
Friday, October 19, 2012

Mesopotamia Events Tournament Results

The Mesopotamia Events tournament has come to a close, but the discussion has just started. In class, we heard from all 12 events. They argued for the event, telling us why they believe their event was the most important event of Mesopotamia. The cool thing about Mesopotamia is that all 12 events can make a strong case for their event being the most important. As sixth graders, you did a pretty good job voicing your opinions, putting together coherent thoughts and being respectful to others beliefs. I must say, I was quite surprised by some of the results of the tournament. Some groups with events that were tougher made very good arguments, which turned the tide of the class and earned enough votes for victory.  With the conclusion of the tournament, let's examine the results and discuss what happened. 

Click here to view the Results of the Mesopotamia Events Tournament

Task: After looking at the Events tournament results and brackets, continue to discuss and voice your opinion. What do you think of the results? What surprised you? What do you agree with? What do you disagree with? What do you think should have happened? 
In your comment, I want to hear from you. Not everyone was able to speak in class, so now is your chance to voice your opinions! 

Things to think about when examining the results: Who won the tournaments? How many points did each event score? How many times did each event make it into the championship match? 


  1. i think the rise of kings was most important because without kings there would not be anything

  2. I think it was pretty fair in my opion.

  3. I don't think irrigation should have won in third peroiod because bricks are way more important and they won in 2 other periods but not period 3 unfare!

  4. mine should of won because with out the chairiot lotes of peaple could of not of maket to places

  5. I dont think that bricks should have won because all they they are good for is building houses! Irrigation should have won all of them because we need it to live!!!! so period 3 was right!

  6. I think that the results were great because all the people did a spectacular job on all of their presentations.

  7. I think that irrigation is more important than bricks because, with out any food no one would of been able to invent bricks if they werent alive.

  8. I thought that irrigation would have won because it helped people survive and not die of starvation. Also I didnt't think that bricks would win overall because you don't need it to survive.

  9. i think iragion won becuase they would stave to death and have no food beacuae of that

  10. I dont think bricks should have beat cuneiform in periods 6 and 9

  11. I think that irrigation should have one over all because you have to have food. Or ziggurat becaus you have to have a place to for shelter.

  12. I do not think that bricks are that important. But they are very strong! I think that ziggurate should have won.

  13. Bick should not have won because it is just bricks and it was made out of mud and strick. Irrigation should have won.


  15. i think that third period was running late so some of the opinions did not get to be said the guys did not get to say why their event was more important than the other one.

    but i think the irrigation should be the winner in 3rd period. im am surprised that the bricks won but they do make the houses and protect the kings. so im ok with the results

  16. I think everyone did very good! Not trying to be mean but, I dont think bricks should have won beacuse, i dont think that they are very useful in life. But everyone did very good.

  17. I was defently suprised when bricks won! I thought that cuneiform was going to win. I was suprised but I was on bricks. Cuneiform lost 3 times! Awsome results! See ya.

  18. In period 3 I think bricks should have been champion. Not because I was with that group but half the things in the tournament were made of bricks. In pd. 4 cuneiform should have beat Epic of Gligamesh because without cuneiform there wouldnot have been a book. I like pd.6. I wish Bricks would have won pd.8. Pd.9 was an epic yet funny win. "what do you live in?" "A castle". "And what is it made of?" "Bricks". Dylan S. told me.

  19. in period 4 i was in bricks against city state and there would be NO!!!!!!! city state without bricks BRICKS are the most imortant people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I think the cuneiform should have beat epic of gilg. because you couldn't of had epic of gilg if there was no writting.

  21. I agree that bricks should have won and they did. I think they should have won because without them there would be no way to build anything

  22. some people thought thier things were better than bricks but you need them to build ziggurats and if you didnt have that it would just be all sand.and irragation is inportant because it helped the crops.

  23. It was extremly fun to watch them compete and see the winner at the end. Even though the ones that didn't get any points, they still did a nice job. =)
    im quite suprised that money didnt get even close to winning though. But they did a nice job

  24. bricks are most importent because pepole wolden't have homes.

  25. I was thinking because the Ziggurat was like the wathing tower. because if we didn't tell cuneiform if there was some bad guys coming then they wouldn't have time to hide. Irrigation was important because whats so good about the chariot if theres no food to pull what are the horses going to eat. Epicof Gilgimash did good they told us what was important but not allof the team pitched in to argue.

  26. i really think that bricks should have won it should have been for one of them the code of hammurabi because the law has to approve of it and epic of gilgamesh should not have won that did not make sense! city states should have won 1 because they developed bricks the city-states invented bricks and used them to make mesopotamia and without it mesopotamia would not exist! and the code of hammurabi should have beat the book they came up with 282 laws!!!!!

  27. i am shocked that chariot got 0 points i think it's all wrong because chariot fought hard to go to the next round.

  28. I think it was a good to listen to all of the 12 events. The teams that got 0 points did a good a job even though they did not do soo well. I was suprised that the money had 0 pointsthat is very suprised for that.

  29. Im so mad. ;C. first you need a chariot to move the bricks or you will carry all those bricks.bricks are wheymore important than citystate because what will you build a city out of.

  30. I think that bricks weren't that important because you could find other things for shelter. Irrigation I thought was very important because you could eat food when you were hungery and you wouldn'tstarve to death. The City state is not that important because you could have planted it were you would want to put the crops.

  31. I think bricks should have won and im glad because they did. you need bricks to have a safe home for the king and the people. they would not have been able to build a ziggurat without bricks. The kiing would not have been able to make the haning gardens. But i also think city state should have won because without it we wouldent have most of the oter things.

  32. For period 4 I think that it is totally wrong that Epic of Gigamesh won I mean would you rather be hiding from people because they can hert you and have one little book

  33. i dont think the results are correct i mean come on bricks are not veery important anyways without irrigation the woukdnt of been alive to create the bricks and then the hanging gardens would not have been possible to create and with out the hanging gardens the rise of kings wouldnt have possible and then money would be useless

  34. I truely think that Rise of Kings wouldve been farther up, i mean they conducted all the things like they told them what to build they brought the whole community togethore, and without the Rise of Kings there would be no use for bricks, they told them to use bricks and how to make them, again i thought it would be higher up there.

  35. i think this was fun but i think some of the votes were based on popularity like epic of gildemeh wining in 4th perod im supried that money and zigorot dident get any

  36. i think that bricks should win everything we wouldent have anything we wouldent have buildings.

  37. i think chariots should have won againts irrigation beacuse you need to use a chariot to harvest faster

  38. I thought everyone made great arguments and I thought that a lot of the ones that didn't win should have. But everyone had really great things to say!i really liked everything people had to say.

  39. I agree that money for meso. should be on the bottom because you would have a even way of trading between the rich and the poor but i see where your coming and i do support that but still i think its more fair if you trade.

    i really do thing irrigation should have been on the top because thats the most important out of all.

  40. I was very surprised that "money" didn't get any pionts because that seems more important than some other things that won. Great job "Money"!

  41. The thing that suprised me the most was period 6 my period and period 8 had the same exact winning so the brackets looked the exact same.

  42. I was surprised that ziggurat got zero because it was a place of worship and that should be the most important meaning in mesopatamia. Also the chariot was surprising to me because how could the people of mesopatamia get there food and water with out the transportation.

  43. Wow that's sirrprising that some of the things i thought would be on there where not it's a huge suprise!

  44. I'm a little surprised that bricks won first. In their defense though I think the bricks did a very good job presenting their poster. Cuniform is very important but, they could've had a better presentation. I feel bad for cuneiform though because they were in the championship three times. Also, irrigation presented quite well.

  45. I think it went well overall but I think that code of hammerati should have won at least once because if there was no laws peop;e would go around and kill each other.

  46. I was suprized with the ending results.I was also suprized that irrigation did not win.I think that money should have won one of the bracets because most people love money.

  47. I think personaly that irrigation should have one every one because without it you have a huge chance to die. You could starve to death because the crops would not grow very well. This is not saying that you will die, but you may die.

  48. I think that code of hammurabi should have been moved up to 5 place instead of sixth.

  49. I was suprised that bricks won... But i thought they had good arguments and had very good points. I thought money was going to at least win 1 because that is very importent. I though wheels would do better as well. Also cuneiform is a very important part of mesopatamia!! The wheel is in are everyday life without them i dont think we would have thought of cars! Irragation was very important two!!!!!! I thought irragtion in are class did pretty good but I do agree that most of the results were right. I also thought the code of hammurabi presented very well in are class I think they should have made it farther. But overall i think they were pretty acurate.

  50. I think that irrigation was more important, because that is what fed the people in mesopotamia. I'm surprised that bricks won twice. I agree that irrigation won over the wheel and cuneiform.

  51. I was suprised that bricks placed higher than irrigation because irrigation is a system of water that helped our crops grow and without that we would probopbly be dead.

  52. Bricks made it in two times they got 13 points. Irrigation had 12, Cuneiform had 10, Epic of gilgamesh 6, city state 5, code of hammurabi 4, wheel 3, rise of kings2.

  53. after loking at that i thought that bricks whould lose.i think that irragation whould win and be the champing and the loser whould be ziggrat, and cunieaform. I like that and I hope we do it again. the colrful one whould be the best i thought.

  54. I think bricks was a good one, because it bulit every thing. Plus it bulit the ziggurats.I was in teh ziggurats group. i think we should have won, because thats how worship started, they helped in batitles since it was so high up in the air.So i think our gruop should have won. i also agree that bricks won. People think city states should have won because thats how our cities happened, but i think bricks, because thats how the cities were built.

  55. i agree whith the briks thay are the best coise i think.

  56. I think bricks was a good pick but I thought that irrigation was going to win. "Guess not." Im glad that bricks won because I was on the bricks team. We pulled it off!!

  57. I was really suprised that bricks won. Because its just bricks but they did do good on there disscosions and when people gave the questions.I personly think that irragation or cuniform should have won because they are very important in mesopatamia.But irragation did not do very well on presenting there poster or explaining ver well but they still did good on the questions that got asked.Cuniform did very good they should have won i think it should have been a tie between them and bricks nut bricks did very well also.

  58. I think it shood be irrigation. Bricks was a reel shocker, I understood all of the presentations, and I think all the groops did well.

  59. I don't think bricks should have won that much it's not fair.
    I would ask with out cuneiform money, the first book, and the code of hummerabi.

  60. :0 bricks win!!! :0 Irrigation lost by 1 pt.!!!!:0 We lost by 1 pt.!!!!!!!! >:(

  61. I thought that CHARIOT should of won because how are you supposed to transport the seeds to the place without walking and a 12 pound bag on your shoulder that would be just miserable

  62. 8Auch Anthony (Bear)October 19, 2012 at 2:07 PM

    WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! bricks won ??? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE ????? Irrigation was way more important!!! You can't make bricks if everyone is dieing of starvation! Come on people did you vote just for the fun of it?? Well congrats anyway good job.

  63. i think that irrigation was important becouse we could have died with out it irigation should have won all the way (even if i wasent irrigation)

  64. I think bricks should of won because they helped you more for biulding and keeps you warm.

  65. I think Charriot should of won because how would people transfer from place to place and transfer things.

  66. I dissage that bricks won i think it should be irriagation be couse if the water dident get to the crops they would all die so i think it sould be irrigation

  67. I dont think bricks should have over all because its not really that important. I mean its mud and straw it couldnt have been that hard to come up with. I think either irrgation or rise of kings should have won.

  68. I was very surprised that bricks got the most points because you can make your houses and buildings out of other things but without irrigation we would not be able to control how much water our crops get and in a drought all the crops would die and we would have nothing to eat.

  69. i was bricks and my group got only 1 wee little vote!...alex t was are only vote!

  70. I think that irrigation should have won because without it many people would have died

  71. Iam so surprised that bricks won the overall score of 13! I do agree that the bricks helped the people stay sheltered and safe from outside, but i think that Code of Hammurabi should have one!!!

  72. I disagree that the epic of gilgemesh won because irrigation is more inportant than the first book

  73. I think that it was what it should be except I think that the wheel should have more points.

  74. I think all of the class periods shoud have been ries of kings v.s irrigation but that is my 1 opinion I also think irrigation should have won every time

  75. I was surpised that bricks won twice because the bricks back then were made out of straw. I think irrigation or rise of kings because irigation leads to food but rise of kings got people to do stuff like farm.

  76. I think its kinda a tie aganist bricks & irrigation because all the others you dont really need like kings they wouldent even be alive if it wasent for irrigation and bricks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  77. Supporting bricks they are good for 2 purposes they make good weapons and defense

  78. I think that rise of the kings should have one because without kings everything would fall apart

  79. Iwa shocked that the bricks won. Th y were not a needed matireal. Yes they were important but we could live without it. I think city state should have won. If it wasn't for all the people coming together and working together none of these inventions would excist at all.

  80. I disagre with bricks winning it all the reason is the rise of kings created the methods of farming, writing, building, and religion so they were the organizers of stuff as well as organizing people. I agree with cuneiform being write behind bricks because it was a system of writing used for many things but the kings organized the system so they should of won.

  81. I thought irrigation or the wheel would win. I was surprised bricks won because you can make buildings out of other things you don't have to use bricks. I thought irrigation and the wheel would go against each other for the champion most of the time but it didn't.

  82. I think irrigation should have one because people have been using irrigation before rise of kings,the wheel,ziggurat,chariots,money ect.
    irrigation stopped people from starving irrigation helped people with their crops irrigation was a very important tool in mesopotamia because. Mesopotamia was located in the desert. Bricks i have no problem with bricks because you can use them to upgrade your abode but could people live without bricks and have houses out of other materials. Yes they could because you cant just survive on shelter you also need food and what what gave the Mesopotamians food so they would not starve? IRRIGATION!!!!!!

  83. I disagree in period four. Why wouldnt you have laws? The code of hammurabi is the set of laws. Thats what making it so we dont get robbed.

  84. I think the wheel or irrigation should have one, because without the wheel we wouldnt be able to travel and without irrigation we wouldnt be able to have food or even maybe be alive. But bricks are important to because you need to stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter and without bricks we would probouly die from coldness.

  85. I thought that the bricks in pd 9 should not have won. Well, yeah there important but I belive that the Rise of Kings shoud have won. it was interesting the way that bricks and rise of kings were agguing.

  86. I honestly did not think brcks would win. I was surprised and shocked to see bricks won overall and they won in per.6 and 9. beating irrigation by 1 point is pretty close . irrigation is tohe one I had in mind that would win.

  87. I think the results were pretty good except i think that the epic of gilgamish shouldn't have won. One reason is beacause we don't really need a book in our life, We can live without one. Thats probably what really suprised me.

  88. I think that irrigation should have won because irrigation built mesopotamia with out irrigation the people of mesopotamia would die and their would be no wheel, brick,code of hammurabi, rise of kings, chariot, city-state,cuneiform,hanging gardens,money,and no ziggurat

  89. I personally think irrigation should have won. The brick did not save humanity did it?Im sure irrigation did save it.Anyways I think it suould have been irrigation cuneiform and Code of Hammurabi.

  90. I think the results were half fair half not. Life is never fair you know. I'm surprised that Cuneiform didn't win ONCE. But I'm not surprised they got in the finals. I really agree that Bricks are important but look at Irrigation? without that what's the point of everything else? I would think that all are important. Just not equally.
    For a final thought, Code of Hammurabi could of been a little higher than 6th. Just a thought.

  91. I think it should be irigation all the classes. it was what kept all of the people alive in desert climate

  92. I think Irrigation because I have alot of relatives that live on farms and then they would not have corn to makke silage to feed cows.


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