
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

2014 Events Tournament Official Results

12 major events of Mesopotamia entered the tournament. Only one survived. After much heated debate in each class period, we eventually arrived at a Champion for each class. I would like to share the results with you, as well as the overall results and allow you to compare this years results to the results of past tournaments.

Compare with previous tournaments

Student Task: Do you agree with the 2014 overall results? Reflect on the tournament with things such as: agree/disagree with overall results and why. What do you think is weird/wrong with the results? Did you find anything interesting or anything that stood out when comparing 2014 to the past tournaments? 
Blackout: November 7th
WSG Badge post


  1. i found out something interesting that at the tournament they debated like presidents and i am interested that 6th period didn't get a badge at all

  2. 6warhammer Adrian SchobyNovember 5, 2014 at 5:03 PM

    I do not think that the money should of got all those you could of traded stuff with out any money!

  3. I looked at the its, and I thought that they were actually pretty similar. The bricks had scored pretty close to the top, ALL the time.........Money had a pretty bad score for the tournament in 2012 and 2013. It seems as if the scores are somehow connected. I find it funny that the money in 2013 got 0 points. They must have not gotten a good argument going. I find it funny how in the 2012 and 1213 money had lost with 0 points.

  4. I agree with the results except for the fact that rise of kings got last place because without kings there would be no teamwork to invent half of the other stuff that was on the bracket.One thing I found that I thought was weird about the 2014 bracket was that the hanging gardens actually mad it through a couple of rounds because the really have no effect on our life today.Two things that stood out was bricks and cuneiform because thy both did very good the past 3 years

  5. I was surprised that hanging gardens didn't get last overall. Manly because the hanging gardens really only helped one person. The other events helped multiple.

  6. Brooklyn 3 CoiningtonNovember 6, 2014 at 4:02 PM

    I was shocked how well money did this year compared to the other years it was a surprise for me.

  7. I do agree with all of the tournaments except the wheel getting beat by hanging gardens and 3rd periods one with money as the overall champion.

  8. Well in period 8, city and state should have won because without it there would be no buildings to spend. Money at or a place to build a ziggrout and what the one guy said about if there would be no ziggeraut there would be nothing and that's not true.

  9. I think it is pretty normal like writing beating book, and wheel beating chariot, but money got the most votes overall this year and last two years it got zero points.


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