
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Experience the Black Death

In Ancient Quest chapter 9, Johnny Rawten comes face to face with the Black Death. This horrible, devastating plague just about wiped out the entire continent of Europe. Now, read a story that was uncovered by archaeologists in Europe. This story was written by a man living and working in Europe at the time of the Plague. Read, and as the story unfolds, image the horror of this plague......

After reading, answer the following questions in a blog post:
1. Why does he often see rats? 
2. Describe the appearance of his boss when he finds him dead.
3. What emotions do you feel while reading this story? Why? 
4. The people living at the time of the Black Death were in a constant state of fear. Tell me about a time when you were scared. 


  1. 3 savonne grotewoldMay 7, 2013 at 10:04 AM

    His village is dirty.
    I was scared one time when I got off the bus and all the doors were locked and nobody was home then my gamma came home

  2. He sees rats because is village is dirty. Large swells on his body and his eyes were open. Sad because of all of the people that died for no reason they did nothing wrong but yet they died. I was scared when my dad made me ride a thing in the Mall of America, that went really high up then went back down, because I'm scared of hights.

  3. 1. His village is fairly dirty so he sees rats often. nails and toes red lumps in shock eyes open
    3. I felt happy that this never happened to us in the U.S.A. and I'm still alive.
    4. I was at a monster truck show and one of the trucks flipped and went into the crowd two rows away from me.

  4. 1 the village is very dirty
    2he seems alive but is lifeless
    3 I never thought that this would happen
    4 I was scared when I was left alone for a hour

  5. 3 McKenna GeringerMay 7, 2013 at 10:06 AM

    1 because his village is often dirty
    2He had large swellings on his neck and arm pits, red, oozing sores on his skin. His eyes were open, but there was no life in his body
    3 sad because there are a ton of people dying
    4 I was scared when my dog got hit by a car because I didn't know if she would make it or no but she did so I was happy

  6. 1. They see rats because there village was not very clean.
    2. Red sores all over, black fingers and toes, eyes still open, and black lumps underneath his armpits.
    3. Sad because the girl was alone no family and didnt know what was going on.
    4. When I was camping one time and a free branch fell and almost cut off my dads whole ear.

  7. Why does he see rats all the time? He see's rats because rats eat smelly stuff and so they smelt the dead body's and thought there was food.

  8. 1.because the rats ate the b
    Dead bodies 2.He had large swellings on his neck and arm pits, red, oozing sores on his skin. His eyes were open. 3.sad because it says that kids were Laying on the ground dead
    4. When people started talking about small pox that it can whipp out a whole country

  9. 1. He sees rats because the rats are what started the disease.
    2. H was laying on the floor with black bumps all over his body.
    3. I felt sad when he told about the little kids that were playing but then they were laying dead because its sad that kids were just having fun then they were dead.
    4. I was scared when my dad was in the hospital because I didn't want anything bad to happen to him.

  10. 1.because the rats ate the b
    Dead bodies 2.He had large swellings on his neck and arm pits, red, oozing sores on his skin. His eyes were open. 3.sad because it says that kids were Laying on the ground dead
    4. When people started talking about small pox that it can whipp out a whole country

  11. His city was very dirty. His boss had turned black with red sores.I was feeling frightened.I was scared one time at the wax museum really that was one time I was scared

  12. 1. He see's rats because his village is fairly dirty.
    2. He had large swelling on his neck and arm pits, red sores on his skin. His eyes were open but there was no life.
    3. I felt sad for the guy because he just watched his whole city die and he slowly died in pain.
    4. I was scared when my uncle went to the war because we would not be able to hear from him for a long time...and he could have died.

  13. Because the town is usually dirty for rats too eat something. He was scared because he didn't know what to do because they were dead and he wanted to bring his family out for supper. I felt really sad that his family died and he couldn't do anything about it. I was scared when my mom got in a car crash because I didn't know if she was alright.

  14. 1. Because his city is fairly dirty.
    2. He had large swelling on his neck and armpits, red oozing sores on his skin, his eyes were open but there was no life in him.
    3. It is sad that so many people died and the disease kept spreading.
    4. When I was home alone and I was sitting in my room and I though I heard noises downstairs. But I was probably imagining them.

  15. 1: his village was fairly dirty
    2: large swellings on his neck and armpits red ozzing sores on his skin eyes open no life in the body
    3: I was feeling a feeling of suspense because I was wondering if he was going to die
    4: I was scared when i was riding rock bottom plunge at mall of America because I noticed that the track was shacking and I thought it was going to fall and kill me

  16. Describe the appearance of his boss when he finds him dead? Well he had a lumb on his throat and he had lumbs under his armpit and he had red oozing sores and his eyes were still open.

  17. 1) He often sees rats because his village is fairly dirty.
    2) The apperence of his boss is he had large swellings on his arm and arm pits, red, oozing sores on his skin and his eyes were open.
    3) It is sad because so many people died and it kept spreading.
    4) I felt scared when I found a snake in my basement.

  18. He often saw rats because the village he lived in was very dirty.
    His boss had swelling in the neck and armpits, black finger and toe tips and open eyes.
    The emotions I felt we're like I never felt before. I felt like if this were here I would not ever be able to do the things that I do know it made me scared and sad at the same time.
    I was scared when he found his family dead and then he started to die, but at least he died with his family.

  19. 1. His village is dirty
    2.He had red sores on his skin, he had large swelling on he neck and armpits, and his ese were open.
    3.I fet disgusted because of the way the people looked.
    4.I was scared when I was three years old and I thought someone was watching me while I was trying to go to sleep.

  20. What emotions do you feel while reading this.
    Well I feel sorta sad because that would stink if all of the people n brandon died from that and it would be really painful to die from this .

  21. 1. He often saw rats because he knew that his town was always dirty and there was alway trash laying around so the rats came and ate the food on the ground.
    2.His boss was in his office and he was dead and his eyes were wide open, he had big red bumps on his neck and under his armpits.
    3.The emotions I felt when I was reading this story were normal in the beginning and towards the middle and little weird and at the end scared and sad for him and his family.
    4. The time that I was feeling scared was when they were talking about all the dead people in the street and in the carriage.

  22. The people living n the time of the Black Death were living in fear. When was a time you were in fear?

    Well I was in fear when I was getting chased by a rooster I was scared because when I was at my cousins they told me that he would attack u and I didn't listen and went by it and it chased me down the four wheel track that was when I was scared.

  23. He kept seeing rats because they came to the stench. His boss is black laying motionless. Sad, helpless, and a little relieved that the Black Death is gone. I was scared when my dad was in the army and might not come back.

  24. 1. He sees the rats often because his village is quite dirty.
    2. He was covered with sores and his finger tips were black and he had black bumps all over his body. And he still had his eyes open.
    3. I was interested. Not really terrified.
    4. When I fell off my horse.

  25. 1. He often sees rats because his village is dirty and has garbage king around.

    2. When he finds his boss his boss has swelling on his neck and armpit, and red oozing sores on his skin.

    3. I feel sad for this guy because he loses his entire family and then he dies.

    4. I was scared when my sister broke her arm and had to have surgery. I was scared because I didn't know what would happen.

  26. He often sees rats because he village is very dirty.
    He was struck with terror because he had large selling spots on his neck and arm pits and oozing on his skin.
    I felt sad because a lot of people were dying.
    I was sacred when I watched Ncis because there is a lot of killing in that and I have nightmears when I see stuff like that.

  27. 1) because his town is dirty
    2) bumps on his neck and arm pits oozing sores on his skin
    3)sad if I was him and lost my whole family I cry out in pain too
    4) I was scared when my mom didn't call me when she was going to be home late so I was scared because she could have in an accident and died

  28. 1 because his village was filthy
    2 his boss had a large swelled neck red oohing sores on his arms red armpits
    3 scared because he did not know what was happening
    4 I wAs on my computer and my nabor stuck down to my room and grabbed me

  29. 1. He often sees rats because his village is very dirty.
    2. His boss had black lumps on his neck and arm pits and red oozing spots on his body, and his eyes were open.
    3. I felt sorry for every family that had lost someone or everyone, and the people that lost their friends.
    4. I was scared when my dad had a seizure and I had o call 911 but I was frozen staring at him because I couldn't believe it was happening.

  30. 1)his village is fairly dirty

    2)he had large swellings on the neck and the arm pits, also red oozing sores on his skin.

    3)I was really sad that all these people died because of one disease and how much pain they had.

    4)I had fear when my dad had a mole on his lower back that could have had cancer in it. But luckily there wasn't.:)

  31. Question 1the reason he often saw rats was because his village was fairly dirty

    Question 2 when he finds his boss he has swelling of the armpits and neck and red oozing sores

    Question 3 a little sad for the man because not 3 hours earlier did he see all these people and when he saw them again they were dead

    Question 4 one time when my mom had to go on a business trip and there was a blizzard going on and she didn't call for three days but I was 5 years old

  32. 4Ibberson ZacharyMay 7, 2013 at 10:55 AM

    1.He sees rats a lot because his town is quite dirty.
    2. Oozing red sores on his skin and big black lumps all over
    3. Sadness because everyone is dieing and a priest wouldn't even come in to see him.
    4. When my dad told me that he must have a surgery on his eyes or else he will lose his job and my mom is a stay at home mom so no one in our house would have jobs.

  33. Because their town is dirty.he had big swellings on his neck and armpits red oozing sores on his skin his eyes were open but there was no life in him.the emotions I feel are is anybody going to ever survive and it's a little bit scary because how they describe the sweeping and his red sores
    A time when I was scared was the wax museum because I didn't want to mess up I wanted to be really good.

  34. 1. The rat had taken over the city.
    2. Solen at the neck and arm pits, red spots all over, dead.
    3. Sad because if you die normally you don't suffer in the Black Death you suffer the just die.
    4. A time when I was scared was when I rolled my four wheeler I was. Scared because if I got hurt we would have to go to the hospital. Ps I was not hurt.

  35. He often saw rats because it was dirty. When he sw his boss dead he was struck with terror. I don't even know what feelings I felt because and it was kind of sad because you lost everything including your family and then when you see your family dead and then you die like right next to them before telling them goodbye that is sad. The other part that is sad is that a priest sees you and doesn't even help you. When I was at a wedding and a tornado was coming by and we had no place to go because of all the windows all over I mean who puts windows every where and doesn't have any shelter. But the tornado just past by.

  36. Well that was the most horrific scene in social studies I've seen or even read about! 0-0

    1.Because his village is slightly dirty
    2. He had swelling on his neck and armpits his fingers and feet were black
    3.i felt horrified like watching a scary movie I also felt sad because friends neighbors and families died because of it
    4. When my great grandpa died I saw him at the funeral and I was scared because I thought the same thing might happen to.. Me

  37. Because his town is really dirty.

    He didn't no what was going on and was scared.

    Sad because this sickness is worst than the flu it is horrible.

    I was in a constant state of fear when my mom got sick and my brother got sick my whole house got sick and when they get sick I am even worst.

  38. (1.) The man sees rats because his village is filthy and that is what is causing the Black Death.
    (2.)His boss had large swellings on his neck and armpits, also red oozing sore on his eyes.
    (3.)I understand this pague was real but how could he right this then die at the same time. That's proubably why he never mentions his name. Why wouldn't this guy write one last thing to people who knew him(if they weren't already dead). I feel sad and horrified while reading this but I believe the passage was a fake.....maybe.
    (4.)I was scared one time when I was left all alone at home and the tornado alarm was going off. I was left all by myself two hours after that until my parent came home.

  39. W often see rats because they like dirty stuff and we have a lot of littering. the boss was laying stillessly eyes open and dead with black swelling on his neck and armpits with red oozing sores on his skin. I was feeling sad when the family and little kids died and confused when n they were wipping themselves. I was really scared when I was 4 living in Arizona walking to the kitchen and was stung by a bark scorpion and had to go to the hospital for 36 hours when my dad was also stung by the same scorpion

  40. He often sees rats in his village.
    Red oozing sores on his skin large swellings on his neck and arm pits.
    Sad because lots of people were dying.
    On a really fast roller coaster.

  41. I was scared when my dad was in the hospital

  42. 1) Because his city is vary dirty.
    2) Black spots under his arms and neck.
    3) I feel nothing. I just feel the same as before because there are sadder things than people dying like that.
    4) I was scared this one time at my Gramma's house when my cousin and I went into a shed that no one had gone in for years. But we did find some cool stuff from when are parents were in high school.

  43. 1. Because his village was a dirty village.
    2. Large swellings on his neck and armpits, and red oozing sores on his skin and his eyes were open.
    3. Disgust, sadness, and bad visuals because it just sounds so horrible.
    4. When my great grandmother had called my grandma to take her to the hospital immediately.

  44. 1- Because lots of people were dying and the rats were eating their flesh.

    2- he was terrified and scared she cut her day short.

    3- sad Because just think if this happened to your family you would feel hopeless!.

    4- When I was at home it was a usual Friday afternoon after school then that's when I got the call that my uncle died at 42

  45. 1. Because he lived in a dirty town
    2.He had large swellings on his neck and arm pits, red, oozing sores on his skin. His eyes were open, but there was no life in that body.
    3. I felt sad because I feel bad for the people that experienced it
    4.when I was 6 and the tornado sirens went off and I was the only one home.

  46. 1. The town was very dirty
    2. Laying on the ground, bumps on his neck and his armpits, red, oozing bumps, black toes and fingers, eyes open, motionless.
    3. I feel very disgusted, it was very gross, I also feel sorry for them because they did not do anything to die so suddenly.
    4. One time I was scared was when my dog got hit by a ca I was scared that he wouldn't make it but he did, and we had to amputate his back right leg.

  47. 1. Because people were dying and it smelled like a a dump.
    2.the boss had died because he had sores on his arms and his toes were black.
    3.sad because people were dying and they didn't have any thing to cure it.
    4.i was scared one time when I was home alone and I heard something downstairs and I got nervous.

  48. He often saw rats because his town was dirty. The appearance of his bosses death was he had open eyes large sweepings on his neck and armpits.sad for all the people who were dying but I was also terrified because the person did't even know what was going on. I was scared when I almost stepped on a snake at the cabin by the lake.

  49. There are often rats in the village he lives in.

    His boss had his eyes wide open and he had black finger nails and big red oozing sores under his arm pits and on his neck.

    I feel grossed out because I mean its horrifying having to come home to your family and have them just lay there lifeless and then a couple minutes later your finger nails get black and you start getting big red oozing sores all over your body. It's sickening

    When I was little my brother used to chase me around and scream at me, and than I would take off running and try to get away from him because he scared the daylights out of me.

  50. 1.the rats were spreading the plague.
    2. He saw swelling on neck and arm pit, red oozing sores eyes were open but yet the body was lifeless.
    3. Kinda sad because it wiped out so many people. Also he saw his whole family and friends dead.
    4. When my grandma was really sick, also when she had her strokes.

  51. 1. He often sees rats because his village is really dirty.
    2. When he saw his boss dead he was struck with terror and shocked.
    3. The emotions I felt in this story was that it made me sad and scared to think of all the people dying.
    4. I get scared when I hear about terrorists and people dying or bad things happening in this world.

  52. He saw rats because there village is very dirty.
    His boss had a large swelling on his neck and arm pits and red oozing sores on his skin his eyes were open.
    I thought about when I read the story I was thinking " eww that really happend and I let sad.
    I feel scared when I watch really scary movies then I sometimes have dreams about what happend in that movie I saw and in my dream I know that I am sleeping and I always try to wake myself up.

  53. His town is very dirty.
    Eyes open swelling on neck and armpit red oozing sores.
    Sadness because he did no what was happening no one would help.
    The one time I was scared was when I was going to the emergency room with a fish hook in my face.

  54. 1. The village is fairly dirty.
    2. The boss has red oozing sores black bumps on his neck and armpits and is dead laying on the floor.
    3. I felt sad because they didn't know what was happening and everyone was dieing.
    4. I was scared when one time when I was really little and there was a thunder storm that was really loud and our power went out.

  55. 1 because his town was filthy
    2 he is surprizzed and sad so he goes home to cheeck on his family
    3 sad becaus ejust imaging if you left to go to school and came home to your family dead and that is depressing
    4 when we ahd a bonfire and i heard wolfs or coyotes howl but i was only 5

  56. He often sees rats because it is a dirty town.
    He had black fingers swells that where shedding something bumps in his neck and in his armpits.
    I felt sad for them I would be sad if I lost my family like that.
    The reason why you would be in a constant state of fear is because you always think that you are going to get the Black Death and your family.

  57. 1.his village was dirty.
    2.large swelling on his neck and armpits red oozing sores.
    3.queasy because I can see what they look like in my head.
    I was on a ride and I was barely big enough to go on it and when it went upside down I almost fell out.

  58. 1.his village is dirty
    2.he had swelling in his neck and armpits
    3.I was sad because everybody was dying
    4.I am scared when people sneak up on me

  59. He saw all the rats because they we being bitten by a small insect that caried the black death.
    He was shocked and freighted and left work before she did every day.
    I felt kinda frightened because what would we do if it came back and killed everyone.
    I was scared when my cusion almost flipped me of the back of his side by side.

  60. 1. Because her town is very dirty.
    2. Large swelling on is neck and arm pits, oozing sores on his skin, eyes open but no life.
    3. Very horrified and sad!
    4. One time when there was really bad weather and it looked like there could be a tornado coming. I was only home with my dad and the rest of my family was driving on the road.

  61. he ofen sees rats because his town was a little dirtty. he sees large black spts on his neack and pitts and his fingers and toes where black. i feelt sarry for him because all of his famly and frends where dieing. i was sscard one time when we where in the woods in oklahoma and a water mokisen came out.

  62. 1)cause his village was often dirty
    2)he was stuck by terror and with shock so left work early to go home.
    3)I felt very bad and sad that all those people had to lose there lives like that and now I'm really happy I still have a life.
    4)when I was on top of a really steep hill and I almost died by sliding down a tree but my mom stopped me.

  63. He often see rats because the city was dirty. He must have been dirty and smell tarible. Some emotions I felt was... It was so gross! Black Death is gross. When everyone was dead and the body's where every ware.

  64. 1.because his city is dirty so there's usually rats

    2.swelling on his neck and armpits and red oozing sores on his skin.

    3.sad,because people were dieng without a reason but Black Death.

    4.i was in Washington with my dad and I was at my aunts house. My older sister called me and told me to play the scary maze game online and at first I said no but she said its just a maze that's not even scary so I played. While I was playing I had my lunch in my hands and it was a taco. By the time I got to level three on the maze I hit a corner and this scary faced popped up with screaming and worst part about it was that my volume was all the way up on the computer. My taco flew out of my hands and I an into my aunts rom and locked the door and didn't come out until she got. Luckily she has a tv in her room and a laptop that I could get my mind off of the scary freaky face

  65. 1.) He often sees rats because his town is very filthy/ dirty.
    2.) Large swellings on his neck and armpits, and red, oozing sores on his skin.
    3.) Like sad because all of the people are dying or dead and at the end he finally had died.
    3.) When we had the really big ice storm because I was afraid that a tree branch was going to fall on my house.

  66. 1.he sees rats becouse his village is dirty.
    2.he sees block bloches and red ozing from his bodie.
    3.emotions I feel is manly sad.
    4.when my brothers put on masks and try to scare me, one time my brother scared me so bad I punched him right in the face.

  67. 1. Because the rats brought the Black Death
    2. I'll try to do this without barfing: Black fingers and toes black swelling on his armpits red swelling on my neck
    3. Sad glad scared Sick very sick
    4. When I thought I heard gunshots outside my window

  68. He often sees rats because his town if really dirty his boss had oozing red bumps bumps on his neck and armpit they were black I feel sad that he died and his family died so I was sad when I had to go on my first roller coster it was scary when we got to the top and then fun when we slowly went tilted forward.

  69. His village is dirty, red marks and black spots,scarred sad, when I went of the high dive and thought I was going to hit the concrete.

  70. 1the stench of died people.
    2 eyes open but black welts all over him
    3 I felt no emotion during this story.
    4when I accidentally cut open my hand and no one was home

  71. 1. The rats like being by the dead bodies
    2. Red bumps on his skin, black fingers and toes, eyes open but he is dead
    3. I felt bad for him because it would be scary seeing all of those dead bodies laying on the ground and it would be sad if you went home and your family was dead
    4. A long time ago when there was a huge storm and my mom couldn't see through the windshield

  72. 1.His village was fairly dirty.
    2.His boss had black bumps on his neck and armpits he had oozing sores on his skin his eyes were open.
    3.I felt sorry for the man because he lost everything his, friends, his family, his life.
    4.I was scared when there was a funnel cloud forming in a storm that was by the hotel I was staying at.

  73. 1. Because his town was always dirty.
    2. Large red swellings on his neck and armpits oozing sores on he had no life in him but his eyes were open
    3. I feel sad I feel empathy for them he starts off with a normal day an then ends up all alone and then eventually dead.
    4. I was scared when my aunt got in a car accident and was really hurt, she ended up being ok but it still scared me. But it wasn't near as bad as the fright they had during the Black Death.

  74. 1. He sees rats because they are eating garbage from the dirty village.
    2. The boss was dead with his eyes open, fingers black, red oozing sores are everywhere on his body.
    3. Sad and very sorrowful because we have medicine to treat the boombotic plague and they didn't
    4. I was hiking out alone at night wandering through the hills and woods that border my house. I could never shake of the fear that I was being followed or watched

  75. 1. The rats gave all of the people the disease.
    2. He would look all swelled up and he would maybe have bumps.
    3. I feel very sad because everyone died of a disease that was just from rats very quickly and if your family died , that would be the worst thing ever.
    4. One time I was scared was when my grandpa had a hart attack and I just woke up and my mom told me he had a heart attack.

  76. The town is covered in dead people. And it's starting to get dirty
    He is covered in red sores and his hands and toes are black
    I feel sad because seeing everyone dead and even your family and then you it's just very sad.
    I was scared when I lost my dog Bella because I thought I wasn't ever going to find her ever again. But we did

  77. 1 rats like trash and his town.
    2 he was dead he had large swellings on his neck and arm pits red oozing sores on his skin his eyes were open but there was no life in that body.
    3 grossed out because rats are gross and to have black stuff all over yuck!
    4 when I rode in an ambience

  78. 1. He often sees rats because the village is really dirty.

    2. There was black swelling on his armpits, around his neck, and his fingers were black.

    3. I felt kinda weird because when he said that not even a priest would help him that means something bad is happening.

    4. I felt scared one time when I was at the top of the stairs ans I slipped and fell all the way down and nailed the wall when I was little.

  79. 1.the village is kind of dirty
    2.large swellings and red oozing sores.
    3. I'm glad that this happened way before I was born but I felt bad for those people, I would not want to die that way and I certainly wouldn't want my family to die that way.
    4. One time I was very scared was when I was 6 years old and it was summer and the tornado sirens went off and the news said there was a tornado warning for miniehaha county and my dad had gone running and was about 2 miles from our house and it started hailing and I kept asking my mom if we could go find my dad but she kept saying no. Eventually I started crying and we went to look for him and after about 10 minutes we found him and we drove home and the power was out and it came back on and there was no longer a tornado warning.

  80. 8kessler StephanieMay 7, 2013 at 2:02 PM

    1)there is often rats in his village because his village is very dirty.
    2)when he finds his boss dead he must have been horrified and frightened.
    3)I felt that he must have been really scared, sad and lonely.
    4)I was scared when I didn't know where my sister was when I was at my house all alone.

  81. He also say rats because the garbage was all over the town. his boss was all scullion and had black spots.really scared.when I lost my mom at the mall and the wax museumx

  82. 1 He often saw rats because he place was drity
    2, hehad big black stops on it body
    3. Scared
    4 yesterday when I was on my playground and I almost feel of the.very top

  83. The place was durty bups blackfingers scard it was freky. When I had to get shots

  84. He sees rat aften because his village is dirty.
    All fat and have black spots all over him and nasty lumps. On him.
    Weird and grossed about be couse On how they disribed them with lumps and black stuff on them and pain.
    I felt scard when I when on to a roller oyster at valley fair.

  85. Often saw rats because the garbage was all over the town.he had big black spots on his body.when I lost my wallet because my mom will get mad at me.

  86. He offtens sees rats in his village because it is fairly dirty.
    When he saw his boss dead he wasn't expecting that and left home to his family .
    It feels sad to know that when you wake up. It's a normal day but that doesn't happen I felt terrified for that man and hope that doesn't happen to time I think last year my dad came home pretty late but then soon he came home but he had cuts all over and had two casts on he told me the hole story.

  87. 1. His village was very dirty .
    2. His boss was laying down eyes still open with red bumps oozing out white stuff.
    3. The emotions I was feeling was sad and scared. (I never wont to see a rat again.
    4.the time I was scared was when I got my BMX bike and went to the bike park an hit the jump and my back tire clipped the edge of the jump and I did a front flip and landed on my head.

  88. He often sees rats because his village is dirty. He was covered in red spots with stuff oozing out of them sad because about everyone died. One time when I was home alone someone banged on the wall and the window and was yelling

  89. 1. His village was dirty.
    2. He was struck with terror.
    3. It was weird because I am not used to hearing that ever day.
    4. Yes when I was baby sitting I was alone but there was a kid there but I was scared because it was like 12:00 and he wanted all the lights off.

  90. 1.Becaus his village is usually dirty.
    2.Red sores on his skin and black lumps.
    3.Sad because it is hard to think of all the people that died from it and they could do nothing about it.
    4.When i landed hard on my ankle and i couldnt feel it or move it for a couple days so i thought it was broke.

  91. 1. There is rats because his village is dirty.

    2. He had swelling on his neck and armpits and red sores on his skin. His eyes were open.

    3. I was kind of grossed out. I was also really sad.

    4. I was really scared when my dad first got cancer. No one knew if he would live.(but he did!)

  92. #1 because his village is very messy

    #2 Swelling red sores black finger nails

    #3 Preatty sad ones considering that alot of the people he knew only 3 hours ago were dead.

    #4 I was scared when o heard a tornado was coming to brandon luckily it missed us

  93. 1. he sees rats because his town is fairly dirty
    2. his boss looks like he has huges lumps of black and big oozing sores on his arms and stuff.
    3. i feel bad for the guy because that was the last time he said goodbye to his family and he died so quickly
    4. one time when i was scared when i was riding up a scetchy rollercoaster...

  94. 1: He often see's rats because his town or village is often dirty and un clean.

    2: His boss had swells on his neck and arm pits. Fingrs were black and his eyes were still open.

    3:Sorrow. Because they had no idea what to do and it was like no matter what you were going to die.

    4: I was scared when I found out that my grandpa choked and had to go to the hospital, I was only 7 so I didnt know really what was happening, but he was alright.

  95. 1. His village is fairly dirty.

    2. He had large swellings on his arms and armpits, red, oozing sores on his skin. His eyes were but there was no life in his body.

    3. I feel bad and sad because i would be terrified if I had to see all these people dead.

    4. I time I was scared was when i was 8 and I went to the fair and the yoyo a ride got stuck and my sister, uncle, and I were stuck on the ride for about 25 min. I was scared because I was afraid I wouldnt get down and would be stuck up there forever.

  96. 1.His village is filthy so he often sees rats.
    2.He had large swellings on his neck and armpits and red, oozing sores on his skin. There was no life in his eyes at all.
    3. I feel sad and thankful. i feel sad because they had to endure the pain that that disease caused and thankful that i'm not in that time period.
    4.I was scared when i was in the hospital because i had and asthma attack and i couldn't breath good. i didn't know if i was going to be all right or not and i was afraid of what the future might hold.

  97. 1. He often sees rats beacuse his village is fairly dirty.

    2.Super pale red sores and pimples on him and black spots and black fingers and toes

    3. Sadness beacuse of all of the stuff the familys and villigaes had to go through and the pain must of been horible

    4.I was at my house when I thought I heard my dad scream in pain so I ran to my room and pulled out my bow and arrow.

  98. 1. Because his village is very dirty
    2. Hes large swelling on his neck and arm pits and red ooze swells
    3. its sad Because his fanily dies, he dies, and basically his whole village dies.
    4.when i was home alone at 10 at night with no electricity.

  99. 1 Because his village is dirty

    2 Red sores all over and black lumps on his neck.

    3 scared because it started as a normal day but then ended with death so maby today is the start of the black death?

    4 I got scared once when I was on my roof taking down christmas lights and I almost fell off.

  100. 1. He often sees rats because he lives in sort of a dirty neighborhood.
    2.The boss has swelling on hhis neck, arm pits red, and oozing sores on his skin
    3.I felt sad because it was braking to hear all those people dead.
    4.When i was at this birthday party and we went to the yogi bear halloween maze and i got scared because there were these guys with chain saws (with covers on) and they were chasing you with them.

  101. 1. The place is dirty and perfect for rats so rats go and live their.

    2. He had large swellings on his neck and armpits and sores on his skin.

    3. I feel sad for that person because people he knows and his family died and then he did too.

    4.I was scared when I was little and left at a store in the mall and stood by the door waiting for my parents to come back.

  102. 1. Because his village is often dirty, not terrible, but fairly dirty.
    2. He was lifeless, with red sores all over with large swellings on his neck and under his arms.
    3. I felt as sad as when I read the story about Pompeii being destroyed; I felt awful.
    4. I remember one time at my grandma's house, me and my little sister were going to check on our house cat, Ziggy. He was in the laundry room in the basement. (Ziggy had to stay at my grandma's for a reason, but that's another story.) We got to say hi and everything, plus we shut the door; bad decision because when we tried to open it, it wouldn't open. (At my grandma's house, the doorknob was broke, but I never thought it wouldn't open) and we were yelling for my grandma, while my sister started to cry. Eventually the doorknob let us open and we got out, while grandma was just coming downstairs. Boy did I have a talk with her!

  103. 1. Because his neighborhood is usually filthy.
    2. Red lumps all over his body black fingers and toes and sweat all over.
    3. Sad. Because if that happened to Brandon it would be sad.
    4. I was scared when I had an asthma attack and didnt know what it was or what happened.

  104. 1. he seesw rats often because garbage is on the streets and their are dead people every where and the rats want to eat them.

    2. His boss is sitting in a chair his neck is bent to the side and his body is covered in red blisters he is lifeless.

    3. I feel horror when he sees his neighbor that he just waved to 3 hours before. I feel horror because people don't just die that quickly.

    4. I was scared when I went coyote hunting because I heard coyotes all aroun me and behind me.

  105. 9dawson trygstadMay 7, 2013 at 2:43 PM

    because of the dirty place seeing of his villige 2 red ozing skin black lumbs black figers tips 3 sad that everyone is dieing 4 well for the most timei would be scared of dying in this place.

  106. 1. He often sees rates because his village is dirty.

    2. His boss had large swellings on his neck and arm pits, red, oozing sores in his skin and his eyes were wide open but with no life.

    3. The emotions that I felt in this story was sadness and terror because if that were me i wouldent want to see all the dead boodies.

    4. A time that I was scared is when I was going off the High dive at drake springs and i am affraid of hights and my brother bet me $10 so I did i. I got the $10

  107. 1. His town it a little drity.
    2. Lumps on his neck, and large lumps in his arm pits.
    3. Sad because they all died and suffered.
    4. When I went in to my room and my dad poped out while I was going to bed.

  108. 1. The place is fithy dirty.
    2. He has black lumps and red swells and his eyes are open but lifeless.
    3. I feel greif for this person and his family because he has two witness this and die in one day.
    4. One time me and my brother were racing up the deck stairs and I pushed him. He fell off the deck and landed on our stone foutain right on the tip with his eye. At first I thought he died but then I heard him crying. My younger brother raced to get him and so did I. I took him from my brother and raced him up the stairs to my family. He was unconcious and all I kept telling myself was he would be okay but I didnt know if that was true. My dad asked me what happened but I was sobbing uncontrollably and my brother told him. I asked my mom if he would be okay and she said yes but the look in her eyes told me otherwise. That night I heard screams but in the morning one of my brothers eyes was opened and the other half of his face was black and puffy. I was releived and sad and told him a million times I was sorry.

  109. 1)He often sees rats because his town is a bit smelly and pretty dirty.

    2)He had big swellings on his neck and under his armpits and his eyes were open.

    3)I felt a little scared because i dont know if its still posible now and i felt grossed out and sad because its gross.

    4)i was scared at my little brother jimmys first dirt bike race and he jumped realy high and i was afraid he was going to crash.

  110. 1. He sees rats often because they are always scurrying about and his village is filthy.

    2. Uhm red oozing sores on his skin black lumps and his eyes are open.

    3.I feel a little bit of sadness because noone wants to walk into their home to find their family dead its just horrifying.

    4. Uhm one time i got scared is when i got my nose peirced because i thought it was going to hurt but it didnt so it was an okay feeling.


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