
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Events of Mesopotamia (Assignment)

In preparation for the monumental "Events of Mesopotamia" tournament coming up in a couple of weeks, we are going to continue familiarizing ourselves with these events. The more we know about each event, the better we will be at arguing/debating why certain events are better than others. You will be assigned one event to argue why it's the most important, but you need to know about more than just the one you are assigned. You need to know about all of them to make your case air tight. For this online assignment, you will be covering some of the Major Events of Mesopotamia. 
Task: Use this link, "Mesopotamia Events" to learn about what these events are and why they are important. For your assignment, you must choose FIVE different events. Using complete sentences, tell me what the event is and why it's important. For each event, you need to use at least 3 sentences. You can NOT do the Hanging Gardens. 
Example: "Hanging Gardens: The hanging gardens were built by King Nebuchadnezzar for his wife, the queen, so she would have a lovely garden to look at. These Hanging Gardens were extremely big and magnificent to help the homesick queen not feel so sad. The Hanging Gardens are very important because it helped the queen not be homesick, which allowed the King to be able to concentrate on doing a good job ruling the people." 

DUE DATE: Sunday, October 13th, 11:59 pm. 
Points: 25 (5 points per event)


  1. Brick brick is made out of mud and reed's. it helped keep the cold out and the hot in it did the oposite to. Mesopotopanians had almost an unlimited amount.

  2. Chariot chariots are made out of wood or metal and are pulled by horses. Chariots were important because they allowed people to move much quicker.

  3. code of hammurabi: the code of hammurabi is important to the civilization because without laws the world would in complete and utter terror. without laws it would be legal to kill someone. that is why th e code of hammurabi is important.
    bricks: Bricks are very important. Because they were used to make the first human civilization. Bricks were made out of mud/clay and straw. Thenthey were put in the scorching hot sun to dry.
    Zggurat: the ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used for worship of the gods.It is stll studied and used almost 4000 years later.since the Ziggurat was so high it was used as a watch tower the mesopotamians could use it to see enemies coming to attack well before the enemies could attack the town.
    RISE OF KINGS: there were never kings until mesopotamia rose.there was no leader ship they were a city with no ruler. this is important because if the people were left wiht no leadership nothing would get done.

  4. code of hammurabi: the code of hammurabi is important to the civilization because without laws the world would in complete and utter terror. without laws it would be legal to kill someone. that is why th e code of hammurabi is important.
    bricks: Bricks are very important. Because they were used to make the first human civilization. Bricks were made out of mud/clay and straw. Thenthey were put in the scorching hot sun to dry.
    Zggurat: the ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used for worship of the gods.It is stll studied and used almost 4000 years later.since the Ziggurat was so high it was used as a watch tower the mesopotamians could use it to see enemies coming to attack well before the enemies could attack the town.
    RISE OF KINGS: there were never kings until mesopotamia rose.there was no leader ship they were a city with no ruler. this is important because if the people were left wiht no leadership nothing would get done.

  5. code of hammurabi: the code of hammurabi is important to the civilization because without laws the world would in complete and utter terror. without laws it would be legal to kill someone. that is why th e code of hammurabi is important.
    bricks: Bricks are very important. Because they were used to make the first human civilization. Bricks were made out of mud/clay and straw. Thenthey were put in the scorching hot sun to dry.
    Zggurat: the ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used for worship of the gods.It is stll studied and used almost 4000 years later.since the Ziggurat was so high it was used as a watch tower the mesopotamians could use it to see enemies coming to attack well before the enemies could attack the town.
    RISE OF KINGS: there were never kings until mesopotamia rose.there was no leader ship they were a city with no ruler. this is important because if the people were left wiht no leadership nothing would get done.

  6. Bricks: Bricks changed how people built their houses. It chanded it because instead of straw, mud, or sticks they used bricks. This is important because the brick made it more sturdy and that the wind couldnt knock it down.

  7. Irrigation: Farming was important to the Mesopotamians but with the dry weather, their crops died out. this was solved by irrigation or controlling when and how much water the crops got.

    The Wheel: the wheel greatly improved the way the Mesopotamians lived and worked. It allowed them to transport things like crops easier.

    Chariot: The chariot let people travel without riding on a horse or mule and they could transport goods much easier.

    Brick: The brick improved the Mesopotamians' buidings because they held up better and it made it easier to build civilizations. Without bricks, The Hanging Gardens couldn't have been built.

    Development of Writing System: If the Mesopotamians wouldn't have invented a writing system, we simply would have to guess about what happened at that time period and possibly other time periods too.

  8. BRICKS: These bricks are made out of mud and straw, then they would mix these ingredients together and let them dry in the sun. They are used to make houses and barns also other buildings stronger from storms and robbers. They prevent leaks and breaks. It is harder for enemies to get in and destroy the place.

    RISE OF KINGS: Before Mesopotamia their was no leader or structure. With a leader they could help them progress. Otherwise people would argue over money, laws,ect. It was all for the king.

    DEVELOPMENT OF WRITING SYSTEM: Without writing there were no records and archaeologists had to study artifacts and guess about what happened. With writing people could learn and communicate. Also records were taken so that we can find out about Mesopotamia and we don't have to guess about the past.

    MONEY: before money people had to trade to get something they wanted. So its like you want to get a pair of shoes you had to give up something you had. What if you did not want to give up something and you wanted something really bad then to bad you just have to give up something to get that thing or just not get the thing you want. First stages of money was developed by the Lydians during the days of Mesopotamia. So with money you do not have to trade anything you have you just get what you want if you have the money.

    RISE OF CITY-STATES: The rise of cities made a big change in the world. With cities people did not have to walk a long time to get to a place. People also had better armies and had a better chance of winning. People were also able to work together to help each other out.

  9. Money: money is important to this ancient civilization because with no money everything is free! How would people make a makes everyone HAPPY

  10. I think the wheel is more important than a lot of stuff. For example, the charriot is cool but it wouldn't work without the wheel and couldn't get places quick enough if you didn't have a wheel.

    The charriot is important because it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much faster to get places.

    The brick is important beacuse it can protect you from weather or animals or warriors and all you need is water and dried mud.

    Irrigation is important beacuse when you are in a desert you cant wait for rain, you need to be able to control the amount of water you crops get.

    Money is very important beacuse you were in a civilized area with stuff that costs money. You NEED money to get stuff.

  11. Irrigation- irrigation was invented because Mesopotamia was located in a desert and got very hot. They needed to water there plants but also keep water for themselves. So they did irrigation which means so limit the amount of water to the crops but let them stay alive.

    Bricks- Mesopotamia people invented bricks which helped them out a lot. they first had to make there bricks out of mud and straw then mix together and form it right and then set it out to dry. After the bricks were dry the Mesopotamian people were able to construct buildings and stay warmer or cooler.

    Ziggurat- A ziggurat is a place where the Mesopotamian people worship gods. The building is like a pyramid but a little bit different shaped. The ziggurat was very tall because they thought the most important god was in the sky, so they built it very tall. Because this building was so tall they could see enemies coming from a long ways and get prepared much faster.

    Money- Money was pretty huge back then because the Mesopotamian people did not have to trade there most favorite items. with money the Mesopotamian people were able to pay for things without having to trade. This was a great success with Mesopotamia.

    Chariot- This was another huge thing for the Mesopotamian people. This allowed them to move from place to place in a faster way. The chart had two wheels and was normally pulled by a strong horse. because of this discovery it helped them get items faster, ,farther and just kept them on time.

    By: Elisabeth Kluin 3

    Mesopotamia Events

  12. Irrigation- This is important because it let the farmers control when and how much water goes into the crops. The blazing heat would burn all of their crops but irrigation had other plans. Irrigation helped people control the flooding.

    Bricks- Bricks made their buildings stronger. The bricks were made of mud and straw and there was a lot of those two things around that area. The people were able to protect themselves.

    Ziggurat- The ziggurat was a pyramid shaped buildings. The ziggurat was used for worshiping their gods. You could see the a army if they were trying to attack the city.

    Money- Money was made to get something that they lacked. They had trading which meant that they had to give something up to get something that they wanted. Money made it so you could get what you wanted without giving something up.

    Wheel- The wheel made things possible for the people of Mesopotamia. The wheel made it easer to transport their crops faster. picture a load of wheat, it would be very hard to move it elsewhere without a wheel.

  13. Irugshin helped people moof water. It wan't mater if you had a lot of monay if there is no irugaishin. You won't need a weel if thaer is no irugaishin.

  14. If you have a lot of food where whaed you pootit. Ifyou have a lot of money waer would you potit it. And you have a gardin wait waid ceep it cool.

  15. maney can bay for weals.

  16. the weel chaech how we woke.

  17. Bricks: Are houses that the people make. To make bricks you have to mix mud and straw. Make houses strong

    Chariot: Is just like a car but it as only 2 wheels.It is good to go places.

    TheWheel: The Mesopotamia people made the first wheel.If they did not build the first wheel then we will not a car.

    The chariot helped the people move around quicker insted of walking; it also helped the people carry things around.
    The bricks helped the people build strong homes. the bricks kept their homes sturdy.
    Writing made it easy for the people to read and write things down. Without the system of writing how would we talk to people?
    The people of Mesopotamia traded things a lot. Then they came up with money.
    THat changed the people of the world. It helped people with farming.


  19. Money:The Mesopotamia people payed with money.If they did not have money we will not be able to buy stuff.

    Ziggurat: Is a church like pyramid to worship the gods.The Ziggurat is like a huge pointy church.

  20. Irrigation- Allowed farmers to control how much water their crops get.
    Chariot- The chariot allowed Mesopotamia to be a lot more mobile.
    Ziggurat- Was a place that Mesopotamia to worship their gods.
    Money- It gave a way for Mesopotamia to buy and not trade something they thought was important to them.
    Wheel- The wheel made it easier to farm and transport their crops.

  21. Bricks: When bricks were invented it was a leap in their city/state. First it helped by making them stronger buildings. It also was important because it protected them in their houses. It was very easy to make the bricks because they had a lot of straw and mud in the area.
    Chariot: This was a very important for them. First it helped by haling crops. It also helped by transporting people around to places. Without the chariot it would have been hard to get around.
    Money: Before money, they used to trade that means to give up sorting for something else. But when money came, people would by things. If they didn't have money, we wouldn't.
    The Wheel: The wheel made so much more possible. First it helped by transporting crops. It made traveling much easier. Without it we wouldn't have wheels today.
    Epic of Gilgamesh: This book was the start of all books. It was great for story telling. We wouldn't have school, I mean that we use books all the time in school.

  22. Money: Money is a big deal these days and back than. Befor money was evented we had to trade, can u belive that? Trade something just to eat, and if u had nothing to trade you would starve. Money changedthimgsbig time, without it we would'nt have half the things we have today. Money was mainly coins than but now days its mostly pennies. If u wanted an anmal, have to trade, a bed, have to trade. Dont take money for granted.

  23. Weel: They invented the very first weel
    The weel was used for a farming mainly. Try gathering crops and having to bring it back tourself. The weel chaned things big rime, how people gather crops mainly.

  24. Irrigation: Irrigation changd thong BIG TIME. With irregation farmers could farm in the dessert. Less people went starving and more families dint starve to death. Irrigation helps control the amount of water their crops get.

  25. irrigation was how the farmers make sure that there is enough water getting to their plants and livestock so that the could live.

  26. irrigation was how the farmers make sure that there is enough water getting to their plants and livestock so that the could live.

  27. Irrigation: Irrigation let the people control when and how much water they're crops get. Irrigation also helped the farmers because it gave the crops a supply of water. Finally it helped farmers make food which they could trade for things they didn't have.

    Bricks: Bricks made a new way to make buildings. It helped by resulting in stronger buildings. Bricks made it possible to make the Hanging Gardens.

    Chariot: The chariot made it easier to move around. Without the chariot alot of crops would go to waste because the crops needed a faster way to get to storage bins. The chariot made a faster way to get to places to get to places you needed to be.

    Code of Hammurabi: This was very important because people had to obey laws. Without this people would be crazy. They would kill, steal, and assault. It was good because people who were bad were punished.

    Ziggurat: Ziggurats were important because thats where people worshipped. It was a symbol for people to believe in. Finally it was a watch tower so if an enemy was coming then they probably would lose. They would lose because no one would see it coming until they got close.

  28. Bricks were important to the people of Mesopatamia because: now they could make houses that will stay built and not fall over during a rain storm. It could also protect them from animals, warriors, and natural disasters.

    Money was invented so that that people could buy things but they had to work to get the money. And because trading was a big thing.

    The wheel was a great invention because if there was no wheel everyone would walk every where, and if you needed to get to a far place it might have taken you days. So the wheel was a good invention because now people have easier ways to get around.

    The Chariot was helpful for the world because if you had to get somewhere during a rain storm you would get wet walking. So the chariot was a good invention so people could get around.

    Irrigation was the only way people could water their crops without over watering them or the crops not getting watered enough, because without irrigation no one could make food or eat so people would starve.

  29. 1.Irrigation is important so crops can grow in hot deserts.
    2.Bricks are important so people can build homes.
    3.Chariot is Important so people can move around faster.
    4.The wheel is important because they invented the first wheel to get around.
    5.Money is important so people get there far share of money for things.

  30. 1.bricks,people in Mesopotamia developed a new way to construct buildings,they used make these bricks,the people used mub and straw.
    2.Chariot, the chariot allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be much more mobile. These events was a huge step forward in progressing as a civilization.the chariot is a two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse.
    3.wheel,it appears to be such a simple invention. the wheel totally changed how people lived. the wheel made so many more things possible., the people of Mesopotamia started a system of money to get what they lacked. During Mesopotamia,trading was a major in getting something. however,people began to be able to get things without giving.
    5.ziggurat,the creation of the ziggurat is a major event in the history of Mesopotamia. A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship. this building is a symbolic structure that has had a lasting impression.

  31. 1.The chariot:The reason this invention is important is because it was the first way pf transportation.
    2.Irrigation:This invention helped farming a lot. The reason is because crops would fail.Then a farmer discovered Irrigation.
    3.The epic of Gilgamesh:The reason this event is known is because it is the first book ever in history.
    4.Bricks:The reason this one is so important is because this was their building material.
    5.The code of Hammurabi:These were the laws of king Hammurabi

  32. Irrigation: Irrigation allowed to control when and how much water their crops get. They would digb ditches in the field, then they would get water for their crops. Without irrigation their would be no crops to eat and then they would probably starve to death.

    Bricks:Mesopotamia found a new way to construct houses. They did with bricks. They would mix mud and straw and then dry them in the scorching sun. Theur houses would now be a lot stronger and if warriors, wild animals, or natural disaster would attack the house would be very sturdy.

    Money: Mesopotamia started money (not like ours today). People in Mesopotamia didn't want to give up something that they probaly would want to keep. They wanted to start a new kind of system to get the stuff they want. So they started money. The Lydians were the people that developed the early stages of money.

  33. Irigation-
    Irrigation is the control or when and how much water crops get. It helped the people of Mesopotaima because they would depend on the river to flood. When it did flood it ether made fertile cresent or destroyed the crops.
    Bricks are what helped build houses. They made clay dried brickes. This helped them to have stronger houses. This also sheltered people better with brick houses.
    The cariot helped people be more mobile in mesopotaima.It was a big step forward. It was a two wheeled cart that was pulled by a horse. It Could carry things so people wouldn`t have to carry things or so there wasn`t so much presure on there backs from holding idoms in back bags.
    Money was a major point in Mesopotaima. They wantee to trade things without giving away what they wanted. This also helped for prices for the idoms. Mabey some people payed too much or some people pay to little.
    The wheel is one of the most importent inventions. Without wheels we could not do half the stuff we do today. It helped carry things around instead of carring thins on our backs. Whitout wheels cariots wouldn`t be invented.

  34. The invention of irrigation was very important to the farmers and people in Mesopotamia.In a desert, which is where Mesopotamia is located, it is hard to grow crops because of no rain. Irrigation lets the farmers control how much their crops were getting of water. Without irregation it would be very hard to grow crops, and there would be little amount of food or no food. This could led to staving to death.

    The Ziggurat is very imortant to the mesopotamia village because it gave a place to worship. This made people to believe that the most powerful god is in the sky. They made it so tall so they can worship in the sky,(by the god). It also helped in the war as a look out. The Ziggurat gave the army a chance to get ready.

    During Mesopotamia trading was a huge part of getting something that you want to get, and money helped that. If you wanted to get something to eat you would need to give something up. With money they didnt need to trade anything they just bought it. Money lets people have and make the life always wanted. Now,money has made it through time today and will always help people.

  35. Irrigatin-It was extremely important becouse with out it the people whould die of hunger. Also even with money you whould still die some with the wheel. And that is why I think irrigation is themost important.

    Chariot-I also think that the chariot is important becouse it alows people to move quicker so they can save more crops that whould be wasted.

    Bricks-I think that bricks are important becouce they protekted them from harm or danger also to store food.It is more important to be prtected then to be rich.

    The Wheel-It was pobeley a easy envestin but it made it so then you can make more enventions like the chariot.

    Ziggurat-it is impotant becouse it gave the people a plase to worshop the gods.

  36. Money: The people of Mesopotamia wanted to make something to use instead of giving something up to get something else. They made money and that changed every thing. Like for instants you have to pay your bill if you want electricity.


    Irrigation: Irrigation is very important. It helps us control how much water we put in our crops or gardens. The poeple dug ditches to control how much water the crops get because the rivers flooded every year.

    Rise of Kings:


  37. Development of Writing System:Without writing Mesopotamia would have probably been nothing. If there was no writing explaining thing to people in Mesopotamia, people would probably make mistakes all the time.
    This would of caused worse leadership for the kings. Also no writing leads to no communicating with other people. This would of caused time and things to come alot slower, and things would most likely not even be here at the moment! (EX-THIS COMUPTER I AM TYPING WITH!)So this is why the Writing System is a very good invention, and is probably the best one in the whole world. I mean just imaging not being able to actually talk to your own friends and family. I would be a really harsh time.

    Money: During the time period of Mesopotamia, at first is was just trading stuff to get other things that would help you out. I mean think about trading something really important, like your dimaond ear ring, and you trade that for a pear of shoes. That would really hurt having to give away something such as that. So later on in Mesopotamia, they had invented money! This was very important for the people of Mesopotamia at the time. Instead of having to trade your belongings. You just simply pay them with money, and then you get the item you want. Then the money they just earned, can be used right back in the same concept or system. Even today this is very important, and without money life would be very hard to get something you wanted.

    Wheel: Without the wheel being invented, life would be very hard to have a reliable transportation system there for you. So with this sort of invention, it helped out so much at the time of Mesopotamia. This helps out with also transporting other small things and taking them where you wish to go. Also today, jobs would be limited if we didn't have wheels. Getting there to your job in time at 6:00 in the morning is a hard process, if you didn't have anything to take you there. So what about the cars though, without that we wouldn't be able to from place to place either. Well what is actually on the car... A wheel! So very important invention I agree.

    Ziggurat: This was a pyramid shaped building that was used for the people of Mesopotamia to worship the gods. This also brought together a huge civilization as a community. This also was a really tall building. Because what they thought was the most powerful god was the one in the sky. So they had built it so high, that they though they were in the sky themselves. It was also used a look out tower for people that were going to start a war! So very important piece of the Mesopotamia inventions.

    Rise of Kings: Without Mesopotamia having Kings, there would of been no progressing in time or a leader. Without a King that helped out the civilization and things that kept thing going and under control. Nothing gets done without a leadership, and nothing new will probably be. So it was very important to have a king to control Mesopotamia. And having a King was so important, that nothing of Mesopotamia would have been and including its inventions that have been made. So I think that we can all agree that having a King kept Civilization and comminity running

  38. Code of Hammurabi-
    The code of hammurabi was very important because it is a set of laws infact, 282 laws. If you are still wondering why laws are important it is because if you didnt have laws everyone would just think they could do anything they want and nothing would happen and it would be out of control. This was also a big step for the king because he had to actually step up and take charge.

  39. Irrigation was probably the most important thing that Mesopotamia invented. It provided water so that they could grow food. If they had food, they wouldn't starve and Mesopotamia could go on to be one of the greatest civilizations of all time.

    The Code of Hammurabi was one of the most important events of Mesopotamia. It was important because people had to follow rules and get in trouble if they didn't. The laws made sure that everyone was safe.

    Bricks are important because it kept people safe. People didn't want to get attacked by animals or other countries, so they mixed mud and straw to get bricks. People were safer after the development of bricks.

    Money was important so that the people of Mesopotamia could get what they needed without trading something.

  40. irrigation was an inportant ivention it aloud farmers to control how much water came into the crops.since they were in dry heat water was really inportant to keep the crops alive. it is also inportant to control the river becauce if the snow from anatolia mnt. it would over flow destoying the crops. and if the crops all the people would die

  41. Bricks
    How they mad the bricks.They made the bricks out of mud and straw.

  42. the people in mespotamia made a new wayto make homes with bricks. they mixed mud and straw in the hot sun.this made it easier to make homes since there is a lot of straw and mud in the area.

  43. The Wheel: The wheel changed how people lived and how they worked.The wheel helped a lot because it would be hard to load a huge amount of wheat without the wheel. The wheel is important because without the wheel there would be no cars or things to move stuff from place to place easily. The wheel can help us everyday.

    Code of Hammurabi: I think that The code of Hammurabi is one of the most important events of Mesopotamia because without laws it wouldn't be like the world today because everyone would get away with stealing and killing people. I would be scared just to come out of my house. Good thing the Code of Hammurabi was made but there were 282 laws made!

  44. kobi terpstra 6th periodOctober 10, 2013 at 1:23 PM

    bricks was a new way for the mesopotamians. It helped keep robbers out,made it warm in winters,and keep wild animals out.

    irrigation was one of the best inventions in mesopotamia. it made it so farmers could control water. it helped theire crops grow too.

    the money of mesopotamia was good too. they started a system of writing. money allows people to have the life they want.

    the ziggurat was also a big event in mesopotamia. it is used to worship the gods. it has been there a long time.

    chariot was important. it helped them so they could travel more. overall it helped them travel quiker and faster.

  45. Irrigation is important because it allowed farmers when and how much water the palnts gets. Without irrigation the crops would blaze in the sun. Irrigation has changed peoples lives forever. another reason it is important is we wouldnt have food and without food we would die.

    Bricks: Bricks helped building houses and buildings to make them sturdy. Without bricks people wouldnt be able to protect themselves. Bricks were made out of mud and straw. Without bricks they could be attacked by warriors, wild animals,and natural disasters.
    Ziggurat: A ziggurat is a pyramid that is used for worship to the gods. A ziggurat gave people of Mespotamia a place to worship which increased their chance of being a civilization. Most people believed that the most powerful god lives in the sky. They build the ziggurat as close to the sky as possible and it was the largest structure in the whole town. This was done to show how impotant peoples beliefs were and how it is important to the people. Without thw ziggurat there would be no place to go worship.
    Money:The people of mesopotamia started a system of money to get what they lacked. The only way to get something was to give up somkething. With money that all changed.Money allows people to create life how they want it.
    Without out money we would have to give up stuff everytime you want something.
    The Wheel: The wheel appers to be such a simply invention.The wheel totally changed how people lived and worked. For farming the wheel helped get their crops back to where they stored them. This how people transported their crops. Without a wheel we wouldnt have cars or we would have to lift crops by hand. You use the wheel everyday of your life , mostly.

  46. the chariot made people get around a lot easier made the popuation a lot is a two wheeled cart with a hores puling it.usally it would be people walking but with the chariot people would walk city to city in about a week or so.

  47. Nothing was written down before the writing system was invented, so that means there was no records, journals, or no diarys. Since there was nothing to read from the past they had to study the artifacts. Archaeologists had to make theories of they artifacts because they didnt have any writting to find out what the things were.Cuniform, which is Mesopotamias writing system, helped all of the archeologist and the world. Now the mesopotamians can send letters and tell people about things that had happened.

    Wheels changed how people worked and lived in mesopotamia many ways. The wheel helped people transport their crops to one place to a nother in the farming community. It ould be very hard to transport a huge load of wheat without a wheel. If we did not have a wheel then it would take a long time to get the crops to one place to another and the crops would go bad. A wheel also helps people get to one place to another in a chariot.

  48. Irrigation:Irrigation was an extremely important invention to the people of Mesopotamia. Irrigation allowed farmers to control when and how much water their crops would get. Mesopotamia was located in a desert so there was very little rain fall. Without irrigation crops would be dead.

    Bricks:The people of Mesopotamia started a new way to build buildings and houses. They used bricks. They made the bricks out of mud and straw they would mix these two ingredients together and let them dry in the scorching sun. This was a very important invention because without sun-dried bricks people couldn't protect themselves from weather and wild animals.

    Development of writing: Development of writing was a major event of Mesopotamia. Its not only a major event in Mesopotamia its a major event in the world. Before Mesopotamia there were no records were kept, there was no journals or diaries. In Mesopotamia they wrote in cuneiform. Could you imagine not being able to communicate? Difficult I know. That's why the development of writing was so important.

    Money: Mesopotamia started a development of money to get what they lacked. Trading was a major method in getting what you wanted. Yet people started wanting to get things without giving up something of theirs. What if there was no money in the world. You would have to give something up to something you wanted. If you don't like to give stuff up and there was no system of money you might starve to death. Now people just buy what they want, that's how important money is.

    Wheel: The wheel seems like such a simple invention which it's not. The wheel totally changed the way people work and live. The wheel made so many more things possible.
    how would you drive to work or school. How would you transport your crops without a wheel. How would you move things so heavy that it seems like the strongest person in the couldn't lift; a wheel. That's how important the wheel is.

  49. here it comes money the people of mesopatamia made the first money systom.but some people thought that it was hard to get the money tis place would be a lot computer no desk no traper keepers no smartbourd nothing that we have now we would not have

  50. 1-Epic of Gilgamesh
    The Epic of Gilgamesh was the first book ever written. It is because of it that we have all of our books now. Thank you Mesopotamians!
    2-The wheel
    The wheel...So many uses for it. Cars, trucks, airplanes, and many other things! So many uses, I cant even name them all..
    3- Code of Hammurabi
    The Code of Hammurabi was the first set of laws. They were very harsh and had very bad punishments. Being the first civilization had a lot to it. Wow.
    4- Irrigation
    Irrigation is controlling how much water plants get. It changed alot for the Mesopotamians. Without it, we wouldnt be alive! I think, at least...
    5- Bricks
    Bricks are how they built their houses, and it's how we build today. How they got them? I don't know. Let's just say they were all wizards, and we are de-evolving. Yay, science!

  51. Money: Money is important because we use it 24/7. If we didn't have money, we wouldn't have all the things we have today. We would have less things because we would need to trade in order to get the things we want.

  52. Irrigation- People need irrigation for food. If people didnt have irrigation they would starve to death. Then if you would have irrigation, you would live and not starve.
    Bricks- If people wouldnt have brick then we wouldnt be able to make sturdy homes. if you would made it out of sticks then your house would probably fall down. Thats why bricks are important.

  53. Bricks- The people of Mesopotamia developed a new way to construct buildings. They used bricks. To make these bricks, the people used mud and straw.

    Chariot- The chariot allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be much more mobile. This event was a huge step forward in progressing as a civilization. The chariot is a two-wheeled cart.

    TO BE CONTUIED..................

  54. 1. Ziggurat The creation of the Ziggurat was a major event in mesopotamia.A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building. It was used to worship. The people believed that the most powerful god was in the sky.

  55. Irrigation: Important for farming (agriculture) and crops. Irrigation helped mesopotamia a TON. First of all, it made it so they don't have to wait for the tigris and Euphrates river to over flow. Second of all the place where they lived was in the desert. The reason mesopotamia was a good place to farm, is because Mesopotamia is a firtile cresent between 2 rivers: Tigris and Eurphrates. Irrigation is being able to control when where and how much the crops get.

    Development of written language: Important because without writing there would be no irrigation, no letters, and no Epic of Gilgamesh (first book ever written.) The written language is also important because 1) there would be no money if there wasn't the writing system. 2) There would be no computers. And 3) There would be no words/language

    Code of Hummarabi: Important because without this the world would be in all out hatred and war. (sounds familiar) The code of Hummarabi is a set of 282 laws established by King Hummarabi.

  56. bricks are important beacuase the help stonger shelter. Also beacase the rain and hail will rec it. and for robory causes.

    irrigatoin is immportant because it helped peaple farmm easery. it helps carry water thu the desert. and so you can farm in the desert.

    writing system is important because they talk better. you could also send messegis to other places. thats what i think.

    wheel is important so we move further. and get to places withless work. so now we have the car.

  57. Epic of Gilgamesh: Important because that was the first book ever made. Without that book The Bible would not be made. And without The Bible there would really be no Christianity at all. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a book about a super hero I think. I'm not for sure though because it said nothing about what it was about in the description. Anyways It was important because the guy who made that book basicaly created "THE BOOK."

    The Chariot: Important because it allowed the people of mesopotamia to be more mobile. Thes event was a huge step forward because the guy who made the chariot basically created "THE CAR." And the car is very important.Now days we use cars to get everywhere, the store, friends house, EVERYWHERE.

  58. irrigation is the use to water plants

    ziggurat is used to wroshup the gods.

    bricks are better then sticks

    chariot alowd them to go places faster

    code of Hammurabi is the only riting sistum

  59. Irrigation Farming was very important for the people of Mesopotamia. It was very important because they could control their crops with something called "irrigation." Without irrigation no one would have lived because all the crops would be dead because everyone would starve to death.

    Bricks were important to the people of Mesopotamia because without bricks they couldn't live anywhere. Why would they not live anywhere because that's what they made there house out of. Bricks as you would think would be used as weapons but no they were used for their houses and houses turned into cities.

    A ziggurat is a major part of the Mesopotamia lives. A ziggurat is a pyrpmid shaped building used to worship gods. The ziggurat is still being studied today.

    The people of Mesopotamia started a system of money to get what they lacked. In Mesopotamia there was a lot of trading so to get rid of trading they created money. With money instead of trading where they would give them something in return they would just buy it.

    The Wheel
    The wheel changed how people lived it made more things possible. So instead of carrying a 100 pound bag you could put it in a boat like thing and add wheels to it so that 100 pound bag feels like 10 pounds. With the farmers they would use the wheel to transport crops if they couldn't transport them on their back in time all the crops would have died and gone to waste.

  60. Irrigation- allows farmers to control when and how much water the crops get. Also without Irrigation the crops should not grow and die out. Also irrigation help to trade people for stuff they dint have.

    Money- it helped people so they dint have to trade something and they just could by it with money. It help people create the life they want. Money was developed by the Lydians during the days of Mesopotamia.

    Bricks- they where able to build stronger houses. Also it helped because before they had to make it out of straw and mud. Also people where able to protect their selfs.

    Chariot- help people get around and help carry thing around and get places faster. Helps people pick the crops and produce more crops and goods. And helps people be much more Mobil.

    Ziggurat- it helps worship the gods. During the wars they used it as a watch tower. It should be much easier to attack them without the pyramid.

  61. (continued from pg. 1)
    Money was important because people wouldn't have to give up something to get something. They could keep what they wanted and get what they needed. This is important because they wouldn't lose their stuff.

    Chariots were very important because people could move faster. It wouldn't matter if they had food because most of it would spoil before they could store it. With chariots, they don't lose as much food and don't starve.

    My computer will not let me switch from notes to the comment box, so I will have a third page. :(

  62. The Development of Writing is important because we can understand what happened years ago. We don't have to guess what happened, we know. We can learn a lot from reading what they wrote long ago. (This is my last page.)

  63. Irrigation

    -Irrigation was an extremely important invention for the people of mesopotamia. Irrigation allowed the farmers to control when and how much water their crops got.


    The people of Mesopotamia developed a new way to construct buildings. They used bricks. To make these bricks, the people used mud and straw. They would mix these two ingredients together and let them dry in the scorching sun. This would produce a very hard, durable brick. As a result of this invention, the people were able to build buildings that were very strong.


    The chariot allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be much more mobile. These event was a huge step forward in progressing as a civilization. The chariot is a two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse. This allowed the people of Mesopotamia to move around and travel much easier and faster. Before the chariot, it took people forever to walk to places.

    Code of Hammurabi

    Without question, the code of Hammurabi is one of the most important events of Mesopotamia. The Code of Hammurabi is a set of 282 laws that were written down by Babylonian King Hammurabi. This was a major step in the rise of Mesopotamia being a powerful civilization because for the first time, the people had to obey the law, or face the consequences. Can you imagine a world without law? You may think it sounds fun and exciting.


    The creation of the Ziggurat is a major event in the history of Mesopotamia. A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. This building is a symbolic structure that has had a lasting impression. It is still studied and viewed today, over 4,000 years later. This building gave the people of Mesopotamia a place to worship, which was a major step towards creating a civilization.

  64. Irrigation: Irrigation was an extremely important invention for the people of Mesopotamia. Without it they would have much trouble farming. without farming there would be no food, which leads to starvation.
    Bricks: the people used sun dried bricks to construct buildings. The bricks were strong because they mixed mud and straw and set them out in the sun to dry. they were able to make many buildings because they were rich in the ingredients for the bricks.
    Chariot: This invention allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be more mobile. A chariot is a two wheeled cart pulled by horses. this also helped with farming along with irrigation because they were able to harvest the crops faster and not spoil as many crops.
    Money: The people of Mesopotamia started a system of money to get what they lacked. the people always traded for things but people became tired of getting rid of things to gain something else. Therefore they came up with the idea of a system of money. Money changed many things in the world. It was definitely an important invention.
    Ziggurat: A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. The largest structure in the whole town was always the ziggurat because it showed importance of their beliefs. the ziggurat was also used as a watch tower. Since it was so high the enemy could be seen from a safe distance.

  65. The charit is important because it helps to be more mobile . So it helps be able to go place to place. But now we have taxis.

  66. 2. Irrigation was important to Mesopotamia. The farmers could control how much water and when they got water. Without irrigation the crops would be toast in the blazing sun .When the snow would melt it would the Tigris and Euphrates to overflow. The effect of the flooding was fertile soil for the people. Without irrigation the crops would produce little or no food. 3.The wheel was a simple invention. The wheel changed how people live. The wheel helped people farm to transport their goods. We use the wheel several times a day. 4. Bricks They invented bricks. The bricks were a huge thing. They helped construct building that were very strong. The people of Mesopotamia stored money, and food. it would have been impossible to build the hanging gardens without these sun-dried bricks. 5 Chariot the chariot allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be much more mobile. The chariot was a two wheeled cart and pulled by a horse. This allowed the people to travel faster to their destination.

  67. In Mesopotamia, the people had developed a new way to construct buildings. In order to make these "bricks", they had to use mud and straw. This was to help by mixing these two ingredients together because, this way they wouldn't take as long to dry out in the sun,(scorching sun). This would produce very hard and very durable brick.

    The "Chariot" from Mesopotamia allowed much more people to be a lot more mobile. This event was a huge step forward in progressing as a civilization. This allowed people to move around and travel much, much easier.

    The creation of the "Ziggurat" is a major event in the history of Mesopotamia. A Ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship gods, (many). A ziggurat is still being studied and viewed today, being over four-thousand years later.

    The rise of city-states was a total game changer for the people of the world. In the stone age times, most people lived in tribes and migrated which they depended. Without the rise of city-states, many of the inventions of Mesopotamia would not have been possible, what so ever.

    The people of Mesopotamia started a system of "money" to get what they lacked, (wanted). During the time of Mesopotamia, trading was a major method in getting what people wanted. When ever the people of Mesopotamia wanted something new or in this case wanted o buy something new, they had to give something in return.

  68. Bricks: The people of Mesopotamia built to make better building. To make the brick they used mud and straw. It was very important to them because they could protect themselves.

    The rise of the kings: Before Mesopotamia rose there was no organization. If there's no rulers no progress can get done. It was the king that led them toward progress.

    Ziggurat: The ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building. It is used for worship of gods. the largest building in town was always the ziggurat. Without the ziggurat it would have been easy for an army to destroy there town.

  69. Irrigation- is the ability to control how much water you put on your crops. Irrigation is important because it helped them to grow there crops better. It also helped them grow more food for the people.
    Bricks- are blocks off mud and straw that are dried in the hot sun. Bricks are important because it allows them to build stronger houses and buildings. They are also important because it protected the people.
    Ziggurat- is a temple shape building that is used to worship gods. It is important because it gave the people a place to worship gods. Also during wars it was used as a watch tower.
    Money- is coins or bills used to pay for something. It gave them the ability to trade. They were able to get something without giving anything up.
    The Wheel- is something that moves things easier and faster. Helps them move things faster. It also allows us to have what we have today.

  70. Irrigation: Irrigation was important so the people of Mesopotamia could control how much water crops get. Without irrigation, the crops wouldn't get water and there would be no produce in town, the result in everyone starving to death. Without this who cares if you have money, there's no food to buy it with, who cares if you have a wheel, there's no food to use it with, who cares if you can write, id doesn't put food on the table.

    Money: Money was important because trading was the only thing you could do to get something you wanted. Wanted a new pair of sandals? You had to trade something for it. Even something like food, you would have to trade something for food. If we didn't have money, you would have the SAME AMOUNT of stuff, for like, ever!

    The Wheel: The wheel totally changed the lives of people in Mesopotamia. Yes irrigation is one of the most important things in growing crops but, what if you were unable to transport them faster and easier? If you think about it, there is not a day, that everyday at least SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, has used a wheel.

    Chariot: The chariot allowed people of Mesopotamia to be much, MUCH more mobile. This was a two wheeled cart pulled by a horse. Yes of course it wouldn't be here with out the wheel or a horse, yah yah yah, yadda yadda yadda, but, the wheel wouldnt be as significant if it werent for the chariot, (if you think about it). Ziggurats were very important but, if it took people 2 DAYS to get there, it wouldn't be very popular.

    Code of Hammy: Without question, this is one of the MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS of Mesopotamia. The Code of Hammy is a set of 282 laws that were written down by Babylonian King Hammurabi. Can you imagine a world without laws?!?!?!?!? (IT WOULD BE THE PURGE 24/7 D:) You may not notive there would be no school, BUT, there would also be no, LITERAL laws. Well if you had money, lets say, 1 million dollars, it would be stolen and no one could do ANYTHING about it.It made it clear that if you were bad, you would get punished.

  71. Irrigation was extremely important to the people of Mesopotamia. Irrigation allowed the farmers to produce a surplus of food. If they didn't have irrigation there wouldn't be any food.
    Bricks were made out of mud and straw. The people of Mesopotamia used bricks to build houses. The bricks were strong and sturdy so that the so that the houses wouldn't blow over.
    The ziggurat is a major event in the history of Mesopotamia. A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship gods. This building gave the people of Mesopotamia a place to worship.
    The wheel was a total change to the way people worked. It was so much easier to transport all of the crops. If we didn't have the wheel today, how would we do so many of the things we do now?
    The chariot allowed people to be so much more mobile. The chariot is a two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse. With the chariot it allowed people to do more things because they could get there faster.

  72. The chariot allowed people to be mobile. It is important because it allowed people to travel much easier and faster. Also it helped the food not spoil.
    The rise of kings helped the people unite. Without it people would just follow their own rules. Also the kings led them toward progress.
    The development of writing was a big deal because now it is a lot easier to learn about people of the past. Before that you had to study artifacts. It helped the people of Mesopotamia develop a complex and organized civilization.
    Money helped the people to get what they lacked. After people invented money they didn't have to give anything up for something they wanted. It lasted to become a major part in our world.
    The wheel changed how people worked and lived in Mesopotamia. It helped people transport things easier. without the wheel there would not be a chariot.

  73. chariot-The chariot allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be much more mobile. It is a two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse. It helped famers cover more crop area faster.

    ziggurat-A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building that is used for worship. This building gave the people of Mesopotamia a place of worship, which was a major step towards creating a civilization. In times of war, since the ziggurat so tall, it was used as a watch tower.

    the wheel-The wheel changed how people lived and worked in Mesopotamia. It made so many more things possible. The wheel also helped Mesopotamians farm.

    bricks-The people of Mesopotamia built buildings with bricks. They made the bricks out of mud and straw, and then let them dry in the sun. With bricks, people were able to protect themselves.

    irrigation-Irrigation allowed the farmers of Mesopotamia to control when and how much water they get. Without irrigation, crops would be scorched in the blazing heat. Also, without irrigation, the fields would produce little or no food.


  74. Money- In Mesopotamia trading was a really big thing. People no longer have to give up something to get something. Without money their life would be really different.

    Rise of kings- Their were never kings until Mesopoyamia rose. The law without a king would be useless. Without leadership no progress can occur.

    Ziggurat-The creation of the ziggurat is a major event in history for Mesopotamia. A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building. The largest structure in town was always the ziggurat.

  75. Irrigation-allowed farmers to control how much water crops get. If irrigation didn't exist then crops would be scorched in the heat. Also farmers wouldn't farm well.
    Chariot-people would be able to move around and travel easily. The chariot also brought crops places. If the chariot didn't exist then a lot of crops would go to waste.
    Development of Writing System-it developed a complex and organized civilization. Archeologists would have to study artifacts less. The Code of Hammurabi wouldn't exist.
    Money-if money didn't exist them people would have to trade their belongings. With money people didn't have to give up stuff. If you wanted something to eat then all you would have to do is spend your money and nor give up something that means a lot to you.
    The wheel-the wheel was an easy invention. It allowed people to transport crops. If the wheel didn't exist then the chariot wouldn't exist.

  76. Irrigation: Irrigation made it possible for the farmers to have good crops. Irrigation also made it possible for the people to control the flooding. It also kept people from dying and starving because they had food to eat.

    Bricks: Bricks helped people build buildings that were very strong. The bricks used for building gave them protection from warriors and wild animals. Because of the bricks the people were able to live because it protected them.

    Code of Hammurabi: The code of Hammurabi brought laws to people. It was a major step in the rise of Mesopotamia being a powerful civilization. Without the code of Hammurabi there wouldn't be any consequences for all the bad things people do.

    Money: Money allowed people to get things without having to give up something. It allowed people to create the life they want. It became a major factor in peoples lives.

    The Wheel: The wheel made farming easier. The farmers could transport their crops to town. It changed how people lived and worked.

  77. Irrigation- It allowed the farmers to control when and how much water their crops get. Irrigation allowed the farmers to produce a surplus of food. Without irrigation the crops would be scorched in the blazing heat of the area

    Bricks- To make these bricks the people used mud and straw. This was an extremely important event in Mesopotamia because people were able to protect themselves. Without this protection they could get attacked by warriors, wild animals, or natural disasters.

    Chariot- These event was a huge step forward in progressing as a civilization. If it was up to the people to haul the crops by foot much of it would go to waste because it would take to long. With the chariot people
    are able to get places much faster and do more things.

    Code of Hammurabi- The Code of Hammurabi is a set of 282 laws that were written down by Babylonian King Hammurabi. Can you imagine a world without laws? People would steal, kill, assault. Without law total chaos would erupt.

    Ziggurat- A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. This building gave the people of Mesopotamia a place to worship which was a major step toward creating a civilization. Sure there are other important events but without the ziggurat it would have been much easier for an enemy army to attack the city and destroy it.

  78. Irrigation was the case of being able to control how much and when the crops got water. Irrigation is important do to the case of if they didn't get the right amount of water the crops might burn or flood. if there wasn't Irrigation everyone world just starve.

    Bricks are the things that lots of buildings are made of. How the bricks are made is the people of Mesopotamia mixed straw and mud then let them dry in the sun. The bricks were important because buildings need to be built out of something.

    Chariots were the big step of improvement, they were the new transportation system in Mesopotamia. The chariots were basically two wheeled carts pulled by a horse. The chariots were important for getting places very far away.

    A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used for worship. This was a HUGE step towards civilization. The ziggurat during war times was also useful, being used for a watch tower the people of Mesopotamia could know when the enemies would arrive.

    Yay money, during Mesopotamia trading was a method to get something you wanted. However! The people of Mesopotamia wanted a way to get something they wanted without having to give something up. They! Need! Money! They wanted a way to not give something up so now we have money. YAY!

  79. Irrigation: Irrigation was extremely important invention the helped them control when and how much their crops got
    Money: The people of Mesopotamia invented money to get what they lacked
    Wheel: The wheel helped the farmers transport their crops into storage bins in cities.

  80. Bricks protects the people of mesopotamia from bad thing.They used these bricks to protect their food so it dosent get destroyed.


    A Ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods.It is still studies and viewed today,over 4,000 years later.The people belived that the most powerful god lived in the sky.They built the Ziggurat so high to get as close to the sky as possidle.The largest structure in the whole town was always the Ziggurat.


    The people of Mesopotamia started a system of money to get what they lacked.During Mesopotamia,trading was a major method in getting something that you wanted.However,people began to want to be able to get thing without having to give up something.


    The chariot allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be much more mobile.These event was a huge step forward in progressing as a civilization.This allowed the people of mesopotamia to move around and travel much better and much easier and faster.With the chariot,people are able to get places much faster and do more things.

    The Wheel

    The wheel totally changed how people lived and worked in Mesopotamis.The wheel made so many miore things possible.Irrigation is important to the people of Mesopotamia and to growing crops,but what if you are unable to transport those crops?

  81. CHARIOT- The chariot is a two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse. Before the chariot it took forever to walk. Chariot is important because it can let people and crop move faster. CODE OF HAMMURABI- The Code of Hammurabi has 282 laws that were written by Babylonian king Hammurabi. his was a major step in the rise of Mesopotamia being a powerful civilization because for the first time the people had to obey the law or face the consequences. It was important e they couldn't rob or attack people with getting in trouble. This was important because people couldn't steal or attack people. DEVELOPMENT OF WRITING SYSTEM- Before Mesopotamia there was no writing system. Their development of Cuneiform resulted in things being written down. Writing system is important because if we didn't have it we couldn't communicate or money wouldn't be developed. MONEY-During Mesopotamia trading was a major method in getting something that you wanted. However people began to want to be able to get something without having to give up something. If we didn't have money we would have to trade for food and other things. BRICKS- Mesopotamia people knew how to make bricks, they used mud and straw. When they figured this out they used bricks to make buildings. It was important to them because without bricks they could get attacked or they couldn't store their crops.

  82. Chariot-The chariot is a two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse. Before the chariot it took forever to walk. The chariot is important because it can let people and crops go faster.
    Code of Hammurabi-The Code of Hammurabi had 282 laws that were written by Babylonian king Hammurabi. This was a major step in the rise of Mesopotamia being a powerful civilization because. For the first time the people had to obey the law or face the consequences. It was important because they couldn’t rob or attacked anyone.
    Writing system-Before Mesopotamia there was no writing system. Their development of Cuneiform resulted in things being written down. Writing system is important because if we didn’t have it we couldn’t communicate and money wouldn’t be developed.
    Money-During Mesopotamia trading was a major method in getting something that you wanted. However, people began to want to be able to get something without having to give up. If we didn’t have money we would have to trade for food and other things.
    Bricks.-Mesopotamia people knew how to make bricks, they used mud and straw. When they figured this, they used the brick to make building. It was important because without bricks they could get attacked or they couldn’t store their crops.

  83. irrigation is extremely important because it watered their crops. the rain fall was very limited so they depended on the rivers to water their crops. they lived in a desert. bricks were important because it allowed them to build homes. they were very hard bricks. there was a lot of straw and mud and that was how they made their bricks. Money the people of Mesopotamia created the first money system. in Mesopotamia there was a lot of trading. but now they can get something without having to trade. the wheel it change when they invented the wheel because it made things more possible. it allowed the farmers to transfer there crops by wheel. yes irrigation is important but without the wheel how would they transfer they crops. the rise of city-states was total game changer for the people of the world. the people didn't wonder around the earth. the people helped each other out.

  84. The Wheel: We use wheels for everything. We use them for transportation. We wouldn't be able to get anywhere as fast as we do with wheels.
    Development of Writing System: We use writing almost everyday. School wouldn't be the same if we didn't have writing. We wouldn't be able to learn as well without it.
    Code of Hammburabi: If we didn't have code, or laws. The world wouldn't be the same. People would get away with way to many things.
    Chariot: The chariot is the car before the car. it was the idea of a car, but with no engine. the chariot was the only transportation they had to brng them places.

  85. Irrigation- It's important because we need crops to survive and food or we would die. In the blazing heat we need water. We need to be able to control how much water we give our crops.
    Money- Money's important because we need something to trade in return of goods. We wouldn't want to give up a prized possession for a loaf of bread. The trading system would be way different.
    Bricks- They're important because to build a sturdy house you need a strong and solid structure. If we only used other materials like mud and straw our houses would hold when its really windy or rainy. You need a strong structure that will hold up big buildings.
    Chariot- These are important because when people have to walk long distances there's a faster way to do it. When people have to collect water. Instead of walking back and forth every time make one fast trip. These made people more mobile.
    Writing System- Making the writing system was the best invention ever made. It gave us a chance to look back and have a way to understand or communicate. Now we have a way to keep track of important events by writing them down. Our world would be very slow without the writing system.

  86. Irrigation- it helps farmers control when and how much water their crops get. It was important to the Mesopotamian people because they were dying of starvation. It was also important because without irrigation farmers wouldn't be able to farm very well.

    Bricks- they used bricks to build buildings and they are made out of mud and straw. Bricks were important because it gave them shelter. It also protects them from attacks or natural disasters.

    Chariot- the chariot was a two wheeled cart pulled by horses. It was important because it allowed them to be more mobile. It helps them get around faster and can produce more crops and goods.

    Money- people in Mesopotamia started a system of money. It was important because you didn't have to give up something to get was also important because it allowed the people create the life they want.

    Wheel-it is a more simple invention. This allowed them get their crops to the storage bins into the town. It allows you to transport the crops

  87. chariot-The chariot allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be much more mobile. These event was a huge step forward in progressing as a civilization. The chariot is a two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse. This allowed the people of Mesopotamia to move around and travel much easier and faster.
    Money-The people of Mesopotamia started a system of money to get what they lacked. During Mesopotamia, trading was a major method in getting something that you wanted. However, people began to want to be able to get things without having to give up something.
    Wheel-It appears to be such a simply invention. The wheel totally changed how people lived and worked in Mesopotamia. The wheel made so many more things possible. In a farming community like Mesopotamia.

  88. Money:before there was money you had
    to give something up if you wanted it.but with money you don't have to give something.Writing system:without the writing system there would not be the law,civilization,etc.the writing system was called cuneiform:edged shape writing.they used writing for the law.Ziggurat:the ziggurat was a pyramid built to worship Gods.It was also used as a lookout tower.They used it to see if an enemy was coming.Bricks:the bricks were made up of mud and straw.they used it to make was also used to make the ziggurat.irrigation:means how much water the crops was needed because Mesopotamia was in a gave people energy to work like making th writing system.


  89. Social Studies Blog

    Bricks: The Mesopotamians built about all of their buildings out of bricks. Bricks are a protection for them. Without this protection, they could get attacked by warriors, wild animals or natural disasters.

    Money: Money makes things a lot simpler. If it wasn't for money, you would always have to give something to get something. Money is a very important way to trade.

    The Wheel: The wheel is such a very important invention, although so simple. With the wheel, Mesopotamians transported crops. Irrigation would be nothing without the wheel because how else are they going to transport their crops? You use the wheel very day of your life.

    Epic Of Gilgamesh: The Epic Of Gilgamesh was the first book ever written. It's what started all the other books. Imagine the world today with no books. It would be very hard to learn!

    Irrigation: Irrigation allowed the people of Mesopotamia to control how much water their crops received. Without irrigation, the crops would get too little or too much water and the people would starve.

  90. 1. Irrigation was very important to the people of Mesopotamia because it allowed farmers to control when the crops got water and how much of it. Irrigation helped to control the flooding. Irrigation gave everyone a surplus of food which they used for trading. Without irrigation, the fields would produce very little or no food. This resulted in the people starving to death.

    2. The wheel changed how the people lived and worked in Mesopotamia. The wheel allowed people to transport their crops. It would be difficult to move a giant load of wheat without the wheel. The wheel made moving and travelling much easier. A chariot would not exist without the wheel.

    3. The Epic of Gilgamesh was the first book ever written. This book set the path of reading and learning. Reading books allows people to become smarter which results in ideas, creativity and progress. A world without books would not be a smart one and would not see progress. The people of Mesopotamia were able to tell stories, record history and set the world on a path of reading and learning.

    4. The development of the writing system was a major event, not only of the history of Mesopotamia but of the history of the world. Before Mesopotamia, there was no system of writing. Without writing, money would not have been able to be developed. Their development of Cuneiform resulted in things being written down. Records were kept of things that people liked and things that were happening. Being able to write and keep track of things, allowed the people of Mesopotamia to develop of complex and organized civilization.

    5. The people of Mesopotamia started a system of money to get what they lacked. During this time, trading was a major method of getting what you wanted. However, people wanted to get something without having to give something up. With the trading system, if you wanted something to eat, you would have to give something up. With money, that all changed. They simply bought what they wanted. Money allowed people to create the life that they wanted.

  91. irrigation was really important because it helped control how much water farmers got. they built dams to flood the crops. After they built dams farmers got a lot of food for everybody.

    The wheel totally helped in Mesopotamia. without the wheel they would have had to carry things 1 by 1. but with the wheel you can carry things a trillion times faster.

    Bricks also helped a lot in Mesopotamia without bricks their would not be any houses or buildings. bricks were also really easy to make.

    the rise of kings helped because kings made rules so that no one would become crazy and try to steal anything. kings were the rulers therefor that meant you would go to jail if you did not obey.

    money helped because money can get what you want without trade. money meant that if you really wanted something you could get a cow for $50.00 without losing a horse.

  92. It appears to be such a simply invention. The wheel totally changed how people lived and worked in Mesopitamia. The wheel made so many more things possible. In farming community like Mesopitamia, it allowed the people to transport their crops using wheels, which ment it was a lot easier to get the crops to the storage bins and into the towns. picture a huge load of weat. It would be very diffuclt to move that load of weat without a wheel. Yes Irragation is important to the people of mesopitamia and to growing crops, but what if you are unable to transport those crops? They will all go to waste. Irragation does you no good without the wheel.which provides a way to transport the crops to where you want to go. it was moving and traveling much easier. How would you use a chariot without a wheel? think about today. How often does the wheel impact your day every day must be pretty significant.

  93. Irrigation is important because it allowed the farmers to water their crops whenever they wanted to. It saved Mesopatamia from starvation. It is way more important then the brick because without irrigation mesopatamia would not be alive.
    Bricks are important because it helped them produce better homes. They were better building material for the houses. it is more important than a chariot because you need a shelter.
    Ziggurat is important because they used for worshiping their gods. It was a good place to worship nad praise their gods instead in your home. It is more important then a wheel because it a very important for the people.
    Money was important because it allowed the people buy stuff not trade stuff. They didn't like trading because they had to give up something to get something. Money is more important thamn the wheel bcause it allowed the people to do what they wanted to do.
    The wheel is important because it allowed the people to move stuff around easier and faster. before they had to slide it around on the ground it was hard and not fuN. It is more important then the epic of Gilgamesh because it is a book and it is not that important.

  94. One of the most important events in Mesoptamia was the code of Hamibari. This event established a set of laws and punishments for breaking those laws. Another big event in Mesopitima was irrigation. Irragation was basically were you control thee amount of water you get for your crops. Also farming was another big event because it gave them food. And carriges were important because it got people were they needed to go. And also the wheel very important for travel.

  95. Irrigation was important to Mesopotamia because the farmers and the city because the city relied on the farmers for their. If the rivers overflowed to much the crops would loosen and flow with them and if the rivers didn't over flow at all the crops would die of dryness.

    The wheel was important because the farmers could transport their crops around the city. Imagine this without the wheel being invented it would effect our lives to because with out the wheel we would not have any automobiles.

    Ziggurat is important to Mesopotamia because it was used to worship their gods and used as a watch towers if there was going be war. it was high in the sky to warship that god because it was the most important to them.

    Chariot is imorptant because it was an easier to get to places and faster and it was pretty much like carriges just a bit more complicated I mean they used hores but with out that we would not even have know that we could make cars.

    Brick are important because they and used to make their houses, ziggurat, and buildings, they are made out of straw and mud. they were used to live in and in war and to hunt animals.

  96. Irrigation: Irrigation was was very important because it allowed the farmers of Mesopotamia to what they needed to for the water like how much andwhen. When the snow in to the north melted it flowed into the rivers to overflow and since there is irrigation they could control so the plants did not die. The irrigation was a big help because the crops were there food. If they did not have irrigation they would starve.

    Bricks: Bricks are very important because they helped provide a new way of making buildings. The people of Mesopotamia would make these by mixing mud and straw together and then lay them in the hot sun to harden. these bricks were strong so they protected people from animals and warriors.

    Code of Hammurabi: This code was very important because it was a patch of 282 laws desighned by the king. This helped Mesopotamia improve because it steped them up into being a new powerful civilization. It also was a big step for the king to take leadership because he might be hated because his laws. He decided if we get laws we can have more control so he made some laws.

    Ziggurat: The Ziggurat was very important because it is used for worship. This is a pyramid shaped building it is like a church. But this building is a symbolic structure that has a lasting imression. The people of Mesopotamia believed gods lived in the sky. So the largest building in the towns is the ziggurat. This was done to show how important there beliefs were.

    Wheel: The wheel was very important because lots of things have wheels like cars, bikes wagons, a nd many more things. The farmers were able to move there crops to the town. If you had abig load of wheat it would be pretty hard to move if you carry it because you would have to walk a long way and it would be heavy.

  97. Develpment of the wrighting system: The wrighting system is very important because iy was the first writing system to the world. If they dint invent that The Code Of Hammurabi wouldnt exist. Meany things wouldnt exist and archyalogists would still have to studdy thing the same way insted of getting to read things.

  98. Irrigation helped people farm and get water. It helped with controling water flow to the crops. They could control water flooding.
    Bricks helped people build structures that were stable.They could also use bricks and straw to make them more durable. They could use these bricks to ward off attackers by building walls.
    The chariot helped people move faster than foot. The chariot was pulled by 2 horses and had 2 wheels. This invention helped them move things quickly.
    The code of Hammurabi was a set of laws. They were established by king Hammurabi. Without this law people could do anything they wanted.
    Money helped people trade and buy things they wanted. With this they could get important things. Now with mony you can use it everywre in the world.


  99. Chariot- the chariot was a great mobile system in the time. Not as many crops went to waste with the chariots. This system is much faster than having to walk everywhere.

    Irrigation- Irrigation allowed people to control how much water they got. Without irrigation there would be no rain because Mesopotamia is in a desert. Without irrigation everybody would die because there would be no food.

    Ziggurat- A ziggurat is a pyramid where people go to and worship the gods. I is being studied to this day and it is 4,400 years old! They believed that the most powerful god lived in the sky so that is why they built the pyramid is so tall.

    Wheel- The wheel made a lot more things possible. irrigation does no good without the wheel because u would have the crops but you wouldn't be able to get to the towns fast enough. The world would be completely different without the wheel.

    Rise of Kings- There was never kings before Mesopotamia, everyone was on their own without a leader. No progress was being made without a leader. There was no control, and even if there was a law there was no one enforce it.

  100. Irrigation: allowed the farmers to control when and how much water their crops got. Mesopotamia was located in a desert, so rainfall was very low. Without irrigation, the crops would be scorched in the blazing heat of the area.
    Writing:This is not the case with Mesopotamia. Their development of Cuneiform resulted in things being written down. Records were kept, people wrote down what things were like, what was happening, what they did, etc. Money:During Mesopotamia, trading was a major method in getting something that you wanted. However, people began to want to be able to get things without having to give up something. So to and that's why they invented money. Wheel:The wheel totally changed how people lived and worked in Mesopotamia. The wheel made so many more things possible. In a farming community like Mesopotamia, it allowed the people to transport their crops using the wheels.Before Mesopotamia, people had no organization, no structure, no leader. rising of the kings :Everybody was out for themselves, or maybe a group, trying to survive.

  101. Irrigation was an extremely important invention for the people of Mesopotamia. Irrigation allowed the farmers to control when and how much water their crops got. Mesopotamia was located in a desert, so rainfall was very low. Without irrigation, the crops would be scorched in the blazing heat of the area. Bricks, the people of Mesopotamia developed a new way to construct buildings. They used bricks. To make these bricks, the people used mud and straw. They would mix these two ingredients together and let them dry in the scorching sun. This would produce a very hard, durable brick. Ziggurat, the creation of the Ziggurat is a major event in the history of Mesopotamia. A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. This building is a symbolic structure that has had a lasting impression. It is still studied and viewed today, over 4,000 years later. Money, during Mesopotamia, trading was a major method in getting something that you wanted. However, people began to want to be able to get things without having to give up something. Imagine if there was no money in our world. Imagine the only way to get something was to give up something. Development of Writing System, without question, the development of a writing system was a major event in not only the history of Mesopotamia, but in the history of the world. Before Mesopotamia, there was no system of writing. Nothing was written down. No records were kept, no journals, no diaries, no descriptions of what the world was like.

  102. Wheel: the wheel made everything much easier. The wheel also helped transporting crops and other materials. It also helped invent the chariot and other inventions

  103. Bricks: the people would make buildings out of bricks.Bricks are made by straw.This was very important to these people. They would protect these people.

    Code of Hummurabi: Is a set of 282 laws by king Hammurabi. People would steal if they didnt have laws. Laws brought order and stability to the people.

    Ziggurat: A pyramid shaped building used for worship. It is still viewed today over 4000 years later.It was so tall that it was used for a watch tower.

    Money: Trading was important to get something you want.Stages of money came from Lydians.If you want something new you would have to trade something of yours.

    The Wheel: The people invented the first wheel. It allows you to transport something to some where. It would impact the people in Mesopotamia.

  104. one of the invention that we yous so much the helped the Mesopotamians farm,teransporting.expeshely irrigation the crops would go to waste

  105. code of Hammurabi it had 282 laws.
    law was very important because if you were wealthy you would be robbed.

  106. irrigation allows farmers to control the water that there crops get.
    they used to rely on the tigress and euphertetes over flowing

  107. Chariot: The chariot is a two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse. It used to take people forever to walk to places. Irrigation is good, but a lot of the crops would go to waste if there wasn’t a quick way to get it to the storage bins. Ziggurats are big and cool, but if it takes people 2 days to get there, not very many people will go. With the chariot, the people of Mesopotamia took a step toward civilization.

    Code of Hammurabi: The code of Hammurabi is one of the most important events of Mesopotamia, it’s a set of laws that were written down by Babylonian King Hammurabi. You may think it sounds fun and exciting. If there were no consequences to doing bad things, people would steal, kill, and assault. If you had a million dollars, it would all get robbed. What good would a wheel do if you were constantly in hiding because you were scared you would get hurt. It made it clear that if you were bad, you would get punished.

    Rise of Kings: The world didn’t have kings, until Mesopotamia. Everybody was out for themselves, or maybe a group, trying to survive. Without leadership, no progress can occur. Once Mesopotamia began to have Kings, things changed. The people had someone who took control and helped them progress. If people are left without any leadership or direction, nothing gets done. As a bunch of individuals, nothing is accomplished, but as one, great things can happen. What good would a law do if there was no King to enforce it? It would be useless. Many people argue that if it wasn’t for the King, progress would not have been made in farming, writing, religion, or building.

    Ziggurat: The Ziggurat is a major event in the history of Mesopotamia. A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. This building is a symbolic structure that has had a lasting impression. It is still studied and viewed today, over 4,000 years later. This building gave the people of Mesopotamia a place to worship, which was a major step towards creating a civilization. It was a symbol for the people of Mesopotamia to believe it. The people believed that the most powerful god lived in the sky. They built the ziggurat so high to get as close to the sky as possible. The largest structure in the whole town was always the ziggurat. This was done to show how important it was to the people and their beliefs. In times of war, it also served a very important role. Since it was so high, the ziggurat was used as a watch tower. People could see in all directions, so if an enemy force was advancing, they would be able to see that long before they arrived at the gates. This gave the army a chance to get ready. Sure there are other important events, but without the ziggurat, it would have been much easier for an enemy army to attack the city and destroy it.

    Money: The people of Mesopotamia started a system of money to get what they lacked. During Mesopotamia, trading was a major method in getting something that you wanted. However, people began to want to be able to get things without having to give up something. Imagine the only way to get something was to give up something. What do you think? Things certainly would be a lot different. With the trading system, if you wanted something to eat, you would have to give up something. If you wanted a new pair of shoes, you would have to give up something. With money, that all changed, people no longer had to give up something to get something, they simply bought it. The very early stages of money was developed by the Lydian's during the days of Mesopotamia and it has obviously lasted through time to become a major factor in our world. Money drives people. Money allows people to create the life they want. There are many inventions of Mesopotamia that are significant. Perhaps none can rival the importance of money in today’s world. Think about it: want to set up some irrigation in our world? You must buy it. Want to use things with wheels? You have to buy it. Punishment for not obeying many laws? Having to pay a fine.

  108. Ziggurat
    The ziggerat is a place where you worship the gods, and the gods of coarse are very important. The ziggert is a pyramid shaped building. Sometimes the ziggerat is used for a lookout tower
    when the enemies are attacking.
    Irrigation helps the farmers a lot. Irrigation lets the farmers control the water. Ther use tigris as a drain and euphates for a flood.
    Brickes helped them out a lot because it makes the building more sturdey. It can also help from natural disasters. It can also shield them from attacker more.
    Rise of kinges
    The rise of kings are people who rule a certain area. They alsoset laws. Without laws the world whould be dangerous.
    The wheel
    The wheel is a circular object that helps transportation easier. The wheel helps out a lot by carring people and items and sometimes animals. Now the wheel is used for a lot of things.

  109. Bricks: Bricks made house's for Mesopotamia people. They kept people safe from strong winds, warriors, wild animals, and natural disasters. Bricks were stronger than the huts people made in the Stone Age.

    Irrigation: Irrigation was the invention that allowed the farmers to control when and how much water their crops got. Without irrigation, the crops would die from the heat of the area. Irrigation allowed the Mesopotamia to control the flooding, by digging ditches to their fields, resulting in a water supply, even in a desert. Without irrigation, the fields would produce very little to no food, resulting in the people starving to death.

    Money: The people of Mesopotamia started a system of money to get what they lacked. Before money, you had to trade things to get what you wanted. Money allows people to create the lift they want. With money, people no longer had to give up something to get something, they simply bought it.

    The Wheel: The wheel was a simple invention that allowed people to get their crops into towns much faster. Without the wheel, crops would all go to waste. The wheel made traveling much easier and quicker.

    Ziggurat: Ziggurat was a pyramid shaped temple where people would pray and worship the gods. This building gave people of Mesopotamia a place to worship, which was a major stop towards creating a civilization. The Ziggurat was important because they could use it as a watch tower to see enemies approach. This them time to get their army ready.

  110. "Bricks: The people of mesopotamia developed a new way to construct buildings. They used bricks. To make these bricks, the people used mud and straw.

    "Irrigation: Irrigation allowed the farmers to control when and how much water their crops got. Without irrigation, the crops would be scorched in the blazing heat of the area. The effect of this flooding was fertile soil for the people os Mesopotamia to use in farming.

    "Ziggurat: A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. It is still studied and viewed today, over 4,000 years later. The people believed that the most powerful god lived in the sky.

    "Money: The people of Mesopotamia started a system of money to get what hey lacked. During Mesopotamia, trading was a major method in getting something that you wanted. People no longer had to give up something to get something, they simply bought it.

    "The wheel: The wheel totally changed how the people lived and worked in Mesopotamia. The wheel made so many more things possible. Irrigation does no good without the wheel, which provides a way to transport the crops to where you want them to go.

  111. The chariot allowed people to travel faster to each town. The chariot was a 2 wheeled cart that was pulled by horse. It would take 2 days to get from place to place faster and transfer crops and goods to other towns.
    The brick was a good invention because now they could build better and stronger houses. They made the brick with straw and mud and sun dried them. With just a cave and not a brick house, they could get attacked by weather, wild animals and warriors.
    The wheel was a much needed invention because we would not have cars or the chariot. The wheel was to transport crops to the holding places. The wheel made things happen faster in Mesopotamia.
    The rise of kings was the first try of rulers. Before kings there was no organization or leaders so people could do whatever they wanted to do. Now they had someone to look up to and follow.
    A ziggurat is a temple used to worship gods. The ziggurat was a place to worship gods and a start of a civilization in Mesopotamia. They built it as high to the sky as possible so it could be used as a watch tower.

  112. Bricks-Bricks were important because they made building much more stronger

    Money-Money was important because it helped them keep organized

    The wheel- the wheel was important because they got to places way faster

    Writing system-the writing system was huge because without it we would have to guess and look at artifacts to know about the past

    Epic of Gilgimesh-this was huge cause it led to more books to come and without books the world would be way worse in many different days

  113. Irrigation

    Irrigation was an extremely important invention for the people of mesopotamia. Irrigation allowed the farmers to control when and how much water their crops got. Mesopotamia was located in a desert, so rainfall was very low. Without irrigation, the crops would be scorched. Irrigation allowed the people of Mesopotamia to control the flooding, by digging ditches to their fields, resulting in a water supply, even in a desert.


    The people of Mesopotamia developed a new way to construct buildings. They used bricks. To make these bricks, the people used mud and straw. They would mix these two ingredients together and let them dry in the scorching sun. This would produce a very hard, durable brick. People were able to build buildings that were very strong.


    The chariot allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be much more mobile. Before the chariot it took forever for people to walk places.
    The chariot is a two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse.

    Code of Hammurabi

    Without question the code of Hammurabi is one of the most important events of Mesopotamia. The Code of Hammurabi is a set of 282 laws that were written down by Babylonian King Hammurabi. But just think for a moment how dangerous life would be. If there were no consequences to doing bad things, people would go crazy. People would steal, kill, assault. Without law total chaos would erupt.


    The creation of the Ziggurat is a major event in the history of Mesopotamia. A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. The people believed that the most powerful god lived in the sky.

  114. Irrigation: when the river didn't flood the farmers invented irrigation. Irrigation is when and how much water the crops get. The people WERE dying of starvation.

    Bricks: bricks are what they used to build there buildings. They would mix mud and straw together and leave it in the hot sun. They couldn't make the hanging gardens without bricks.

    Chirot: a chirpy is a 2 wheeled cart that horses pushed and people rode in. This cart allowed Mesopotamia to be more mobile.

    Ziggurat: the ziggurat was a place where people worshipped. The ziggurate was so high up. This building symbolizes structure.

    Money: the people in mesothelioma started a system of money to get what they needed. The people loved to text there with money. If you wanted to use something then you had to pay for it.

  115. Bricks-Bricks are very important to the Mesopotamians because it protected them from weather and natural disasters. It also protected them from other armies. Without bricks there would be no storage area for crops.

    Chariot- The chariot allowed people to move around much faster. Without the chariot, crops could go to waste because they could not get them to the storage bins in time. People could move from place to place much faster so it helped them meet more people.

    Development of Writing - Development of writing was one of the most important developments for the people of Mesopotamia. It allowed them to make a better city. Without writing they could not have made a system of money. Mesopotamians were able to write down what happened so that they could study history and not make the same mistakes over and over.

    Money - Money was an important development for Mesopotamians. It replaced the trading system which meant they could get things they wanted without having to give something up. Money drives people to invent things and work hard. Like today, money drives things.

    The wheel - The wheel allowed them to transport things way easier. They could move their crops to storage bins and into towns. Wheels were used on chariots.

  116. Bricks- These are inportant because we use them dialy. We ussaly use them to bild buildings. They allso are used for a sturddy base for buildings.

    Wheel- The wheel was very inporatant in the Mesopotamia time. Becuase it help farmers transport crops from place to place. The wheel is inportant today becuase the wheel carries our cars.

    Money- In that time trading was a huge thing. with money people wouldnt have to trade good things they might need some day. If they trade it and they found out they need it there in trouble.

    Writing- Writing is a big thing. Without writing we wouldnt be abl to write down records, jurnols, and more. Now with writing its much easer to keep records of things.

    Ziggurat- The ziggurat was used to worship. The gods are in the sky so they build the ziggurat so high. They were also used for a look out, since they were so high they could see great distances, so if they see there enemys so they can have time to prepare.

  117. irrigation-irrigation allowed farmers to controller when and how much water their crops get. Mesopotamia was located in a desert so they did not get much rain,without irrigation the crops would be destroyed by either floods or droughts.
    Code of Hammurabi-the code of Hammurabi set 282 laws that were written by king Babylonian. If there wasn't a code there would be no law,without the law there would be chaos! killing,stealing,assaulting,the law brought order and stability for Mesopotamia.
    Ziggurat-a ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods.the building is a symbolic structure that has lasted over 4000 years and its still viewed and studied today.the building gave the people a place to worship,which is a major step to creating a civilization.
    Development of writing system-before mespotamia there was no writing. Since nothing was written down archeologists had to study artifacts to figure out the past. If there wasn't a writing system the kings wouldn't have any control over mespotamia.
    Money-during mespotamia trading was a major method in getting something u wanted.however people were getting tierd of having to give up something to get something like food.with money people no longer had to give something up to eat or to get clothes.

  118. Irrigation
    Irrigation was a system the people of Mesopotamia used to control when and how much water their crops get.

    Code of Hammurabi
    The code of Hammurabi was a set of 282 laws that were written down by Babylonian King Hammurabi, the people had to obey the law or face consequences.

    The Ziggurat was a pyramid shaped building that was used for worship,it was made so high because of their sky god, it was also used as a watch tower.

    Rise of Kings
    There were no Kings before Mesopotamia rose, before Mesopotamia people had no leader or civilization, and because of that no progress could occur.

    The Wheel
    The Wheel totally changed the way people live d and worked in Mesopotamia it allowed the people to haul crops to the storage bins.

  119. IRRAGATION: People would dig ditches in their fields. When the rivers would overflow they would have water. Without the water everyone would die because there wouldn,t be enough crops.

    BRICKS: They would make bricks out of mud and straw. People could make lots of houses because there was lots of mud and straw in the area. Without these houses people could die of natural disasters, animals, and other people.

    CHARIOT: This allows people to move much, much faster than before. Without the chariot, lots of food would go to waste because there wasns't a fast enough way to get all the food. If a place was very cool and it took 2 days to get there, not very many people will go.

    ZIGGURAT: They are a pyramid shaped building used for worshiping gods. In times of war they were used as watch towers. The people believed the most powerful god lived in the sky.

    THE WHEEL: This helped make the chariot. This also made carrying heavy loads more easly done. Think about it without the wheel we wouldn't have cars.

  120. Epic of Gilgamesh
    The Epic of Gilgamesh was the first book ever written. This book started all the rest of the books we have today.

    The wheel
    The wheel was one of the very important inventions of Mesopotamia. Without the wheel farming would be very hard, almost impossible.

    Every building In Mesopotamia was made out of brick. Brick was also invented in Mesopotamia.

    A pyramid shaped building used for worship. This building is a symbolic structure that has had a lasting impression.

    The chariot was another invention of Mesopotamia. It helped people to be more mobile.

  121. 9thperiodjaxon haaseOctober 14, 2013 at 1:54 PM

    i think irragation is important because they would have to wait for the flood. which is luck if it comes. once a year

    I think money is important because if you needed a pair of shoes you need to trade. if went to the doctoer you needed o trade but if it wasn't good enough you wouln't go to the docter.

    i think bricks are important because they are used to build houses. They also are important because o the animals. and they won't get wet.

    I think chariot is important because they can move faster and easier. Say you had to walk 10 miles you could ride a chariot and be ther in 12 minutes. if going to school you had to walk a while you could get there in 5 minutes.

    i think wheel is important because you would have a wheel for a chariot. IT CAN HELP YOU IN FARMING TO TRANSPORT CROPS. IT IMPACTS YOU'RE DAY BY CARRYING YOU TO PLACE TO PLACE.

  122. The ziggurat gave the people of Mesopotamia a place to worship. People used the building as a watch tower. Without the ziggurat it would have been a east for an enemy army to attack.
    There would be no leadership without the rise of kings. There would be nobody to control and help the city. There would be no use of laws without a king. (rest on paper)

  123. Irrigation- allowed farmers to control when and how much water their crops got. Without irrigation, the crops would be scorched in the blazing heat of the area. It allowed the people of Mesopotamia to control he flooding, by digging ditches to their fields.

    Bricks- the people of Mesopotamia developed a new way to construct buildings. To make the bricks they used mud and straw. The people able to build buildings were very strong. It was important because people were able to protect themselves.

    Code of Hammurabi- is a set of 282 laws that were written down by Babylonian King Hammurabi. If there were no consequences to doing bad things, people would go crazy. Without law, total chaos would erupt.

    Ziggurat- is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. The building gave the people of Mesopotamia a place to worship, which was a major step towards creating a civilization. They built the ziggurat so high to get as close to the sky as possible because they believed that the most powerful god lived in the sky.

    Rise of City-States- was a total game changer for the people of the world. Once the Mesopotamians started to establish city-states, the civilization really started to grow prosper. It meant that the people did not have to constantly wander around the earth, hoping to find animals to hunt.

  124. 1.Irrigation Irrigation is when the farmers can control where and how much water they get. They needed irrigation because crops would die in the blazing sun. There would be little food without irrigation.
    2. Bricks They bulit their building out of bricks. They made straw out of mud and bricks. They also used the bricks for protection of attackers.
    3. Chariot The chariot helped the people be more mobile. The chariot is a two wheeled cart pulled by a horse. The chariot helped the people produce crops.
    4. Money was a way for people to get something they wanted without having to give something up. Win money you could simply just buy it. They would have to pay fines for wrong doing.
    5. Wheel The wheel allowed people to transport stuff. The wheel made many things possible. It allowed people to move stuff place to place.

  125. Irrigation is important because it allows farmers to control how much water their crops get.

    Bricks are important because they can build buildings and protect themselves.

    Chariot is important because it poled people around much easier and faster.

    Ziggurat is important because it was a place for people to worship which is a major step toward creating a civilization.

    The Wheel was important because it allowed the farmers to transport their crops quicker.

  126. Irrigation-1. Without irrigation, Mesopotamia might have never been.2. Food was more constant.3. Made by digging holes that branch out to different fields.

    Bricks-1. Helped make early buildings.2. Made of mud and straw/dry grass.3. Made walls a lot harder.

    Chariot- A huge step forward in civilization.2. 2 wheeled cart.3. Helped with irrigation.

    Ziggurat- 1. A place of worship.2. One of the first things that made civilizations what they are today.3. It would have been much easier to attack the city then destroy it.

    Money- 1. First ever money system.2. This lead to trading.3. Had to pay fines as punishment.

  127. brick:brick is made out of mud mud brick's are used to make homes for people,animals and it can be used to make ather thing's like bilding's stuff like that

  128. Bricks:Well bricks changed how people build their houses today. It changed because if it wasent for them then we wouldnt have bricks for houses today because instead of useing like straw, or mud they used brick so then it would make the house more sturdy than anything else.

  129. Irrigation-irrigation helps control the amount of water the crops get or need.

    Money-money was like a big deal back then well and today because back then if they had no money then they would have to trade something just to eat and if money wasent ivented then we wouldnt have half of the things we have today.

    Weel- they ivented the first weel ever and they used it mainly for crops to gather and take places.


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