
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Random Act of Blogging

Welcome to the Blogosphere. It is good to see you have returned to Water for Sixth Grade. Blogging has been limited due to the fact that the weather has been nice. It is good to get outside and be active, especially as Pre-teens such as yourself. WSG wants you to be active. Don't sit around on your couch all day waiting for a new Post on WSG. You need to be outside. Break a sweat. Run a couple miles. Put away the Barbie PowerWheel and ride a bike instead. Take your dog for a walk. Take your little sister or brother for a walk. Take your mom or dad for a walk. Take your computer for a walk. Do something. That is the main point. Contrary to some peoples' hopes, the blog is not going anywhere. It will always be here for you to use when it is not nice out. This post is for you to do if you want. If you come in from the outdoors and are tired and hungry for blogging, this will be something for you to work on. Perhaps your energy is zapped and need something relaxing to do while you cool down. Come blog. Share with us. Feed your desire to Blog. "Random Act of Blogging" is exactly that: random blogging. You may tell me/the world anything you want. Something you've been thinking about lately? Share it. Something you heard that interested you lately? Share it. You can blog about anything you want. It does not have to be school-related. It does not even have to be published. Perhaps there is something you only want me to read. Just type "Don't Publish" at the top of your comment. This is an opportunity for you to blog about anything you want.
Task: Blog about anything you want.
Format: If you want your comment published, type "Publish" at the top of your comment. If you do NOT want your comment published, type "DO NOT PUBLISH" at the top of your comment.
Points: Zero school points. 10,000 life points. One million blog points.
DUE: End of May.

As the end of the year nears, WSG is becoming more and more emotional. The blog will miss all of you very much, as will the blog author.


  1. 0 points cmon no1 will post on this........o i am....

  2. nerd! ur a geek!

    Savannah ROCKS!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Makenzie Marso 4thApril 29, 2009 at 1:01 PM

    I am thinking about dogs.....dogs are very interesting....they can be many different breeds....i heard you got a dog.....sweet...but then you got rid of it.....gosh

  5. Hey Mr.Klumper you are the best teacher I have ever had, even though you pick on random people

  6. I don't like to do this. if i leave it at this, will this count. it should be worth points.

  7. Hey Mr.Klumper
    Why has it been soo rainy lately? I can't go outside when it is sooooo rainy. Tell me why! Even though I know you probably don't know either, but still. I want to go outside and play games with my neighboors. I also want school to be over with so that I can stay up as late as I want too. This is very random! Why does Troy talk sooooooo much? Well, got to go, bye!
    P.s Why are you sooooo adicted to your blog,it doesn't make any sence!

  8. Do you keep track of blog points Mr. Klumper?

  9. Publish I guess...

    Hey...I dont really know what to talk about... Um I have homework. I have homework in Social Studies. I have to complete my study guide, do the Mediaval times detcective thing, and FInish my word chop. I also have homework in English. I have to finish my...uh... cover page thingy... I dont know what its called. I dont like homework very much >:( It's like school after school... Thats confusing...let's see.... what should I talk about? I like to blog... I dont have my own blog though... Maybe I should get one someday. That would be cool! :) Me and my neigh bor came up with a bunch of wierd looking smileys... like !_! -_- i_i and 0.o -that one scares me.... I see theres only 2 comments... I hope we get the essay questions. Doesn't look like it so far... I think I'm done.

  10. Random person, On black teamApril 29, 2009 at 4:40 PM

    I went to your blog cause Mickey told me 2. So.... ya..Peace out!

  11. publish

    I am going to blog about anything. Right now my house is really cold because my little brother left the door open. Let me go close it, done. Maybe it will warm up some now because as my dad says "I don't pay to heat the outdoors." Well I am going to do other homework now. BYE!

  12. 10 things about me

    1.What is your favorite type of music? Metal

    2. What do you have in your pocket right now? Lint

    3. How many siblings do you have?

    4. what's you're favorite t.v. show? The Daily show with John Stewart

    5. What's your favorite thing to do on the computer? Play games at

    6.what's the longest amount of time you've spent without sleep?
    two day's

    7.what's your favorite animal? Polar Bear

    8. on a scale from 1 to 10 rate your artistic ability. 3

    9. whens the last time you had fast food? a week ago

    10. Are you the oldest child? Yes if my dad doesn't count (=

  13. Hi Mr.Klumper ummmm i am going to blog about my pets i have 4 dogs 3 are Dachusnuds i dont know how to spell that. And one is a sheltie. I have 1 cat and his name is nelson he can be very mean lol. and he can be very nice my dogs names are regie molly duke and wilson.
    Bye Mr.Klumper



  15. mr k where r the q o the days!!!!!!?????? i need them!

  16. I had ten dollars in my pocket at the beginning of the day. the day was over and i had five dollars. I was hanging out with my brothers all day. my mom must have taken it.


    Yes, well Iwas just getting ready to go practice my recital with my pianist. So now I will be going to my pianist. I need my flute and music. And some shoes.

    This was fun. Lets do it again sometime.

  18. publish

    well i am just doin wat u said 2 do

    i hav 1 q. r u goin 2 put the study guide on the blog

    is this random

    i luv this pic for this blog

    i am boarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd

  19. this is my random blog hi how are you hows it going

  20. hi Mr.Klumper this is weird and so is Lydia E. and Sally H.

  21. hey Mr. Klumper this is my question

    What % of people died in the Bubonic Plage from Europe?

    Answer ::: 33%

  22. i am thinkingabout how mad i am that it rained. It cancled mybaseball paractice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I geuss that is what you get ofr living in south dakota. I am going to move to texas when I grow up i dont know why i am just in the texas mood. o well there you go you can count my blog. I hope we get 50.

  23. Hi mr. k i hope we get 50 on this blog assignment i encourege you to visit my blog. tyler's blog. i created it today please comment.

  24. i love to blog it is the best.

  25. Alexander The Great (2009 Joust Champion)April 30, 2009 at 9:48 PM

    I really need those life points and im bored so i decided to do my random blogging tonight. I am very scared of my big joust tommarow. Nicole has her game face on when every joust begins and I get very frightened. She is determined. So you know what I did I looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw...a failure, a kid that was about to lose a joust. I smacked myself around for a little bit, lifted some 3 pound waits to get my muscles ready for tommorow. I did 4 curls than gave up. I went back to that same mirror later and told myself that I could do it and I believed I could. So Nicole you better watch out because I have a lot of confidence. I'm taking that joust champion shirt home. But play easy on me. :) nice smiley face huh? ya you wish you could do that.

  26. emily harris hahaMay 1, 2009 at 10:03 AM

    alex you better watch iut because nicole is ready and you are not so hhahahahahahahahahah

  27. wow... look at the stuff the other pple said, well im bord, so i decided to look at the blog... boring, now what.

  28. Omg this is ssssoooo fun.... well not really lol and Mr.K that spaceship with the black out is sssoo NOT TRUE!!!!

  29. i like chezze on my pizza. hahaha you said to tell you anything.

  30. Troy I think I am paying too much money to my Lord Small p !)May 1, 2009 at 9:06 PM

    I just went to Mc Donalds!!! I LOVE their fries gimme more!!!! bye!!!!!

  31. Hi Mr. Klumper, I thought I'd get in a quick blog post at how much fun I'll have today at the Splitrock anual pancake breakfast.
    Later my brother is in the Loyalty day parade, so I'll have fun. Well, I have to go eat

  32. I like all the stories Mr. K, could you keep postiong them forever?

    I was eating food the other day. It was a Big Mac Sandwich from McDonald's. It was really good. I couldn't believe how good it was. I brought it home and even made it better with some Pepper Jack Cheese. I had to hold the hamburger with both hands cause it was so big-I mean, really big. I took a couple bites. Amazing. Took a couple more, still amazing. With about half the hamburger gone, I decided to blog. I opened my laptop and began typing. The hamburger grease from my fingers began to drip down into the keyboard. More and more grease dripped down. Suddenly, the laptop began to short-circut. In other words, sparks were coming out of the keyboard. I tried to keep typing, but I was having a hard time seeing the screen due to all the sparks. Without warning, the laptop turned black and gave me a really bad shock. It knocked me to the floor. I had to be taken to the hospital. Luckily, before I left for the hospital, I remembered to put my hamburger in my pocket for later....

  33. blog on people were counting on yall yepers

  34. hey klumper i miss being in your class even mr. hagens creepy dance moves. I just got done re writting my speech I have my outfit and it is extra small because i grew 3 inches over the summer. I know it dosen't look like it but I did. I almost have my whole speech memorized! Just let me know when you want me to come in. Let me know at least a day or two before so I can get ready. THANKS you rock! :)


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