
Friday, May 1, 2009

Presenting the 2009 Joust Champions

The 1st Annual 2009 Joust Championship ended today with excitement the likes of which Brandon Valley Middle School has never seen. Five Joust Championships-Five Joust Champions. These Five individuals "climbed the mountain" of Jousting and defeated every opponent that crossed their paths. The tournament was not for the faint of heart. It took guts, courage, humor, charisma, bravery, mental toughness, and physical toughness. This tournament pushed the limit of what the Human Body can endure. This tournament was made up of elements of skill, luck, and everything in between. This tournament witnessed heart-break at its deepest level, and jubilation at its highest level. These, ladies and gentlemen, are the 2009 Joust Tournament Champions.

Pictured From Left to Right: Dylan, Alex, Jessie, Dani, and Macy.


  1. Troy I think I have the swine flu, oh no!!! I have to stay home Small p10May 1, 2009 at 9:02 PM

    Congrats, guys!!!!! Happy Mayday!!! Speaking of hospitals... P.S I am blogging from Avera hospital in sioux falls!! this is so exciting!!! I am doing my first blog at a hospital!!!!! Well gotta go, my aunt Jenn is in labor!!!!
    After that, I will go watch my Friday night lineup!!

  2. emily and ashley from mrs. poppens roomMay 5, 2009 at 7:59 AM

    hey mr klumper i think that blog is awesome and kind of weird ashley and i are bloggong from mrs. poppens room hahaha. we are so coolio. and you and your possy are not. well your possy is you and this blog yo;u are know match for ashley and me we are awesome.

  3. Nice Job everyone!


  4. Great job on winning the chapionship! although i wasnt the 1st 1 out so im kind of happy.


  5. hey I see me good job everybody

  6. Good job! I;m so bored... and sick... blogging (and eating muffins)... coough cough... I lost on my second try...

  7. Hi Mr.Klumper it's Mackenzie N. from your 2008-2009 class. I hope you have a good year teaching but I know it would be as good as having me in your class. I was just checking up on WSG and see what you have done. Now, that I'm a seventh grader it's different harder classes, harder homework and so on. I kinda hope I have you next year again for eighth grade now that you teach it. I might blog later in the year because now i'm a true blogger and always because of you. But when i see you i will probley still make a little fun of you but i'll be nice to.[you have some thing on you r shirt,made you look:] ] Hope to blog again on this 2009-2010 year!!! :]

    One true student,
    Mack N.

  8. Mr.Klumper,
    Will we do this?;)

    Elizabeth S.


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