
Monday, October 20, 2014

Ancient Quest: Chapter 3: "I Invent Farming"

We have reached chapter 3 of the book Ancient Quest. Chapter 3 is titled "I Invent Farming" and we once again join Johnny on his ancient quest, back to the ancient worlds, to accomplish tasks. Johnny has to complete one task in each of the 8 ancient worlds he will visit. So far, he has only gained one golden coin. He did that in the Stone Age by helping the people there discover and improve fire. Now, Johnny has arrived in Mesopotamia, where he will struggle to survive and to accomplish his task. The desert of Mesopotamia is a scorching, white-hot section of earth that will push Johnny to the limits. Will Johnny figure out what his task is and succeed? Let's go...
Read: Chapter 3: I Invent Farming

Student Task: How does Johnny Invent Farming? Explain the challenge Johnny is facing, how he comes up with the idea to use the rivers, and the result of his efforts. 


  1. Johnny needs to help the Mesopotamia people with irrigation. He finds out ( from an 8 year old) that they need to carve ditches through and around their plants. Once the Euphrates river flooded they took down their wall of sand that they built, unleashing the river into the ditches. It all succeeded and Johnny earned his second coin.

  2. Well Johnny has to help some farmers improve their way of planting so he says to dig trenches and put up a wall and only let out the water when they need to and when they do, the water flows in the trenches to the fields.

  3. Johnny helps the people find out what irrigation is and how to start it. when the people start using it all the people have food to eat.

  4. Johnny invents farming by trying to get the water from th Euphrates river into the crops so they would grow. He comes with th idea to use the rivers by thinking of irrigation and how they could make a barrier to guide the water into the crops. The result of his efforts was he got the water into the crops to let them grow

  5. He makes rivers, he gets the idea from a boy digging ditches in the dirt, his plans succeed, and water gets to all the plants.

  6. 4AbbyFinch SandsquallNovember 3, 2014 at 9:08 PM

    Johnny invented farming by discovering irrigation. They were suffering starvation in Mesopatamia and needed food. The crops were failing because they could not control when and how much water the crops get. Either the water wouldnt flood enough or it would flood too much. destroying the crops. Johnny came up with the idea to use irrigation when he saw Jazeer digging a tiny ditch in the ground that moved the water from one place to another. So that gave Johnny the idea to put sandbags along the river so they could just move them whenever they needed water. Then the water would flow through the ditches into the crops so that they got enough water for the crops and they could eat... It worked!! A flood came so they moved the sandbags and the water got to the crops so they could grow more food!


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