
Monday, March 17, 2014

Hello from my house! I would just like to say that I miss you all and eagerly await Tuesday when I can return and see all of your wonderful faces and ask how you have been. How have I been, you ask? Well, I've been great! (if by great, you mean staying up the whole night listening to Hazel cry because she is so hungry! Sheesh! She eats like a horse!) It's been so much fun having Hazel home so we can play fun games. Her favorite game to play during the day is the "Lay There" game, which is when she just lays there and we look at her.  Yes, the nights have been a bit of a struggle, with all the crying and lack of sleep, but it's not even close to the challenge you all face today! You will be entering ancient Rome, and like me during the night with Hazel, you, too, are simply trying to survive. You will be faced with many options and decisions. Read through the scenarios carefully, put deep thought into what you decide, for you and you alone with face the consequences! Do you have the stamina and courage to survive one day in Ancient Rome? 
 Once you click the link with your mouse, you will be transported back in time to a place of glorious wonderment. A place of many, many amazing things. I will not say what those amazing things, however, because I am not going to give you even one clue! The adventure is up to you. The decisions are yours to make. The fate is yours to have. You are in ancient Rome. I bid you good luck, my honorable and courageous young warrior.  
Task #1: Play the game "Ancient Rome: You Are There" and fill out your score sheet. COMPLETE SENTENCES!!
Task #2: Post a comment with 5 decisions you made (good or bad) and explain why they were either good or bad. COMPLETE SENTENCES.
Task #3: Answer these questions in a second comment:
1. What type of food do patricians eat?
2. What is an Eques gladiator?
3. Where do charioteers race their chariots? 
4. What is the Forum?
5. What is the Pantheon used for? 


  1. 1. One choice I made was to work in the Roman Legion which gave me five positive points.

    2. Another one I chose was to take the Public Baths which gave me a positive fifteen score.

    3. The third I made was to take the Adriatic Sea route which made me lose five points.

    4. The fourth choice was I looked for a job to buy my own food which gave me positive five points.

    5. My final choice that I had made was to visit Marcus Aurelius and I got a positive ten points for doing so.

  2. 1. Talk to emperor Marcus Aurelius.
    He was a good emperor and friendly.
    2. Play the game again.
    Very brave of you to go back into Rome.
    3. Stay in Rome.
    Stay in Rome and watch the fights.
    4.Become a charioteer.
    Less risky than a gladiator.
    5. Choose public bath process.
    You follow rules and do not get kicked out.

  3. 1 They eat fancy food.
    2 A gladiator that fights animals.
    3 The circus maximus.
    4 A public place common grounds.
    5 A temple for the gods.

  4. 1. I choose to follow Romules to Rome. This decision was good because he killed Remus and was the king of Rome.
    2.I choose to hide under a fake bush and sneak out. this decision was good because I had a glue stick in my pocket so I could glue things together and I walked out.
    3.I choose to look for a job. This decision was good because will Roman gods will look upon me.
    4.I choose to be a charioteer. I choose this because it was less dangerous than a gladiator.
    5.I choose the public baths. I choose this because I hadn't discovered the Aqueduct yet.

  5. 1: I chose to sail through Adriatic sea.
    This was a bad decision because I ended up on the wrong side of the country.
    2:I chose to hide under a fake bush.
    This was a good decision because I could get out easily.
    3: I chose to steal food.
    This was a good decision because stealing is wrong
    4:I chose Roman Legion.
    This was a good decision because it was a noble decision.

  6. 1 I chose to go through the proper procedure for the public baths. +10
    2 I chose to stay in Rome.+10
    3 Chose to work on the Appian way.+10
    4 I chose Romulus.+5
    5 I chose to end the game. +5

  7. 1. They ate fancy food.
    2. A gladiator who wasn't a slave.
    3. Circus Maximums
    4. A temple
    5. Goverment

  8. 1. Decision: going to Marcus Aurelius
    Consequence: It was a good decision cause he was a great emperor.

    2. Decision: Going to Public Baths
    Consequence: Good decision cause i can relax

    3.decision: I followed Romulus to Rome
    Consequence: this was a good decision cause Remus is dead.


  9. Hello. Time for my 5 options! Yay, I guess. First off, I went down the Tyrrhenian sea, and didn't take more time than I did going to Rome. Next, after I went down the Partritian path, I tried to be invisible. I am not magic. :( That makes me sad. After that, I went to look for a job to buy some food. I made it so the gods do NOT hate me. Happy happy day. And the last thing I can say here that I did is that I became a charioteer, and didn't die in a nonfiery nonexplosion. Moral of the story is, I didn't die. Yay me. :)

  10. 1. the first answer i got correct and i got to shore much quicker.
    2.on the second one i made a good decision to follow romulas so i didnt get beat up.
    3.on the fourth decision to hide under a bush i am a plebian.
    4.on the fifth decision i got a job and i got bread.
    5.on the sixth decision i made a good one to become a charioteer and i get to meet the emperor

  11. 1) I chose to go to Marcus the emperor. It was a good decision because he was a great emperor.

    2) I chose to follow Romulus because he was the only brother alive.

    3) I chose to accept a job as a charioteer because it is less dangerous then a gladiator.

    4) I chose to go to a public bath because i didn't want to get washed away.

    5) I chose to stay in Rome and not get coaxed into pompie.

  12. 1) I chose to go to Marcus the emperor. It was a good decision because he was a great emperor.

    2) I chose to follow Romulus because he was the only brother alive.

    3) I chose to accept a job as a charioteer because it is less dangerous then a gladiator.

    4) I chose to go to a public bath because i didn't want to get washed away.

    5) I chose to stay in Rome and not get coaxed into pompie.

  13. 1) I chose to go to Marcus the emperor. It was a good decision because he was a great emperor.

    2) I chose to follow Romulus because he was the only brother alive.

    3) I chose to accept a job as a charioteer because it is less dangerous then a gladiator.

    4) I chose to go to a public bath because i didn't want to get washed away.

    5) I chose to stay in Rome and not get coaxed into pompie.

  14. I choose to go to the public bath. This was a good decision because i could do more things there.
    I chose to go down the patration path. This was a bad decision because I was a new comer.
    I choose to stay in Rome. This was a good decision because Pompeii had a bad fate.
    I choose to go to the andevit sea. This was a bad choice because the sea is on the wrong side of the country.
    I choose to work with the leigon. This was a good decision because they are a famous military group.
    I chose to go throught the proper public bath because i felt great afterwards.

  15. Decision- Appian Way

    Consequence- I work on roads but am safer than the legion

    Decision- I chose the Public Bath

    Consequence- I get relaxation

    Decision- Proper Process

    Consequence- I don't get in trouble

    Decision- I stay in Rome

    Consequence- I stay safe

    Decision- End game

    Consequence- Reach Pax Romana, live in peace and prosperity.

  16. I chose to go the Plebeian way. This was a good decision because i have no money or food so i am not a patrician. I chose to visit Marcus Aurelius. This was a good decision because he was a great emperor. I have chosen to replay the game. This was a good decision because it is very brave to play this again.I decided to be a Eques Gladiator. This was a good decision because Eques specializes in horseback riding.

  17. One of the bad decisions i made was i chose Emperor Caliua the reson he was bad because he was crazy. A nother bad desion was to chose the paticin path because i got punched and a bukect of water split on my head .
    Other then that I did good like i chose to sneek out like bush. And being a charteer and the public bath houses

  18. 1.-8. I chose to go talk to emperor Caligula.This was a bad decision because Caligula was an insane person who put his horse as senator.

    2.-6. I chose to take a job as a charioteer. This was a good decision because Gladiators fought to the death where charioteers was a little less gory.

    3.-9. I chose to go to the Roman Legion. This was a good decision because the battle was very short and I did not get killed.

    4.-7. I chose to go to the Forum. This was a bad decision because the Forum was to elect members and senators not emperors.

    5.-10. I chose to go to the public bath. This was a good decision because it is very relaxing and does not take a lot of work.

  19. 1. Accepting a job as a charioteer was good because I got to race Chariots.

    2. Visiting Marcus Aur was good because I got an actual job.

    3. Going to the Public Bath was good because it gave me rest and relaxation.

    4. Going through the Proper Public Bath Process was good because it made me feel good.

    5.Staying in Rome was a good decision because I didn't die in Pompeii.

  20. 1. Patricians ate fish,meat,fruit,vegetables,bread, and honey for the bread.

    2.They are gladiators with horses or specialized in horseback riding.

    3.Chariot races happened at the Circus Mazimus.

    4. The Forum is a place where you elect for members of things and other people.
    5. The Pantheon is used to worship gods.

  21. 1.I decided to stay in Rome because later in life Pompii ets destroyed. 2.I decided to go to the puplic bath because I wanted to relax. 3. I decided to go through the Adratic sea but that was bad because I was on the other side on the country. 4. I decided to get a job and this was good because I got money. 5. I chose to be a charioteer and that was good because it was safe, for me.

  22. 1) Patricians eat lots of different kinds of food. Some of these include fruit and vet gables
    2)An Eques gladiator is a gladiator fight on horse back.

    3)Charioteer race their chariots at the Circus Maximus.

    4)The Forum is a business and political place.

    5)The Pantheon is a temple used to worship the gods and goddesses of Rome.

  23. I made a good decision to follow Romulus to Rome. The was a good decision because Romulus is the legendary founder of Rome.

    I made good decision to go the Pantheon to find an emperor. This is a good decision because it is far less dangerous than being a gladiator.

    I made a good decision to go through the proper process at the Public Bath. This was a good decision because I feel better and I don't have an angry mob chasing after me.

    I made good decision replay the game. This is a good decision because not very many people would go back to Ancient Rome. It shows honor, strength, and bravery.

  24. 1. Patricians eat fresh fruits and vegetables and nice meat.

    2. An Eques gladiator is a gladiator that specializes in horses.

    3. A charioteer usually raced their chariot in a public arena.

    4. A forum is a rectangular plaza surrounded by several important governmental buildings at the center of the city of Rome.

    5. A pantheon is used as a temple to all of the gods of ancient Rome.


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