
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Ancient Mystery: Otzi's Death

Otzi the Iceman frozen in ice
Otzi the Iceman has taught us a lot about certain things from 5,500 years ago. From Otzi and the fact that he was preserved in the ice, we can learn what people during that time period wore, ate, lived, and did. Otzi was 5'2" and about 45 years old. He had worn down teeth from eating tough grain and bread. He was wearing all homemade clothing designed to keep him warm. One aspect of the Otzi story is his death. How exactly did he die? It may seem like "no big deal," that he just died. But certain clues on Otzi's body suggest that there might be a mystery here. Based on clues archaeologists have uncovered, there are four possible theories on how Otzi died. 
Mysteries of Otzi PowerPoint from class
The Four Theories:
1. Suffered Hypothermia
2. Was robbed
3. Assassinated
4. Died in battle

Task: Read through each Theory and tell me what you think happened. It could not have been all four, only one of them happened, but which one? The debate rages on...
Example Comment: 
Opinion: I think it was......(state which theory you think it was and support your opinion with 3 supporting details.

WSG Badge: Closes Friday, September 26th, 2014 at Midnight


  1. I kind of think he died in battle because he had that arrow wound in his shoulder. The difference in my opinion is that I think the reason his things were empty is that he gave his belongings to his friends because he knew he was going to die. The reason he still had his ax is that his wouldn't believe he was going to die and they refused to accept leadership of the clan. The reason that I said the leadership part is because there are scientists that think that only a leader would have such an ax. Then I think that he left to go die somewhere else tripped hit his head and body on rocks causing the internal bleeding and the hole in his head. The only thing I don't get about my theory is how he was able to lay out his belongings on a ledge before he died and was preserved.

  2. LaurenG,Nighthawk,Period 4September 16, 2014 at 5:16 PM

    I think it hypothermia because a lot of people died of that back then. And they didn't have a cure for it (medicine) and its not robbery because all the stuff would of been gone. And if it was assassination there probably would have been weapons etc. by him. Also its not the battle because there would be more bodies around him

  3. I think it was Died in battle because of the arrow head and the hole in the back of his head. I also think it was assassinated for the same reasons.

  4. HallieLichtylightsabre6September 17, 2014 at 4:29 PM

    I'm having a fun time in social studies

  5. I made this theory: Otzi is an assassin. He attacks a leader (of some sort) and his gaurds. In battle he was shot in the shoulder. He robbed them of the axe and other valueble things. he walked for awhile till the day was over. He stopped to set up camp. He was sorting every thing out when he died.

  6. I think otzi died in battle because, he had different blood samples on his items, he had an arrow wedged in his back, and he had weapons.

  7. I think he was killed in battle because, there were 4 other individuals blood found on his belongings. there was an arrowhead under his left shoulder blade.

  8. I think it was 1 and 4. I think that because if he could of ran to a safe place. Then he was getting his arrows ready and he got shot. Then he tried to shoot and his bow string snapped.That was why there was blood on his stuff.
    Then he suffered Hypothermia.

  9. I think Otzi was ambushed. He had an arrow between his caller bone and neck so he was loosing a large amount of blood. To finish Otzi off they took a fairly large rock and hit him in the head and that was the death blow. Than they left him how I know because when he was found he had his unstrung bow, arrows, a copper ax, a certain kind of moss the moss was a lot like robing alchohl

  10. i think he was robbed because he could have had sheep and people wanted sheep also some of his stuff was stollen too.

  11. I think he got shot in battle. There is an airhead in his back. There are four different individuals blood on the clothing and weapons. He arrange his belongings away form the battle them fell on them possibly to hide them.

  12. Alexis Dooley 6 shadow catSeptember 19, 2014 at 12:38 PM

    I thinks it was hypothermia because of the yellow leathery skin on otzi.Also I think it was hypothermia because he had his shoes off and you get warm when you get hypothermia.Otzis musle tissues was badly decomposed and this happens when a body is submerged in very cold water.was Otzi lost?Did he fall in water!

  13. I think he died when he stop to gather some thing and then fell making the wood part of the hammer hit his head. I also think the the arrow fell out of his quiver and stabbed him in the sholder.

  14. wow that long ago very cool

  15. I thought that Otzi died of hypothermia because he easily could've died from getting to cold. I also think it could be hypothermia because Otzi could've got caught in the river in Otzal Valley and froze to death and got caught in the ice.

  16. I think that he was assassinated by a leader of some sort. Because of the very valuable copper axe. But wait... You think that is not the right answer. But they could of hit him with a bow and when they did otzi fell to the ground and they forgot were they hit him down. So they left and otzi was not found until the hikers found him.

  17. that otzi was found in 1991.. I know we talked about him but I don't think we talked about what year.. It is amazing How old otzi is and what year he was found.

  18. I think otzi died because of the died in battle theory because of the other DNA samples found on his weapon and because most battles happened to solve problems and because of the spear head found in his shoulder that could've been shot by a enemy


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