
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

"Ancient Rome: You Are There" Adventure

Welcome to ancient Rome. We have spent a total of zero days in ancient Rome, which means your adventure today will be a difficult one. You will go forth blindly in this new ancient world, trying to make good choices. Once you click the link with your mouse, you will be transported back in time to a place of glorious wonderment. A place of many, many amazing things. I will not say what those amazing things, however, because I am not going to give you even one clue! With the click of your mouse, you will wake up in ancient Rome with one goal: survive. The adventure is up to you. The decisions are yours to make. The fate is yours to have. You are in ancient Rome. I bid you good luck, my honorable and courageous young warrior.  
Task #1: Play the game "Ancient Rome: You Are There" and fill out your score sheet. Complete sentences.
Task #2: Post a comment with 5 decisions you made (good or bad) and explain why they were either good or bad. COMPLETE SENTENCES.
Task #3: Answer these questions in a second comment:
1. What type of food do patricians eat?
2. What is an Eques gladiator?
3. Where do charioteers race their chariots? 
4. What is the Forum?
5. What is the Pantheon used for? 


  1. I choose to accept the job as a chaeioteer..........

  2. I chose to work with the Rome legion.Noble but risky descision.

    Visist the Aqueduct. bunch of aeches.

    Accept chariteer.
    Less dangerous.

  3. For my first one I chose to sail through the Trryenian Sea route and the consequense was I got to Rome alot quicker and I got plus 5 points.
    For my other decision I chose to steal the food and it was a bad decision because my consequense was I got caught. So minus 5 points.
    Another choice I made was I chose to visit Marcus Aurelius the cosequense was I went to the nicest one of the two so I got plus 5 points.
    Another decision I made was I went to go work with Roman Legion and the consequense was I was eqquiped with all the supplies that I needed so I got plus 5 points.
    And my last decision was that I chose to stay in Rome and the consequense was that I am able to learn more about ancient Rome.

  4. 1: i choose to go to the tyrapine sea so i didn't have to walk across land.
    2: i choose to follow the romans so i wouldn't get lost.
    3: i choose to look for a job and got a job as a gladator and the glatior with the horses
    4: i choose to stay in rome.
    5: o visited the qurdyct

  5. i chose to sneak into rome and now i am no longer in danger of getting kicked out.
    i chos to take the patrician route i got kicked oyt og the heard of paricians

  6. I chose to replay the game 15 points

    I chose to stay in rome 10 points

    I chose to steal food from the market -5 points

    followed romulus 5 points

    adrinaric sea -5 points

  7. 1-Sail to Rome through the Tyrrheniam Sea.
    -It was a great choice because I arrived at Rome quicker.

    2-Dig a hole into the city.
    -Great choice beacuse it was quick and quiet, a lot better than the elaphant.

    3-Choose to stay in Rome.
    -It's what we are learning about. :P

    4-Go visit an Aqueduct.
    -I get to relax and not worry about anything and sleep.

    5-Choose to talk to Emperor Caligula.
    -He was a creul emperor so he could hurt me.

    1.What kind of food to particians eat?
    - Cheese, bread, fruits they can find. Maybe even meat.
    2.What is an Eques gladiator?
    A very bad luck kind of gladiator. :P

  8. most of the time they were bad but once they were good sad sad sad at the end i got -15 not good at all. Never vist Emperor Caligula it is just bad bad bad. All together i got -70 did not survive.

  9. most of the time they were bad but once they were good sad sad sad at the end i got -15 not good at all. Never vist Emperor Caligula it is just bad bad bad. All together i got -70 did not survive.

  10. Pax Romana because it was a grat time of peace
    sail to Rome through the tyrrhenian good becaus ei got positive points my frist time.
    look for a job i choose that because staeling isent nice

  11. i went to the public bath
    i stayed in rome
    choose to talk to empore marcus
    look for a job to make money
    go to panthena to find an empor

  12. I made good decisions i didnt get any points taken away.
    I chosen to become a equestrian, to follow Ramulus to Rome, to got to Marcus Aurelius, to stay in Rome, and i chosen to replay the game.

  13. rome actually seems fun... i did not see this coming?????!!!!

  14. Going through the tyrrhenian sea was good because there where no anemies and the path was shorter also.
    Following Remus to rome was a horrible idea becuase he has a poor country and the other people don't like you now.
    Sneek under the walls and through the city it was a good choose because you didn't atract any attention to yourself.

  15. I made the wrong decision on which way to sail to get to Rome because I ended up on the other side of the country away from Rome.

    I made the wrond decision on how to get back into Rome when i was kicked out, i chose the elephant and it made too much noise so that I attracted people and they threw bricks at me.

    I made the right decision when i took my smelly shoes off and pleaded for them to let me in because they felt sorry for me and let me in.

    I made the wrond choice when i went on the patrician path because i didn't know that they were rich and someone hit me and another threw water all over me.

    I made the right decision when i hid behind a fake bush because i had glue in my pocket and glued leaves to me to sneak out.

  16. I made the wrong decision to sail through the Adriatic Sea because i ended up on the other side of the couontry away from Rome.

    I made the wrong decision to enter Rome again by riding an elephant because it made so much noise that people came and threw bricks at me.

    i made the right choice to take off my smelly shoes and plead for them to let me into Rome and they felt sorry for me and let me in.

    i made the wrong choice to go on the patrician path because i didn't know that they were rich and they hit me and poured water all over me.

    i made the right choice to hide behind a fake bush because i had a glue stick in my pocket and a glued leaves on myself to sneak out.

  17. 1. I choose to sail to Rome through the Adriatic Sea It was bad because I ended up on the opposite side of Rome

    2. I choose to acept a job as a charioteer it was good because becoming a gladiator is much more dangerous

    3. I choose to go to forum to find a emporer it is bad because there is no emperor in forum

    4. I choose to work on appian way it is good because it much less dangerous

    5. I choose to stay in Rome it is good because I can learn a lot more about Rome

  18. 1.I chose to sail on the tyyrenian sea.I got to the place faster.
    2.I chose to travel with Romulus and got to Rome quicker
    3.I met with Governer Marcus and got a job on the apperian road.
    4.I went to an aquaduct to get my hands healed and got plus five points.
    5.I stayed in Rome and didnt go to Pompeii so I lived and survived my first day.

  19. 8kessler stephanieMarch 12, 2013 at 2:15 PM

    ~good accepted a job as a Charioter I got +10 points
    ~good I visited Marcus Aurelius I got +10
    ~I got +10 for working on the Appian Way good
    ~great I got +10 for visiting an Aqueduct
    ~Awesome I got +10 for Staying in Rome

  20. sneak into the city
    +5 points you dig through the ground and get in

    Follow remus
    -5 points his brothers city was bigger so his brother killed him.

    Go the plebian route
    +5 you are a plebeian for knowing that

    Steal food
    -5 Stealing is wrong and a whole crowd saw you steal and you get kicked out of the market

    Goto the forum to find the emperor
    -5 The emperor was not there

  21. I decided to jump into the public bath. Bad mistake, I was chased out of the bath and into the city

    I stole food from the shop and was called a "dirty theif" bad mistake

    Joined the roman legion and became a warrior. good mistake... I mean choice.

    Became gallus gladiator..... BAD MISTAKE!!!!!! i was super slow

    Chose to end game good choice YAY!!!

  22. 1. I choose to go through the tyrrehnian sea it was good because it is quicker and safer.

    2. I choose to dig a hole into Rome. It was a good decision beacuse it was safer and i did not folloow the right guy into rome.

    3. I choose to apply for a job. it was good because instead of stealing(which is wrong in every way) i earn money to buy food and water and other things.

    I choose to

  23. 1.Ichose to take the tyrrhenian sea which got me to rome faster.
    2.chose to take the plebian path which means i didnt suffer.
    3.follow romulus to rome i traveled as an emperor.
    4.chose to look for the job got food
    5.go to panthenenon found an emperor.

  24. 1. Hellfish, hardboiled eggs, olives or smoked fish, washed down with plenty of wine sweetened with honey. They also ate a lot of meat. And for an extra they ate cakes, pastries, fruit, and nuts.

    2. Gladiators that rode on horseback. They would fight using swords.

    3. They raced at a Circus

    4. A rectangular forum that surrounded by the ruins of important ancient government buildings. It is in the center of the city.

    5. A Roman temple in Rome, Italy. It was commissioned by Marcus Agrippa. The Pantheon was used as a temple to the gods.

  25. Steal food, bad because stealing food is wrong.
    Follow Romulus, good becase he was the founder of Rome.
    Choose the "Plebeian" path, good because I have no money and no land.
    Become a Retiarius Gladiator, good because I only had to fight once and the battle was done before it started.
    Choose to go tald to Emperor Marcus Aurelius, good because he did a lot of good things for his people.

  26. I chose to become an eques Gladiater

    I chose to visit Marcus Qurelius

    I chose to work with the Roman Legion

    I chose to steal food

    I chose to visit an aqueduct

  27. I chose to go to Rome with Romulus. That was good because he named Rome and it was his city.

    I chose to go to Forum to find the emperor. That was bad because emperors don't go to Forum.

    I chose the Plebeian path. That was good because I am not rich and I would have suffered gravely.

    I chose the Appian way. That was good because I got to stay safe and build roads.

    I chose to stay in Rome. That was good because I stayed safe and learned more about Rome.

  28. 1.i chose to follow romulus to rome it was good and because is name seemed more nicer.
    2.i chose to hide under a fake bush and sneak out of patricia because it seemed tricky and smart.
    3.i chose to work and get a job to make money to buy food because it seemed like the right thing to do than steal.
    4.i chose to accept a job as a charioter because it seemed safer than a gladitor.
    5.i chose to stay in rome because i like rome and its better to stay in the place you were suppposed to go to.

  29. One decision I made was to go follow Romulus to Rome. It was good because I was seen with Romulus and was treated very well.

    The 2nd decision I made was to follow the plebian path. It was good because I had no money and I am a plebian.

    The 3rd decision was to become a Eques gladiator. It was good because I got to use a horse in battle.

    The 4th decision was to go to the public bath. It was good because the public bath is a place of rest and relaxation.

    The 5th decision was to stay in Rome. It was a good decision because I got to explore and learn more about Rome.

  30. 1. I chose to go on the patrician path.
    Bad, I had no money and had no idea what i was doing.
    2. I chose to look for a job.
    Good, I got a job as a gladiator.
    3.I went to the pantheon to find the emperor.
    Good, someone told me where he was.
    4.I went to talk to Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
    Good, he was a good ruler and helped me.
    5.I went through the public bath process.
    Good, I didn't get yelled at.

  31. #1- Meat, fish and other good stuff
    #2-A glatdiator that is good at horseback.
    #3-Circus Maximus
    #4-A gathering place for political disscussion
    #5- temple for worshiping the gods

  32. 1 descison i made was to Stay in rome because were studying rome, which was a good decision because i got 10 points.

    Another descision i made was to go visit an Aqueduct because i think public baths are nasty, it was a good descision because i got points.

    Also i chose to follow romulus to rhome because i heard the story about how he created Rome, which was a good descision because i got 5 points.

    Another chose i made was to follow the "Plebian" path because i knew i had no money, which was a good descision because i got 5 points.

    One more descision i made was to become a gladiator because being someone who drove a chariot seemed a little to easy, which was a good descion because i got 5 points.

  33. Questions
    1. they ate fish, meat, bread, and other good things

    2. a gladioto is a good um uh ........... horseback

    3. circus maximus

    4. a place for political discussions

    5. um hmmmm a place to worship the gods

  34. I chose to exit the game for 15points.

    And I choose to enter the public bath only 10 points.

    And for a good thing I decided to look for a job and earn money instead of stealing money.

    And for a bad thing I did not steal food cause it is not right to steal food.

  35. i chose the tyrrhenian sea it was much quicker.followed romulus to rome i got 5 points.i took the patrician path and people were mean to me.i chose to make money and get a job and i made money to pay for my food.i chose the proper public bath and i got to rest and relax.

  36. the patricians ate fish veggies fruit bread and eques gladiator is a horse.they race their chariots at circus maximus. a forum is a gathering place for religious and political discussion. a pantheom is used for worshiping the gods of ancient Rome.


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