
Monday, April 8, 2013

The Blog Book Conclusion

What does your blog book color mean? We have been waiting for 4 weeks to see what the color of these blog books mean. Each color means something different. Each color will tell you to do something. I feel like we need to be more helpful in our lives. We need to help out more around the house. Our parents do a lot of the house work on top of having a full time job. So this blog book conclusion is going to help us get in that habit of being more helpful around the house. So without further delay, here is the Blog Book Conclusion!

Click HERE to see what your blog book color means! 
Post a comment after you complete your job telling us about how it went.


  1. It wasnt that bad, but cleaning the tolets wasnt that plesent but you my parents have been cleaning for a long time

  2. 4 things about when I was cleaning the bathrooms.

    1: it was gross
    2: it was gross
    3: it was gross
    4: it was semi medium hard

    But luckily I knew how to clean a toilet without getting wet.

  3. It was easy but disgusting! I had to clean the bathrooms and my brothers are slobs! Most of our downstairs bathroom was made up of toothpaste!

  4. I had to make breakfast and all I made was French toast sticks from a box. It wasn't that bad but I made about 30 and I had to flip them twice. They ended up tasting good!


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