
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wax Museum 2013 Charity Winner

In a relatively close vote, the charity winner for the 2013 Wax Museum is the Make-A-Wish Foundation. This is the fourth year in a row that the 6th grade students of Brandon Valley middle school has selected this charity to receive our donation. Each year, the students provide suggestions of possible charities to donate the Wax Museum money to. We had many, many good and worthy charity options this year. After gathering suggestions, the students vote, giving them the power to make the decision. (Democracy!)  This is an important decision because the Wax Museum brings in a sizable donation. In the last 2 years, the Wax Museum has donated over $8,500 to charity. We have sent a 4 year old girl to Disney World and sent a boy to Alaska for a dream fishing vacation. The students have done a great job so far and we all look forward to being able to make a difference again this year. 
Congratulations to the Make-A-Wish Foundation!

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