
Friday, April 26, 2013

Knights of the Medieval Times

There was a special type of warrior of the Medieval Times called Knights. These men were highly trained fighters. They were excellent with swords, lances, pikes, maces, and daggers. They were expert riders on horseback. Knights of the Medieval Times swore a vow to protect women, children, the weak, and the sick. They vowed to fight against evil and corruption. They swore this oath for life. Once they bent the knee and was knighted by the King or Queen, they had to uphold their vows until they died. Knights lived by a code of Chivalry. This was a code of honor, duty, bravery, protection, and courage that they had to live by. A person started out as a "page" then moved to "squire" if they proved worthy. A squire would tend to the knight in battle, help them get their armor on, make sure their weapons were ready, basically anything the knight needed. If the squire proved himself brave, they could then become a Knight themselves. Let's take a look at the armor Knights wore:

Knights Online Assignment

Extend the Activity: Are you Chivalrous like Knights? Chivalry in 2013 looks a little different than in the Medieval Times. Chivalry today means respecting your parents, doing good deeds like setting the table or cleaning the house. It can also mean carrying groceries for an old lady or helping her find her teeth. Chivalry in 2013 means doing good things for people. Tell me about a time when you did something good for another person. 


  1. One day I picked up the whole house vacuumed every room and washed all the dishes for my mom.

  2. one day i help a old woman carrying her grouchies to her house.

  3. i cleanded the house baCK YARD AND STUFF

  4. I helped my mom do the dishes it was her birthday. So she didnt have to do them.

  5. one time when jackson dropped his books in the hall i helped him pick them up.

  6. I did something good by helping my mom clean the whole house. And it was really MESSY!!!

  7. I helped my friend make his bed, clean up his living room, and helped clean up the downstairs after we had a sleepover.

  8. One time I was at my house and i saw an old women carring in her groceries. I went over and helped her carry it in.

  9. I helped an old lady get her bags out of the cart. I also helped her by opening the door for her. She was struggling, ALOT.

  10. One time i helped a kid who was on cruches out of the library by holding the door open for him

  11. i went to bethany meadows and helped all the handycapped people there like get food for them and just play like cards with them

  12. I helped my mom and dad by emptying the dish washer without being asked my sister helped me.It went very qiuk with racael helping.

  13. the hole house by my self

  14. Just resently, after we had the ice storm, my neighbors had many tree branches down, so I went over to help them.

  15. when i vaccumed my whole entire house for my parent but it was so i could get my blog book signed so it was bassically by force.

  16. I did the dishes for my mom and dad (and we do not have a dish washer)with no help. :)

  17. I think it was while we were at scheels and there was an old lady that had crutches and i held the door open for her so it didnt slam right into her face

  18. I helped at an indian reservation we served people who didnt make alot of money food and we donated clothes to them.

  19. When someone drops there books, binder, or other stuff i helped theem pick it all up and when my parents tell me to do something I do it too help out around the house or outside of my house.... i also do good stuff at scholl if a teacher asks me to do something such as get the papers out of the printer or stay after school to do something, and i also help out my friends like if they hurt them selves they will ask me to do something such as hrlping them to go to class to class and more... also when a new kid comes i TRY to make friends with them if i do i will show them around the whole school.

  20. i helped my sister when she had the flu and puked all over so i cleaned it up took care of her like a teen mom

  21. wen i did the landary

  22. I did a good thing when i helped an elderly man and woman open their door and help them carry their grocieries inside.


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