
Friday, October 3, 2014

Farewell, Volantis...

As the Volantis: Realm of Fire and Stone closes, we look to the future to new worlds, new mysteries, new possibilities, new dangers, new excitement. We have lived in Volantis for 4 weeks. We shall now say good bye to Volantis, forever. We shall now say good bye to your fellow cave members as you will leave them today. Perhaps you will see them down the road again...
 I would like to wish you good luck, as we venture forward, to the unknown.... 

Essay: Summarize the story “I Discover Fire” by telling me what Johnny’s task his, the problem the neanderthals were facing, how they hunt, how Johnny discovers the solution, and the result of this discovery. (5-6 Sentences)


  1. Johnny's task in the Stone Age was to help the Neanderthals discover fire. The neanderthals were having trouble keeping torches lit when they went on Irish Elk hunts. Johnny showed the Neanderthals that pine resin would keep the torches going. After the Neanderthals understood what Johnny was saying, the Neanderthals and Johnny went on a hunt with pine resin on the torches. The hunt was successful because of the pine resin keeping the torches lit through the damp air.

  2. Johnny's task is to go into worlds and fight a animal and if he dose not he will have to stay in the world and he will die in that world. The problem there facing is when they try and light fire the damp air will blow it out and they discovered that if they use pine resin on the fire they will have the torches lighted up.

  3. Johnny is trying to help the Neanderthals find out that The fire will keep on going if they are going to put pine risen on their torches. The fire keeps on going even in the damp air so that is one way Johnny improved on the Neanderthals . But then on the first hunt Unga and Dunga get killed. On the second time the tribe chases the Irish Elk off the cliff. then the tribe succeed the hunt

  4. When Johnny got to the stone age he saw the neadthals were sronded around a animal. They went on a hunt to chase down Irish elk. But when they got to the cliff their torches went out. So the elk stared to chase them and dunga and bunga got killed. Later they were siting by the fire and manga was put resin on their wounds. She throw the rest in the fire and it lit up like gas. Johnny saw that it did that so he tried to get them to notice. But the couldn't understand he. Finally Johnny went out in the fire and showed them it works. So they lit there torches and chased the Irish elk off the cliff.

  5. Johnny got sent back to the Stone Age to discover fire. When Johnny got sent back he met these Neanderthals. They went hunting together to kill a Irish Elk. So they brought torches to make the Elk go off the cliff. But the torches wouldn't light up! So then the Elk chased then. The Elk killed Unga, and Dunga, because they couldn't run as fast as the others. So the others made it back, but some of them got injured. Later on Johnny put resin on the torch and lite it with fire. Guess what! It worked. So they went out to go hunt again, and they chased the Irish Elk off the cliff! So they succeed!

  6. Jonny sees small people that are short and knows these people are Neanderthals. He walks up to them knowing that they will accept him to his tribe. They grunt Jonny laughs historically. They walk through the forest. Then they hear a loud boom! There is a tree but it's been cut in half. They walk up to it they pick up a chunk of burning wood and light a club on fire they do that to all the clubs Jonny is wondering what his task is. They try to chace a giant elk of a cliff but there tourches go out and the elk starts to chase them. they go to the camp. The girl try's to heal every one that might of been injured. She throws something in the fire and it bursts into flames. That was his task improve Fire not discover it! He shows them how this works and then there hunt is susesfull and the gold coin appears.

  7. Johnny first saw a group of neanderthals crowded around a dead animal. They were eating the meat raw with their bare hands. Johnny went hunting with the neanderthals. They used torches to chase a Irish elk off the cliff. When they went near the cliff the torches went out and the elk was chasing after them. Two of the tribe members got killed by it. One of the neanderthals got pine resin and Johnny figured out that it improves fire. They now went on a hunt and succeeded. Johnny got the gold coin

  8. Johnny's task is to help make the neanderthal's Fire source better. The damp air cools the fire enough to make it go out. The neanderthals hunted by chasing Irish Elk off the cliff. Johnny finds out pine resin makes the fire last longer when Munga throws a stick with the resin on it in a fire. They go on a hunt to see if it works better. The pine resin does work better.

  9. Johnny has a task of discovering and improving Fire. He walks toward a tribe and the are going to hunt. When lighting strikes a tree it leaves hot bark that they used for fire. They start chasing Irish elk with the torches but they go out in damp air. They are trying to chase them off a cliff. Their problem is that the torches go out in damp air. While munga is treating Uncas wounds with pine resin on a stick she throws it in the fire pit and it immediately catches on fire. Johnny notices this and tries tell them but they don't understand. Finally it gets through to them and they go on a second hunt. This hunt is successful because the pine resin keeps the flames burning

  10. Jonny task was to push the Irish elk off the cliff and it did not work out for them cause the elk killed two survivors and Jonny Wanda wit back to the camp area and they all asked them where the other two where at and the said they did not make it cause one tripped and the elks horn went their the body and the other got thrown by the elk.

  11. Grant Peterson moonkai 4October 3, 2014 at 11:09 AM

    Johnny task is to find a way to to make torches better in the damp air. His problem was that he had to kill and Irish elk by grabbing torches and make it fall down a cliff. But their torches went out. He discovered that if you use pine resin with a torch it can't go out in damp air so he tried again and successfully killed the Irish elk.

  12. EthanSachenlightsabre4th periodOctober 3, 2014 at 11:12 AM

    So Jonny goes on his first task. So he goes and he will be staying with the nerdthars. So the nearthals want to go hunting so they are looking for the irishelk and they can not find this big animal then they find it. So there plan is to chase this elk off of a cliff. So they are chasing this animal and then they get to the end of the cliff. And then suddenly one by one there tour he's that they are chasing the elk with they just go out one by one. So then the chass is on and and the Irish elk is chasing them and then 2 near thank die course of the elk and Jonny wins invelshily and gets the golden coin.

  13. In the story I discover fire Johnnys task is to discover/improve fire. After the first hunt wasn't very successful because as they approached the water fall their torches wnet out because of the damp air. He improved fire with pine resin.

  14. Johnny lands in the bush of thorns, he has made it to the Stone Age. He walks around and sees some Neanderthals huddle around a dead animal, ripping the flesh out of it eating it raw. Then a lightning bolt strikes a tree, they gather burning amber and make torches to hunt Irish elk. They all go in the woods and hunt, they see Irish elk and try to chase them off the chiff.

  15. Jonnys task is to discover and improve fire. The problem was tha the torches went out in the damp air on the cliff. Jonny discovers the solution when he looks at the stick with resin that got thrown into the fire. He noticed that the pine resin ignighted immediately. The result helped the Neanderthals hunt and he got the golden coin. 😃

  16. Jonny appears in the Stone Age and meets a group of Neanderthals. They go hunting for Irish Elk and their torches go out by the waterfall. The elk chases them and kills 2 Neanderthals. One is hurt and they put the wound together with pine resin. When they are done they throw a stick with pine resin in the and it ignites right away. Jonny puts pine resin on the torches and they do a successful hunt.

  17. In the book I discover fire Jhonny Rawten is a typical sixth grader until one day he learns he can travel to the past. So Jhonny has gone all all these adventures back in time but one day he ask his crush to the sixth grade dance she says yes and Jhonny is thrilled. So when him and his dream girl get to the doors of the dance Jhonny notices a portal out in the distance. It a chance to go on another adventure but Jhonny has to make a decision to stay with his dream girl and pass up another chance to take a trip or go and leave. But Jhonny has his depiction he decides to stay and pass up the opportunity to go on another adventure. But what Jhonny doesn't know is that that was the worst mistake he could have made for the rest of Jhonnys life he's bored and depressed and he wishes he could go on another adventure. So one day Jhonny is sitting in his room and his mom says they should go to the zoo Jhonny agrees to go but won't be happy. But when Jhonnys at the zoo he sees someone in the lions cage and got over to see the guy tells Jhonny he's here to give him one more chance for an adventure but this time Jhonny must travel back to the Stone Age and defeat many different opticalls but in every optical he defeats he has to gather a gold coin if he does not pass all the challenges he will lose the game and be trapped in the stone age for ever WILL HE MAKE IT OR NOT!!!!

  18. I discover fire starts out Johnny with falling from a tree into the woods. Then, he looks around and sees a Neanderthal tribe. Soon, he goes with the tribe to hunt. But, the hunt was a fail because the torches burned out because of the damp air. After that, the Irish elk start chasing them. Then, the tribe gets back to the camp. Munga starts healing everybody with Pine resin. Soon after, somebody throws a stick with pine resin on into fire. It ignited very fast. Johnny saw this. Then, he took a stick with pine resin on it and lit it on fire. After that, he starting waving it around like crazy. But, of course the neaderthals did not know what he was doing. So, Johnny went out in the rain started waving it around again. Then, the Neanderthals got what he was doing. Soon after, they all went on a hunt and the hunt was successful. Finally, Johnny got his golden coin and the Stone Age world was a success.

  19. Johnny's task is to discover fire. When he gets there he finds a group of neanderthal's eating an animal and he joins there tribe. As they go hunting for the animal(Irish Elk) they get there torches from a tree that got struck by lightning . They want the torches to scare the Irish elk of the cliff to kill the animal .as they chase the Irish elk off the cliff but when the torches went out the Irish elk killed 2 tribe members

  20. Jonny arrives at the Stone Age and sees a tribe of weird looking people gathered around something.the closer he gets to the tribe he sees that they are gathered around some sort of animal.they are eating ,skin and meat,uncooked they eat the animal.he sees another tribe of these people he fallows them into the woods. The tribe begins to gather bark that has been stuck by lightning and bring it back to light there torches. They journey into the woods and find a big Irish elk . Jonny who has never seen one before ,is a bit scared by this huge animal. The tribe waves there torches at the elk, the elk runs off toward the end of the cliff.but,the tribes torches begin to go out the elk turns and run toward the tribe. The elk runs towards Munga and Dunga. The elk maulls unga and Dunga the tribe does nothing but run away. When they return from the elk hunt, Munga take spine resin to close the wounds from the hunt. When she is done with the pine resin (it's in a stick)she tgrows the resin into the fire . the fire gets bigger. Jonny takes the pone resin out of the fire and waves it in the most air. It stays lit!! The fire stays lit!! he starts to tell the people but they do not understand him what can he do so he shows them they understand. They try the hunt agin this time it works the torches do not go out and they cause and elk of the cliff over in the bushes is Jonnys 1st gold coin.

  21. Johnny had gone to the Stone Age to help out the Neanderthals. He didn't exactly know what his mission was, until he had done it. He needed to help the Neanderthals, by creating and improving fire. Johnny and the tribe do that, and they decide to test it out. They wanted to hunt the Irish elk. When they started, the fire worked like magic. The Irish elk was terrified and started running away. But soon, the damp air put out the fire, leaving them as the prey. They started running. They had gotten bruised and got cuts. When they got back, they were fixing up the cuts with a glue like substance that kept the wounds together. Johnny had watched as the resin dropped and egnighted before his eyes. He knew this was fire. He tested to see if the fire would burn out. It didn't. So they went to fight the mighty Irish elk and and defeated. They had an amazing feast, and ate a long time. The fire has helped heat,light,and domesticate everything.

  22. The problem Jonny was having was that the Neanderthal's tourch he's went out. Jonny had to figure out how to keep them lit in damp weather. Munga threw a stick in the fire with pine resin on it and it lit imedeitly. Jonny lit a torch and waved it around in the rain and it stayed lit.

  23. Essay

    Johnny lands in the Stone Age his task is to help the Neanderthals improve their use of fire. He sees a tribe of Neanderthals and decides to join that tribe, but they seem to be gathered around something violently ripping the flesh off of it. They are eating it, raw. After they are finished with their meal they go hunting. Manga, the only female in the tribe, stays at home while the rest hunt. They are going to hunt Irish elk. They are walking in the forest and a lightning bolt strikes a tree. They use the timber timer as torches to chase the elk off the cliff. They find the Irish elk and attempt to chase them off a cliff.....

  24. 6Moonkai Ashley LinnOctober 3, 2014 at 12:55 PM

    Johnny had killed a tiger in Rome many years ago, and now he has to save that tiger! Johnny's adventure starts in the Stone Age where he has to discover and improve fire for the Neanderthals. Whenever the Neanderthals were hunting, they would chase an Irish Elk off if a cliff, but they never succeeded because the fire on their torch would always go out when they got near the waterfall. So, Johnny went hunting with them and discovered what the problem was. When they got back to their homes(caves), Munga- the female of the group -used pine resin to seal their wounds. Johnny saw that when Munga threw the stick with pine resin into the fire, it lit very quickly! So Johnny ran outside and showed them the fire! Then he got a gold coin and finished his quest in the Stone Age!

  25. Essay

    Johnny lands in the Stone Age his task is to help the Neanderthals improve their use of fire. He sees a tribe of Neanderthals and decides to join that tribe, but they seem to be gathered around something violently ripping the flesh off of it. They are eating it, raw. After they are finished with their meal they go hunting. Manga, the only female in the tribe, stays at home while the rest hunt. They are going to hunt Irish elk. They are walking in the forest and a lightning bolt strikes a tree. They use the timber timer as torches to chase the elk off the cliff. They find the Irish elk and attempt to chase them off a cliff.....

  26. Johhny was set on a mission to discover fire. when he got there he was having problems understanding the cave men because they specked a different launge then Johnny did. Also when he first got there he saw the cave men eating a saber tooth tiger! The cave men headed help with hunting the Irish elk so Johnny helped them. The first attention didn't go well because there fire went out. The second time they got it because on the torches they put resin so the fire would stay lit. Then 2 of the cave men got hurt and they died they tried heating there wounds but I dint work! He finely got out of there because he helped them discover fire.

  27. Johnny gets help from budda the gets thrown into the Stone Age and has to complete a task for budda so he finds a tribe of Neanderthals and try's to communicate with them and then they go to the Neanderthals camp and then they plan a hunt for Irish elk so they go on the hunt and find an Irish elk then they corner the beast and the suddenly their torches go out and the beast chases them and kills 2 members of the tribe and then Johnny sees the women put pine reisen to sell up the wound and then Johnny puts the reisen on the torch and shows the tribe so they go on another hunt and then a lightning bolt hits a tree and lights it on fire so they light the torches and find some Irish elk and get it cornered and they are successful in the hunt and then Johnny gets the golden coin

  28. It was about Jonny to get a golden coin and save the tiger but when he enter the Stone Age he was scare so he walk around and found a village of weird little people's and jonny did not understand them what they said to him but then they showed him where to go to hunt a Irish Elk and Jonny was super scared and they tolled then let's hunt it and they started to chase it and when they got to the cliff the torches went out and the Irish elk started to chase the little people and to of them got killed by the Irish elk and then they went back to there village and they got to kill the Irish elk.

  29. Johnny's task is to help the Neanderthals improve fire. The problem is when the Neanderthals are hunting if they go by the water fall to chase the Irish elk off the cliff the damp air will put the torches out. After they get back from the hunt Johnny sees a stick with pine risen in the fire that someone threw in the fire and quick grabs it out to show everyone but no one knows what he is talking about. But he shows them a way they will understand.

  30. In the story I Discover Fire, Johnny is needed to help the Neanderthals discover and improve their way of using fire. When he gets there the group is eating straight off a animal but soon leave to go hunting again. After the gather the embers they leave Munga behind and start on their journey to find a Irish Elk. After they trap one their torch's go out from the damp weather and they flee home. Munga heals a wound and throws the stick into the fire. It catches on fire sooner then normal and Johnny realizes that the resin could help with fire.

  31. Johnny went in to a portal and when he got out he landed in a bush of stickers. Then when he got out of the bushes he saw men by a campfire. So he went to go meet them.when Johnny met them they told him to go hunting with them so he did. They were hunting a Irish elk. They tried to chase it off the cliff but there torches went out and the elk started chasing them. Two of the guys got killed because the elk slammed it's horns right into the mans chest. And Johnny was sad.

  32. Johnny lands in the Stone Age and has to find a way to save a tiger. When he lands in the Stone Age he meets his tribe. They take Johnny to their tribe and shows him around and then they decide to go hunting. What they are hunting for a 3 Irish elk. Irish elk are huge. When the tribe went hunting for them the torches went out and that was what was scaring the elk. They got chased by the elk and some people died while getting chased. Then Johnny discovers pine risen. That pine resin cant go out in the misty air. So then the tribe went hunting again the fire didn't go out and they successfully killed the elk and ate them.

  33. Johnny needs his first coin to to save the tiger. He meets a tribe of Neanderthals who take him back to their tribe camp. They take him on a hunt for Irish elk, but their torches went out before they chased them down a cliff and when they got chased by the Irish elk two of their men died. Back at camp Johnny discovers that pine resin keeps fire going even in the rain. They went on another hunt and this time they successfully killed the Irish elk. He had earned his first coin.

  34. In the chapter "I discover fire", Johnny's task is to improve the fire. As Johnny and the tribe of Neanderthals were about to get the Irish Elk off of the cliff, their torches went out do to the damp air. The elk was no longer frightened by them since there was no fire, so the elk started to chase the tribe and Johnny. The elk ended up killing Unga and Dunga. Later at the cave, Munga was trying to fix up her brother with pine resin. After she is done gluing the wound together, she throws the stick with the resin into the fire. All of the sudden it starts to rain, and the fire didn't go our.they then discovered that the resin helped the fire not go out.

  35. Jonny had the task of helping neanderthal's. He had to help them discover a new way to light torches so they won't go out by the cliff. The meanderthals first hunt was unsuccessful they lost two people in the cause. Than he had got the idea to put tree sap on it to not make the fire go out. The second hunt with the new torches was a success they had the food they needed. After Jonny saw a gold coin it was his first and new he completed his task.

  36. Johnny had to show the Neanderthals the way to keep fire lit in the damp weather for the gold coin. The problem was that the torches went out during the Irish elk hunt and 2 tribe members had died. They hunt in groups of 4 so 2 can see the Irish elk fall while the other 2 where leading it off the cliff because that's how they hunted.

  37. Jonny drops in to the Stone Age and sees some Neanderthals. He goes over to where the were standing and sees the are eating. He quickly joins their pack and they go hunting. They see a huge Irish elk and start. To chase it with torches in their hands then the torches go out. The Irish elk start chasing them and two Neanderthals get killed or ripped apart. When they get back the girl is healing wounds with pine resin and then throws it in the fire. Jonny sees this and tries to communicate with them but it did not work.they finally got it and on the next hunt it was successful. Jonny finds his gold coin now knowing he completed his task.

  38. Johnnys task was to help them find fire and improve it.The way they hunt is that they take fire and chase a animal off the cliff.It is danrous for them because they got killed.They go back and see the risin. Then Jonhnny discovers fire for them.

  39. In I Discover Fire, Johnny Rawten's task was to teach the Neanderthals how to make fire last longer in the rain to improve their hunting ability. The problem the Neanderthals were facing was that they were on a hunt and their torches went out because of the moist air. The point being that they didn't know how to make fire last longer, and that is why Johnny was there. The Irish elk that the Neanderthals hunted were scared of fire, so the way they hunted the was, they used fire on torches to scare the elk so they could chase the elk off of the cliff. Johnny came up with the solution because, when the Neanderthals were on their first hunt, when their torches went out and the elk chased them and injured some of them, one of the Neanderthals was closing the wounds with pine resin. At that moment Johnny had the idea tha if the pine resin sealed the wound, then it would make the torches not go out. Then Johnny passed his task.

  40. Jonny gets to the Stone Age and everything is the same. Bushes, trees, and the whole land scape. Jonny is walking through the forest and sees that there is a tribe and that tribe consisted of Unga, Bunga, Munga, Dunga, and 1 other. The tribe is going on a hunt with the 5 and 20 others to go and hunt an Irish Elk. Lightning strikes the tree, and they go light there torches. When they are walking through the see it and they all go silent. They try to chase it off the cliff. When they ge closer there is mist from the water below. The torches go out other then one. Jonny is the only one with a lit torch, there is not enough light to chase it so 2 tribe members did not survive. They do and run out of the way. The have to put the cut together and Jonny sees the resin and thinks to put it on the torch. But he needs to light it on fire and they go over to the tree on fire and it works. He shows them and puts in in the rain. They chase the elk an,do they win.

  41. 9moonkai nick gromerOctober 3, 2014 at 3:17 PM

    Johnny lands in the Stone Age and looks around he sees an open landscape with thick forests. He sees a group of people huddled around something he approaches them. He then sees that they are Neanderthals and that they are gathered around a dead animal. They then look at him and size him up. They decide he checks out so they accept him and the action starts right away. Lightning strikes a tree and the tribe grabs the glowing embers from it. The tree embers become torches after a little coaxing. The tribe walks into the forest in search of something to hunt Johnny doesn't know what that is but he follows along. The tribe walks and suddenly encounters a wild Megacerus(A.K.A an Irish Elk). They all stand as still as a statue at first but then they all charge. The Irish elk,very frightened by the sight of this sprints away(I mean can you blame him? If you saw half-naked men charging at you with torches in hand you would probably run too). The tribe used to running and jumping, leaves Johnny in the dust they eventually get to a cliff but the torches burn out. In a horrifying twist of events the hunters become the hunted. Two tribe members are killed. The tribe runs away. They discover the resin that keeps the fire going in damp air. They then kill The Irish Elk. Johnny gets his gold coin

  42. Johnnys problem was that he hade to make fire last.

    When he first landed there he landed on his buttum. (That had to have hurt) He went walking through the tall grass. then out of nowhere he heard lighting hit a tree.after that he saw a group of 5 neat herbals gathered around a dead animal. They brought Johnny back to their base.on their way back they saw a fallen tree and the Burt bark was on the ground. They gathered as much as they could and starte walking again. When they arrived back they prepare aired for the first hunt. They grabbed some dry sticks and went and lite up the stick with the bark. On the way through theforestwhen they approached the mist stuck the fire out . Then two neat herbals died.

  43. Johnny fell into a pile of bushes.Then he looked around and he saw a group of people gathering something.So he started to walk there then he could see what they were gathering around since they were so short.They were gathering a dead animal!And then they started to hunt the Irish elk. They trap it with torches.two people get killed.And Johnny teaches them the pine resin.

  44. Johnny's task is to help the neaderthals learn more about fire. The neanderthals problem is that their torches go out in damp air Johnny helped them. When they failed their first hunt and muga or something got a cut so unga healed it with resin. It started to rain and Johnny realized that the fire was still going with the resin on it. He tried to show them but it wasn't working they finally got it went hunting and defeated the elk


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