
Monday, May 20, 2013

6th Grade: A Reflection (Extra Credit)

Can you believe the school year is only 4 days away from being done?!?! Wow, time goes fast. It seems just yesterday you all arrived at the middle school as frightened, anxious 6th graders :)  Now, you are leaving 6th grade as confident, focused 6th graders. We have gone from struggling to open our lockers, to donating almost $4,000 to the Make-A-Wish. We have accomplished a lot in social studies this year. You have accomplished a lot as a person as well. You have worked hard on social studies and did a great job blogging. So, with our final week of 6th grade before us, we have one more blog post opportunity. This is a rare extra credit opportunity for you in my class. If you choose to complete this blog post, you will earn 15 points extra credit for your social studies grade in the 4th quarter. I hope you seriously consider doing this post because I would love to hear what you have to say. 
Extra Credit Task: Post a comment to this blog post reflecting on your 6th grade school year. In your reflection, you could talk about what you learned in social studies, english, math, science, reading, or any other class you had. You can talk about how you felt at the beginning of the year compared to know, talk about certain things that happened to you this school year either at school or outside of school. Basically, I want you to reflect on the school year we are just completing and share those thoughts with me. The length of your reflection does not matter, the quality of your reflection is what I'm looking for... So, Good Luck!


  1. in math we learned about polgons
    then in science we learned about earth quakes
    then in s.s we learned about the 8 worlds
    English we learned about verbs adverbs adjective nouns pronouns
    in reading stories
    at the begging of the school year I was scared at the begin now I am not
    the school year was fun some teachers made school homework or standers fun and enjoy to come to school you ring erccsion grieve I had a fun school year

  2. First off, that was very embarrassing what Julia and all them told you but it WAS kind of funny too. Anyways, at the beginning of the year I thought I wasn't going to have any friends but then right now I have a TON!!!! I love 6th grade!!!! and I thought that I wasn't going to know where any of my classes were but after a few days I learned quickly!!!!

  3. At the beging of the school year I was scard. I was especially scared about my locker. I figured out my locker right away. By about the 5 day of school i could open my locker 1 handed. Now I am getting nervous obout 7 grade.

  4. 8kessler stephanieMay 20, 2013 at 7:49 PM

    My school year has been great! I have had a fun time learning with my nice teachers. In social studies I've learned a lot about the ancient worlds and Ancient Quest Lit. circle has helped me understand that better. Out of school I am really busy so, it's hard to get my homework done sometimes. Although, education first. I am improving on many skills both in and out of school. Such as dance:), volleyball, Girl Scouts, swimming, friendship, Algebra, Social life, CHARACTER, vocabulary, and much more. I have had a wonderful year with you and I am looking forward to school next year.

  5. I thought 6th grade was going to be WAY easier but iv been enjoying the school year. I really appreciate all the help iv beengeting from 7th grade friends and all theteachers. Espeshialy from you Mr.klumper and it has been a great, no, spectacular year, thank you for every thing!:) Math is defenetly one of the hardest classes I have iv enjoyed gym and the kickball games in home room!
    Sometimes I worry about if im geting goodgrades but I know even if im not my parents will help me bring them up, im not saying I have bad grades they are fairly good. I really never worry about haveing a bad day because I know my friends will help me work through it and so will all of our amazing teacher. Mrs.Erickson is a very fun teacher and same with Mrs.Ring. Mrs.greive is pretty fun to with all the activites we do. And lunch is awesome, but, we need more italian dunkers,peperoni pizza, and popcorn chicken. My year was great so, THANK YOU EVERY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. i have had a lot of fun this year. i met new friends and saw old friends too. my best friend right now is Rachel W. i am in chorus and band. i came into the school doors on the first day of school thinking "i am soo going to die here."n but eventually it got a lot better. Other that all the homework every day and no study hall. but over all im happy i finished 6th grade.

  7. 6th grade so way more relaxed than I thought it would be. I went from not being able to open my locker to being a 7th grader. I thought that we would have homework ALL the time but we didn't. Things were not to hard. All my classes got more fun and I feel like we have all grown up. I met a lot of new peolpe.

  8. This school year was awesome. I liked learning about the black death. I like people dieing. I play video games so i kill people. it is fun keep teaching your students with humor

  9. this year was allot of fun learning with mr. klumper. I learned sum neet stuff about king tut then i knew before i was in sixth grade. i also had some activeties that were awesome like the silk road journey. I had a losing score but it was still fun. the one thing im goin to remember is the wax museum. and i hope u keep our video on the web site cause i might want to sow it my kids in the futur. ill miss u mr. klumper but don't worry ill stop by to say hi!!

  10. My sixth grade year was great at frist i was scarred because if i for got where one of my classes were. or if I could not get my locker open. in social studies i learnt about the ancient worlds with Johnny as he tries to get 8 gold coins to save the tiger that he killed the first time he was at the ancient worlds. in english i found out verbs adverbs adjectives and many more. in science class i found out that to make sound you have to have something vibrating. in reading class i learnt that a story has to have a rising act then the climax then to the falling action to the resolution. WHEN THE NEW SIXTH GRADE STUDENTS THAT THEY NEED TO ENJOY 6TH GRADE BECAUSE YOU ARE ONLY IN 6TH GRADE ONE TIME!!!!!! (:

  11. At the beginning of the year I was freaked out. I barely knew any of the people. Throughout the first month I got used to things. A lot of things changed. The amount of homework was more, The changing of classes, and my social life, not to mention puberty. I'd say between elementary school teachers and middle school teachers there is a big change. Middle school teachers are more strict. I learned a lot this year. I learned about ancient civilizations, adverbs, adjetives, and pronouns, geometry and algebra, organs and cells, and different forms of writing. overall it was a great year and I can't wait till summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. it was wier dfor my first day cause i was new from california i was scared i learned alot this year and also... i changed alot to..........and uuuuhhh ya!!!

  13. 4decurtins alysssMay 23, 2013 at 6:55 AM

    This year I learned the most in social studies and science.
    I learned poems in English, lots about ancient worlds in social studies, equations in math, genres in reading, lots in science ( tools ), I had an amazing year I made a lot of friends and alot of new teachers can't wait for next year


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