
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Mysterious Death of Otzi the Iceman

Otzi the Iceman frozen in ice
Otzi the Iceman has taught us a lot about certain things from 5,500 years ago. From Otzi and the fact that he was preserved in the ice, we can learn what people during that time period wore, ate, lived, and did. Otzi was 5'2" and about 45 years old. He had worn down teeth from eating tough grain and bread. He was wearing all homemade clothing designed to keep him warm. One aspect of the Otzi story is his death. How exactly did he die? It may seem like "no big deal," that he just died. But certain clues on Otzi's body suggest that there might be a mystery here. Based on clues archaeologists have uncovered, there are four possible theories on how Otzi died. 
Mysteries of Otzi PowerPoint from class
The Four Theories:
1. Suffered Hypothermia
2. Was robbed
3. Assassinated
4. Died in battle

Task: Read through each Theory and tell me what you think happened. It could not have been all four, only one of them happened, but which one? The debate rages on...
Example Comment: 
Opinion: I think it was......(state which theory you think it was and support your opinion with 3 supporting details.

DUE: Sunday, September 22nd at 11:59 p.m.

Points: 20


  1. I think he either suffered hypothermia or died in battle. I think that because it was cold in the alps he could have got lost and froze to death by falling through the ice.I think he could have died in battle because of the weapons on him and he could of been shot by the arrowhead in his shoulder and because of the dna on the weapons.

  2. I think that Otzi died of hypothermia because he was covered with ice which is really cold. the reason I think it was hypothermia is because when you have hypothermia your blood stops flowing right and scienctists said that his blood wasnt flowing right. Another thing is maybe he got shot on the way to his destination but didnt think anything of it. When he took a break he might of died then but he probably died because it was mostly below 0 there. Most peoplewould survive in that kind of weather. That is why I think he died from hypothermia.

  3. I think Otzi died in battle because
    -He has a hole in the back of his head.
    -He also has an arrow head in his shoulder.
    -He also has four different kind's of blood on him.

  4. I think is was assassination.
    I think this because he had valuable tools on him. And because he has the aroow through his back was because he was doing somthing dangerous and someone saw him and shot him with the arrow. Anither reason i think he was assassinated was because he was told to do stuff but his body was so weak that he could not do those things so the people shot him.


    I think he died in battle because...

    1. Maybe he was going to shoot an arrow with his bow and the string broke and hit him in the sholder blade.
    2.Maybe he had other peoples blood on him from carring people to safty.
    3.Last of all maybe, he could have died from internal bleeding.

  6. My theory is that Otzi died in a battle because they found four blood stains.Two blood stains on his arrow, and a another blood stain was found on his dagger, and the last blood stain was found on his coat. After the battle he tryed fixing the arrows for another battle. Before he could fix it he was shot in the back. He placed his weapons on a ledge around him and he slumped over.

  7. kobi terpstra 6th periodSeptember 17, 2013 at 1:16 PM

    I think he survived battle and was a leader,but after that i think he got assasinated.I also think when they tried to assasinate him he tried to fight back and thats how all the blood got all over his stuff.

  8. I think he was shot by someone and it paralyzed his left arm. The one inch arrow-head in his left shoulder tore through his nerves, and blood vessels, this shattering his left shoulder blade and paralyzing his left arm. That could also be why his left arm was across his chest. Otzi also has signs of internal bleeding. That is how I think Otzi died... -Payton DeJong

  9. I think that there is a combination to Otzi thee iceman's death. Here is what I think happened. He was looking for a drink in the hot son and he also needed to cool off. And then some Cro-Magnon jumped him. And he fought back and hit them POW! So then then the other saw his friend knocked and shanked Otzi in the back.
    And then he was going to get away but nope. The Cro-Magnon kicked him in the back and down went Otzi into the water. I feel bad for his back. And that is my conclusion for my theory. Thank you.

  10. 1.I think it was died in battle with he aorrow in the back and his arm got parelieds. He staped the guy/girl then got the blood on his dagger. He was going down the mountin then.

    2. Sorry I stopped now lets go on. He was going down the mountin then. he died of hypothermia beacause the black all over him are frost bite.

    3.Another thing is that he was assassinated so if who was a leader of a tribe and he.the person who killed him would be the leader of the tribe

  11. I think he suffered Hypothermia beacause of the weather of the Alps. I also thought that the arrow came from a bad hunter, or a beginner. The blood came from 4 different birds that have been shot. Then, the blood splattered down on his stuff.

  12. I think their was a battle because their was a hole in the back of his head that could be from a arrow and he had a arrow in his left shoulder blade. I for sure think it is not that he was robbed because if they tried to shoot him with the arrow they probably wanted to take the copper axe and the bow and arrows.

  13. I think that Otzi died in battle because there was other people blood on his things. There was intense border dispute between the people at the time. There was also an arow stuck in his sholder at the time so he might of been shot.

  14. I think Otzi suffered from hypothermia. Scientists thought his body was so well preserved he must have froze to death. Another reason why i think he froze to death is because the weather in th ealps can change so quickly. The last reason is because his muscles were badly decompsed. thats it.

  15. I think Otzi died in battle because he had 4 different types of blood on him. I also think he could have been robbed beacause the backpack and pouch the hikers found were both empty. I don't think he could have been assasinated because if he would have been, I think the people would have tried to hide his body. They wouldn't just leave it there.

  16. I think he was robbed or was assinated because why would he be walking by himself in the alps if there were an outrage or some one shot him and not his friend to warn them that thay mean war.

  17. I think he died in a battle because he hade blood all over him but it might of been his blood. also I think he was in battle because he had his bow and arrows and every thing he needed for battle. And he had blood on his dager to.

  18. I think that he died in battle because he had 4 different types of blood on him. otzi used 2 different arrows to kill 2 different people. Soon he was killed after.

  19. I have choosed hypothermia becuse he was in the alps and of course it is freezing. I think he got lost someehow and did not know where to go. He was also in ice so he must of walked over thin ice and did not know and fell in and could not get out. And the items he must of have must be still on him but got ruined when the police tried to get him out. And once the finaly got him out much clothing was damaged. And his skin must of got the yellow from the ice, and thats why i think Otzi died from hypothermia. Zach

  20. I have choosed hypothermia becuse he was in the alps and of course it is freezing. I think he got lost someehow and did not know where to go. He was also in ice so he must of walked over thin ice and did not know and fell in and could not get out. And the items he must of have must be still on him but got ruined when the police tried to get him out. And once the finaly got him out much clothing was damaged. And his skin must of got the yellow from the ice, and thats why i think Otzi died from hypothermia. Zach

  21. I think Otzi was assassinated because he was found with an arrow head in his shoulder and a hole in the back of his head. I also think he was assassinated because some of the artifacts (the birch box and back pack) were empty maybe some one murdered him for his valuables in the artifacts.

  22. Hey Mr. Klumper, When I was doing the thing on Otzi I accidentally clicked anonymous. I don't know if you'll get it but I can always re-do it.

  23. I think that he was assassinated because he had an hole in the back of his head and there was an arowhead in his left shoulder,Otzi had tattoos i think the meant something to his death because he could have got them because of his religious beliefs and the copper ax was very valuable in that time so they killed him for his stuff.

  24. I think it was that he died in battle. First, on his weapons, there were 4 different types of blood found on them. Second, there was a arrow found in his shoulder blade, so he had to have been shot. Lastly, there was blood on his jacket, so either he was bleeding heavily, or he was helping friends.

  25. I think it was that he died in battle, because he had an arrow going through his arm which could have made it so he could have been shot in battle. When they found blood on him it could have been because he was helping his friends get to safety that were badly wounded. Last some of his living friends could have buried him in the snow. That is why I think he could have died in battle.

    I think he died because their where different peoples blood on him,and he has a hole in the back of his head.He had a arrowhead in his shoulder blade.

  27. I think that otzi died of assassination because he had a arrow in his solder and a hole in his head he was berried in the ground because he fell over into the ice and fell in so that is why I think he was assasinated

  28. I think he died in battle because it would make the most sense because if he had the arrow and blood he probably got shot.

  29. I believe that Otzi died from hypothermia (froze to death). Here are the three reasons why I believe this.
    1. Some scientists believe he froze quickly after his death because his body was well preserved, so the cold turned his body yellow like mummy skin.
    2. Otzi may have gotten lost because many claim it's very easy getting lost in the Alps, so he could of froze to death.
    3. Otzi was found with no shoes on. Sometimes, when a person has hypothermia, a warm feeling can overcome a person’s body, so he might have gotten hot and removed some of his clothing.

  30. I think he died in battle because blood was found on some of his belongings from different people. before he died otzi arranged his belongings on a ledge and then slumped over. there was an arrowhead in his left shoulderblade and a hole in the back of his head.

  31. I think that Otzi was either killed in battle or assasinated. One because there was a arrow head lodged in his left shoulderbalde paralyzing his entire left arm. There was also a hole about the size of a spear in his head and he had a copper axe on him and those were very valuable back then.

  32. I think he died of hypothermia because his body was so well preserved. Weather can change very quickly in the Alps. When you have hypothermia,you can sometimes feel a warm sensation Otzi was found without his shoes on.

  33. I think Otzi died in battle because they found diffrent peoples' blood on Otzi's weapons, clothing, and tools. Two of them were found on his arrows, one was on his dagger, and another one was found on his coat. Some Scientist think he carried some of friends to safty because they were wounded then died of being shot with an arrow. Then again other Scientist think he was trying to fix those to use them again to hit their enemy and then before he could do so he got shot in the back. Before Otzi died he arranged some of his belongings around him. There was also an arrow found in his soulder blade, and there was an intense border between people back then. you never know Otzi may have fought in that battle and then got shot with an arrow when he was trying to reload.

  34. I am here today to say my theory of otzi the iceman.

    My theory is backed up by evidence. Anyways, I think that otzi got shot in the left shoulder, fell on a rock (which cauesd the hole in his head). He then blacked out from all the pain and froze to death. I strongly beleive my theory is true.

  35. I think Otzi died because he was murdered. i think this because there was an arrow head below his left shoulder blade AND he was in the ice. the arrow head would of paralized his left arm so he could not move it. he was in ice and ice is frozen water. there fore he could of been shot then pushed into the water. the water would have killed him through hypothermia as well.

  36. I choose theory 4 died in battle.

    I thought that he died in battle because, for one there was an arrow in his shoulder. He had 4 different blood types probuly from war I suppose. He also had some tool that could had have been in the war possibly. He also had two of his many arrow ready to fire at someone. But he must of maybe had other solders with him and had to take the wounded ones to safety.


  37. i think that he died in battle because he had a hole in his haed

  38. I think Otzi died with a combonation of things. I think he was suffering from hypothermia and then was assassinated. I think thos because, Otzi's muscle tissue was badly decomposed, and so was the outer layer of his skin. I also think he was assassinated, because had a copper axe, a valuable sing of power. Last but not least I think this because he was shot in the shoulder and paralized, because somebody didn't like what he was doing.

  39. I think that he was assassinated and went up in the mountains as high as he could and died from frostbit or hypothermia because they ex rayed him and they found a crushed rib cage, they also found little black spots on his feet witch means he had frost bite.

  40. I think he died because someone soot him with an arrow in the arm then they decided that they should drill a hole through his head to get his brains so they could finish making their fur coats to stay warm

  41. I believe that Otzi had died in battle. I believe this conclusion because it is possible that he could have been shot with an arrow on accident, and that his friends carried him to safety but he died shortly after he got their. The reason he is all shrived up is because he was found in ice, wasn't he? So after all the years being in the ice he could have been getting colder and so his body still shriveled up.
    Its also that he could have been that he was caring his friends to safty but on the way he got shot and he died 3 hours after.

  42. I think he was robbed. I think he was robbed because, his stuff was spread out. I think he was robbed because, there was a arrow in his shoulder and 4 diffrent kinds of blood on hi stuff. I think he was robbed because he was in a cave so he could have been hidden.

  43. I think that Otzi was in a battle.

    1. He was fighting and that is how the blood from other people got on him and his stuff.

    2. I think he was hurt in battle and was left to die and that is why he still had his stuff.
    They wanted him dead and didn't care about his stuff.

    3. I think the reason he laid his stuff out as an offering to the people that hurt him hoping if he gave them his stuff they would not kill him.

  44. I think he suffered hypothermia because 1.he was in the alps. 2.i don't think he died in battle because he was in the alps.3. I don't think he was robbed because Neanderthals weren't smart enough to rob and they would have taken his valuable copper axe.

  45. I think he suffered hypothermia because 1.he was in the alps. 2.i don't think he died in battle because he was in the alps.3. I don't think he was robbed because Neanderthals weren't smart enough to rob and they would have taken his valuable copper axe.

  46. I think that Otzi died of robbery because the birch canister was empty and the backpack was empty and his shoulder had an wound and an arrow.

  47. I believe that he was assanated frome robing some one els so they killed him. That's why the cans where empty.

  48. I think he was assassinated because he had blood on him and he had an arrowhead in his shoulder and his tattoo could have been religious

  49. I think that otzi was assinated. I think that otzi died because he was probably a cannibal. People probably didn't want to be eaten by him so they killed him. He had 4different types of blood from different people. The tattoos on him probably meant that he was a cannibal.

  50. I think Otzi was assanated because there was his blood on his items, there was other blood such as some people could have got wounded when killing Otzi or there own people, there was blood on the axe.

  51. I think it's hyperthermia because he didn't get robbed because he still had his axe and he could have gone to war because he has a aero head. In him but I think It's hyperthermia but I don't think he got assenated because he was still there but I think it's hyperthermia

  52. I think it's hyperthermia because he didn't get robbed because he still had his axe and he could have gone to war because he has a aero head. In him but I think It's hyperthermia but I don't think he got assenated because he was still there but I think it's hyperthermia

  53. I think Otzi was robbed because, the pouch and canister were empty. I also think he was stabbed twice then get robbed of his things,so that he couldn't tell people what had happened and maybe they didn't want any one to know he was murdered so they through him in the freezing water.That is what I think about Otzi's death.

  54. I think otzi died from three of them died in battle,assinated,and was robbed. Because he had four diffrent types of blood on his wepons and clothes from the battle.His backpack was empty there was only four things in his pack. And last but not least there was an arrow in his back and a hole in his head.

  55. I think Otzi was assassinated. I think his tattoos were to show for religion or a certain title. The hole in his head must have been from a knife stabbed into his head and then he was shot with an arrow in the shoulder, or vice-versa.

  56. I think that Otzi died in battle. The reason I think that he died in battle is becouse he had a arrowhead in his left shoulder. Another reason is that he had four different types of blood on him. My last reason is that the tatewes might have how they rank there fighters .

  57. I think that Otzi died of a attack because he may have done something bad like stole something or killed someone. Someone may have come behind him with a bow and arrow and shot him in the sholder. Then if he was a farmer they could have shot some sheep but the sheep got away. There were 4 types of blood on his cape that could have been from the sheep. He also could of had sheep because it was common for farmers to travel throughout that area. He could of had arrows on his back because they found some near by the body. He could have fallen back and a arrow could have gone in his head causing the mistereious hole in the back of his head. His idioms where scattered all around him. The people who killed him could have gone down and looked to see what they could take. He still had a hand axe and those where valuable. They could have tooken something even more valuable because he had an empty bag. There are signs that my opinion is not true but this is what I think.

  58. I believenthree theories, for a start I think he was in battle a against the Neanderthals in the battle a double spy assaninated Otzi in battle and got shot in the shoulder blade which caused the shoulder blade to brake into pieces and tear through his arteries so being shot on the shoulder he took cover in somer were they say are good for moving sheep through the alps thinking that he would be hidin from the sheep but he didn't know that the might change but probably befor a storm he died from eternal bleeding which then he froze from the upcoming storm.

  59. I think the reason for Otzi's death was a combination of Hypothermia and being caught in battle. After being caught in the battle he probably shot a few other fighters and even got injured himself. He probably decided to ditch the fight after being shot and ran off into the Alps. After a while of running he probably was out of breath and decided to stop. While he was catching his breath the climate probably changed on him like it commonly does in the Alps it started to get cold. This is where the Hypothermia comes in. He was now probably lost all alone out in the Alps trying to survive. He did have very warm clothing but not enough to keep you warm in a cold climate for so long. He probably was now getting to the stage where you get really hot so he started to take off his shoes. After awhile with all the blood lost from his shoulder and the coldness of the Alps. He laid down and slowly died from lost of blood and hypothermia. Later to be found by men in the Alps.

  60. Someone came up from behind Otzi and shot him with an arrow. Which made him turn and lose his balance. So he falls and hits his head on a rock. But he hasn't passed out yet, so he tries to get up but his arm is paralized. Then the person that shot him comes over to take his stuff when he realizes that it's already empty he takes his shoes and layers his feet with Otzi's and his own so he leaves Otzi there and walks away. Meanwhile Otzi is lying there bleeding then he loses to much blood. Then he dies of hyperthermia cause he lost his heat with his blood lost.

  61. I think that Otzi might have tried to steel something from the Neanderthals because the canister was empty and it might have been important. There was also 4 types of blood on otzis cape/coat. So there might have been 4 Neanderthals trying to get the stuff back I think they then shot him with the arrow. But since it took 3 hours for him to die the Neanderthals might have hit Otzi with the copper axe to make the hole in his head.the copper axe was left there because the Neanderthals thought someone was coming so tried to hurry of. That is my explanation of why Otzi died.

  62. I think he was killed in battle because he other blood types on his weapons and clothes. He also had a arrow head in his shoulder.

  63. I think Otzi was killed (wounded) because...
    1.He had four different kinds of blood on his weapons.
    2.He was found dead with a arrow head in his shoulder.
    3.He also had a hole in the back of his head.
    So personally I think he died in battle, or battle wounds took him down.

  64. I think that Otzie was walking away from a battle and he already had an arrow in his shoulder. While he was walking he fell through a patch of ice. He was stuck and his shoes fell off while he was struggling to get out. Also while he was struggling he hit his head on a really sharp piece of ice. He got knocked out and never woke up because of bleeding so bad in his shoulder and hypothermia.

  65. How I think Ötzi died: i believe he was walking up into the alps and had gotten robbed. The other four blood types got on there. He was robbed of the unknowns of the empty backpack. When they robbed him one of them shot him with an arrow in the left shoulder blade. Ötzi kept walking and happend to fall in a little thin pond of water. He quickly jumped out. He walked away about 5-10 feet away and sat down and took if his shoes, because he started to suffer hypothermia.Ötzi's arm started do go dead so he walked a little more and he fell down and his left paralyzed arm went over his next, and there he lay for 5,500 years, till 1991

  66. I think Otzi died because when he was on the mountain he was walking, somebody could've shot him with an arrow. Then Otzi could've fallen and that's when the people could've robed him, but Otzi was trying to fight back but he couldn't. So he got assassinated.When he got shot he could've fallen forward and then couldn't see who was robbing him.

  67. I spelled my name wrong on my last post...

  68. I think that Otzi might have died by battle or something like that. Maybe he got shot with a bow and ran to water because is did menstion that he his skin was a little bare and stuff because of water. So got shot and ran to water and later on bled so much. This would make him, momentarily die minutes after wards. And over the years he had been preserverd in the ice over thousands of years.

  69. I think Otzi died from battle. I think Otzi was in battle and four guys came up behind hem and knifed him. Then his teammates came up and killed the four guys. When Otzi was walking away he got shot in the shoulder with an arrow and after that he started running and got hypothermia took off his shoes and that just made it worse. So when he died he got frozen under the ice.

  70. I think that he left durring battle and was injured with the bow in the back of his left shoulder so left the battle field then died of hipothema in the ice .

  71. I think he died of a lot of the stuff combined but the main reason I think is assassinated. The reason I think he died is he had a lot of tattoos so maybe that meant leadership. I think the whole way it was since he's the leader he had to go with the Shepard and their sheep. While they were going up someone shot 3 men by otzi and also otzi. They all fell down to the ground and the rest ran away. Then the people who shot otzi grab some of his stuff. Then they saw otzi running and 3 hr. later he died. Then they picked him up through him in the water where he bumped his head and froze. Another reason liked I said is some of his stuff was empty. Last one is the scientist saw a arrow in his shoulder.

  72. I think Otzi died of Hypothermia because it is cold in the Alps. It you don't have warm cloth on you can get very sick. It you don't have anything to cure it with you can possibly die. That is what I think happened to Otiz. I bet if he had warmer cloth he would have worn it? learning about Otiz is so much fun.

  73. I think otzi died because he was on the mountain tending to his sheep and did not notice anybody behind him and they were trying to shoot a sheep but got otzi then they took his sheep and left him there then they drilled a hole in his head to make shire he was dead

  74. I think he got assassinated because he had an arrow in his back and he had rock in the back of his head somebody probably and just jabed it in his head.and he had hypothermia on his arm.

  75. I think otzi died by you one shift. Him of a clif and a arrow was gust their be cus he dint work.

  76. I think he got assassinated because he had an arrow in his back and he had rock in the back of his head somebody probably and just jabed it in his head.and he had hypothermia on his arm.

  77. I think he was assassinated by a member of the club. I think he had a club because of the marks on his back and ankle. I think he was wandering in the field with his stuff one day and a group member shot him with a arrow and started digging through his stuff because they found other blood samples on his stuff, his stuff was skatered every where, and there was a arrow up his arm.

  78. I think he died in battle because it says that
    1) he had a arrow in his arm
    2) he had Hole in his head so that means someone might have thrown a small rock at his head
    3) he could have died of bleeding because of the arrow in the arm

  79. I think that he died of hypothermia: It was getting colder when he died. When they found him he was found without his shoes on becuse when you have it you feel warmer.
    In the alps it is easy to get lost, he might of froze. His skin was yellow when the found Otizi. His tissue in his body was badly damaged.Thats why I think that

  80. I think he died in battle

  81. I think he died in battle because he had three different blood types on his body second he has a arrow in his shoulder an last is because the people might of took his stuff from his backback

  82. I think he died of hypothermia because it is easy to get lost in the alps, he didn't have his shoes on, and he could have fallen into freezing water.

  83. I think that Otzi died because of two reasons. I think that he was in battle and he was helping 4 other wounded solders to safety and when he came back to get others he got shot in the shoulder with an arrow. He was in such pain he wasn't paying attention and he fell in the ice. His arm was stuck around his body so maybe his right arm couldn't move since it was stuck under the ice, and he was reaching for something with his left arm and and he died when it was over his body. I think his shoes fell off in the water. I think his tattoos had nothing to do with the fact he died.

  84. I think Ötzi died of robbery and hypothermia. He was very well preserved so he probably froze. I think robbers shot him in the shoulder and stole some of his sheep because he had Shepard clothes, which meant he was a Shepard. Then he some how rolled or tried to get up and fell, into an icy lake and got hypothermia. It was common for people to be walking through that part of the year, so that was probably what happened to Ötzi.

  85. I think he died by hypothermia and died in battle because he had no shoes on him and found inice stuck. He died in battle too because his tools had different blood and he had got shot in the arm. And allso he died by being a assassinated because he had a hole in his head.

  86. I think that Otzi died in battle because there was 4 different blood stains on his clothes and there was an arrow lodged in his shoulder blade and there was a battle going on so Otzi could of participated in the battle and died that's what I think.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  87. IThink Otzi died from an arrow head because it could have went through an artery and he bleed to death. It parilized his left arm.
    Heavy internal bleeding
    Tour through nerves

  88. IThink Otzi died from an arrow head because it could have went through an artery and he bleed to death. It parilized his left arm.
    Heavy internal bleeding
    Tour through nerves

  89. I think he was assassinated.Why,because they found a Inch arrow in shoulder blade that's why.

  90. I. Think he robbed some one then he started a war witch he died in. Cause he had 4 different types of blood on his knife and he had a arrow head in his shoulder blade. Then they robbed him that's why his backpack an canister was empty.

  91. I think he died of hypothermia because when you have hypothermia you think your hot but really you're freezing. Fact one: he didn't have his shoes on. Maybe he was trying to cool off his feet. Fact two: he was found in ice. Maybe he jumped in if it was water, or he froze in it. Fact three: the clothing we found was for cold weather. That's why I think he died of hypothermia!

  92. I think he died in battle because he had an arrow in his left shoulder,four other people's blood on his stuff,and someone could have stabbed him in the back of the head that's why there is a hole there.

  93. I feel that Otzi the iceman died of hypothermia because..
    1. He was in the Alps, the Alps are very cold and he didn't have the best gear to be there.
    2. He was found without his shoes on, normally when you get hypothermia you get a warm sensation. He could have thought he was getting warmer. But really, he just had hypothermia.
    3. He could have fallen in to a small pond with a thin ,Ayer of ice, his weight no matter how skinny he was, could have broken the ice and therefor, making him fall in.

  94. I think Otzi died in a battle because they found four different blood types on his weapons, and they found a arrow head in his shoulder blade. I also think he died of hypothermia because they said he was submerged in cold water and when your in hypothermia, you think your hot so you start taking off stuff and they found his shoes off and that's why I think Otzi died.

  95. Someone asked him to to do an important task but he refused because he didn't like doing physical tasks. He walked out and the man got mad and he shot him with an arrow because when they found him he had an arrow in his back. The man wasn't trying to kill him but only scare him.

  96. I think otzi died in battle. Because he had different blood on his axe. I don't think he was robbed because nothing was missing. The other reason why I think he died in battle because had an arrowhead in his shoulder.

  97. I think he died in battle because there was a arrow in his left shoulder blade blood on his weapons and there was a hole in his head

  98. I think Otzi was robbed because he was a shepherded they robbers probably shot him with a bow and arrow and he tried to defend himself that is why there was blood all over his weapons because he was defending his sheep and when the robbers took everything they wanted the stabbed him in the back of his head that's why his skull had a hole in it that is my theory

  99. I think otzi was Assinated .He MIT of been in a group that some people did not like so the tribe leader mite have bout otzi to the alps and killed him . And his tattoos mite have been a symbol that he was in the group. And the leader gathered Otzis stuff and put them by him and took his shoes.

  100. I think he died in battle because there was conflict going on during that time, and Otzi had two bows ready to fire but the bow wasnt strung, the last reason why I think he died in battle is because there were DNA samples gathered from Otzis weapons and clothing. They found blood from four different people.

  101. I think Otzi was robbed because for one reason he had pollen in his stomach. I think realistically why would he have pollen in his stomach, because he was a shepherd. Two he had an arrow in his shoulder so he must have been shot by someone. Three people wanted his sheep so they shot him. Four why would he be in the alps because he was a shepherd.

  102. I think otzi died in battle because he was shot with an arrow in the left shoulder and he had other people's blood on his clothing . He also carried an ax when he died.

  103. I think Otzi died while he was in battle because there was three different types of blood were found on his clothing and weapons.Otzi may have been injured in the battle and was left by his comrades. Otzi injured may have not been able to get up and was left there to freeze to death.

  104. This is what I think Otzi died in. i think he died in battle because there was DNA of three or four other people on his clothes, weapons, and there was a arrowhead stuck in his shoulder. There was an intense border dispute between the people at that time, and a battle occurred to solve it. Otzi may have fount in this battle. That's some of the reasons why I thought he died in battle, they dont have prove that he died in battle though. Another reason why I think he died in battle is that Otzi used his two good arrows to kill two others in some sort of boundary dispute. He retrieved these arrows and was trying to fix his other arrows for another attack. Before he could do so, he was shot in the back

  105. I think Otzi died of hypothermia why:
    Otzi was found with his shoes off. He could of taken them off from the warmth of hypothermia. He might have gotten lost in the Alps and froze to death. When they found Otzi his skin was hello from the coldness and rinckled.

  106. I belive Otzi was robbed of his sheep when he saw people coming he ran away. But they shot him in the shoulder and fell over an couldn't get up. the stabbed him in the back of the head to kill him and take his sheep.

  107. I think Otzi died in a battle because scientists found four different types of blood on Otzi's clothes. He also had a arrow in his back so I think he was fighting. I think he was a leader since he had a copper axe and mysterious tattoos, so the enemy would want to kill him.

  108. I think that Otzi died in battle because...
    1. People fought at that time and there was likely a war.
    2. Blood was on four different people and on his weapons.
    3. He could have been carrying a wounded friend to safety before being killed himself.
    4. He had two broken arrows from shooting other people and he had an arrowhead found in his shoulder blade.
    5. Before he died, Otzi arranged his belongings on the ledge around him and then slumped over.

  109. I think Otzi died of Hypothermia because 1. The weather changed significly in the alps. 2. Many claim it was easy to get lost in the alps. 3.People feel a warm sensation when they get hypothermia Otzi was found without shoes he may have felt this.

  110. I forgot to mention a weakness of my theory is that wouldn't there have to be more bones and people around there. A strength of my theory is that there were four different blood types found on his things.

  111. I forgot to mention a weakness of my theory is that wouldn't there have to be more bones and people around there. A strength of my theory is that there were four different blood types found on his things.

  112. I forgot to mention a weakness of my theory is that wouldn't there have to be more bones and people around there. A strength of my theory is that there were four different blood types found on his things.

  113. What I believe happened is that Otzi died in battle. I think this is a good theory because Otzi was found with four different types of blood on his tools, weapons, and coat. He may have swiped his axe at someone then carried his friends to safety and the bleed on him. That might explain the arrowhead in his shoulder. I guess the world will never know.

  114. I believe Otzi the Iceman suffered hypothermia because his muscle tissue was severely decomposed. Also because he was found without his shoes on.

  115. I think the reason died was because he was shot with a bow. So he was paralyzed and couldn't go anywhere so he was laying in the ice for so much time that he got hypothermia and died.

  116. He died in a battle because he had an arrow in his back and a hole in the back of his head

  117. I think Otzi was murdered then robbed of his valuables. I think this because Otzi was found with an arrowhead in his shoulder and medical examiners have determined that Otzi probably died 3 hours after he was shot. Otzi was found with an empty birch canister and an empty backpack. Otzi also had signs of heavy internal bleeding. This is my theory of how Otzi died.

  118. I think that Otzi died in battle because there was an intense border dispute between the people at the time. There was also four different peoples blood found on his stuff. There was also a arrowhead stuck in his shoulder blade. Before he died Otzi arranged his belongings on the ledge around him and then slumped over.

  119. I think Otzi died in battle. DNA samples samples were gathered from Otzi’s clothing, weapons, and tools. Blood would have gotten on his weapons by using them in battle. Blood could also have gotten on Otzi in battle if he carried his injured friends to safety. During a battle, friends fighting with Otzi may have been hurt. Blood could have gotten on Otzi if he carried his injured friends to safety and tried to help them. An arrowhead was found in Otzi’s shoulder bade. He was shot in the back. That is another example of an injury that could happen during battle.

  120. I think that he was assassinated because, he was shot from behind so he was not expecting to be shot. He also had three tattoos which I think were because he was maybe part of a secret group of some sort. Lastly he had a copper axe which some believe is a sign of power with power come responsibility and maybe Otzi wasn't ready for this responsibility so someone killed him

  121. Ozti may have died in battle, but I think that he might have been caught in cross fire. The ones that were fighting might have reused arrows and the last one broke off in his shoulder. and they might have used his weapons, but dropped them when they finished fighting.

  122. I think it was theory #4 (died in battle). I believe he died in battle because he had blood on a lot of his belongings. I don't think he could have gotten lost and froze to death because then why would he have blood on him? He had blood on his weapons, clothing, and tools. Also, the blood was from different people, not just one. I think that the blood on his clothing was from his friends he could have been helping and the blood on his weapons were from enemies. I think he bled to death and then froze, which helped preserve him. He probably knew he was going into battle which is why he had weapons on him and warm clothing.

  123. I think ozti died in battle and by hypothermia
    1. his shoes were off
    2.4 different types of blood on his coat. 3.arrow deep into his shoulder blade.

  124. The Neanderthals and Cromagnons are faced with a challeng of who could kill a saber tooth tiger the fastest.

  125. I think otzi died I battle because of the arrow head found in his lower back

  126. I think he might have died because of a blood loss. They say he was found with an arrow in the back of his shoulder right? Well maybe he got shot with an arrow and bled to death. But to explain the hole in his head here's what I think. I think he bled to death fell down a hill and knocked a rock in his head. He must have been a leader of a group(maybe)and made a "dumb" rule and made the tribe mad so they might have killed him. And he might have been robed by the people in the tribe.


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