
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ancient Quest Comes to an End...

Throughout the school year, we have been reading a book called "Ancient Quest." We read this book in a fairly odd way, as we only read 1 chapter per month. The reason we do this is because each chapter coincides with the units we study. Each chapter is designed to help us focus on one or two big ideas from that ancient world. Johnny, who is on this quest to conquer the ancient world and save a tiger he killed in 6th grade, has visited and succeeded in the Stone Age, Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, ancient China, ancient India, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and the Medieval Times. Now, it all comes to an end as we find out if Johnny will succeed, fail, or die. The question everyone wants to know whenever they read a book is: "What happens at the end?"  Well, let's find out....
(There will be no audio option for the end of the book).

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