
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

"We're the Mesopotamians" by We Were Giants

Check out this interesting music video by the group "We Were Giants" as they sing about four Mesopotamians. It's got a pretty catchy tune. Give it a listen. 
Student Task: Watch the music video and tell me what you think about it. Minimum 2 sentences. 
Blackout: November 7th
WSG badge post


  1. That video was very interesting, disturbing, and creepy. It is catchy. Now I have it stuck in my head. Well at least I will remember them for the test.

  2. 6warhammer adrian schobyNovember 4, 2014 at 7:09 PM

    This video was about Mesopotamia and 4 people.

  3. I think that the video is really trying to get the point of Sargon, Gilgamesh, Hammurabi, and Ashurbanipal. They are, in a way, showing the fabulous four, They are showing some writing,wheels, need for water, and some money. [ For the wigs] This video also had some really creepy characters, but whatever. I think that this would be a good intro to the Mesopotamian world. This video shows many things. It can even give you a brief intro to some of the people of Mesopotamia. If you listen carefully, you can learn a lot.

  4. I think this is a cool video because the characters are funny. I also like this because it is a good way to remember the four people of Mesopotamia.

  5. I loved it! Even though it barely had any info. it was funny and helps you remember the leaders of Mesopotamia.

  6. The Mesopotamianss------------ Sargon Hammurabi Ashurbanipal and....gilgamesh.they are talking about were they live and it being dry and cracked. They were also singing cool funny

  7. 1. Nice video. 2. Nice tune. 3. Funny at end. 4.good job relating it to Mesopotamia in many ways.

  8. 3HamHam Carson JohnkeNovember 5, 2014 at 7:10 PM

    I think it is a good song to learn about Mesopotamia. It also shows a bunch of the greats in Mesopotamia.

  9. I don't know who arshabamapal and sargon are. But it was a chatchy tune and it told about Mesopotamia.

  10. In my opinion it was kinda stupid I mean a band called mesopotamia wow.Other wise it was very catchy.😏😀

  11. It was cool that the singers were named after people in Mesopotamia.also,Hammurabi used cuneiform which was cool. I noticed that they talked about how dry it was.

  12. Theres a band named Mesopatamia. There band members are sargon hammurabi gilgamish and many others.They are driving and start to sing there song

  13. Brooklyn 3 CoiningtonNovember 6, 2014 at 4:00 PM

    I thought it was a little funny. It told you a little about Mesopotamia but nt that much but i still liked it.

  14. 4 Rachel D War-hammerNovember 6, 2014 at 5:33 PM

    It was very weird. But, i like how it has some important people in the video.
    I also like how it mentioned the first system of writing.

  15. I don't think it gave much information about Mesopotamia besides the fact that they did show cuneiform really well. now that I think of it they didn't even say the word cuneiform in there. they also showed the heat and dry ground in there but otherwise I thought it was creepy.

  16. This was an unique video. It combined the famous people and things of the modern world into one.

  17. I though it was catchy and it stuck in my head. I like how the singers were the main people onf Mesopotamia.

  18. It tells us about who are the mesopotamian people Gilgamish,Sargon, Ashurbanipal,and Hammurabi. Noboby understand them so they wrote on a plate.

  19. I thought this video was very catchy. I haven't heard of Ashurbanipal before. But I have heard of the others before. This video was very interesting.

  20. This video was very out of the ordinary. It was very cool to watch it was just the people that were creepy looking


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