
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Cave Art

Student Task: Analyze the cave art. What do you see? What does it mean? Think deep. Think like an archaeologist. What can we learn from cave art?

WSG Badge. Closes September 28. Midnight.


  1. I think it shows how animals are a big part of their lives, I also thought that it shows how they hunted in one of them.

  2. I see people hunting animals and in the bottom one I see just a bunch of animals. It helps you know that animals were very important.

  3. In the cave art I see a Aurochs in the picture I also see some Irish Elk fleeing. This means that they probably had a successful hunt and killed some of those animals.

    In the top picture it looks like they ambushed the animal and shot it down with arrows.

  4. You can tell that it is old because no one draws on cave walls anymore. I can tell that the people that drew this was a really good hunter or really likes animals

  5. He is the 5,000-year-old mummy found frozen in the Italian Alps. Theirs a theory that he died because of head trauma not by bleeding out because of the arrow found on his left shoulder. Researchers believe that the arrow may have lead to massive blood lost, shock and heart attack.

  6. I see lots of animals. All the cave art shows hunting or animals. This shows me how important animals were to them and to there kind.

  7. I see lots of animals. All the cave art shows hunting or animals. This shows me how important animals were to them and to there kind.

  8. Alexis dooley 6 shadowcatSeptember 24, 2014 at 4:10 PM

    all cave art has something to do with animals so they ere a big part of the stone age lifestyle.

  9. the top one shows how they hunted. the bottom picture shows what they hunted

  10. Firestar9 Landon kocarSeptember 26, 2014 at 2:56 PM

    I think that that picture means that they need animals for an importance. Also the picture shows that the people used bow and arrows for hunting and it shows that they must hunt deer a lot because they are easy to find.

  11. Brooklyn Moonkia period 3September 28, 2014 at 9:33 PM

    On the top one you could see that they hunted with bows and hunted animals like deer. For the bottom one it looks like two bulls fighting for the smaller animals. The mane thing in these pictures are the animals, I would understand because animals are used for food tools clothing mostly every thing they need to survive if they didn't have animals they wouldn't last against ginormous animals.


  12. Top painting is people hunting deer or an Irish Elk.

    Bottom paining is a bunch of different animals all collided together.

  13. I see that there is animals in everyone of the pictures. So it shows that animals were very important in thierry lives.

  14. I think it shows you in both that animals were a very important part of thier lives. In the top it shows one way they hunted and what they hunted. It looks like Irish Elk or possible some kind of deer. The bottom picture shows some of the kinds of animals that lived in the Stone Age and that they were important.


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