
Friday, April 5, 2013

Ancient Rome Open-Note Test

2. Blog post: Pick a topic from ancient Rome and tell me about it. Use complete sentences in paragraph form. At least 4 sentences. Post it on this blog post in a comment box.  


  1. Christianity was a religion started ny Jesus Christ. Christmas was the birth of Jesus. He chose twelve disciples. Judas betrayed Jesus. For Christians, the holiday they celebrated for Jesus' death was Easter. The emperor Constantine made Christianity equal to all other religions in the Roman Empire.

  2. The Romans made actual roads. They went from a dirt road to stone roads. The most famous road was the Appian Way. They made their streets have a very modern look because of the gutters and road signs. the roads made it easier to walk places.

  3. The most famous Roman road is the Appian Way. The Romans changed them by taking them from a dirt path to a road built with stones, mortar, and blocks. The gutters and the road signs gave the Roman roads a modern day look. The curd stones made it so the water would drain.

  4. Pompeii was a city in Rome. There was a mountain there. Or at least thet thought it was a mountain. It was called Mt. Vesuvius. One day , it was just a normal day in Pompeii. But then black smock filled the air. A couple day later, MT. VESUVIUS ERUPTED!!!! Everyone was freaking out. It started to cover Pompeii and everyone that didn't make it out on time, died. Then, a long long time ago, like in 1760's, some scientists were chipping away at Pompeii. They found something and they poured some plaster in the left it lay for a couple days, and it was a cast of the human body. Now these days, they have some cast of the people in Pompeii in a museum. They say a volcano that big, it should erupte soon in like 2000 years. So it will erupte in 2076. That's very soon for people in Rome.

  5. Punic wars is between Rome and cartigare.nit lasted for 10 years the first one did. Then they stop and it was a tie. Then the cartilage leader accident attack his own men and the cargarite thought it was the romes so they attacked them back. The cartigare had a idea to attack them but it didn't work at all they lost a lot of men so the romes ended up winning but alot of people died on both sides.

  6. Punic wars Rome and Carthage never liked each other . Then what started the first Punic war was Carthage invaded the 3 islands by Rome. After that it was 20 years of battling. Nobody won! They never had a peace treaty. So the new leader Hannibal said they wanted to take over Spain. Then Hannibal attacked one city that was a of Rome. That's what started the 2nd Punic war. At the end of that war Hannibal ran away for 40 years! They did not catch him in all he was 64 they agreed on giving Rome an island that is the Punic wars.

  7. My topic is gladiators. They are fighters in the colosseum .most of them are slaves. Many gladiators have died. If shown mercy they live.

  8. Pompeii
    Pompeii was a very large city it had 20,000 people. It would take you 3 days to go from Rome to Pompeii. Pompeii had a very large volcano that they thought was just a mountain but on August 24 79 AD. The volcano blew up and killed everybody. It was a popular spot because of vibrant life. The emperor Nero visited Pompeii a lot.

  9. Panthen means 'to honor all gods'. The Pantheon has an oculus in the roof it. It is a hole in the roof. The pantheon was built by having a thick layer of bricks at the bottom and it gets thinner as it goes up. It now holds the tombs of several Italian kings and the famous artist Raphael.

  10. Pompey was a city by a nice siced mountain named mt.kato. Mt.kato was a volcano and on one day it erupeted .some people who flead did not die and that is how we no about it. Lots of people barracked them selfs in there home but the ash filled air still got thought the dried lava persuved the body's very well aceoalegests filled the areas with plaster and left ghostly molds of the deseses body's.

  11. Some of the roman gods and goddesses had the names of the planets. For example the roman version of Hermes is mercury and the roman name for Aphrodite is Venus. The roman form of ghea is earth and the roman form of ares is mars. Another example is the mighty zues is jupiter and Poseidon is Neptune. The roman gods are Greek gods in roman form or it could be the Greek gods are roman gods in Greek form.

  12. Rome republic.
    They had democracy.It is run by patricians.There where tribunes that can stop the decision of the senate.caesar was killed by the patricians because they thought he was going to stop the republic.

  13. Roman Empire

    The death of Julius caeser marked the end of the roman republic. Marcus Aurelius lowered the price of taxes and helped the poor in there times of need. Emperor Caligula tried to make his horse senate because he didn't think the others were worthy of helping him. The colusem held many gladiator fight, a gladiator is a pro fighter .emporor Claudis granted citizenship which allowed the empire to grow.


  14. Marcus Aurelius was an emperor of Rome. He sold his jewelry and many other things that belonged to him so he could help with the city. He would help around with the school, hospitals, orphanages, and more. He also lowered taxes. He was probably the most kind emperor around. Marcus always made sure everyone was happy.

  15. Christianity
    Jesus Crist was the man who started Christianity, he had men who followed him called disciples. He had a special group called the apostles who use the book of Christianity "The Bible". Jesus taught people to follow the Ten Commandments, people were upset about angering the gods so they told roman leaders. One of Jesus's closest friends Judas ratted him out to the Roman leaders, as punishment Jesus was to be crucified(nailed to a cross).Three days later he rose from the dead, which ment he was Messiah; true son of god. Easter holiday is the day that commemorates his death.

  16. The beginning of Rome started with Romulus and Remus. Romulus and Remus were brothers. They got kicked into the Tiber river. A she wolf came by and took care of both of them.they both wanted to establish a city but Romulus built a better one. Remus climbed over the wall of Romulus's city. Romulus then killed his brother. Rome got its name Romulus.

  17. Topic:Gladiator

    My topic is gladiators. So gladiators were criminals robbers murderers or volunteers. Gladiators had to fight in a colosseum, basically a giant arena, with people watching. Sometimes gladiators would fight other gladiators, other times they face animals like a tiger or poisonous snakes. There are many different types of gladiators, they all have dis-advantages and advantages, as an example; One could have a bow, but then they wouldn't have anything to protect them if a guy with a sword got to close. Gladiators are quite interesting, and I'm glad I got to learn about them.

  18. I'm choosing gladiators for my topic to write about. A gladiator fights against animals or other human beings. Commudus was a roman emperor and he fought as a gladiator against the amputes and all his opponents were told to lose because he was an emperor. Spartacus was a slave that had to win his freedom as fighting as a gladiator he also fought many wars against the Romans. A gladiator wore armoire and used weapons to try and kill his opponents with out dying and if he fought well enough and was going to get killed an emperor could have mercy and not have him killed. Otherwise it was a no mercy match and if you got killed you got killed.

  19. Pompeii

    Pompeii was built at the base of a volcano but the people of Pompeii didn't know that. They thought it was a mountain. On August 24th 79AD the volcano erupted mid afternoon. The people of Pompeii had 3 obstacles. The 1st was darkness due to cloud coming from the volcano. The 2nd was it was difficult to breathe because of the ash filled air. The 3rd was the continuous rain of pumice blocking exits.

  20. The emperors because I find them quite interesting. Commodous surprised me because he fought as a gladiator ,but making other people lose for him that's just selfish. Vespian probly not a great builder if you can't build a colosseum . Justinian being adopted kind fun but being the son of the first emporor is fun. I feel bad for Titus he had to see Pompeii get destroyed all those children and adults get killed that's just SAD:( :( :(

  21. My topic is going to be about Pompeii they are probably the saddest thing in the ancient times they are living like any other city and then the volcano erupts. Pompeii is pretty much an artifact a huge artifact if I were able to go to Pompeii I would probably see what it was like back then! The way people were protecting others and themselves the way they were back then are still like that now. The 3 things to die when that happened go like this 1 they take the first breath and they breath the smoke, then the next breath would be they would breath the ash. When the ash is breathed in the ash would stay like wet cement, then they take in the next breath it hardens the ash and clogs up the lungs and a result in death. That's how Pompeiis civilization got wiped out.

  22. My topic is going to be about Pompeii they are probably the saddest thing in the ancient times they are living like any other city and then the volcano erupts. Pompeii is pretty much an artifact a huge artifact if I were able to go to Pompeii I would probably see what it was like back then! The way people were protecting others and themselves the way they were back then are still like that now. The 3 things to die when that happened go like this 1 they take the first breath and they breath the smoke, then the next breath would be they would breath the ash. When the ash is breathed in the ash would stay like wet cement, then they take in the next breath it hardens the ash and clogs up the lungs and a result in death. That's how Pompeiis civilization got wiped out.

  23. Christianity was started by Jesus. Constantine made it the official realign of Rome. Christmas is the holiday to celebrate Jesus birth. Easter is a holiday celebrating Jesus resarection. Christianity is still growing to day.

  24. Christianity was started by Jesus. Constantine made it the official realign of Rome. Christmas is the holiday to celebrate Jesus birth. Easter is a holiday celebrating Jesus resarection. Christianity is still growing to day.

  25. 4Tellinghuisen EthanApril 5, 2013 at 11:03 AM

    Roman mythology was a lot like Ancient Greece. They had the same gods with different names. What I don't understand is why they had to be so separate and act like they are worshiping their own gods.what I don't understand is why Rome had to be so different.

  26. Gladitators, can be slaves or just vollenter. Gladiators fight for the fame and the glory and to free someone from slavery. Gladiators fight to the the death most of the gladiators are buff and strong but some are weak and still win the battle isnt that amazing. They also fight animals and they make animals starve so they will want to eat you more because they are so hungry.

  27. Pompeii is a city that was destroyed by the mountain Vesuvius. On August 24, 79 AD just a regular day the mountain next to the city started spewing ashes over the city in mid afternoon. People died from not being able to breathe, and others were trapped in houses from pumice. People were also crushed by pumice. The city of Pompeii was buried by pumice and has been since 200 years ago,we found the city and dug it out. Bodies still remain there in the form that they died in. The city of Pompeii still remains.

  28. My topic is going to be about when Johnny gets the flyer. When Johnny is walking and a flyer hits him in the chin. So he asks the guy that was handing out the flyers what it is about. Then the guy tells him and then Johnny sakes when the 100day is and the dude says today is the 99 day so that means that tomorrow is the start of the gladitor fight. When Johnny gets to the gladitor fight and he mets a guy named Dax. So then Dax and Johnny start talking and Dax ask why Johnny is there and Johnny tells him and then Johnny ask Dax why he is at the gladtior fight and Dax says because I want to free my wife from slavery. So then Johnny gets to the front of the line and the guy standing says to Johnny you can't be in this fight you are to skinny. So then Johnny tells him that he wants to be in this fight and the says that he can. So the walk in and the first thing that Johnny has to fight is a lion and he wins then he plays again until he is in the championship and he wins that so he gets the money that they get if you win they whole gladtior fight so then he has he golden coin and gives it back to Titus and tells him take this money and free Dax's wife from slavery. Then he clenches his finger around the golden coin and then he is gone. That is the end of my short story

  29. Christianity

    Christianity is a religion started by Jesus and you only believe in one god. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. That is why we celebrate Christmas . When Jesus would walk around a group of people called disciples would follow him around. The book that Christianity people follows the bible. Jesus picked twelve disciples to follow him and the twelve people that followed him are called Apostles. He was nailed into the cross and rose from the dead that is why we celebrate Easter.

  30. The forum is a way to meet people and listen to there speeches and conduct a business

  31. The colosseum was a huge arena. It was mostly used for gladiator fights. In the story ancient quest Johnny follows the big crowd to the colosseum, and that's where he fights as a gladiator in the story.

  32. The city of Pompeii was destroyed by a volcano. The people thought that it was a mountain and started a city there. Mt. Vesuvius was the volcano that destroyed it. The falling pumas buried people in there house.

  33. So the topic I chose was Christianity. Jesus started that religion, He died on the cross, was born in a manger, and rose from the dead. Easter is the time when He rose. Christmas is the time He was born. Lent is forty days to represent how long He spent in the desert. That's all!

  34. Why Rome had the perfect climate. Rome had the perfect climate because one it had hills for protection. Two because it had a great water source the Tiber river. Three because it had both the meddertianean sea and the tyrranian sea. That is why Rome has the perfect climate.

  35. Christianity is a major religion for the Romans. But it was not allowed in Rome. But then a new emperor came. He made it ok to be a christian his name was Constantine.

  36. POMPEII:
    Pompeii was a very sad and enduring story. Many lives were lost in very little time. The people of Pompeii had no idea of what was happening. At the time all they thought mt..Vesuvius is was a mountain. They only had three breath to take and on the third breath they had died of suffocation. The next eruption is said to happen in 60 years because mt.Vesuvius erupts every 2,000. Today Pompeii is a city in Rome twice as big as it use to be but they are now prepared for the next destruction mt.Vesuvius can do to them. We honor and cherish the people of Pompeii and always will.

  37. The topic I am going to tell you about is Pompeii. Pompeii was destroyed by a volcano. The city of Pompeii thought it was a mountain so did not worry at all. Some people decided to flee Pompeii because they realized it was a volcano, others stayed because they thought they could survive. When the volcano erupted again, everything was buried and everyone died. The final day of Pompeii was August 24th, 79 AD.

  38. Pompeii was buried in ash and lava. Pompeii was destroyed on August 24th, 79AD. The rain down of ash and lava lasted a whole day. By dawn of the next morning everyone was dead. No one escaped.

  39. Christianity is a religion started by Jesus. Christmas is a holiday based on Jesus' birth. Christians follow a book called the bible. Easter is another holiday which is based on Jesus' death. Jesus believed in monotheism which is believing in one god.

  40. The pantheon was used for Gods to be worshipped. The opening on the top of the pantheon is called th oculus, it's there to reduce mass and toilet light in. Emperor Hadrian ordered it to be built. It was mad out of cement,bricks, and maride colums.

  41. Pompeii was a peace full city, until the mountain right beside the town erupted. They were in shock because they thought it was an ordinary mountain and they new they were going to die. Pompeii was right by a super volcano, it is not as deadly as the yellowstone's inactive super volcano. There body's were preserved in the ash and half the length of a desk size pumice.

  42. A legion is an army in Rome.
    Carthage is a country south of Rome.
    The pantheon was built to worship all gods.
    Christianity was started by Jesus and only believes in one god.

  43. Pompeii, Pompeii was destroyed by a volcano. People didn't know it was a volcano. The final day was August 24, 79ad. The volcano blocked windows, and doorways turning houses into tombs.

  44. The roads had the paving stones and the curb stones so the water drains and doesn't flood the road. The second layer has cement mixed with broken tiles.the third layer has broken stones cement and sand. Last buts not least the fourth layer has stones......:)

  45. The colosseum is an arena that holds Gladeator fights. The first round you fight an animal. The second round you fight another Gladeator.( that is.... If you make it that far.) Then the last round you fight the last Gladeator standing. ( and yes.... If you make it that far.) that is one of the things I learned.

  46. Pompeii
    I think this topic is really sad, but its a really good topic. I think a good thing about this is that we know what happened and now maybe if the volcano erupts again we have a plan. But once again it's really sad and the whole town died so that's pretty sad!:(
    And this girl wrote down her last words and her story of the last day.

  47. Comoros fought as a gladiator and was the son of Marcus
    Aurelius. Titus was emperor when mt.Vesuvius destroys Pompeii.Vespian saw the construction of the colloseum. Constantine made Christianity equal to all other religions in Rome.

  48. Pompeii was destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius. Ash started to fall on Pompeii at mid afternoon. Darkness fill the city full of ash and people could not see. Ash filled the people's lungs so they had a hard time breathing. Alot of people did in that tragic time.

  49. My topic is on Pompeii. Pompeii is a city by Rome. And in Pompeii there was a big volcano that the citizens of Pompeii thought was just a big mountain. Then eventually one day that volcano mt.vesius had erupted and spewed out lava and ash and it traped all of their citizens in their houses which just left them there to die because they had no way to get out. Finally pompeii's last day was on August 24th, 79AD. Now some people hav egone there and dug up Pompeii and found casts of people's bodies but now the people that live ther know that it's a volcano and know when to flee when mt.vesius erupts again.

  50. My topic is on Pompeii. Pompeii is a city by Rome. And in Pompeii there was a big volcano that the citizens of Pompeii thought was just a big mountain. Then eventually one day that volcano mt.vesius had erupted and spewed out lava and ash and it traped all of their citizens in their houses which just left them there to die because they had no way to get out. Finally pompeii's last day was on August 24th, 79AD. Now some people hav egone there and dug up Pompeii and found casts of people's bodies but now the people that live ther know that it's a volcano and know when to flee when mt.vesius erupts again.

  51. The topic I chose was of Ancient Rome is roads. The most famous roman road is the Appia way. Roads were important to Rome because it was a good way to transport goods and important things. The Romans changed roads by going from a dirt path to an actual road made with bricks. The gutters and road signs gave the ancient roads a modern look.

  52. Emperors: Emperor commodus fought as a gladiator and was the son of Marcus Aurelius.Emperor Titus was there when Pompeii got destroyed.Emperor vespian saw the construction of the colosseum. Emperor Justinian established the laws and codes which formed the basis of all laws in the western world.

  53. Roman mythology
    Jupiter is the ruler of the gods and sky
    Neptune in the god of water and sea
    Pluto is the god of death and the under world
    Saturns Greek for is the Titan kronos

  54. The one I liked was the callosum it is about the glatators of Ancient Rome. The callosum was made to have glatator fights and see who it's the best glatator. In the callosum there are thousands of people who come to watch the fights.

  55. My topic is Christianity.
    Jesus started Christianity. The book for it is the Bible. Jesus was born in Bethelhem and died in Jeruselum. He had 12 apostales. Jesus died on a cross.

  56. Pompeii was just a city next to Rome. It was a really nice city with lots of people in it and it was right next to a "mountain" All the people thought it was a mountain anyway, but it was actually a volcano! It erupted on August 24, 79ad. The name of it was mt. Vesuvius. There city was completely buried in ash until someone found it many many years later. The town was pretty much frozen in time. Since it was like that we can see how life was back then. There was even air sockets where the bodies had been!!!!!

  57. Christyanity: This religion is still followed to day it was started by Jesus. He was sent to earth to die on the cross for our sins. Then is three days he arose from the dead. and the christans follow the book called the bible which god made the 12 desiples.

  58. Christianity was started by a man named Jesus. Jesus's parents were Mary and Joseph. The holiday Christmas was created because of the birth of Jesus. Jesus was betrayed by Judas and was crucified on the cross to save all of us.

  59. I'm taking about roman mythology Zeus is Jupiters Greek form but Jupiter is the roman king of the gods Neptune is the roman god of the sea and Pluto is the roman god of the under world and all three are the big lendenary thee the most powerful gods in all.

  60. I'm taking about roman mythology Zeus is Jupiters Greek form but Jupiter is the roman king of the gods Neptune is the roman god of the sea and Pluto is the roman god of the under world and all three are the big lendenary thee the most powerful gods in all.

  61. Pantheon

    The Pantheon was used to honor all of the Roman gods. It changed to a church in 609. Hadrian ordered the pantheon to be built. Brick and concrete was used to build the pantheon. The hole on the top of the pantheon is called the oculus, it lets light into the building.

  62. Christianity:
    Christianity was started by Jesus (God's only begotten son) while he was Earth he called together some men who would be known as the 12 disciples (or apostles) some of them were tax collectors and fisherman (he said to the fishermen "Come and be fishers of men!") and they witnessed Jesus's many miracles which include turning water into wine feeding the 5000 and many more. Some of the disciples would right some of the books in the Bible. Jesus's death and resurection began with leading the disciples through communion and he said to them that he would not be there much longer and one of them would betray him. He also said it is the one that I give the bread too and he dipped the bread and gave it to the disciple Judas who had betrayed him for 30 silver coins! as he was preying Judas would lead the Roman soldiers to him so that he would be arrested. Peter one of the other disciples chopped off one of their ears but then Jesus put it back on. Later that night he would be crucified Peter would reject home 3 times and 3 days later he would rise again! (Peter repented for his sins later.)

  63. Pompeii was a city of 20,000 people and they lived by a "hill" but it was really a volcano!! One day it erupted and it was totally dark from the ash and pumice and smoke. Everyone tried to hide but they never made either of the pumice coming down and hitting them or when they breathed in their lungs got a cement like substance in their lungs and they died slowly, but some people got away from it and the next day the volcano tricked them and erupted even stronger then the last time and killed all the people that were left. Then scientists discovered people under all the rock and rumble by putting liquid into the little hole and it made a kind of body outline and now they can see what exact position they were in at the time of their death!!!!!!! It's pretty cool!!!!!!!

  64. Christianity was started by Jesus. The holiday, Christmas, is based on Jesus's birth. The bible is the book that the followers follow. Jesus was arrested and sentenced to die on a cross.

  65. I chose roman mythology Jupiter is chief of gods or in Greece Zeus or ruling god. Mars is god of war or ares in Greece. Neptune is god of sea in Greece that is poisiden Pluto is god of dead like hades except he is god of underworld same thing in Greece Pluto is hades.

  66. The collusion is a giant structure that the Romans used to hold gladiator battles. It could hold over 500 people.they had chambers under ground that the gladiators would sleep in and they would leave when they got called out.they had also built a chamber for animals.

  67. The pantheon:it's meaning is honor all gods.
    Has an oculus to let light in.
    It was converted into a church in 609.
    Coffers reduced the weight.
    Made out of bricks and concrete.
    Hadrian ordered it to be built.

  68. Emperors
    Commodes fought as a gladiator he was also the son of Marcus Aurelius. Justinian established a set of laws or codes it formed all of the basis of western laws. Constantine made Christianity equal to all other religions in Rome. Titus say the destruction of Pompeii. Hadrian achievements were the pantheon and a massive wall. Vespian saw the construction of the coloseum. Tiberius was adopted from the first roman emperor.

  69. My Topic will Be constantine .He believed in Jesus and thought every one should to.but in that time people who thought that would be he made his army paint crosses on there shields .after he won many battles he became emperor and allowed people to share there love for god all around.

  70. My favorite subject is Pompeii. Pompeii is interesting to me because we learned that every 6,000 years it erupts. And the final day was August 24 79ad. The Mountain was called Mt.Vesunius and the people started to leave because they had difficult breathing. The huge hail looking things were called plumas. The time surge was between 7:30-8:00.

  71. 8kessler stephanieApril 5, 2013 at 2:19 PM

    Christanity was brought to Rome from Constantine. You probably celebrate Easter, like many Christians. Easter is celebrated for the remembrance of Jesus's death. Christians believe in one god, Jesus. 12 out of all the decipals that began to follow Jesus were selected to be an a postal.

  72. Christianity is the worlds largest religion and one of the youngest. But where did it start and who started it? Well Christianity was Stared by a man name Jesus, and at that time Rome ruled the western world. So I guess you can basically say that it was started in Rome. You see Jesus was believed to be the son of God. He would go through the land and preaching the gospel and performing miracles. He wasn't alone He had twelve apostles Andrew James John Thaddeus Judas Peter Thomas Simon Barthalemu etc. The Jewish high Priest did not like Jesus. So judas tricked Jesus and Jesus was hanged on a cross. Three days he rose again.

  73. Christianity was started by Jesus. The holiday, Christmas, celebrates Jesus's birthday. The holiday, Easter, celebrates Jesus's death. The Romans killed Jesus because he only believed in one God, but Jesus rose again from the dead.

  74. Pantheon- The pantheon was a place where people could go to worship the gods.The pantheon had an oculus in it so that light could pass through.There was also marble floors and geometrical patterns.Emperor Hadrian was the one who ordered it to be built.The thickness of the walls decreased the higher the walls went.

  75. gladiators
    People in Rome who fight for fame , money
    Also their is different types of gladiators
    Like the Gallus for instants heavily armed warrior
    Their is so many types of gladitators with their strengths and weaknesses

  76. Gladiators

    Gladiators were the sport stars of Rome. They would be a gladiator for so many different reasons, like being arrested or trying to earn fame and money. They would fight in a place called the colosseum. They would usually fight to the death but some times if they fought brave they would be able to live. There were tons of different kinds of gladiators!

  77. Gladiators were professional fighters in Ancient Rome. There were many types of gladiators sword man to bowman on horses. Gladiators fought in the coluseeum. They sometimes fought animals alone or in a group or against each other alone or in a group. Gladiators were usually slaves, criminals, theifs, murderers ect. But some gladiators chose to be gladiators.

  78. Gladiators were professional fighters in Ancient Rome. There were many types of gladiators sword man to bowman on horses. Gladiators fought in the coluseeum. They sometimes fought animals alone or in a group or against each other alone or in a group. Gladiators were usually slaves, criminals, theifs, murderers ect. But some gladiators chose to be gladiators.

  79. Gladiators in Ancient Rome were like superstars today. They fought in a colosseum. Most of the time they fought to the death but sometimes losers would be spared. There were many typs of gladiators.

  80. I learned that the roman colosseum was used for gladiator fights.In the colosseum gladiators would battle each other to the death.Sometimes if the emperor thought you fought bravely you would not be killed.Also most people in the colosseum were fighting because they were a prisoner, a slave, or trying to free someone from slavery. Even woman fought in he colosseum sometimes.

  81. Aqueduct: it carries water into Rome so that the people have water. Usually to drink or to make food. It was useful because it gave them hydration and it helped them to make things. It was used to make food, used as a drink, it was also helpful in the gladiator fights

  82. My favorite subject is Roman Mythology. The gods are Jupiter who is the chief of all the gods. Mars who is the god of war. Mercury who is the messenger god. Neptune who is the god of the sea. Apollo who is the god of light and healing and Pluto who is the god of the dead. The goddesses are Juno who is the chief goddess. Minerva who is the goddess of wisdom. Venus who is the goddess of love and beauty and Diana who is the goddess of the hunt and moon.

  83. Christianity

    Jesus started Christianity, he went all over teaching about God. The people that followed Jesus are called deciples. The special book for Christianity is the bible. Emperor Constantine made Christianity an equal religion.

  84. Roads: roads are very important in Rome . The most famous one the Appian Way. Roads helps in a lot of things, such as, transportation, getting round easier, and helping people know where they are. The roads in Rome have similarities to the roads we have today. They had gutters and even street signs. When building they used paved stones sort of like what we have today as well.

  85. The topic I'm picking is roads. Roads were originally made from dirt, but they improved it to a road built with stones mortar and blocks. The gutters and road signs gave the roads a modern day look. The most famous road was The Appian Way. Roads were extremely important because the emperor, military and others needed it to travel easily.

  86. My essay is going to be about the devastation that occurred in Pompeii. The day it happened on was like any other. It was August 24th 79AD. The things that made it terrible for them were: Darkness due to dense clouds of ash coming from "Mount Vesuvius", Difficult breathing in the ash filled air, and Pumice Raining down on them for hours strait. By the time they thought it was over a second one came and everyone else was dead. The last surge of ash lasted only an hour. It happened between 7:00 - 8:00 AM.

  87. Roads
    The roads are very useful in Rome it helped people and the emperor get around easier.
    The most famous road was the Appian Way.
    Roman roads look like are roads because they both have gutters and signs.
    The roman roads were make of blocks,stone,and mortar.

  88. Gladiators are prizefighters. They in arenas such as the colosseum. Some become gladiators out of slavery. If you lose a gladiator fight not only do you lose you lose your life.

  89. Christianity is a religion started in Rome. It was started by Jesus. Cristian believe in the Bible. Christmas is because of Jesus' birth and Easter is a holiday started by Jesus' death.

  90. Emperors:

    The adopted son of the first emperor was Tiberius.

    A massive wall and the Panthion was Vespian's main achievements.

    Pompeii was destroyed when Titus was emperor.

    Commudus was a gladiator but he always won because the people he fought were told to lose and the animals he fought were sick or half dead already. (It's not right to cheat!)

  91. Pantheon: the pantheon is a place of worship to honor all gods. It may have no elecricity, but it has an oculus, or just a hole at the top of the Pantheon to give it a source of light. The Pantheon isn't made with the exact materials that we have today, but it's similar; it's made of concrete and brick! Who decided to create this magnificent part of history? Well that person is the one and only Emeror Hadrian! He made his builders change the thickness of the wall and increased it's height for the sake of room.

  92. Christianity is the religion of Rome. Jesus was the person who started Christianity. The book used for it was called the Bible. Jesus preached monotheism which means belief in one God. When Jesus died there was a holiday named after him that is called Easter.

  93. Christianity is the religion of Rome. Jesus was the person who started Christianity. The book used for it was called the Bible. Jesus preached monotheism which means belief in one God. When Jesus died there was a holiday named after him that is called Easter.

  94. My topic will be about Pompeii. Pompeii was a city right out of Rome. The people of Pompeii thought that a volcano was mountain. But it wasn't. The people would get up every morning and go outside and go look at the volcano thinking it was a mountain. After they go outside and look at it they go to do work or what they were doing before. The volcano or say mountain name was mt. Vesuvius. Mt. Vesuvius erupts every 2,000 years. It last erupted in 79 A.D. So it's time to erupt is coming soon. But when it did erupt it killed every one in Pompeii the lava didn't kill all of the people, the ash, smoke, gas that was in the air, and a lot of other things. When the lava did come all of the citizens were all ready dead. That explains why all the gasses and all of the stuff that comes out of a volcano are really deadly. The ash and lava, coved the city completely. When scientist found the city of Pompeii the didn't just find bones they found little air holes in the stuff and they pours clay into the air and they could see what the people of Pompeii were doing when they died. Only a few people could get out of pompeii before they would die but not that many people could run that fast to get out of all of the smoke and ash.

  95. My topic will be about Pompeii. Pompeii was a city right out of Rome. The people of Pompeii thought that a volcano was mountain. But it wasn't. The people would get up every morning and go outside and go look at the volcano thinking it was a mountain. After they go outside and look at it they go to do work or what they were doing before. The volcano or say mountain name was mt. Vesuvius. Mt. Vesuvius erupts every 2,000 years. It last erupted in 79 A.D. So it's time to erupt is coming soon. But when it did erupt it killed every one in Pompeii the lava didn't kill all of the people, the ash, smoke, gas that was in the air, and a lot of other things. When the lava did come all of the citizens were all ready dead. That explains why all the gasses and all of the stuff that comes out of a volcano are really deadly. The ash and lava, coved the city completely. When scientist found the city of Pompeii the didn't just find bones they found little air holes in the stuff and they pours clay into the air and they could see what the people of Pompeii were doing when they died. Only a few people could get out of pompeii before they would die but not that many people could run that fast to get out of all of the smoke and ash.


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