
Monday, October 22, 2012

The Code of Hammurabi and a GIVEAWAY!

We have discussed Hammurabi's Code in class. We talked about the need for laws, what it would be like in our world without laws and the type of laws Hammurabi came up with. While listening to some of the laws, you probably thought one of two things: 1. it's fair or 2. its cruel. Well, for today's blog post, you will be sharing your thoughts and opinions on whether you think Hammurabi's Code was fair or too cruel. A link is attached that will give you a brief overview of Hammurabi's Code and give you some examples of a few laws. The link will also give you reasons for both sides of the argument. Hammurabi brought order and stability to the lawless people of Mesopotamia, but was it too cruel? Let the debate begin...

Task: After reading through the link, post a comment on whether you think Hammurabi's Code is fair or too cruel. Make sure you explain why you believe the way you do. Do NOT simply say, "I think Hammurabi's Code is too cruel because it's not fair." You need to share specific reasons that support your beliefs.

Bonus Link: Click here to read about some weird laws of our own country, the good ol' USA!

If you post a comment by 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 23rd, you could win a limited edition WSG survival bracelet!


  1. cruel because they whould kill peolpe for like just stealing something.

  2. I think it is cruel because if you do one simple thing you get exacuted. I think that is way unfair,but I think that the first time you do something against the law you should be given a much simpler punishment,but if their actions continue I believe they should be given a much more harsh punishment.

  3. I do not think that it matters very much. Because they do not follow them at all.

  4. I think fair bacause people need strong laws so they dont make mastices agian and agian and agian whith makes our community better.

  5. I think it is fair cause for the robbery they should be put to there death,and if a builder does make the walls fall down they should be able to use there own money to pay for the wall it was there fault.

  6. I think the code of Hammurabi is fair because after people get punished then they will hopefully not do what ever they did wrong again.

  7. I think the code of hammurabi is to cruel because if this is your first time you have been pulled over you should not be killed or go to jail. You should be warned.

  8. I think it would be fair because people would not do it. But also I disagree with the hands cut off because im pretty sure people would raather be dead but that would make them not do it. But i also think it is cruel because its very intense or mean.

  9. I think it is cruel because people have to have some space. These laws are very strict and I would feel that if I even took a step I would get killed. I can understand why they would have laws. But, I think they could be a little more nice.

  10. I think that it was both cruel and fair because, I don't think that if you do something that isn't terribly bad then they shouldn't be excecued. I think that they should just be arrested or something like that. Also if they get accused if they didn't do it then they would still be excecuted. Also I think it is kind of fair because they shouldn't have done it in the first place.

  11. i think that they were a little bit cruel because if you robbed something they would kill you but now they just either put you in jail or give you a fine of a lot of money

  12. i think the code of ham is cruel because if you acuse someone and it didn't really happen your going to die that is not right.

  13. i think that the code of hammurabi is so harsh that it sould not of igsist

  14. I think it was CRUEL, because it was not right to treat others like that just give them one WARNING.

  15. I think the Code of Hammurabi is cruel.
    One of the laws is that if you strike a man higher in rank you will be whipped times in public.

  16. In my opinion i believe code of hammburambi is cruel because like you said the fair and cruelety of laws and awarnesses because if kids were to have a tantrum got mad and hit theree dad or if for say a kid accidentely hit there dad and had to get there arms cut off. And what about the mom is there anysay in her.

  17. i think the Code of Hammurabi is cruel.I think its cruel because if someone makes a mistake its like there being put to death!Now i know sometimes you need to be put someone to death in our time, but for hiting your father they cut your hands off! Even if a judge makes a mitake he is done and can't do that agian. I mean everybody makes mitakes.In some ways it is fair but there is a lot of times when the Code of Hammurabi is cruel.

  18. The laws are cruel, because of cutting off someone's hand if they hit someone else.
    The 60 whippings is too much and very cruel.

  19. i think it is cruel beacause if a judge does something wrong he has o pay,lose job.and to not hit your dad what if you are kiding around.

  20. Fair becuse it could stop allot of crimes in the world.

  21. I agree with some of the laws but the father son one i disagree with i ean it's bad but in no sense of getting your hands cut off.

  22. i think the rules are cruel because:If someone falsely accuses someone else of certain crimes, then he shall be put to death.
    If a son strikes his father, the son’s hands shall be cut off.If someone strikes a man of higher rank, then he shall be whipped 60 times in public

  23. i think its cruel because: If someone is caught in the act of robbery, then he shall be put to death.
    If someone strikes a man of higher rank, then he shall be whipped 60 times in public.

  24. I think it is cruel because it doesn't make sense to get your hand cut off for hitting your father. Although it has some good things to it a lot of the laws are exaggerated. Everything has their pros and cons. If I hit my dad he can carry it in his own hands the law does not have to intervene.

  25. I think the laws are too cruel because you should not be killed or hurt really bad, you should just have a smaller punishment but for a longer time like in jail.

  26. I think the laws are just a bit too cruel.They are to cruel because we all make mistakes and we learn from them. How can anyone learn from their mistakes if they never get any second chances? Therefore the laws are cruel.

  27. I think Hammurabi's code is cruel because if you hit your father your hands shouldn't be cut off. What if the son was just joking about something and hit his father nicely.
    If somebody is caught in the act of robbery he should just be punished by prison not death.
    Falsely accusing someone for a crime should not be punishable by death. It should only need a meaningful sorry and an act of kindness for them.

  28. I think it's cruel because that is just not right to die or have anything cut off.

  29. i think it is to strict because if you hurt someone you have to hut them back.

  30. I think it's fair because the people will learn if it terrifying enough to stay away from breaking it. Sure it can be harsh but that's how they learn. Adults can break them too without a little harsh in punishments.

  31. i think that the code of hammurabi is fair because no matter what the punishment is or what the do to deservise that punishment i still think that the code of hammurabi is reallly importent!

  32. I think that its just cruel. People shound't go to jail for the rest of their own lives just because im speeding. you only get one life so might as well use it properly.

  33. law 5 i thinke it fair but i think that ever one aka judge should be able to get 1 more chance everyone make mistakes law 122 is well i dont thinck you should have to do that law233 is ok law 3 i dont think it has to be death i think more like 13-30 days of jail time law 195 thats just crual because then the boy would be handy capt and he still could strick the father any way but i think ha shold have to like claen all the romms in the house law 202 i dont think he should be wiped in public or even wipped i thnk he should gat jail time like 20-30 days

  34. I think "The Code Of Hammurabi" is cruel and fair. On one hand is is cruel because some people were put to death for stupid reasons. On the other hand it could be fair because is was basied on "An Eye For An Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth.

  35. It was cruel because that law is unfair becase if you are wrestling just for fun and you hit your dad on accident you will get your hand cut off.

  36. I think that the code of hammurabi is cruel because first of all no one should be ranked and geting whiped would hurt and 60 times now that would hurt and add on the public embaressment.

  37. I think that the are fair because is they had no laws then we would be able to do things we should not and not get punished for it.

  38. I think. It's. Cruel. Because. I. Mean. It's. Good. To. Have. Laws but that. Harsh. I. Think that's awful. :(

  39. i think cruel because they should not cut off a boys hands ecpessialy if he is just playing around with his father.Or maybe how would they no that he would be lieing maybe that person was lieing so they wouldnt have to die.

  40. I think that the laws are too cruel. I think their cruel because if you strike your father you shouldn't have to get your hands cut off. Also you should get chances if you do something bad not just right way put to death.

  41. I think that the code of Hammurabi is unfair because people shouldn't get their hand cut off for hitting someone.

  42. I think that its cruel. If you smack your dad you get your hand cut off. That is not RIGHT. thats why i think its just cruel.

  43. I think that the Code of Hammurabi was too crule, because if you strike your fathr you get your hands cut off. That is pretty harsh. The laws can be fair,but usually are not. This is why I think that the Code of Hammurabi was realy crule.

  44. I think the laws are cruel. like if a son hits his fater he would git his hands cut off. that is not fair

  45. i think that it is cruel because you get exicuted for being dumb and the crime was just something minor like speeding.

  46. I think the laws are cruel.because if you hit your dad you get you hand chopped off.or if you do robbery you die.

  47. code of Hammurabi is not fair because I punch my dad all the time to have fun. I woudnt have anything left to cut off after a while.And there woudnt be very many living people with the Code of Hammurabi.

  48. i think it might be a little to cruel but it is fair because we need laws so we can be a not so dangerous place and yes they do need consequences but maybe not all them should be killed, maybe they could get beat but not killed. Maybe if its really bad then ya i see why you would kill them. I would say its 50-50% though.

  49. I think the code of Hammbia is crual bacause it dos,t make any sence to have your honds cut off if you slap your father.

  50. I think the laws were too cruel because if someone falsely accuses someone they shouldn't be put to death. Everyone makes mistakes and you shouldn't be put to death because of them.

  51. I think it is to cruel because it is not fair they should just go to jail instead. cause I do not believe that the person should have to get his eye for an eye.

  52. I think it is very cruel.

  53. I think it is very cruel.

  54. Way to cruel people should not die for doing barely anything they should just get a small fine. Getting whipped 60 times is unfair, getting your hands cut off totally unfair.

  55. I think the cruel rules are to cruel

  56. I think the code of Hammurabi is cruel because of it's violent punishments, often death, for non-violent crimes.
    Some of those violent punishments include Law 195, saying: If a son strikes his father, the son's hand shall be cut off. If his hands get cut off the first time, if he does it again, what will happen since his hands are already cut off?

  57. I think the rules were cruel because if you falseley accuses someone else of certian crimes then they shall be put to death they shoulld get a punishment but not as bad as that.
    That if a son strikes his father the sons hand shall be cut off that is really bad cause what if it the hand that you would write with and you couldnt write because its the hand that you write with.
    If someone strikes a man of a higher rank the he shall be whipped times in public i dont think it sould be in public and not that many times.
    If someone is act of robbery then they shall be put to death i dont think that is right i mean the can go to like jail or something but not that. These are very bad thing to do if a person or son would do that.

  58. I think that it is unfair because people do make mistakes. And I think people should not be seperated into groups. I also think that people should not get their hands cut off for hitting their parents. It is very unfair. Thats why most of those laws are changed today.

  59. I think it's crool because if it happens on accident then what do you do.

  60. Thoes are crazy stupid but funny

  61. I think that it is fair because if you disrespect other people they will disrespect you. Like the saying eye for eye, tooth for tooth people will start hurting one another and it will never end.

  62. Sorry I was not at school Monday, I was sick. I will gess the Code of Hammurabi is good, becuse thare is lots of laws that are helpful and everyone shood obey the laws and if you don't, you will pay the consequences.

  63. i think it was cruel i meen some i agreed with like if a man were cott wihel robbing a house he would be wiped 60 times in public but if a boy hit his father his hands would be cut off i think they are cruel and the king barly cared about his people

  64. I think that the code of Hammurabi is very cruel because if someone chops of your arm you get to chop off theirs, and I don't thinks that's good for the world. Also there are some laws that don't make sense. One reason If a son strikes his father, the son’s hands shall be cut off, If someone strikes a man of higher rank, then he shall be whipped 60 times in public, and If someone is caught in the act of robbery, then he shall be put to death.

  65. i think that it was completly fair because no one would folow the laws without harsh puishments

  66. It is fair because people deserve what they do to other people.

  67. Code of Hammurabi was cruel and seariously cutting of your hands as a punishment. :O

  68. I think that the code of hammurabi is cruel because if a son hits his father he really should'nt get his hands cut off thats just wrong to cut a childs hands off because if they had their hands cut off they couldnt write so then writing is usless.

  69. i think it is fair because if you do something wrong you shouldn't just get a little punishment you should get exactly what you did to another person back to you so you have to suffer just like they did.

  70. I think the laws are fair because you shouldn't break a law anyway. You can't say "It's not fair" because you are just saying you are a criminal. The laws are plenty fair.

  71. Fair, we should be more strict on people who do things that are against the law. For example, if you give a speeder a speeding ticket it won't keep people from speeding as much as they do in The Code of Hammurabi.

  72. i think its cruel because if you hit your dad your hands get cut off!!

  73. I think The Code of Hammurabi is Cruel. Being put to death or whipped in public are very cruel. The people of a higher rank should have thought of jail allowing people to get punished that way instead of getting killed.

  74. I think his laws were to cruel because you don't always have to kill someone or give a bad punishment just for a mistake

  75. I think its cruel because people should not have to get wiped because they did something wrong they maybe did not meen to do it.


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