
Thursday, April 18, 2013

What the Medieval Times Brings...

Despite what the weather may show, we are in spring and that means the school year is coming to a close. We have reached our final major unit of the school year: The Medieval Times. Perhaps you have heard the saying: "Save the Best for Last"? Well, it may be true in this case. The Medieval Times is packed with fascinating topics, people, events, and dangers. Unlike the ancient worlds we have already studied, the Medieval Times isn't that long ago. Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, etc. were thousands of years ago. The Medieval Times was only a couple hundred years ago. So, what exactly will the Medieval Times bring? We will be learning about the geography of Europe, Knights, Castles, Feudalism, Manor system, castles, famous people, the Bubonic Plague, the Crusades, and comparing the religion of Islam to Christianity. There will be new activities and projects, along with somethings we have already done like online quizzes, assignments, and blogging. We will see if Johnny is able to complete his last task in his Ancient Quest and save the Tiger. We are going to end our ancient world traveling with a BANG so get ready and get focused. 

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