
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Some help for your India Mastery Packet

Last week we started our India Mastery Packet through Google Drive. Right now, we are in the thick of it. I want to offer you some help as we reach the mid-way point in this project. 
So here you go:
Some tasks are harder than others. Maybe you should focus on the hard tasks first and get them done with. Some tasks take longer than others, so focus on those tasks and work on them a little bit each day perhaps. When you take the Hinduism Vs. Buddhism quiz, make sure you use the power point AND actually read through it. All the help you need is located within that power point. You just need to use it. Don't expect to take the quiz in 5 minutes. It takes some time. Having trouble with the plate tectonics sections? Well, for the last part, the picture shows you three types of movements. Those movements cause earthquakes, bodies of water, and mountains, but which is which? And finally, some help on the ABC's of India. Like I have mentioned, it doesn't have to be an ancient India word, it can be a regular word that we use all the time, but you just have to connect it to India somehow. Read the passage below to get some help on some of the more difficult letters...

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