
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ancient Egypt: Let's Gather some Info Together!

Welcome to Ancient Egypt. It is a land of mystery and fascination. As we begin our 3rd ancient world of the school year, we will be headed to the computer lab to gather some information. Below, you will find helpful ancient Egypt Links that will provide many resources and pieces of information. Also, you will find a "document" in which you will share what you discover about various topics of ancient Egypt. 


Task: Post a comment with at least ONE fact from each of the 6 categories:
Daily Life
Nile River



  1. When did Egypt exist?

  2. children were taught to be rspectful

    religon they belived in polythiseism

    nile river prvided water for crops

    mumeifacation they removed the brain first

    geography very dessertish

    pyrimids are tombs for pharohs

  3. Daily life- if a couple could not have a child they would adopt one.

    The Nile is the world's longest river. It is over 4000 miles long!

    The earliest ancient Egyptians buried their dead in small pits in the desert.

    The ancient Egyptians worshiped over 2000 gods and goddesses.

    The ancient Egyptians thought of Egypt as being divided into two types of land, the 'black land' and the 'red land'.

    There are about eighty pyramids known today from ancient Egypt.

  4. Daily Life-Kids were taught well to be kind and nice to others.
    Nile River-The Nile River is the longst river in the world.
    Mummification-The people were wrapped in strips of linen.
    Religion-The people were not scared of the gods, for the most part.
    Geography-There were deserts to the east and west of the Nile River and mountains to the south.
    Pyramids-The pyramids were where they buried the parorahs.

  5. The ancient Egyptians were not in love with death, but with life!

    The Nile is the world's longest river it is over 4000 miles long.

    The ancient Egyptians developed a method of preserving bodies so they would remain lifelike.

    The ancient Egyptians worshiped over 2000 gods and goddesses.

    The Nile is the world's longest river it is over 4000 miles long.

    The ancient Egyptians thought of Egypt as being divided into two types of land, the "black land" and the "Red Land".

    Pyramids to hold the royal tombs of their kings.

  6. In ancient Egypt children were the heart of the family. Everything in Egypt depended on the Nile. Only the the people who were rich enough got mummified. People in Egypt believed in the afterlife. The Nile was the main food source for the Egyptians. The ancient pyramids were actually tombs for pharaohs.(Rulers)

  7. Daily Life,In ancient Egypt, children were the heart of the family. If a couple could not have a child, they adopted a child.

    Nile, The Nile is the world's longest river. It is over 4000 miles long!

    Munnification,The best way the ancient Egyptians knew how to preserve a body was to mummify it. The poor placed the bodies of their dead relatives out in the sun, in the desert sand. The bodies mummified naturally.

    Gods And Goddeses, Some gods and goddesses took part in creation, some brought the flood every year, some offered protection

    Geoghrophy, The 'black land' was the fertile land on the banks of the Nile. The ancient Egyptians used this land for growing their crops

    Pyrimids, The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens.

  8. Pyramids: The first pyramid was the Step Pyramid. The Step Pyramid was built in 2700 BCE, that about 5000 years ago. They were made to hold the dead kings and to keep them safe.

  9. daily life

    ancient egyptions were not in love with life but with death.


    anyone who could afford it went to a proffesional mummy maker.


    pharoahs were buried in pyramids.


    egypt was made into two types of land.

  10. daily life
    tey enjoyed life to the fullest

    they started burrying the dead people in coffins with lenin on them

    there are about 80 pyrimids known today

    the red land was the barren desert that protected the eygepts two sides

  11. The Nile River flows North.
    When a person was mummified, they left the heart in the body.

  12. 1 Daily life they work very hard
    3 people wanted to be there best afterlife

  13. The ancient Egyptians were fascinating people, and thanks to the movies, are often misunderstood. The ancient Egyptians were not in love with death, but with life! They enjoyed their life to the fullest. They worked very hard, but saved time to enjoy family, friends, music, parties, swimming, fishing, hunting, sailing, and especially their children, all of which were very important to the ancient Egyptians.

    The Old Kingdom (2700 BCE-2200 BCE): Pharaohs had absolute power and were considered gods on earth. But that's not why this kingdom is nicknamed "The Pyramid Age". Pharaohs were buried in pyramids only during this time period in history.

    The best way the ancient Egyptians knew how to preserve a body was to mummify it. The poor placed the bodies of their dead relatives out in the sun, in the desert sand. The bodies mummified naturally.

  14. daily life for the ancient egyptions revolved around the nile and the fertile land along its banks.the yearly flooding of the nile enriched the soil and brought good harvest and wealth to the land.
    the nile river is approximatley 4132 miles is beileived to be the longest river in the world.
    the earliest egyptions buried thier dead in small pits in the desert.the heat and dryness of the sand dehytrated the bodies quickly.

  15. daily life]the egyptshions enjoyed their life to the fullest. They worked very hard, but saved time to enjoy family, friends, music, parties, swimming, fishing, hunting, sailing, and especially their children, all of which were very important to the ancient Egyptians.

    The nile river helped in many ways it allowed them fish,water,trading and it helped them build.

    mumification is when an important person dies and they take out the brain and then the other organs then they wrap them in linen.

    Ancient Egyptian religion was a complex system of polytheistic beliefs and rituals which were an integral part of ancient Egyptian society. It centered on the Egyptians' interaction with many deities who were believed to be present in, and in control of, the forces and elements of nature.

  16. The mummification starts with them wrapping the mummy first at the head and neck. Then the toes and fingers are wrapped. After the wrapping they put on the Isis knot amulet which will protect the baody. The plummet amulet which will keep the person balanced in the next life. The arms and legs are tied together. A scroll is wrapped between the hands.

  17. I think that mummifaction is a cool
    thing because the prossces is cool because they could find the body and the jars with the organs to study what the ate and stuff

  18. Daily Life

    The people back then would adopt kids if they didn't have their own.

    Nile River

    It had one major flood every year


    When they took out the internal organs they put them in what's called a canopic jar.

  19. Daily life

    this is where their kids would be nice to the kids and worked for them.

    the nile river was 400ft long

    mummification was only used for

    the kings or very biumportant people

    they believed in many gods.

    the black land was the fetile.

    the pyramid were used to hold the mummification and the kings or important people.

  20. The earliest people of Egypt buried thier bodies in the desert.They started burying in coffins to protect them from animals. Over the years the egyptains devoloped a way to preserve so they would remain lifelike. They wrapped people in linen. That is mummification.

  21. Daily life-Eygptians were fasicating people.Most of them were light-hearted which means they were kind.Children were the hearty of the family.
    Nile River-The Nile is the world's longest river. It is over 4000 miles long! It is shaped like the lotus flower so often seen in ancient Egyptian art.

  22. one thing i learned about about mummification is that they covered the mummies with liner so that they would look lifelike

  23. the ancient agyptians were not in love with death,but with life!

  24. Daily life:The Egyptians were not in love with death, but instead in love with life.The Egyptians loved children and the Egyptians would adopt a child if they could not have one. Egyptian children were taught to be honest and respectful to their parents. It was important for Egyptian children to be caring because the Egyptians believed in ma'at which means order and justice.

  25. DAILY life what they always do from childhood to adult hood.
    NILE RIVER is now a famous river it survived more than a million years.

    MUMMIFICATION is a process to keep the body from rotting away so like otzi he was mummified in ice except the phosphor king tut was in bandages.

    Religion religion is a war nobody can,t beat if your family has a different religion and your friends don't like it they need to suck it up or get a different friend.

  26. Pyramids:The pyramids were used to store dead people.
    Mummification: Mummificaton is when the take the organs out of a dead person and wrap the dead person in silk.

  27. Daily life:In ancient egypt children were the heart of the family.

  28. The daily life of Egyptians consisted of brick homes, the Nile river, and the people.

    The Nile river is over 4000 feet long!

    Mummification happened by drying someone in the sun for a long time.

    Religion for the people was important to remember all the gods.

    The black land was good for farming so that's where the Egyptians would farm.

    There are around 80 known pyramids. today

  29. The Daily Life- They had brick homes, and had high value families.

    Nial River- It was the biggest river ever!

    Mummification-They whould burry them in coffins to protect them.

  30. daliy life they enjoyed there live to the fullest.

    pyramids there are 80 pyramids known to this day

    nile river is the longest river in the wold

    geography they divided it into to types of land

    mumies they placed the bodys in the sand out on the sun

  31. The daily life in Egypt is like Mesopotamia, the revolved around the Nile river and fertile land along its banks. Mummification is when someone important dies, like King Tut, they took a lot of organs out and they put sand to dehydrate the body quickly. Pyramids, they used the pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and queens. Geography, black land was fertile land on the banks of the Nile river and that was great for growing crops. The red land was a desert that protected Egypt on two sides. This protected Egypt from any invaders. Religion, the Egyptians worshiped many gods/goddesses, also known as polytheism. One of the gods they worshiped was Hathor and Osiris and that's all I know.

  32. Daily Life:The ancient Egyptians work very hard.
    Nile River:The Nile river is the longest river in the world. It is 4000 miles long
    Mummification:The poor placed the body's out in the sun in the sand.

  33. daily life the Egyptians a lot of farming and fishing .
    NILE RIVER was the river Cleopatera sailed on .
    RELIGON went to King Otisis Anubis Isis and some other ones.
    Geography the sailed.
    pyramids that is were the PHarows lived that is were people got burraid that is were mummification happened
    MUMMIFICATION started one someone died they put a long ivery hook up your nose and took out your biran then the organs and put in jars the one were the lung go is called happy

  34. The Egyptians worked hard and also but they made some time to do some normal stuff like what we do today like swimming, hanging out with their children, and many more things.

    The Nile River is the worlds longest river! It is over 4000 miles long! Water would run off the mountains and the Nile would flood. That happens each Spring.

    The Egyptians buried their dead in small pits in the desert.

    The Eqyptians worshiped over 2000 gods and goddesses.

    The Egyptians thought Egypt as being divided into two lands the Black land and the Red land

  35. Daily Life-They enjoyed life to the fullest.
    Nile River-The nile river is the worlds longest river.
    mummification-the poor placed the bodies in the sun and they mummified naturally.
    Religion-Thay divided it into two typs of lande.
    pyramids- there were ofer 60.

  36. Daily Life:Most ancient Egyptians had worked as either scribes,craftsmen,farmers,or field hands

    Geography:The people of ancient Egypt thought of their land being divided into two types of land, the "red land", and the "black land."

  37. Alright was trying to figure out e-mail and I did not do it right. So in the morning if the other people pick, here is what i will want to be. Clamity Jane. Just in case if those other people talk to you before I do. I also dont have you until way later because of challenge i did not want other people waitng for me to answer.

  38. gods and godesses were the main rulers back then. I know there were pharoas and all that junk, but gods and godesses were the main rulers. People who worshiped the ancient gods were called polytheism's. People who only believed in one god (father almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth) were called monotheism's, poly meaning multiple and mono meaning one.

    Next we have mummification. Mummification was a process to basically send off the spirit of a pharaoh, to the heavens. The way they judge if they will go to the heavens is if they have a pure heart. The one way they use to find that out is if there heart is weighed as light as a feather.


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