
Friday, January 11, 2013

The Hall of Fame

Ladies and Gentleman, I would like to introduce to you, the first 10 inductees into the Ancient Civilization Hall of Fame. The results are both interesting and enlightening. We are going to look at what made it into the Hall of Fame and also who/what did not make it into the Hall of Fame. 

Task #1: Look through the Prezi to discover what/who made it into the Hall of Fame. Write down the Hall of Fame members on the back of your Hall of Fame Book.

Task #2: Look through the results link by clicking HERE. Read through the entire list of the results. After looking at the results, I want you to analyze the results by posting a comment telling me what you find interesting about the results. In other words, ask yourself, "What do I think is interesting about the results?" (things such as: who/what didn't make it, certain things getting more votes than others, things getting no votes, things you don't agree with, members of the hall of fame that you don't agree with, things you feel should be higher in the list, etc.) You need to find something you think is interesting about the results, and blog about it.  


  1. I thouhgt money wouldve be in there. I also found it weird that Mr. Klumper was on there but if he wasn't he wouldnt be are awsome teacher.

  2. I am kind of surprised that wheel made it and Ancient Quest didn't. I dont think that the wheel is as important because you could always walk. Ancient Quest should be in there because that is what teaches us about all of the worlds. I knew that irrigation would be in there because that is what keeps us living.

  3. I think that johny Rawten should not be in the hall of fame because he is just a person in a book that we read out of. I also agree that irrigation was the clear winner! because people needed it everyday of there lives!

  4. I think that the north chine plain should have made it instead of a sloth got more votes. A sloth makes no difference in our world. The North China Plain has giveb the people of the past fertile land to farm abd the slorh gives people absoulutly nothing.

  5. I think money should be in there. Because the only other way is to trade. The north china plain had 0 votes. And it started the biggest country in the world. I think the silk rode should have ben at 2 because it was a major trade route.

  6. I dont think that you should have been in the hall of fame because you were not there in those times. I think that in your place it should have been money because that is way more important in social studies.Another thing is that wheel should be way up there not way at the bottom so thats just me. Well there is one more thing that I would like to say is that Jonny Rawten is a great idea for number 1 or 2 not number 7 thats all I have to say.

  7. why was wheel in the top 10. it was not soppost to be in there.The bricks was dumn to because it is not important it is just bricks.Why wasnt wapons on the top ten but maybe it is noy important ya whatever there are like awsome they keep you alive.maybe they aew just scaed of them.

  8. Wow how was bricks #12 THERE USELESS.there just bricks, nothing about them. money should have replaced it.its still used today. bricks are to but not as important.

  9. I think that the North China plain should be on because it was the first country in the world. Money should be on the hall of fame because with out it we would not have most of the stuff we have now.I dont think that the great wall should be on because it is not very important. the wheel should be higher because we need them to exercise.

  10. One thing I find not right.I mean I think ancient quest should have been in there.Because It's one of the main things. Also why is wheel in there. Because it was only in one of the ancient worlds. One thing I find interesting is that you Mr.Klumper made it in the hall of fame. Nice you made it Inetersing.

  11. I thought that Mr. Klunper was ranked to high because the nile river should be higher than him because it provided irrication and it was where the people would go to get the water they need. And Mr. Klumper just teaches us about it. And i thought that the nile river would be second because it over flows to provide irragation for the people of china and i think that otzi should be higher because he helped us learn what it was like whan he was living. and i thought that cave art should be higher because it shows us what the people did and how they hunted and stuff.

  12. i think that wepons should be in there so you can protect yourself and camels should be in the hall of fame so you can transportaion

  13. I that all the thing on the list were all.The graet wall was youst to protect the chinea.I agree with the top ten.

  14. I think domestication should be in it because if we didnt have it we wouldnt have as much meat. I also think mummification should be in it because it teaches us about people in ancient egypt and other worlds.I am not surprised that wsg was one of the top things because its very important. I am also surprised that the wheel didnt get very many votes because we use it almost every day to transpot things and get from place to place.I dont think the silk road should be in there because people didnt need it to survive it was just to get things they didnt need or things that werent important

  15. I think that King Tut and wepons should have been in there.One,Kig Tut was the youngest king in the world. Two, wepons should have benn in there because if we were back in the Stone Age we wouldnt have servived because we didnt have any wepons. I dont think that Otzi the Iceman should have been in there because what has he dont to help us learn in Social Studys.

  16. I found it weird that Mr.Klumper didnt make it to number 1. without him learning about the Ancient worlds wouldn't be fun at all. I am also surprised that Ancient Quest didnt make it. Artifacts should have made it in Otzi's place because he is an artifact.

  17. i think that all of the choices were fine but the irrigation we sorta talked about it but it wasnt that inportant i think ancient quest because we learn all this stuff from the book.

  18. I thought that fire would be the top vote because I think fire is very important because it gives you warmth and food. Also, I was suprised that The Code of Hammurabi wasn't on the list because it keeps people under control. I am suprised that the wheel wasn't one of the top ones because it can transport items around. I thought that artifacts would maybe make it into the top ten because it helps us discover things that happened and things they used in that time. I was suprised that camels did not get into the top ten because they could go a long time without food or water so they were very helpful while traveling on the Silk Road.

  19. I agree whith the top 10. I agree with irrigation it should be nuber 1

  20. the item that should be there should be in there is toilet paper.
    idont like the irrrgation it should be wepons. and in stead of mr.klumper should not be in there becaus your not inportant back then.

  21. I thought it was weird that irrigation got the most votes.Also Mr.klumper should not of been in the hall of fame because he is not ancient.

  22. I think paper should have made it a bit higher. Also Im surprised that han dynasty could have made it to.wheel should have not made it.

  23. I think that Johnny Rawten is cool

  24. ithink that gilgamesh should be in there wheel besides im the only one who voted for him give him some slack he tried to live forever

  25. I dont think the sloth should have gotten one vote the sloth did absolutly nothing. I dont even think the sloth should have been on the list

  26. I think that artifacts should have been higher on the list because they are what help us find things out about the past. They told us a lot more about the Stone Age and how they made weapons and other things.

  27. I think the results are fine to me, but im a little suprised that the wheel even made it. North China plain should have got higher. I was expecting City State to get higher than the Wheel.

  28. i think the north china plain should of got mor vote then the sloth because the sloth dusant do anything in the anicent worlds very much
    i also think that mr klumper should have lower in the results because the some of the other things where better

  29. Why is it wholly mammoth instead of wooly mammoth and why is it more important than the north china plain?

  30. it's interesting that the north china plain diden't get in the hall of klumper shouden't be in the hall of fame.the sloth shouden't have gotten a vote.

  31. I think it's kind of weird that wheel just BAIRLY got into the hall of fame, because wheels are used in modern day, and they're used to make gears for factories and so on, i think wheels shouldve been at least 3rd. And also i dont get why people would vote wholly mammoth or sloth because they did basicly nothing! But other than that the votes are basicly what i exspected

  32. i think that neanderthal and cro-magnon should be higher in the list for 1 neanderthals invented fire and cro-mangnons are pretty much what we are and i think that north china plain shoulod of had more alot more votes than 0 the sloth did not do anything but go dead the north china plain is what started present day china which makes half of our inventions we have right now! that is kind of pathetic!

  33. i think that mr. klumper was a little to high the nile river should be higher the him becuase it help with irrigation in egypt and i also think otzi is more im portant then mr. klumper other then that every thing is rank ok

  34. Im happy that irrigation won most of the votes because we needed food to survive and if they didnt invent that we would be almost dead. Another thing is I think fire should have gotten second place because we didnt have electricity back then, so how would we stay warm and not freeze to death? By just inventing fire that set off a whole new idea to invent more things to make a better place and world.

  35. i think that the great plains is important but i think its more inportant that you got in because you made wsg and you taught us about the ancient worlds so if you wernet here to teach us then we wouldn't have this hall of fame.

  36. i think hireoglyphics and cuneiform should have goten close to the top ten because it was a system of writing it helps peale talk, comunicate with each other

  37. i think that Gobi Desert shouldent of gotin 1 vote i think that the north china plains should at least get 30 votes and mr.klumer sould off not bin voted in he should of just bin the founder of the hall of fame. and that iron was a great tool people in many worlds tresherd

  38. I don't know how religion didn't make the top 10. Half the stuff the ancient people did was because of the gods. Some even depended on their gods because they believed they made things better.

  39. i think that wheel should not have made it

  40. I think that it is interesting that paper only got 21 votes and Otzi the ice man got 56 votes. I mean Otzi is important but we use paper everyday.

  41. I agree with irrigation winning!! YAYY!! but i think that the Nile river should be higher because everybody in Egypt would have died without it and there would be no egypt.

  42. why didnt bow/arrow make it its used today to hunt and i think it should of been replaced with wheel because we can use an airplane without wheels to get around.

  43. why was the wolly mammath more impotant than shi huangdi cause shi hungdi was a king but the mammath was just an animal that the neandrathals ate for lunch and dinner and was also in an iceage movie

  44. i dont get how cave art got 9 votes but the north china plains got 0 zippo nota none ok so i also dont get how the pine resin didnt get voted in but fire did without the pine resin there would be no fire well there would be but it would always be going out because if it got in a damp area it would burn out and the nhow did the religion not get in but i mean mr. klumper got in thats not correct to me and srry mr.k but i think pine resins more important then u because i know u grill dont you mr.k i bet u do and then if uve ever grilled in the rain i bet ur glad that there was pine resin to keep the fire going but without the pine resin youre meata u cooked that night in thes rain would not have been coked right so there four i think pine resin should have beat u out and u got fourth i mean u could be on ther but more like 8 or 9 well i guess the results are in we cant change them so i guess there good

  45. i dont think that the sloth should have been on the list

  46. wheel was totally a good pick :)

  47. I was suprised that the silk only got 24 votes and dint make it into the hall of fame because it was so inportant to the ancient people.

  48. i think that silk should of got voted more because that kind of what invented some silk that we need for clothes and in a way it invented the silk road and the ts impotant in china.

  49. I think that the Money should be in the Hall of Fame because instead of trading items you could buy them and still get to keep stuff than belonged to you.

  50. This doesn't make sence a wheel barrow got more votes then alot of things! (Thats suprising!)

  51. I think that papyrus sould have gotten in the top 10 because it was important to china to make things such as paper.

  52. I think money should not of had more votes than the fertile crescent because you need the fertile crescent to do farming

  53. I think Sabor Tooth Tiger should have got some votes(didn't get any) because it was a big animal they tried to hunt in the Stone Age

  54. I thought it was interesting that Otzi made it I think he is important but not enough to go onto the Hall of Fame. I also tought it was weird that Mr.Klumper made it because I do not agree he is as important as some of the other stuff. I think that Ancient Quest should be there because it teaches us about all the ancient worlds.

  55. i think fire should have been before water for sixth grade and i dont think wheel should have made it we can walk.

  56. The one thing I disagree with is the epic of gilgamesh and I say that because it only got one vote and I think it should of got more because it was kind of a big part of that ancient civilization.

  57. I think that Water for Sixth Grade should have gotten 1st and irrigation should have gotten 2nd. I also think that bricks should not have been 12.

  58. I kinda surprised on how the Blueman got 8 votes becaus eit was just a comic strip that was just like a story and it really confuzed me on how that got on there. I think that the Tigris and Euphrates rivers could of gotten more than 8 and 6 votes because it was one of the main things that the people needed to survive.

  59. What i thought was interesting was that the Yellow River got9 votes, but the Yangtze got 7? They are rivers people, come on, they are the same! One river, in the same A.World, is not important than another!

  60. I think pine resin shood have got more votes because, it cept the fire going, and it helped when you go hunting.

  61. I think its wierd that wheel made it in the top ten of the hall of fame cause all you do is basically walk around.

  62. I didnt get that paper didnt get in the hall of fame. Becuse we use it every day.

  63. I think that Pine Risen sould be on the list becase that is what made the fire stay lit. What I also thought that some of the wepons should be on the list because that is what people used to catch food.

  64. i think Otzi the ice man shouldn't Have gotten 5Th because he only helps us in one story but johnny Rawten helps us in every story.I think water for sixth grade should have gotten first because we use it usually daily.

  65. I think that all of the weapons should of been higher up because they were the only protection and the only way to kill an animal besides chasing them off cliffs. And I think that bricks should have a little bit more votes because we still use them today.

  66. A Wooly Mammoth is better than sloth

  67. It surprised me that the fertile cresent only got 5 votes and Mr.klumper got more votes then the farming land.

    what also surprised me was the compass only got 6 votes in counting which I think is surprising because without the compass you couldnt tell the direction you were going.

  68. what i do not get is that money got 40 votes and that mr klumper got 58 votes so we use money every day and mr klumper will not get us toys or anything

  69. This is pretty ridiculious like some I aree with but searsly how does bricks not make it in we live under bircks and a hand axe that should have more votes I also think a chariot should have ot more votes thats a car back then!!!
    But I think we did okay no afence mr K but you should probably not been on there but you are a pretty awesome teacher

  70. the blue man was just a comic and it got more votes!

  71. i still think mr.klumper should be on the list he inventedthe social studies hall of fame!!!!!

  72. I think that artifacts were a little bit more important than mr.klumper because if we did not have any artifacts we would have any info for the stone age.

  73. Cromagnom should be on the list because that's where we started from.

  74. I don't think Mr.Klumper should of made as high as he did. No offence Mr.Klumper.

  75. I CAN"T BELIEVE THE WHEEL made it on but the shang dynasty didnt. THe shang dynasty was the first dynasty. mr. Klumper made it for ancien worlds are you calling him old!

  76. the sloth is my friend cause im lazy and hang on trees !!!!

  77. I think paper should have had more than 21 vote because we use it today and they used it then

  78. money was more than bricks but money is less important with out bricks we would freeze maybe even die i think bricks are more important also becouse then maybe some people wont be homeless or bankrubt or in debt!

  79. I think that the iron should have be replaced buy the wheel. Becouse the whell all it did was help transpertaion and the iron you can make tools out of it and you need the tools to mine or plant stuff.

  80. Iam really surprised that the Ancient Quest didnt make it and you did but no offense and i thought that everyone should have voted for the Ancient Quest because thats pretty much what we learned about and thats why we know about Stone Age, Mesopatamia, Egypt,and China and we learned stuff from you too.

  81. i think mr. klumper should not be in it. he is pretty AWESOME but he should not be in there

  82. I think that the North China Plain and cuneiform should both get more votes. I think the North China Plain should of get more votes because thats where china started and its important to people in China. I thought that cuneiform should of get more votes because we use wrighting now today and it makes life easier to comunicate especially for deaf people.

  83. I think it's interesting that artifacts only got 33 votes. I think they should have gotten more votes because it tells us what people had in the ancient worlds and sometimes how they made things and used them.

  84. i think that its cool that irrigation won first place becaues its a importon tool togetfood.

  85. i thought that mr.klumper was a good choice because if it wasent for him we would not have johnny and learn about all the ancient worlds.he is the person who teaches us this stuff.And we wouldent even know how wich thing desevers to be #1 in the hall of fame.So i vote #1 for Mr.Klumper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  86. in suprised that no one put a vot down for the north china plane because i gust found out what it is.

  87. I think it was interesting becuae only about half of the things we needed were on it. I think that religion, iron, bricks. I dont think Mr.klumper should have been on there no offense Mr.klumper

  88. I think that Johnny Rawten should not be on the list because it could've been replaced by The North China Plain. Considering it was the place where Ancient China started and if it weren't for that then the whole Country of China would be like...gone. The sloth got more votes then the North China plain, that's really sad. I thought that Mr.Klumper shouldn't be on the list because he beat the Nile River which is really Kray-Kray.

  89. I think more of the inventions that we still use today should be in the top 10 like money. I also thought that the wheel was more useful in the ancient worlds then mr. klumper. Some of the other things such as animals i didnt get why they got so many votes. Another thing I thought was going to be in the top ten was religon because in the ancient worlds that was a big part of there everyday life expecialy in places like egypt.

  90. I thought it was interesting that kingTut should of had more votes because he became king when he was nine but some people thought that he wasn't that important. The other thing that I thought was off is that Mr. Klumper got more votes than the North China Plain. the north china plain should of got more votes because thats where the whole thing started. I also thought that the great wall of china should not be in the hall of fame.

  91. I think that blueman should of had less votes than hyroglyphics and north china plain should have gotten more votes than slot but i do like that irrigation got 1 on the hall of fame i also think that artifact should of got more votes than mr.klumper no offense mr.k

  92. i think that nourth china should have made it because that is what started ancient china. i also thinke that iron is way more important then a camale. I stiel think mr. Klumper should have been first.

  93. i think fire should have got more votes becuze fire would keep pepole warm and it could help pepole cook thier food

  94. Code of Hammuribe should have more votes because it is the first set of laws ever!! It keeped the peaple of mesopatinea safer than before Hammirobies law code. It helped the peaple who were victems and punished the crimminals.

  95. I personally think Mr.Klumper should not have gotten #4 because he is not ancient yet(no offense. Actually I meen alot. Just kidding). Also North China plane should have at least gotten 1 vote. I do agree that irrigation is the top one on the list science it is still used today along with all of the ancient worlds except the Stone Age. Johnny should not have had a high number of votes.

  96. I think it sad King Tut was did not get alot of vote because he was 9 years old when he was a pharoh. The thing that i think that the wheel got more votes then king tut i know that the wheel is importaint now but back then pharoh were importaint too.

  97. Most of this is kind of wierd to me.
    For starters how is a sloth important? What does it do besides being slow? Second I thought Camels over Iron something here dosent work an animal with 2 bumps on its back over something that helped mankind in amazing ways!(offensively defensivly and for a building material) It just dosent make sense! Also Pine Resin was extremely important for hunting without it it would be I discover fire all over again neanderthals go hunting fire goes out Irish elk go on a rampage!

  98. I think its wierd that the Nile got alot of votes when the other bodies of water got like none. All the the civilazation so far rely on on water. Back than water was everything to them, they needed freshwater, food, transportation. ect. Just my thoughts

  99. I cant belive that your name got more votes than the Silk Road. Because you werent in the ancient worlds ever. you arent ancient. The Silk Road gave China a chance to trade.

  100. Haha Robbie but a sloth gave food to sabre tooths so they could make the neanderthals die out. + I think they cave neanders food 2.

  101. I think that pine resin should have gotten mor votes because thats what helped the stone age start there fire and if they didnt have pine resin they wouldnt survive.I do agree though with irrigation getting the most votes

  102. What I think is a little weird, well not weird but a little unlogical, is that otzi got more votes then artifacts because otzi is one artifact that help us learn and there are so many more so I think artifacts should have been on there. (but I get why otzi was on there)

  103. i was kinda suprised that the wheel made because we have 2 legs and we know how to walk. I think Ancient Quest should have made the top 10 because it helps us learn about Ancient Worlds and what happened during them

  104. I find it interesting that religion didn't at least get ten. I mean religion is what you are, it makes you what you are. Every Acient World had its own religion that made them like they are. What would they be without their religion without their beliefs? I can say that would be a big fat nothing without you religion and beliefs.

  105. I think that it is interesting that silk got more votes than any river but the Nile. I think the rivers would have got more votes because you need the rivers to survive.

  106. I think that it is strange that Irish elk got more votes than the North China plain because the North China plain is the place where Ancient China began. Irish Elk are really cool But it doesn't even compare to how important the North China Plain is.

  107. it was funny how the bricks got more then the code of hamerubeie because the codes were like the very first law without laws people today will all be crimals

  108. Ithink it is sad that king tut did not get very many votes i mean he was 9 when he became a pharoah he is important. I know that the wheel is important but pharoahs are gods and yes the wheel is imortant but so is he

  109. I thought tat the fact that the camels or iron didnt get on it. iron and camels are both important if u run out of food on the silk road eat one of the camels and use the fur to keep warm iron is important also you can build your weapens out of iron so you can protest your selfs. I thought that bricks should have been on the list too because without bricks the homes wouldnt exist!!!!!!!

  110. I think bricks should have made it in and Mr Klumper should not have because if you look around you see hundereds of bricks and one Mr Klumper. Bricks are very important because they hold up buildings and I dont think Mr Klumper can do that. Bricks are important Mr Klumper is not.(compared to BRICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  111. Sorry Mr. Klumper, but I don't think you should have been in the Hall of Fame. Your an awesome teacher, but I think that artifacts, Ancient Quest, religion, or one of the other runner-ups should have been in the Hall of Fame.


  112. What i hought was weird Is that the Nile River got alot more votes than the Tigris and the Euphrates. I thought that was weird because those two rivers meant about the same in each of thier places.

  113. I thought that city state should have been higher than 4 votes. It was also weird that bricks got 40 votes because without city state I dont think humans would have got together to even make bricks. city state is what got us all united while bricks are just an upgrade to mud or other building materials. And no offense Mr.Klumper, you are still the best teacher ever but I thought this was supposed to be about inventions and objects. But still great teacher congradulations

  114. I thought it was kind of weird that papyrus got 25 votes and Fertile Cresent only got 5. The reason why I think it's weird is because the Fertile Cresent was Mesopotamias main crop production and all you can do on papyrus is write. So the real question is Which is more important food or paper.

  115. I think paper should have got more votes because we use it daily almost everyday.

  116. I don't get why paper got more votes than more important things such as Hieroglyphics or even Neanderthals! Sure it's used for writing, but there are more things to write than just paper. You would also think North China Plain would be in there, but no, instead, it got a major percent, NOTHING! It just sounds as if it's as important as Sabre Tooth Tigers.

  117. I think is wierd that Natron Salt only got 4% of the votes overall. Natron salt in very important in mummifacation. Because without drying out the body it could become rawten(haha).

  118. I'm surprised that cave art didn't make it. because without cave art we wouldn't know about the neanderthals. And why Mr.Klumper made it in. He just told us about the worlds.

  119. I find it strange that the northern china plain had 0 posts and Anceient quest had 57 that is weird because the northern china plain is were china started and ancient quest is a book by MR Klumper. a mystery......

  120. I think the votes that were used on Blueman were wasted and should have been use for something that was actually in those times. For an example: It could have been used on money or ziggurat. (I didn't mean for them both to be from Mesopotamia) :)

  121. I dont get how Mr. klumper got in there. Mr. klumper is not part of any of the places he teaches them. On the other hand bricks what is our school is made of BRICKS!!!!!


  123. I wonder why no one pick the northchinaplain because thats what stared china and u think mrs,kulmper should be in the hall of fam now i can see if it were the dyansties of china so thats my blog


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