
Monday, January 5, 2009

Starting Ancient Greece

Welcome to Ancient Greece. To start this unit, we are going to do something a little bit different on this blog. It is basically an online version of the Library Book Fact Search assignment that we do from time to time to begin Units. To help us start thinking about Ancient Greece and to help us get in the "Greek" frame of mind, we are going to be taking a look at some Greece websites. The websites will be listed on the side under "Greece Links." The instructions are vague, but simple: Look at the websites I have listed for you and post a comment telling me 2 things you have learned about Ancient Greece. That is all that is required of you. My thought is that with vague instructions, it will allow you to have a bit more freedom with this assignment. Good Luck on our first Blog assignment of 2009!
DUE: Friday, January 9th, 2009. 9:00 p.m.
Points: 10 School points

I am glad to be back in school to have a chance to see all of you again. I am looking forward to a great second half of the school year.


  1. The Greeks invented athletic contests and held them in honour of their gods.The Pythian games took place every four years near Delphi.

  2. There are many gods and godesses. There have been many people in ancient greece that wanted to be the king but only the family could. One of the gods was Zeus and he in a pic does not look peaceful god.
    to be continued....................

  3. OLYMPICS 1.The Isthmos game were staged every two years at the Isthmos of Corinth.
    2.The games at Olympia were greatly expanded from a one-day festival of athletics and wrestling to, in 472 BC, five days with many events.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  6. Hi Mr.Klumper I'm glad to be back too (not).
    Two things I learned from these sites are...
    #1 The word Acropolis means 'high city' in Greek.
    #2 Greek babies often wore nothing at all pretty gross right? But of corse if it was cold outside they would be wrapped up (duh).

  7. The capital of Greece comes from the name Athena being changed to Athens. Girls couldn't go to school.

  8. Zeus is a famous god
    Common houses are right-angled (square0 and looks like thay are stacked on one another.

  9. hey Mr. K! Watz up?!
    HEres what i know about ancient greece from the links-

    1.There were competitions in music, poetry, drama and also athletics, for example The Olympeic Games, which were held in hounor of thier god Zeus. and the Pythian Games, held at Delphi in honour of another god,Apollo.

    2.Festivals were a very impotannt part of life in ancient Freece, and were a central part of worshipping the gods. They usually included a procession and a sacrifice such as a lame to honor a god.


  10. Things I learned...
    1.The ancient Greeks believed in a great number of gods and goddesses and they controled many different aspects of life on earth.
    2.Festivals were very important part of life in ancient Greece and were central part of worshipping the Gods.
    3.The Greeks ate mainly the Mediterranean, wheat, wine, and olive oil.
    4.Greek babies wore nothing at all, but sometimes they do.

  11. The Greek had gods and they held the 1st Olmpics

  12. 1. Athens was one of the most powerful and important in Greece during the Classical period.

    2. Athens was the first Greek city state to have developed democracy fully.

  13. British Museum-Ancient Greece

    I learned Athens was the most powerful city in Greece. Zeus was also the King of gods

    History for Kids-Ancient

    Ancient Greek art is mainly in four forms: architecture, sculpture, painting, and painted pottery. Wars were common in ancient Greece.

    Ancient Greece

    Greeks started Olympics. Athens is the symbol of freedom,art,democracy.

    Crystal Links-Ancient Greece

    Trojan war was a big event in ancient Greece.They believed their gods lived in the skies and named them and the constellations after them.

  14. Here are two of the things I have learned.
    1# Athens was one of the most powerful cities in Greece during the Classical period.
    2#Most of their festivals included a sacrafice.
    These are some of the things I have learned.

  15. 2 things that I learned is that greece can be traced all the wa back to the stone age and that there is only a few historians in the time of ancient greece.

  16. 1. Slavery was a often common if you were a weathly family in Greece. Families had slaves to carry out the household chores, to go shopping at the market and even to help raise children.

    2.Life in ancient Greece was quite different for boys,girls,men, and women.Men and boys were expected to take an big part in the public life of their city, women and girls were expected to lead a private life as wives,mothers, and children. Their lives were centred on the home.and didnt get to do much more :(

  17. 1. Ancient Greece had very bad soil and it was hard to grow food their.
    2. People did not move to Greece for a long time.

  18. 1. I know about the gods of Greece
    2.It Has very bad soil

  19. Two things that I learned about ancient Greece is that they believed the diferet eating habits set humans and animals apart. such as the fact that animals eat there food raw, humans dont. The second thing I learned was that only men went to school because they though woman didn't think very fast or smart. Men believed women thought like animals, which they knew wasn't very smart. Those are both things I had no idea happend. I chose them because I think they're very good to know. they help describe the culture of ancient Greece.

  20. 1. I learned that in a water battle they would ram the enemy ships.
    2.Greeces god of all god was zues.

  21. I learned that:
    1. They could use brass and bronze
    2. They had a good army.

  22. Here are my two things I lerned.

    1] Men if not training in military

    2] Women were tied to domestic work.

  23. 1. slavery was a central feature of life in greece.

    2. thier lives werre centered on the home

  24. hi mr. klumper

    i learned a few things

    theyhad bad soil, hard to grow their food

    Zeus is a famous god

  25. Dear Mr.Klumper,
    I learned that in Greece they have Gods and Goddesess and that the people there in Ancient times dressed weirdly and also they had uncomftorable statues and they did sports.

    !?!?!?!?!?!?!?Emily 9A!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  26. Ancient Greece

    -Daily lives
    In their daily lives men would usually go out and take part in the city while the women stayed at home. Any family with a reasonable amount of wealth would have slaves to do housework and sometimes even take care of the children.

  27. hey mr. klumper i went to the history for kids. on there i went to olympics and i learned that the guys did not wear clothing because i might distract them. i also learned tht most gods didnt wear clothes either. in the olympics the girls wear not aloud to watch because the guys didnt have clothes on ewwww so ya thats all byee p.s. gooooooooooooo sdsu wooo

  28. In most city-states in Greece women led private lives, doing such as mothering. In Sparta (a City-state)women led more active lives.

  29. 1: Ancient Greece created the science Botony.
    2: Ancient Greece tied ribbons to goats.

  30. 1. It was very important for Athenians to take part in the Athenian government!

    2. Festivals were very important in Greece, and were a middle part of the worshipping of gods.

  31. Hi! o.k. now lets get down to business!!!
    1. Classical period of ancient Greek history,is fixed between about 500 B.C., when the Greeks began to come intoconflict with the kingdom of Persia to the east,and the death fo the Macedonian king and conqueror Alexander the Great in 323 B.C.
    2. The Olympics started in Ancient Greek.

  32. The pythians games took place every 4 stinken years!!!!!!!!
    The Greece people had 12 gods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    there is my 2 things

  33. Two things I learned from the links are:

    1. Epicurus was an Greek Philosopher who lived from 341 B.C. to 270 B.C.

    2.Ancient Greece is the term used to describe the Greek-speaking world in ancient times.

  34. After most of the Mycenean Palaces were destroyed around 1200 BC they were not rebuilt.

    After the collapse of the western part of the Roman Empire around 400 AD, Greece continued to be ruled by Romans.

  35. Hi Mr.Klumper
    Two things that I learned were...

    1.The main foods that they ate were from the mediterranean such as grapes,barley,wine,and olives.

    2.The olymics started here.

  36. Athletics
    I learned on the Ancient Greece Websites that they held athletic competions in honor of the gods. The first althetic competion was probaly held in 700 B.C. in honor of Zues.

  37. I have learned 2 things...

    1. They usualy do not wear clothes.

    2. They had a lot of gods like ZUES

  38. The first thing i am going to tell you is that olympics started in Ancient Greek.

    Now the second fact i found is that Ancient Greece tied ribbons to goats.

    I think that is kind of weird!!! bye bye!!

  39. Two things I learned are:

    1 The wars between Persia and the Greece took place in the early part of the 5th century BC
    2 The Greeks invented athletic contest and held them in honour of their gods

  40. I learned that the people in Greece were big on slavery, and that the slaves would do almost everything for the family, including raising the kids. Sparta was a lot different than other cities, the women were really active.

    Thats what I learned. <3

  41. Okay, the first fact:

    Art from the Roman Empire way greatly derived from Greek models.

    Fact two:

    As the Greeks were polytheistic, they worshiped many gods. They had so many gods and goddesses, it's impossible to say how many.

  42. 1.I learned that the spartans where picked at birth amd if failed got killed that would have sucked.
    2.that spartan training is very hard. I dont think i could ever do it.

  43. two facts i learned are

    1 The Ancient olympics bagan in 700 b.c

    2Greeks lived in city-states

  44. 1. Athens was one of the greatest cities in Greece. 2. they believed in alot of gods and titans. They also made the olympic games.

  45. there are alot of gods in acient greese wich is very dumb i think because why have to remember so many gods when like now there is only one god

  46. the things i learned are....
    1. they held the first olympics
    2.they have gods and godesses

  47. 1.Ilearned that greece were in many wars like the pursian war although they were way stronger then them.2.I also learned that they had the first olympics.

  48. two things i learned about ancient Greece are that women were expected to lead a private life as wives and mothers. the other thing that i learned is that families of reasonable wealth would have slaves to carry out the household chores.

  49. they had the frist olymics.

  50. sup mr. klumper
    1.The greeks held athletic events that honored there gods. they also held the first olympics.
    2.In wars they didnt always fight city-states near them sometimes they fought other countries.

  51. 1. that Zues was the god of the heavens!!!
    2.And Posiden was the god of the SEA!!!!

  52. Ancient Greece is the creator of the olympics we still have today. Also their are many gods and goddesses like Athena, Zeuz, Posiedon, Apolo, Ares, Hades, and Hera. The websites dont say this but a book i read did.

  53. 1.that they had many gods and godeses.
    2.zeus is the god of lighting.

  54. i learned that the word acropolis mean high city in greek. also i learned that athens is one of the greatest cities in greece.

  55. 1. Gods stole from each other
    2. Zuess controlled the weather.

  56. Wat up Mr. K

    Two things i learned were that they held the first olympic games there. hey had many ctagories in them. Another thing is that the word acropolis means high city in greek. wich probaly meant that this is a good city

    thats it 4 now ladies and germs

  57. 1.Athens was one of the most important and powerful cities in Greece during the Classical Period.

    2.Thebes is a city in Greece situated to the north of the Cithaeron range which divides Boeotia from Attica on the Southern edge of the Boeotian plain.

  58. i learned that they had a great army and that children only wore clothing to hide their "middles"

  59. 1.festivals were very important in ancient Greece.

    2.there were competitions in music.

    3.they had a war beetwen persia and greece.

  60. #1. Greeks had many festivals where there was many different compititions hounoring different gods
    #2. There were numerous gods and godesses each controlled different aspects of life

  61. first fact :

    only boys could go to school

    fact two :

    the cholthing for boys would be wool or linnin tunic a like a skirt pretty much.
    also girls wore only one big piece of wool or linnin again and would wrap it around there selfs in many ways.
    babys however would ware nothing or cloth dipers

    my mom used to give me cloth dipers and they were cooool!!!!!(dont make fun of me ok)

  62. hi hi,i found out that the first olympics were dated 776 b.c. that was a long time i found in Sparta women had more active lives.

    YEAH IM DONE!!!!
    peace out

  63. 1. They had the first ever olympics.

    2. They have ALOT of gods and goddeses.

  64. 1.i learned that the Greek had 1200 gods. 2.ancient greece is the creater of the olympic games wich we still have today. Zeus is probally the most well known greek god.

  65. hey wats up

    wat i learned about greece is that they are very strict on slavery and my 2nd thing that i learned that they invented the olympics

  66. 1.The ancient Greeks built great temples and sanctuaries to their gods.
    2.The Persian king Darius first attacked Greece in 490 BC, but was defeated at the Battle of Marathon.

  67. I learned alot of things about Ancient greece. But ill narrow it down to 2. i learned there is alot of people that always wanted to be a god or a godess,but only certin people can be. I also learned that there is one city in greece called high city in greek. I really wonder what else there is about greece?

  68. #1First thing i learned was that zues was the most famous gods of all times
    #2The next thing I learned about Greece
    is that they had ALOT of gods.They had gods like Zues,Hera,Hades,Poseidon,Reah and many more.

  69. 2 things about ancient Greede is...
    #1-The ancent greeks built huge temples for their gods/godessess.
    #2-They held festivals with sports and cometitions for the gods.

  70. The greeks invented the olympics.
    They also believed in many different gods.

  71. I did not know that the discus thrower is the symbol of the olympics, and... well, that it is called discus thrower and that the discus is a huge disc of metal. also that Athens is where the first olympics was held. that they did not wear loincloths, that there was a city named Troy. many to go!!!

  72. The two things I learned are 1. if you competed in the olympics you had to be naked.

    2. The olympics began in 700 B.C.

  73. that there have a lot of land . They are serrounded by water .They do stuff out side.They shop outside.

  74. the fist thing i learned was there were alot of gods and goddeses. and that there were competitions in music. and to add one more thing the greeks invented thee olyimpics

  75. The Greeks invented athletic contests and held them in honour of their gods.The Greco-Persian Wars are a sequence of wars fought between the great empire of Persia and the coalition of Greek city-states. It lasted for about half a decade from 499 BC to 488 BC. Even as we say Greco-Persian Wars its not always that all of Greece fought against Persian as their strength and authority was much greater.

  76. what i leanred about acient greece is that most babies were born naked and that if you had complieted in the olympics then you would have to copete naked.

  77. Greek life was dominated by religion and so it is not surprising that the temples of ancient Greece were the biggest and most beautiful.They also had a political purpose as they were often built to celebrate civic power and pride, or offer thanksgiving to the patron deity of a city for success in war.

  78. 1.numerous gods and goddesses each controlled different aspects of life.
    2.geeks had many festivals and copetitions each honoring different gods.

  79. The Greeks believed there were a great number of gods and goddesses.

    The Olympics were first held in Ancient Greece, but these Olympic games were held in honor of Zeus.

  80. The Olympics were first held in Greece.

    The Greeks believed in many gods and goddesses.

  81. One thing I know about Greece is that they have many gods.

    Another thing is that Greece is really a pinnuslia (not with shaded lines Sammy)

    PS sorry for my spelling!

  82. Hey Mr.Klumper sorry this is late,but in their Daily Lives the woman had babies and in Sparta they had a lot of slaves that ahd to work for their jobs to be able to earn money

  83. I know the olympics evolved from greece. And i know about the spartans.

  84. Hi, I learned that in Athens unwanted babies were left out in the open to die, and that the only event one the first day of the olypics was running well bye.

  85. 1.Woman were expected to lead a private life.
    2.Slavery was acentral feature of life in Ancient Greece.


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