
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Stone Age Vocabualry

Check out some vocabulary words from the Stone Age! You will have to choose 8 of these words to use for your Frayer Model. Frayer Model: word, definition, sentence, illustration, antonym (opposite).
STUDENT TASK: While working with these vocab words, I would like you to share a thought or two about them. Please post a comment to this blog post sharing ideas. This counts for the WSG Badge. To have this comment count towards the badge, share an idea of each of the three items listed below. 
*Image ideas for the words
*Opposites of the words
*Connections you have to the words. 
This Post closes on September 12th. 2014. At Midnight



  1. I relate to this because I migrated from Spokane Washington to here, Brandon.

  2. I relate to migrate because I release butterflies every year after raising them from an egg.

  3. Migrate:my connection is that I something's I go hunting with my dad and I see birds so birds migrate and and the opposite it to stay. This comment was form Ethan Sachen Period 4 cave light saver.

  4. Domestication let run free

  5. Domesticate to let run free

  6. Kennedy p 6 thornhillSeptember 5, 2014 at 12:38 PM

    My brother really wants a domesticated dog

  7. Domesticate to let run free

  8. For the vocab word artifact I thought that I could draw a Moutan with the two hikers ( who discovered otzi ) walking off the path towards otzi. :O)

  9. I think that my excavation site picture is good. I drew a picture of someone digging and finding a treasure chest. The opposite of technology would be making everything with our hands and taking for ever to complete. One thing that I have in common with is excavation site, when I was little I used to dig all the time in my back yard and used to find a lot of cool things like really cool rocks and a hole bunch of clay I had a bag full of clay after 2 hours.

  10. I like the stone vocab because it help me under stand and comprehend words I didn't know or hear about.I also like the some of them had pictures.

  11. The opiated of the word migrate is to stay in one place

  12. Archaeology: A drawing of a guy with a magnified glass stooping over a ancient arrow head.

  13. For a picture of pre history do a book and cross it out

  14. Excavation Site- Where archaeologists uncover artifacts.

  15. P-9 Alyssa stone berrySeptember 5, 2014 at 2:57 PM

    Is not fun for me I'm not good at it but social studies is awesome so it's cool .

  16. Carsonperiod9 night hawkSeptember 5, 2014 at 2:59 PM


    The opposite of harvest is to throw it every where and just leave it

  17. Well migrate is when something like a bird or me even go from one place to another

  18. Thorn hill ,Andrew miller p9September 5, 2014 at 3:03 PM

    Domesticate ,opposite . An animal hates you

  19. I thought that it was a little hard to think of an opposite of harvest. I thought of one but it took a while.

  20. Domestic for the opposite tamed

  21. Domestic:to tame
    Migrate:to move from one place to another
    Artifact:an object made by people long ago
    Excavation site:a site were archaeologists uncover artifacts
    Prehistory:long period of time before people developed systems of writing
    Archaeology:study of the past cultures through the things that remain such as buildings,tools,or pottery
    Agriculture:raising of plants and animals for human use
    Harvest:to gather

  22. P.9 Bailey Stone berrySeptember 5, 2014 at 3:10 PM

    The vocab was a great idea instead of you going to the front of the class and say the word and definition. One word that I liked was, Artifact. For the image I drew a tipie, and a sentence was, "The Indians Artifact tipies out of sticks and skin from animals. The tipie was not a tent. The second word was excavation site. For the image you could do land with arrow, and a shovel in the ground. A sentence was , "Bob went to the Excavation Site to look for special objects like arrows and fossils. It's not a side walk.

  23. Hi Mr. Klumper! I'm going to get it right this time! My word is harvest. An image idea for the word could be a person collecting his crops. The opposite of the word is sow or plant. The connection I have to the word is that my grandpa is a farmer and when I was little, I would
    sit in the combine with him.

  24. Artifact picture ideas

    A broken spear
    Or Spearhead

  25. Reagan Doll period 6 FirestarSeptember 5, 2014 at 4:51 PM

    Agriculture, What it is not: Having no animals or crops.

  26. An opposite word for migrate would be stationary. The reason I chose this word is because the word migrate means that you travel from one place to another and back. Stationary means you do not move at all.

  27. An opposite word for migrate would be stationary. The reason I chose this word is because the word migrate means that you travel from one place to another and back. Stationary means you do not move at all.

  28. Domesticate
    Opposite of the word:
    A wild animal

  29. I think the illustration for the word migrate is a trail with tracks. The opposite of the word migrate is staying put or not moving. One connection that I have with the word migrate is that my grandparents migrate to Florida every winter.

  30. 1.Some ideas I had were for the illustration I drew all kinds of different electronic devices for technology.
    2.The opposite of harvest is to plant.
    3.And my connection is actually the opposite of the word technology because the only electronic device I have to my self is a mp3 player. But my family shares a computer and a old i-pod.

  31. Migrate is when you move from one place to another. Nomad is when you don't like to live in the same place for a long time.

  32. Migrate is when you move from one place to another. Nomad is when you don't like to live in the same place for a long time.

  33. Artifact-an object made by people long ago. Migrate to move from one place to another.

  34. For artifact I drew a picture of an iPhone with a cross because iPhones aren't artifacts. For agriculture I drew a picture of pigs and crops.

  35. For artifact I drew a picture of an iPhone with a cross because iPhones aren't artifacts. For agriculture I drew a picture of pigs and crops.

  36. 06 LINN ASHLEY MOONKAISeptember 8, 2014 at 7:06 PM

    Migrate- Connection-I always go to Pierre to watch the geese migrate.-Opposite- To stay in one place.- Image Idea- A picture of geese flying from one place to another.

  37. Stone Age= 10,000 b.c.
    Egypt= 5,000 b.c.
    Mesopotamia= 3,500 b.c.
    China= 3,000 b.c.
    India= 2,500 b.c.
    Egypt= 2,000 b.c.
    China= 1,250 b.c.
    Greece= 500 b.c.
    Rome= 0
    Medieval Times= 1,215 a.d.

  38. Migrate: butterflies with arrow pointing from USA to mexico.
    Opposite: to stay
    Connection: move

  39. 6 Hallie light saberSeptember 9, 2014 at 1:01 PM

    It was really fun doing the slide show

  40. 6 Hallie light saberSeptember 9, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    The slide show was really cool

  41. Domesticate
    Image could be a dog house cat
    Oppisite would be a tiger lion rhino
    connection my dog is domesticated

  42. Domesticate
    Image could be a dog house cat
    Oppisite would be a tiger lion rhino
    connection my dog is domesticated

  43. Migrate
    The opposite of migrate is to stay in one place
    A connection I have is my family and I go to Nevada in the winter
    A image I have is a bird flying from one place to another

    I really love social studies

  44. 4Thomas C LightsaberSeptember 9, 2014 at 9:43 PM

    1- harvest- My image idea is someone picking carrots from a garden. An opposite of harvest would be to leave alone. A connection to the word harvest that I have would be picking tomatoes in my family's garden.

  45. I wish that we would have had the realm throughout the whole school year when I was In your class :) :D

  46. make sure to post the comments i do
    :) :D

  47. My family that lives on a farm, they like to harvest a lot of their food before the winter. My dad has to domesticate my uncles dog when he gets out of control.

  48. I thought for the vocab word artifact I could draw a picture of the two hikers finding otzi half frozen in the glasher.


  49. Migrate

    -Footprints on the ground
    -Not moving
    -When I am tiered I don't like to migrate.


    -a tractor in a cornfield
    -leaving the corn in the field
    -My cousins harvest in September.

    -Ella Ray


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