
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Here's Democracy!

Before the snow and wind came on Monday, we were having a riveting discussion about Democracy. We will now blog about Democracy and what our thoughts are pertaining to this form of government, which happens to be our form of government in the USA (At least something very similar). It is hard for us to imagine what it would be like living under a government of anything but Democracy. Sometimes I think we take our freedom for granted and don't appreciate what we have/where we live. Most, if not all, of us have always lived in a democratic nation. Let's begin to think about this fact and appreciate what we have by discussing Democracy and comparing it to other forms of governments that are in exsistence throughout the world. Let's gain an understanding of how good we have it. This is a multi-task post. You must do all tasks. In-Class blogging. You may do all 3 tasks in one comment or seperate comments.

Task 1: Answer the following Questions: (Use your Greek City-States Guided Notes)
*What is Democracy?
*Who Rules?
*What does the word 'democracy' actually mean?
*What happens if the Assembly gets too large? What did the Greeks do?

Task 2: Click on the Democracy Link "All Forms of Government." Choose one of the other forms of Government listed (Do not Choose anything involving Democracy). Tell me what the form of government you chose is and COMPARE it with Democracy. For example: tell me why democracy is better or why the other one is better. Tell me what it would be like living under each of the governments, etc. The point of this task is to introduce ourselves to other forms of government around the world and compare them with Democracy.

Task 3: (FUN) Click on the Democracy Link "Weird forms of Government." Look through the list on all the weird forms of government. Not all of these governemnts are actually in exsistence. Choose one from the list and argue your case as to why the government you chose is the best one. You may respond to other people's comments, of course.


  1. 1. democrecy is when one person rules by debate.
    2.someone who is voted to.
    3.democrecy means to let people vote for who they want to rule.
    4.they let only the people born in greece vote in greece.

  2. Where each individual person has a vote about what to do.Whatever the most people vote for wins.Democracy means to let people vote for who they want to vote for.They only let the people born in Greece vote in Greece

  3. Democracy is when the people rule. For example... the people vote for who is in power. The people rule Democracy means "demos - common people "kratos" - rule. The assemblies got to big and it was hard for everyone to find a time to meet. So the people decided that 500 people will be selected to serve as city council.

  4. TASK 1
    1. Government by the people
    2. whoever gets the most votes
    3. people get to vote forwho they want to rule
    4. if you are born in Greece then you get to vote

  5. A democracy is a goverment ruled by the people.

    the people do by voting.

    democracy means goverement by the people.

    they made the council to a limit of 500 men that were to serve in the council for 1 year they were chosen through a system like the lottery

  6. Task 1

    1.Democracy is governed by the people.
    2.The people rule, we rule.
    3.Democracy means governed by the people. demos-common people
    People could act and think for themselves.
    4.500 people were selected to serve on a council for 1 year.

  7. I think foolocracy is the best form of government because emily and i would be incharge and if we were anyone that disagreed with us would suffer sever punishment. I will get back to anyone who disagrees

  8. task 1

    1 governed by the people
    2who ever gets the most votes
    3commom people
    4500 citizens were selected to serve on a council for one year

  9. task 1
    1. free government
    2. the people no king
    3. demos-common people kratos-rule
    4. Action made that only 500 citizens would vote and be the assembly.

    Task 2 was blocked because of the internet.

    task 3
    Anemocracy is ruled by the wind or by whim "act without thinking". It is the best form of government because wind is pretty powerful.

  10. #1. Democracy is the rule by the people, which means that everyone has the right to vote and make decisions about laws and other things. The word democracy actually comes from the words 'demos' , meaning common people, and 'kratos', meaning rule. If the assembly got to large it would start to get very difficult to take votes. When the assemblys finnaly got too large the greeks limited the assemblys to 500 men.
    #3. I think that infantocracy is the best type of government because it is the rule by infants. I believe that babies have a say in laws too.

  11. Task 1: democracy is a form of government. In democracy the people rule which happens to be democracy's meaning "the rule of the people". If the Assembly gets to large they created a lottery system.

  12. Task 1:
    Democracy is a government "by the people". As in, a bunch of people would vote for something. Like vote on a desicion. A king or a queen ruled. Democracy means government ruled by the people. When the assembly got too large, they had too make it so only people older than eighteen could vote, or be a part of their Democracy.

    Task 3:
    Autoarchy is the government by one person. That person makes all the desicions without anyone else arguing with them. I think this is the best because its kind of like a president. You wouldn't have to worry about a bunch of people arguing and ending up not making a desicion. It would also be easier to make a desicion.

  13. chromatocracy government by rulers of a particular skin colour.
    This should not be a goverment because it is old-skool.This is totaly racist.

  14. TASK 3
    Doulocracy- Government by slaves

    I think the Doulocracy is the best democracy because slaves have a pretty bad life and they deserve some respect from all the lazy people that own them.

  15. Task 1:

    1]It is a goverment that is controlled by those who own land.
    3]Goverment by the people.
    4]They selected 500 citizens to serve for one year.

    Task 2:none it is blocked.

    Task 3:

    My goverment is paedarchy witch is ruled by children. Mine is the best is because the children RULE!!!!and because they do rule.We would do good things and rule our parents.

  16. 1.)when one person rules by debate
    2.)someone that is voted to.
    3.)it means government by the people
    4.)it grew to large to get anything done.

    foolocracy- government by fools. It is the best because when you get together fools then they will make you laugh.And then tick you off in a while.

  17. I think infantocracy is most important because infants dont know what they are doing so they make random decisions instead of thinking it through and that would be awsome.

  18. TASK #1

    1. Democracy is Government by the people.
    2. People rule.
    3. Common people rule is the actual term for Demoncracy.
    4. 500 citizens were selected to serve on a coucil for 1 year, to hard to get anything done.


  19. democracy is a goverment by the people.(greece people)
    who rules:queen and king
    the word democracy actually means: well demos means common people and kratos means rule

    more coming

  20. (1)win the people rule
    people rule
    take 500 and have them vote


  21. Task 1:

    1) Democracy is those who owned land.
    2) The Athens ruled
    3) Goverment by the people.
    4) They selected 500 people to serve on a council for one year.

    Task 3:

    My Goverment is ruled by theives, you never know if they could try and steel!!!

  22. task 1.
    Democracy is when the people have a vote. The people rule. It means common people and rule. They only let people who were born in Athens and were not a slave or a female.
    task 3 Barbocoracy all the way. Because if we didnt listen We would be thrown in prison.

  23. 1. democracy means ruled by the people and the riches man ruled and democracy is where a person is voted to rule and people that have to many are revoted.

    foolocracy is the best cause i would rule

  24. I disagree with everyone because mine is better

  25. Task #1:

    *Democracy is government by the people.
    **Common people rule in this form of government.
    ***This word means : Demos=Common People, Kratos= rule. So it means, common people rule.
    ***5oo citizens were selected to serve on a council for one year.

    *****no task 2*****

    Task 3:


    my form is the most importaat because it is ruled by infants. For example, they are very random if they do not talk you can't

  26. 1. Goverment by people.
    2. The people rule.
    3. people can act and think for themselves.
    4.Nothing got done.
    5. only citizens part of Democracy in Athens.


  27. 1.
    *Government by people
    *letting people vote for the person they want to rule
    *only people born in greece can vote there

  28. Task 1:
    *Democracy is government by the people.
    *"Demos"- common people
    *"Kratos"- rule
    *Democracy acutully means... people getting to vote and people could act and think for themselves
    *If the assembly got to large they had only the rich people run counil
    Task 3:
    *doulocracy-government by slaves
    *they worked hard so that's their reward!!!!!....

  29. 1.
    *goverment by people
    *letting people stand out for themselves
    *to get anything done

  30. Hey Cass...i am arguing....what's my reward...just kidding..

    I think slaves should be in government because that could be their reward for working hard

  31. democrazy is the government by the people

    The people rule

    letting people vote for the person they want to rule

    five hundred citizens selected to serve on a council for one year.

  32. 1.It is were the people can decide who rules there city state 2.who the people vote for3.It means the people vote for who rules there land4.They would solect 500 citicens to vote for one year.

  33. 1. Democracy means ruled by the people.
    2. The people rule.
    3. Goverment by the people.
    4. 500 people would vote.
    Task 3.
    Xenocracracy becuase it sounds cool.

  34. Good job alex...i agree...
    doulocracy IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Task 1
    1: Government by the people.
    2: The common people.
    3: Common people rule.
    4: 500 citezens selected to serve on a counsil for one year.
    Task 3
    1: Decadarchy I think is best because only 10 people rule so there would be less arguing and more things would get done.

  36. Task #1

    Q. What is democracy?
    A. Democracy is basically government by people.
    Q. Who ruled?
    A. In democracy people ruled.
    Q. What does the word 'democracy' mean?
    A. Democracy is two words, Demos meaning common people and Kratos meaning rule.
    Q. What happens if the assembly gets too large? What did the greeks do?
    A. If the assembly gets to large too large they would select 500 citizens to serve for 1 year.

  37. #1.Democracy is the people that were men, not from a different country, and owned land could vote, act for themselves, think for themselves(everyone could do that) and they could debate.
    #2.The people rule
    #3.Democracy means goverment by the people
    #4.If they "Assembly" got to big nothing would get done. So the Greeks would choose 500 people.

  38. 3.theocracy-ruling of gods.
    i think they should already be because they helped us out in so many ways

  39. WOW...RYAN your soooooooooooo
    oooooooooooooooo wrong!!!!...
    doulocracy is because that's slaves reward for working
    soooooo hard!!!!

  40. Democracy is government by the people. the people rule. democracy actually means people can act and think for themselves. only people from greece can vote.

    i think government by the best is the best.

  41. task#1: Democracy is the ruling of gifferent people.The person who rules democracy is us[people]. Democracy actually means that is is not just one person ruling it can be many people actually. It lets people have the right to want to rule and only letting people be born in Greece and letting them actually vote there.

  42. Task 1

    1. Government by the people.
    2. The people would vote on who would rule.
    3. People could act and think for themselves.
    4. The citizens would select 500 people to serve on a coucil for a year.

    Task 3
    I think autocracy is the best because if only one person ruled, then there wouldn't be any argueing on who's choice is the best. The one person would decide on the one he or she thinks is best for the country.

  43. marie why would you want a goverment run by fools.

  44. Goverment by barbarians cuase they can dafend them selfes

  45. task 1.
    1. when someone rules by debate
    2.the person who gets most votes
    3.governed by the people.
    4.only boy people who was born can vote there

    task 3. government by the money because money is awsome

  46. TASK 1.)
    1.)Democracty means goverment by the people.
    2.)The people

    3.)controled by the people,rule

    4.)500 citizens were selected.

  47. I think anemocracy sounds the coolest because here in South Dakota we tend to have a lot of wind. I do think that Xenocracracy does sound pretty cool (I dont know what it means but its name is cool.)

  48. task #1

    1.democracy means government of the people.
    2.the people.
    3.democracy is when they people vote for who they want to rule.
    4.500 people were selected to serve on council for 1 year.

    task #3

    I think barbarocracy would be the best because the barbarions would know how to fight if there was a war.

  49. i think that slaves should be in the government because of how they work and how they we treated

  50. all you are wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

  51. Task 1.1.Democracy is governed by the people.2.The people.3.Democracy means goverment by the people.4. they only chose 500 people a year.

  52. 1 democracy is when people can act and think for themselves.
    2 the people.
    3 they whould get 50 peeps to do it.

  53. 1. goverment by the people

    2. the people

    3. common people rule

    4. 500 citizens selected to serve on a council for one year



  54. doulocracy government by slaves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  55. doulocracy government by slaves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. Tee Hee! Foolocracy is for G.W.!

    i'll be back



    TASK 3...

  58. howdy

    1 governd by the people

    2 the militerry

    3 ruled by the people

    more to come

  59. 1)

    3)PAEDARCHYIS THE BEST BECAUSE KIDS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE #1

  60. 1when people rule
    3goverment by the people
    4actions had to be appoved by assembly

  61. 1. democracy is ruling by the people.
    2. the people
    3. common people rule
    4. have a lottery. pick 500 to severe for a year.

    geronyocrqacy is the best because the aged rule and they are smart.

  62. democracy is when people of the city(citizens)were able to choose who ruled there present day america.the people ruled who would really rule.government by the people.500 people randomly chosen .

  63. 1Democracy is government bypeople.
    2kratos rule
    3democracy means they vote for eho they want.
    4.500 people were selected to serve fir 1 year

  64. task #1
    democracy is agoverment ruled by the people.
    the people ruled.

    when the assembly grew to large they did not get any thing done.
    more to come

  65. 1.democracy is goverment by people.
    3.goverment by people
    4.nothing gets done

  66. Task #1.Democracy is government by *the people.
    *The "kratos
    *people vote on what they really want to do
    500 selected

  67. 1.Democracy means goverment by the people.
    2.Oviously the people rule.
    3.That people are more free to make their own decisions.
    4.They don't get anything done. So they pick 500 people and they serve on a council.

  68. Task 1
    1.Democracy is a government ruled by the citezens.

    2. They had no kings so basically the people that were most important.

    3.ON the first question it tells you the answer to this question.

    4.They would make more room or they would squeeze together or even have more than one show idk.
    Task 2

    No task 2 I will do task 3 later See Ya.


  69. i think cryptarchy is the best because no one has to know.

  70. 500 men in government.
    Picked by a thing like the lottrey.
    This is the best wierd form of government.

  71. Task 1...
    A Democracy is simply government by the people.
    The Kratos rule.
    Democracy actually means rule by the people.
    If the assembly gets too large, 500 citizens were chosen to serve on a council for 1 year.

    Task 3...
    Obviously the best government is Tritheocracy. That is governmen by 3 gods. I mean gods are gods. They live in the sky and are powerful. With them ruling nothing could go wrong. Right?

  72. 1.Democracy is whaen the people get a say in there leader.
    2. the people.
    3.Democracy what i think means the people are able to vote and have say in who there leader is.
    4.The citizens selected people to serve on a council for one year.

  73. Democracy is government by the people.

    The citizens govern the town, city-state, etc.

    Democracy means:"Demos"-common people. "Kratos"-rule. Democracy-rule of the common people(or something like that)

    500 citizens were selected(by having a lottery)to serve on a council for one year.

  74. Task 1
    1.Government by the people
    2.The people
    3.To let people vote for who they want too
    4.500 people were selected
    Task 2
    gynarchy-government by women
    that is the best one

  75. Task #1
    A democracy is goverment by the people. The Kratos are the ones who rule. If the Assembly got to big they whould select 500 citizens to serve on a council for one year.
    Task #2
    not working!
    Task #3
    The goverment I chose is gunarchy government by women.

  76. Sure Cassidy. Foolocracy is the best. Lets have fools run our government! NO haha

  77. Task 1:

    Democrocy is rule by the people. The people rule (like i just said.) Democracy Means "Common People" and "Rule", this make sense because the common people choose who rules. When the assembly gets to big, then the greeks choose 500 people to be on the assembly.

    too be continued

  78. I think gunarchy is the most important ruling because normaly you here about men ruling but it would be cool for women to rule once in a while.

  79. TASK 1
    *Governtment by the people.
    *The person who rules is the Krato's.
    *People get to vote for who they want to rule.
    *They couldnt get anything done. They would select 500 citizens to serve on a council for 1 year.

    TASK 2
    *The government i chose was common wealth. I think its better then our government because a nation, state or other political entity found on law and it would get united by a compact of people for common good. It would be better living under this government because it would be united for common good.

  80. TASK 1: Democracy is government ruled by the people. The people who rule are called the Kratos. If the assembly gets too large 500 citizens were selected to serve on a council for one year.

    TASK 2: I think autocracy is the most important form of government because it is governed by only one indivual. Another reason why it is important is because every year a new person gets to take over.

  81. Ryan

    Just because the name sounds cool doesn't mean it is the best government. I disagree with you. I think autocracy is the most important.

  82. goverment of infantocracy

    Everybody has a right to speak what they think.So why not babies they are people too.Babies have fab ideas too like Baby Land.

  83. 1.democracy is goverment by the people.
    2.the people that ruled are the kratos.
    3.the people voted for who they want.
    4.500 people were selected.
    Foolocracy is the best.
    Having fools as our government would be awsome.

  84. Dear Mr.Klumper
    I think that the Rebublican Democracy is better than the Democracy itself so this is Part 2 and next is part 3.
    I think the androcracy is really stupid only men. WOW that is way weird today and they had that back then but they shouldn't have that today women should not be slaves and not be able to do things girls should have their own rights.

  85. this is anarchy a condition of lawless ness or political disorder brought about by the absense of govemmental athority and i think that democracy is better and i would want to be in the democracy part

  86. a nation state or other politicalentity founded on law and united by a compact of the people for the common good.and democracy is a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but which is usually exercised indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed.

  87. The goverment I chose was Anarchy. If our goverment was anarchy, everything would be chaos. Democracy is way better because we actually have order and sensible solutions.

  88. Tasia i agree with you because like you said there would only be one person and it would be hard for people to argue with him because there would only be him in the law.

  89. the Democratic Republic is you get to vote for who you want. it that is fair i think

  90. Task two
    I choose ecclesiastical beacause it would be awsome because its ruled by your type of reliogn and they would feel the same way you feel so they would have the same choices. You would not have a argument with someone about your choice beacause it was yours. It would make life a lot easier

  91. Paidon i agree with you because infants are also human so that should give them the same rights that we have.

  92. I chose Monarchy. It's a form of government that is ruled by a monarch. A monarch can be a sole ruler or a sovereign, such as a king or queen. Living in a monarchy would be a little different than a democracy. In America, for example, we are ruled by a president, congress, and sometimes, the military. Where as in a monarchy you are ruled by a monarch (with limited power) and the prime minister. In England (which is ruled by monarchy) you are basically ruled by the church.

  93. Democratic Republic - a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.

    Democracy - a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but which is usually exercised indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed.

    Ok now i am going to tell you some things that are the same for both of these! ok the both have a surpreme power.

  94. The other form of govrment I chose is dictatorship. In my eyes this form of goverment is the worst there is. Almost all dictators go mad with all the power they own. I mean look at Sadom Husain. One of the worst dictators to ever live. Democrcy is a much more controled form of goverment. It is shared by the people that believe in it.

  95. Task 2:


    -No one is in

    -There are no


    -There are
    many people
    in the

    -There are
    many laws


    -Rules are
    not decided
    by just one

  96. In our country we have the freedom to do whatever we want.
    Thinking,Religion,Voting it's all up to us. Whenit comes to Commonwealth a state or nation founded on law and united by a comact of the people or are brought together for one cause.
    That sounds likea very laid back goverment system to me!

  97. i agree with you zach we should be able to vote for who we want

  98. Monarchy is a type of goverment controlled by like a king, queen, or somthing of that sort. I think that a democracy is better because we get to make decisions for ourselves and have free speech.

  99. Democracy is better than TOALITARIAN( is a government that seeks to subordinate the individual to the state by controlling not only all political and economic matters but also the attitudes values and beliefs of its population)because you are not controled by a ROTTEN goverment if you even call them that. It would SUCK living where ever that is at because the SUCKY goverment controls your every move.

  100. commonwealth= a nation, a state, or other political entity founded on the law and united by a compact of the people for the common good. I think this is close to what we have today.Commonwealth has laws and and it is for common wealth.

    Cottonarcy- government ruled by the people in the cotton trade; I think this one is awsome because I think it would be fun to learn the ways to trade cotton. If you learn how to trade cotton think of all the other things you could trade,(they would have to have coton in them of-course) Another reson I think cottonocracy would be cool is that it could all types of wool products. That I think cottonocracy would be awsome to have.

  101. our goverment lets us be free and do whaever we want. like having our own religion,beliefs and style. i picked totalitarian. it is a goerment that seeks to subordinate the indivisual to the state ny controlling not onlu all political and ecomonic matters, but also the attitudes, values, and beliefs of its population.

  102. kaity-
    I disagree with you about it being awesome by being controlled by religion because there are lots of different religions.

  103. Commonwealth is a important form of government because the nation or state enity founded on law and united by a compact of the people for common good.

  104. Task 2:


    -Don't get
    to pick

    -Rulers get

    -Power is
    not restricted
    by laws.


    -Choose our

    -Rulers do
    not have

    -Power is
    by laws.

  105. chromatocracy- government by rulers of a particular skin colour

    I dont think ths is good cause this is mean and racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  106. i think that argentocracy which is governent by money is the best because our world revolves around money and we use money to get the things we need

  107. Task #2

    The government I chose was commonwealth because a nation, state, or other political entity founded on law.I think it would be better living under this government because it is united by a compact of people for the common good.

  108. Communism:a system of goverment in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single-often authortarian-party holds power; state controls are imposed with the elimination of private ownership of property or capital while claming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people. I think this is important because i kind of helps keep order.

  109. The goverment that I chose was communism. I chose this one because i think that it is better than our goverment. It is a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single. it is often authoritarian and its party holds power. there is alot more info about this one. i chose it because it would change everything!!(i think well not everything!!)

  110. Anarchy-a comdition of lawlessness or political disorder brought about by the absence of governmental authority.

    that would suck a lot to have a government think that having that government would be so terible it would not be like it is today.

    2.Oligarchy-a government in which control is exercised by a small group of individuals whose authority generally es based on wealth or power.


  111. task three
    policeocracy is ruled by the police. How great would that be you have people who care and help you

  112. Communism - a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single - often authoritarian - party holds power; state controls are imposed with the elimination of private ownership of property or capital while claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.

    I think this one would be beter deacuse the economy wouldn't be
    srugiling and there would be no staving people deacuse all goods are equally shared.

  113. Fine Mr.Klumper i am sorry i will try harder next time:0)

  114. The only thing worse than being ruled by a whig beer brewer is the devel. Thats the most crazy thing in the world. It would lead to death.

  115. Monarchy is controled by kings and queens or somebody. I think that democracy is better than Monarchy because we can make our own choices and can go anywhere we feel like.

  116. dicktatorship is alot worse than democracy because a person or clique rules. It would be worse if the girl clique ruled.

  117. task 2

    Republic - a representative democracy in which the people's elected representatives, not the people themselves, vote on legislation.

    Republic would be the best because every thing is desided by the people.

  118. face it shane you know you are wrong. the aged are smarter than the barbarians

  119. The government I chose is Oligarchy. Oligarchy is different from democracy because in democracy we have a president. It would be wierd living in this kind of government because Oligarchy government is ruled by a set of indivuals. What is similar about these governments is that we both have a government that is in control, they are just ruled by different people.

  120. anarchy is a lawless or political disorder it would be easy to live like this NO RULES!

    Commonwealth-law founded by people for the common good.It would be also easy to live under this government.

  121. task 3

    Anemocracy:government by the wind

    Being ruled by the wind would be wierd.

  122. in case u din't know Mitchel, the barbarians are stupid

  123. in case u din't know Mitchel, the barbarians are stupid

  124. in case u din't know Mitchel, the barbarians are stupid

  125. Ecclesiastical is a government administrated by a church.i would not like to live under this government because they are run by a church and probaly have to wear a funny hat thing. also they probaly have weird rules.our government is better cause we get free speech.

  126. monarchy is my word. a government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of a monarch who reigns over a state or territory, usually for life and by right; the monarch may be either a sole absolute ruler or a government
    is democratic and it is a lot more free than monarchy.monarchy is one ruler and i don't think they get to choose.i think i like democracy more.

  127. in case u din't know Mitchel, the barbarians are stupid

  128. Ecclesiastical a goverment church.because i dont want to live in a church i want to live in a house and i dont want to wear toes weird elfets with robs and hold bibles and preach a and thoes thing that look like nun buns on top of your head...............

  129. mine is anarchy mine is that there is lawlessness laws and no won can tell you what to do and in damocrocy the people would have a voice in words.

  130. Matthew

    I agree with you that democracy is better than Monarchy because I would hate to be ruled by a king or queen.

  131. Dictatorship - a form of government in which a ruler or small clique wield absolute power (not restricted by a constitution or laws). Also, a system in which the citizens do not possess the right to choose their own leaders.

    I think democracy is a better form of goverment because the people can vote for their leader. And in Dictatorship citizens do not get any say at all!!!!!

  132. Oligarchy - a government in which control is exercised by a small group of individuals whose authority generally is based on wealth or power

    Democracy and Oligarchy are similar because they are both by the people.

    I would want to live under democracy.

  133. republic: a representaive democracy in which the people's elected deputies not the people themselves. i chose this word becuse it is alot different then democracy.

  134. Oligarchy is a government controlled by a group of individuals whos authority is based on wealth. I think that oligarchy is good because their isn't just one person that makes the big decisions their are a group of people that work on a problem. They might be more friendly or neighborly to one another since they are probably friends. I chose this one because I think that it would be fun to see who would be in charge and what they would do.

  135. Hi i think that the anary government would be easier and better for everybody. Mine is the best choice because no one is in charge of anything except for themselves and their stuff and or children.

  136. dictatorship is what i chose. it is when a form of goverment in which a ruler of small clique wield absoulte power. also a system in which the citizens do not possess the right to choose their own leaders. I chose this one becouse it sounds very intresting becouse one person or a clique ruled. it is diffrent from democracy becouse in democracy is ruled by a supreme power.
    this is why i chose dictatorship.

  137. That we get to chews what do. Then there did they chews for them.

  138. Democratic Republic - a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote for offiers and representatives responsible to them.

  139. my government is best because it is fun.only one person rules and i like it a lot.mine is way better than everyones because it is unique.

  140. Task 2

    The goverment I chose Oligarchy which is a goverment in which control is exercised by a small group of individuals whose authority generally is based on wealth or power. One difference from democracy is their council like group is chosen by power and wealth. Where as in democracy it's decided by a vote. And not all by wealth and power.

    task 3
    The weird goverment i chose is iatrarchy which is governed by phisicans which if you don't know are docters. This would be good so that the goverment could be run and health would be more cared for by the goverment.

  141. An Anarchy has no laws but Democracy has laws.

  142. Constitutional - a government by or operating under an authoritative document (constitution) that sets forth the system of fundamental laws and principles that determines the nature, functions, and limits of that government.
    the democracy could be different because they always have functions.

  143. squarsonocracy umm,,,,, i have no clue what this is but ok... i disagree by sqautersbecause i think it is like a type of sqwash but im not sure but i love sqwash

  144. I chose republic which is a repuesentative democracy in which the people's elected deputies not the people themselves, vote on legislation. I picked it because every one should vote.

  145. I chose oligarchy witch is- a govemment in witch control is exercised by a small group of individuals whose authority generally is based on wealth or power it is a lot differnt then democracy becouse it has a lot less people and there people have no say just the peop;e with power or weath

  146. barbarocracy is the best cause then u are run by barbarians. i dont know what they are so im doing them cause it sounds cool. i think they are are dudes with bones through their nose more to come i think

  147. Commonwealth: Commonwealth is a system of govemment in a state plans and cantrolsthe economy. party holds power; state controls are inposed with the slimination of private owership.


  148. oligarchy i think is the best. it would be awsome to be wealthy and powerful and be on the govern ment!

  149. dictatorship.a form of govermentin which a ruler or small clique wield aplasute POWER!!!!! "one and by one alone this country shall prevall!!!" aldolf hiler

  150. I am going to talk about the democratic republic. This is a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens. I picked this one because I am a republican and I live in a democracy.

  151. my website was weird froms of government and i looked at matriarchy which is government ruled by wowmen or mothers. I think that would be ok sense wowmen are smarter and better then men.

  152. ecclesiasticle. a goverment administrated by a church.

    1. i can live with it because i am a christion
    2.bad. if you are not a christion you would not like it

  153. Task 2
    Monarchy is where one person (monarch) pretty much controls everything for life. And if one monarch dies, the next person in line becomes monarch. I think that would suck because what if that monarch person was evil? Then he could do anything he or she wanted and you would have to go along with it or he or she will kill you. Probably. But if the monarch was a good person it probably wouldn't be so bad. I still think democracy is much better because then we can choose who our leader person is. In monarchy, the next person in the family is the next monarch and nobody could do anything about it. Democracy is a whole ton better.

  154. Task 2.
    I chose Oligarchy - a government in which control is exercised by a small group of individuals whose authority generally is based on wealth or power.
    Democracy is better becaues in democracy it is ruled by he people.
    It would be unfair to live under Oligarchy.

  155. Task 2...
    I choose Ecclesiastical government. It is a government administrated by a church. It is kind of different than a democracy. It doesnt revolve around the people but just a church, run by pastors and ministers. I think democracy is a better from of government because3 it gives everyone a say, and not just pastors and a church. Living under this government would be very hard. The pastor may force much church things into our life, no matter how busy. That is Ecclestiastical, and I think Democracy owns that government. Just an opinion haha... C Ya L8r

  156. Task 2:

    Sultante:similar to monarchy, but a goverment in which the supreme pwer is in the hands of a sultan.

    Democracy i think is way better because you don't just have one ultimate leader.
    Ithink it would be pure agony living with Sultante.

  157. I chose Commonwealth and it means a nation, state, or other political entity founded on law and united by a compact of the people for the common good. I chose this because it sounded cool very cool like what calli said

  158. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  159. Oligarchy - a government in which control is exercised by a small group of individuals whose authority generally is based on wealth or power.

    what would we get done if the small group of people had know idea what they were doing.

  160. The goverment I chose is communism. I chose this goverment because all goods are equally shared by the people.

  161. 2.Oligarchy - a government in which control is exercised by a small group of individuals whose authority generally is based on wealth or power.
    I think oligarchy is better than democracy. Because oligarchy is controlled by people who are rich and powerful. Then again democracy and oligarchy are the same because we would still have a president and surpreme court and all those people. I think it would fun to live under a new goverment yet again i like democracy.

  162. Task 2:
    I think that Commonwealth is a realy good form of goverment. It seems good because all the people have a law, and they unite to reach a common goal. This is better than democracy because it has a common goal that every one in the State/Country trys to reach, and law and order still exists. another reason this one is better is that there is no one man leader. when this happens the leader may make people unhappy wich may lead to an unhappy ending, such as assasination.

    to be continued...

  163. TASK 2:

    Communism is a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and all goods are equally shared by the people(a classless society, everyone is equal). Communism is like Democracy because:
    -they are both forms of government controlled by people


  164. Task 2....
    Ecclesiastical is a govenment that is runed by be continud....

  165. 1.Democracy~ government by the people
    2.The people that ruled were the Kratos
    3.The people voted for who they want
    4.500 people were selected

    2. Anarchy - a condition of lawlessness or political disorder brought about by the absence of governmental authority.

  166. I think Peadarchy becausr that means governed by kids wouldn't it be awesome if kids ruled we would still have school but just because we have school doesn't mean it will be boring in the classes we can have a wii going or something well that's what I think

  167. Task #3 this is the goverment I chose: paedarchy ( government by children). It is the best because we can do what we want.(yes mr. Klumper it is better than democracy)

  168. this is contunied

    4.500 people were selected.


    i think paparchy is the best because its run by the pope. he is kinda like god i mean he is better than the devil everything would be peaceful too.

  169. anontmous intelligent person I am currently working on Los Angeles cop it is in the post production stage. it is about a burned out cop who comes out of retirement to help a rookie catch a drug cartel and a gang led by the infamous El' Mojito. it is going to be super fantasticJuly 15, 2009 at 1:03 PM

    George Washington once said that Democracy is one of the worst forms of government. this is very true because people cause most depressions. such as the great depression. this happens because people buy things hey can't afford such as a boat,car,house,etc. so they take out a loan they also can not afford. this leads to jobs being lost, hoovervilles being established, people spending all their money on the stock market. etc. therefore, average people can not be trusted wih the enormous task of running the country. Socrates believed that a small group of wise men should run the country. We are not a Democracy, we are a Democratic republic which means that the people elect the leaders, and the leaders pass things by running it by the people first. unfortionately, that is slipping away.

  170. Greets dude!

    It is my first time here. I just wanted to say hi!


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