one of the highlights of my sixth grade year. I loved wearing my cosutme and people being able to gain knowledge on my person. I thought the performance night was the best part of the project. (Duh) The project was interesting all the way through because you always had to do something. I learned alot about Marie Antoinette that I would have never learned before. It was sort of difficult to look for a coustume because my person had a certain fashion.

  40. Bailey Durfee 9th pd.April 22, 2010 at 3:03 PM

    1. i thought that it was really fun to see everybody in there costumes all ready for the big night i also enjoyed hearing some of the speaches.

    2. i liked giving my speech alot becaused i worked really hard on it and it all payed off.

    3.the best part about the wax measeum was the raising the money to give to the make a wish people.

    4. i think that it was along and fun project i have never done anything like this before and so to have the chance was really fun.

    5. i learned that hard work does pay off.

    6. yes. writeing my speech.

  41. Tate watson prd 9;) ;) ;) :)April 22, 2010 at 3:04 PM

    The thing I like at the wax museum is dessing up in the costume and sayin the speech but overal it was the night I will never forget and also it was cool just seeing all the other peoples costumes it was the best night I have ever had

    P.S the big sign was crazy lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. 1. I thought the Wax Museum night was really cool,fun,and a success.

    2.The thing i liked the most about the Wax Museum is dressing up in our costumes.

    3.What I liked about the entire project is memorizing our speeches.

    4.What I thought about the project start to finish is that it was easy at 1st. but then it got harder at the finish.


  43. I thought the wax museum was Awsome!! What i liked about it was that people got to learn new things about the people of the past. What i liked about the porformance was the costumes. My favorite parts as the speech. What i liked about the project was hearing the speeches.

  44. 1. The beginning of the Middle Ages is often called the "Dark Ages" because the great civilizations of Greece and Rome had fallen.
    2. Historians call the next period of European history the "Renaissance," or the "rebirth." The Renaissance is the beginning of modern history.
    3. The Church was very much in control of the gamut of medieval life.

  45. In my opinion, I thought it was pretty fun. I thought that I would completely mess up my entire speech and be so nervous I would be almost shaking from head-to-toe. But then when the night came everyone was just all psyched and having fun, running around, talking to their friends before it started, and joking around. I think I did better than usual infront of people because i've always been one of those people that are just naturally shy and quiet infront of everyone. My favorite parts were seeing all of the costumes and learning more things about the famous people in our history. From start to finish I thought I would be really nervous and that the big night would be one of the biggest things I've ever participated in and it was. I thought I wasn't as nervous as I guessed I would be. One big thing I learned was that, as nervous as you think you're going to be, there's always another person that might think the same thing. Plus, even something that may not seem like it's going to be epic, can turn out to be a huge help through out the world. It felt good to have raised all that money for Make-a-Wish. I thought that it was a little difficult finding information about my character and..... Saying the speech infront of the class. But, now when I think of it its not so bad and I realize I was having a lot of fun during it too.

  46. I was exited. I goy to meet a lot of people. That I got to learn interesting stuff about my character. That I got someone with The same first name. That if you do this, you can have a lot of fun. It was a little bit hard to memorize my speech.

  47. 1#it was asome

    2#my speech becauseI spent so much time on it.

    3#The fun of being there.

    4#I thought it was very fun.

    5#I leaned that I need perserverance to work hard.

  48. 1. fun and hot and some points

    2. i liked the money in my canister and my favorite part was when i wasn't saying my speech

    3. helping make a wish

    4. boring and hard

    5. how to memorize something

    6. memorizing was hard

  49. #2 My favorite thing about Wax Museum night was dressing up in costumes and donating money to Make A Wish foundation.

    #3 The thing i liked best about the entire project was picking our people.

    #4 I thought it was a fun Experience for me to do.

    #5 I learned about some very important people and interesting facts too.

    #6 There was one difficult thing about this project and that was reading your speech in front of the class and memorizing it.

    And thats it PEACE!!!

  50. I thought that the Wax Museum Night was OK. It was fun but painful!!!!! :( I thought the dressing up in cool costumes was the best part. I learned that I should have picked this guy named Joseph Smith, he's awesome and I know a lot more about him than J.J.R. Tolkien. For example I could tell like his whole life story.

    When Joseph Smith was about 6 or 7 he had a very bad disease so he had to get his leg cut of and get replaced with a fake one. When Joseph Smith was about 13 he went to this grove to pray and ask God which church was true. (There were many churches back then.) When he was in the middle of praying, supposedly the devil bound his tongue so he couldn’t speak. Then God and Jesus came down, (they were really bright), and so Joseph asked them which church was true. They said that all of the churches had bits and parts of the truth, but none of them was totally true. They also told him to go on this hill and search for a large rock. When he went there he found the rock lifted it up and then an angel came down and told him to come to that exact spot on that certain day for 4 years. On the fourth year he went back to the spot and found what he had seen 4 years ago. There was a big gold book that looked like a binder called “The Golden Plates”. Because The Golden Plates were written in ancient language, he had two things to help him read it. They were called the urrum and the thunnem, (sorry if I spelled them wrong). He went home and kept them secret. Later he had his good friend, (whose name I can’t remember right now), was his scribe. When they were done his scribe asked if he could show part of it to his family. So, knowing Joseph he prayed about it, and God said, “You can let him, but, it will not be able to be in what you wrote.” That’s known as “The Book of Levi”. What he got from The Golden Plates became what Mormons have now as the “Book of Mormon” and “The Bible”. Later Joseph got arrested. He, his brother, and two other went to Carthage Jail. An angry mob went there. Joseph’s brother died from a gun shot. Another guy almost died but the bullet reflected of his pocket watch. Joseph was holding off the crowd in front of the cell. He died by getting shot while be the window. The mob went to see Joseph’s dead body but before they could see it one of the mob members cried out, “The Mormons are coming!!!!”

    That’s it.


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