
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Deadliest Warrior: Cro-Magnon Vs. Neanderthal

So who is the best warrior? Who is the best at surviving? What advantages does the Neanderthal have? What advantages does the Cro-Magnon have? After analyzing the characteristics of the Cro-Magnon and the Neanderthal, we can see that in some circumstances, the Neanderthal is better equipped. But in others, the Cro-Magnon is better equipped. Let's share some scenarios to help us practice figuring out who would "win" a certain scenario.

Student Task: Write a scenario dealing with the Cro-Magnon and Neadnerthal in which we have to figure out who would be better prepared for that situation. In other words, who would "win" your scenario? 
Post closes: October 3rd. Midnight.


  1. a Cro-magnon and a neandertahl are hunting an Irish Elk. Wich one would outrun the Elk faster - cro-magnon or neanderthal?

    The answer is: the cromagnon will outrun the Elk faster because of his longer arms and legs.

  2. My scenario what be who would most likely surive in a battle. THe answer would be cro magon because they can go long distance and neanderthal can only be up close.

  3. 4Thomas C LightsaberOctober 2, 2014 at 8:01 PM

    there is a wild bison in the distance that you want to hunt. You cant approach the bison so you have to throw something at it.

    Cro-magnon would "win" because they have thinner shoulders which could throw better

  4. Who would win if they had to move there whole group and they had to communicate to tell thier detaled plans who would win?

  5. Who would win in a battle on giant totem poles 30 feet apart? Cro-Magnon, they have long range weapons, unlike the Neanderthals.

  6. The scenario I choose is stranded in the middle of a winter storm. The Neanderthals have a little advantage because their bodies' are made to keep them warm especially their big noses. Cro-Magnons are more like humans and are used to warmer climates so they have a disadvantage. The Neanderthals have a disadvantage to because they relied on one thing and that is meat and most animals would be hibernating. Cro-Magnon have the advantage here because they relied on more than one food source like plants and meat. Overall I think Neanderthals would survive because even though most animals hibernate during a winter storm they have big noses to keep them warm so they could probably go into the storm and hunt.


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