
Friday, January 25, 2013

Daily Life of Ancient India

Students, we have been studying the world of Ancient India for a couple weeks in class. Let us now move our studying and learning to the virtual world on Water for Sixth Grade. We have studied the Aryans, Mauryans, and Persians. We have studied Hinduism and Buddhism. We learned about the two early cities of India. However, one question we have not looked at yet is: "What was it like to live in ancient India?" For this graded blog post, we will be focusing on and comparing the Indus Valley Civilization and the Aryan civilization in Ancient India. What were schools like? What about homes? What were their clothes like? What did they do for fun? How did they move around? These and many more questions will be answered with the help of this blog post and Mr. Donn's amazing website.
Task 1: Select THREE (3) topics from Aryan Daily Life and THREE (3) topics from Indus Valley Daily Life. Describe the topics in your own words. In other words, just tell me about them! 
Task 2: Tell me ONE similarity and ONE difference between the Aryan Daily Life and the Indus Valley Daily life. 
View Example Comment Here
Length: each topic can vary, but each description you give me should be at least 2-3 sentences. 
DUE: Friday, January 25th at Midnight. 
Points: 40 points (5 points for each topic described, 5 points for similarity, and 5 points for difference)

WARNING: It is very easy to catch plagiarism (copy and paste) so do NOT even think about it. All comments are run through my plagiarism checker. 


  1. the aryans
    the aryans houses where made up of straw and wood the straw would not be very warm.
    there jobs where if your dad was a farmer then you would have to be farmer to.
    there clothing was made up of animal skin like deer buffalo

    the same is that they both have clothing

    the diffrence is the ayrans had this yagna and the indus valley had the ridle of indus

    the indus vallley daily life they used camels oxen and elephants to travel to places
    in the enertamient is there is a butiful bronze satue
    there was toys such as small carts and whistle shaped like birds

    ARYAN HOUSES: the people in the vedic period lived in straw and wooden huts. some homes were made of wood, but not until later during the epics period.
    CLOTHING: was initially made of animal skins. as the aryans settled down, clothing began to be made of cotton.
    EDUCATION: kids were taught by a guru. even chiefs sons had to obey the guru. all students followed a rigorous course of studies which were imparted oraly. writting was done on bark and leaves, and hence was perishable, so we ahve very rock edicts to tell us what they studied or wht they wrote.
    TOYS: some of the toys found were small carts, whistle shaped like birds, and toy monkeys which could slide down a string.
    ART: this ancient civilization must have had marvelous craftsmen, skilled in pottery, weaving,and metal working. the pottery that has been found is of very high quality, with unusually beautiful designs. several small figures of animals, such as monkeys have been found. These small figures could be objects of art or toys.
    ENTERTAINMENT: a beautiful small bronze statue of a dancer was found, which tells us that they enjoyed dance and had great skill working with metals. In the ancient city of Mohenjo-daro, scientists have found the remains of a large central pool, with steps leading down at both ends. This could have been a public swimming pool, or perhaps have been used for religious ceremonies.
    SIMILARITY: In both Indus and Aryans-most of the peoples' jobs were farmers.
    DIFFERENCE:In the Indus valley, people dressed up in colorful clothes and items, where the Aryans only wore animal skins, then moved to cotton.

  3. Aryans daily life

    Children where taught by teacher called grou to write the wrote on bark and leafs
    They had 4sets of people they were priests warriors traders and slaves
    Made of animal skins

    Indus Valley daily life

    To get around they went on camels oxen and elephants
    Some toys where carts whistles birds and string monkeys
    The would watch the dancers or go to there Owen swimming pool.

    Similar they both ate barely bread

    Difference Aryan's wore animals skins
    Indus wore robes

  4. Aryan daily life women: women whore red dots on their forehead. it was a sign of marriage. Vedas: is a collection of poems and hymns Veda means knowledge

    Indus valley daily life: people built huge planned cities with straight streets and brick homes with private baths kids played with toys and women whore lipstick.

    similarity:the women both whore lipstick

    difference:Aryans where in tribes and Indus people had really big houses but the Aryans had small houses.

  5. In the Aryan's life the holy book was called the vedas. It was filled with poems and hymns.
    The Aryans lived in tribes that were called Gana. The people had a voice but the chief was in charge of all the people and was the boss of the tribe.
    The Aryans lived in houses made of staw and wooden huts.
    The Indus people lived in houses made of brick that looked identical.
    They wore colorful robes and gold jewelry.
    To eat they had wheat bread and barley or rice.
    They both lived in houses that looked the same.
    The Indus people lived in stronger houses made of brick and the Aryans lived in houses that were made out of straw and wood.

  6. Aryan Daily Life
    How did the Aryans live: They had lttle groups called Gan. The eayest way to become chief was to have your father be a chief.
    Education: All of the kids were taught by a teacher or what they call it a guru.
    CLothing: At the begining they made clothes out of animal skins. Then they started to ak them out of cotton.
    Indu Valley daily Life
    Homes: There houses were only a story or two. they made them out of bricks that dried in the sun.
    Clothing: Both genders wore colerful clothing. The women wore braclets.
    Toys:They had toys like a monkey on a string. Toy shoping carts.

  7. Aryans
    Aryans wore clothes made of animal hide then soon out of cloth.

    Aryans made clans and tribes to tell who was in what religion the people were in.

    Aryan people used straw and wooden huts then soon after they were made out of wood and wood huts.

    Homes were biult out of baked brick and boult near court yards..
    Men and women dressed in robes
    for entertainment people would whatch dance or biuld staues due to a dancing statue found.

    the houses were made out of differnet materials
    Aryans straw and wood
    Indus Baked brick

    Aryans wore animal hide clothes
    Indus wore Fancy colorful robes with jewlery

    They both wore clothes made out of cloth.

  8. aryans 1.woman had red dots on their foreheads if their married 2.the aryans came from modern day Russia 3.the aryans were nomads that liked to gamble. diffrence is they had vedas as there bible. simerlaty fur clothes.indus 1. made 4,000 years ago 2. had straight streets. 3. kids had toys and women wore lipstick. diffrence were not nomads simelaty baked mud brick houses.

  9. Aryans
    Jobs-people split into groups (Brahman, Kshatriya, vaishya and Shudra). People use to change from group to group but it became difficult. This is decided on birth.

    Education- Kids were taught by gurn (teacher). Even chiefs sons have to go threw education. Writing was done with bark and leaves.

    Clothing-Clothing was made by animal skin. As Aryans settled down it was made of cotton.

    Clothing- Men and women dressed in colorful robes. women wore jewlery made of gold and precious stone. They also wore lipstick.

    Toys-A small cart was found. Also they found whistles shaped as birds and toy mobkeys with strings.

    Food- Dinner could be warm and tasty, wheat bread served with barley or rice. They even used fish to fish!

    Alike- both had clothing made by animals.

    Different- Education was different and clothing was alot less colorful clothes with the Aryans.

  10. Aryan Daily Life
    Houses: They lived in straw and wooden huts.
    Clothing: They usually wore animal skins.
    Jobs: They had a group called the Brahmna.

    Indus Valley Dailey Life
    Homes: There houses were 2 stories high and made of baked bricks.
    Clothing: Men and women dressed in colorful robes and sometimes the women wore jewelry.
    Toys: They had small carts and whistle shaped birds.

    Alike: Both believed in the Hinduism religion.
    Difference: They both lived in different styles of houses.

  11. Aryan Daily Life
    Houses: They lived in straw and wooden huts.
    Clothing: They usually wore animal skins.
    Jobs: They had a group called the Brahmna.

    Indus Valley Dailey Life
    Homes: There houses were 2 stories high and made of baked bricks.
    Clothing: Men and women dressed in colorful robes and sometimes the women wore jewelry.
    Toys: They had small carts and whistle shaped birds.

    Alike: Both believed in the Hinduism religion.
    Difference: They both lived in different styles of houses.

  12. Aryan daily life:
    People in the period of Vedic lived in straw houses and huts made of wood. Some were made of would but not till later.
    A guru, a teacher would teach the kids. Even the chiefs sons had to obey the teacher.
    The clothing was made out of animal skin. It was also made of cotton
    Indus Valley Daily Life:
    For dinner there was barkley, rice, and warm wheat bread.
    toys were, small carts, whistles shaped like a bird, and toy monkeys.
    Men and Women wore colorful robes
    1 similarity is that the both had clothing
    1 difference is that the Indus Valley Daily Life had robes

  13. Aryan daily life

    Clothing:Clothing was made out of animal skins at first but as they got settled down clothing was made out of cotton.

    What did they do when they were not working or fighting each other:they gambled,raced chariots,played fighting games and told stories. the Aryans were deeply religious and had many gods and goddesses.

    Aryan houses: The Aryans lived in straw and wodden huts. Some houses were made out of wood.

    Indus valley life

    Clothing:Both men and women wore colorful robes. women wore lipstick and jewelry.

    Entertainment:They liked to dance and work with metals.

    Toys: some of the toys that they played with were small carts,wistles shaped like birds and toy monkeys that could slide down a string.

  14. Indus valley
    art their art was very delicate. they are made of bronze or silver.
    some small figures were found.
    they are some statues thought to be goddesses
    it would appear it was good
    the farmed food was stored
    fish were fished from the river like us they grow veggies
    they had fun toys like whistles
    they have small carts
    and they had monkeys! sweet
    that could slide down slide down a string
    Aryan civilization

    the Aryans had dinner with the community those who worked at the Yagna cooked the food
    the fire tenders later on formed the cast of priest the highest level
    they grew crops
    if your father was a farmer you were a farmer
    warriors were second class
    before you could be whatever you want
    clothing like Indians they used animal skins
    when they settled down they used cotton

  15. Aryan Civilization Daily Life
    Aryans are really unique. Ladies wore a traditional red circle on their forehead to represent a couple that is married. If you like people who travel for a living, than the Aryans are your people! If the Aryans had casinos, they would sure waste all their money.
    Indus Valley Daily life
    Indus was a very clean civilization. Their houses were constructed with red, strong, rectangles that were hardened in a oven or fire. What is something we have that they had, red stuff you put on your lips! (It comes on a stick!) Children in the Indus Valley loved to hang around toys.

    Something different about the two is the Aryan's government probably wasn't as compact as the Indus Valley. What is similar about the two is they have evidence that proves they were real.

  16. Aryan daily life:

    women: they whore red dots on their forehead this was a sign of marriage.
    People: they lived in clans or tribes like the natives did.
    Houses: they built their houses out of straw or brick they let the bricks air dry instead of putting it out in the sun

    Indus daily life:
    neighborhood: they had straight streets and and huge planned cities with private baths two story houses and kids played with toys and women whore lipstick
    Clothing:Men and women dressed in wonderful clothes women whore jewelry that was made out of gold with precious stone
    Homes:houses where two stories high with flat roofs and baked bricks they where all built around a courtyard.

  17. Aryan Daily Life

    Jobs:If your dad farmed then you would be a farmer. I would have to be a contracter then!

    Education:Taught by a teacher and they all had to go through a religious course.

    Yagna:A fire place where they socialized. It was kind of like the living room that we have now.

    Indus Valley Life

    Indus houses:Two story house and made of brick. They were all identical.

    Food:They mostly ate stuff from teh garden. I bet it would have been nice if they would have had the stuff we do now!

    Clothing:They dressed in colorful robes and girls wore makeup and jewlary. They were dressed up every day it seemes like.

    Similar:They both had a stable house.

    Difference:The Aryans didnt have to dress up that much

  18. Aryan Daily Life
    In the Aryan Daily Life their jobs are broken into four groups the Brahmans the Kshatriya the Vaishya and the Shudra. The clothing they wore was mainly just animal skins and stuff like that.
    Indus Valley Daily Life
    Their entertainment is they love to dance and work with metals.
    They also use camels, oxen, and elephants.
    Then Vedas: The Aryans beliefs in the four Vedas witch are the Rigs, Sama, Yajur, and Atharva Vedas. This is why the period from roughly 1500 B.C.E to 1000 B.C.E. was called the Vedas Period that's were the Vedas gets its name
    The Ramayana and the Mahabharata:
    Around 1000 B.C.E. the Aryans started to create 2 great epics. We know about daily life during this period from these famous epics. These epics are about stories of Aryans life, wars, and accomplishments.
    How did the Aryans live:
    Their tribes settled in diffrent regions of Northwest India. They were called Gana. The chieg of each tribe was a heredity job. If your father was chief that is the only way you could be chief.
    Indus Valley Clothing:
    Men and women dressed in colorful robes. Women wore jewelry of gold and precious stone, and even wore lipstick. Among the treasures found was a statue of a women wearing a bracelet.
    Indus Valley Homes:
    Their houses were one or two stories high, made of a baked brick, with flat roofs, and were just about identical.
    Indus Valley Art:
    This ancient civilization must have had marvelous craftsmen skilled in pottery, weaving, and metal work. The pottery that has been found is of very high quality, with unusually beautiful designs.
    Similarity:The similarity is the jobs they did were like farming and stuff like that
    Difference: The Aryans wore only animal skins and the Indus' wore nice things like colorful robes.

  19. Aryan daily life
    Jobs:Their were four groups Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaisha, and Shada.

    Clothing:Where made of animal hides. than later their clothes were made of cotton.

    Education:the kids were tought by a teacher cald guru. their paper is bark. Indus daily life
    Entertainment: THEY LIKED TO DANCE.
    Toys:one is small cart.
    Transportation:They used camals, oxen, and even elephants.
    they both built houses.
    ones east other one west of one another.

  20. Aryan Daily Life
    The Red Dots on Foreheads:In Ancient times, the groom would put a spot of his own blood on his bride's forehead. An indian married woman can wear this mark if she wants to, but single women can not wear this mark. It's a symbol of marriage.
    The Vedas: Aryan beliefs and daily life are written in the four Vedas. The Vedas is a collection of poems and hymns. It was written in 1500 BCE. Veda means knowledge.
    Aryan Houses: People in the Vedic period lived in straw and wooden huts. Later on some houses were made of wood. That was in the Epics Period.
    Homes: Usually houses were one or two stories high. They were made of baked brick, had flat roofs, andwere just about identical. Each house was built around a courtyard with windows so you could see the courtyard. Each home had its own private drinking well and bathroom.
    Clothing: Men and women dressed in colorful robes. Women wore jewelry made of gold and stone. They also wore lipstick. With the treasures found was a statue of a women wearing a bracelet.
    Toys: Some toys were small carts, whistles shaped like birds, and toy monkeys which could slide down a string.
    Similarity: The Indus and Aryan daily life were both alike because they were both very good at farming crops.
    Difference: Their houses were different because the Aryans' houses were made of straw and wood. The Indus Valley's houses were made of baked bricks and were identical.

  21. Aryans:

    Jobs: There were five levels of jobs in their system called the caste system. The were teachers then warriors then merchants and then slaves. At the bottem were the untouchables doing all the dirty work like gettting rid of garbage dead bodies ect.

    Language: The Aryan's language was called sanskirt.

    Homes: The Aryans were nomads which means no home so they were baisically just walking around.

    Indus Vally Daily Life:

    Homes: The Early People lived in sun-dried brick houses.

    Showers: The people were the first to use the system of drainage which we still use today.

    Civilizations: The Indus Vally people had two major citys. They were named Mohenjo-Daro and Harrapa.

    Simularities: They both farmed crops.

    Differences: The Aryans had the caste system. THe Indus did not have untouchables.

  22. Aryans daily life. Aryans had a nomadic Way of life they never stayed In one spot the Aryans stayed in a tribe or groupe . Education how they write is at a Chief sons have to obey a grunt.
    Jobs aryans have to start growing crops. If you are a father and a farmer you have to be a farmer.
    Clothing it is mostly made out of animal skin.If the a
    aryans be good Clothing will made out of cotton and wool or hide
    Indus valley daily life they built huge cities plantations.
    Houses if people are Vedic they live in straw wooden and huts.
    Transportation It was really mainly horses
    Entertainment it was mainly sitting by the fired and playing around
    Similarity the similarities are the live in india and grow crops also the were the same clothes.
    Diffrents Indus live together in big plantains aryn move place to place and the Indus stay together the Aryans s split into tribes and groups

  23. Aryans daily life. They had a nomadic way of life which means they never stayed in one place they stayed in tribes or groupes
    education They write with bark and leaves also a chiefs son would have to obey ordered.
    Jobs the job the mainly did was Growing crops if fathers the have to farmers.Clothing their clothes were made out animal skin and if theY are good they get cotton clothing or wool .Indus valley daily life.They built huge cities and plantations
    Houses if there are Vedic they are made out of straw or
    wooden houses and huts.
    Transportation. was mainly horses and it was their
    entertainment it was mainly sitting by fires and playing around
    advantage in battle vs the natives. Similarities they are similar because they all grow crops and live in India also they have some what the same clothing .
    Diffrents the Indus live in huge cities and plantations the Aryans move place to place and the Indus stay together the Aryans split into tribes and groups

  24. the red dot on foreheads. used for marriage.
    the Vedas. basically the bible for the Indians
    aryan houses. straw and wooden.

    toys. small carts whistles ans monkeys
    art. pottery and weaving and metal working.
    food. wheat bread.

  25. Aryan Daily Life
    What did they do when they were not working or fighting each other: The aryans loved to gamble. They introduced the hors to ancient India and raced chariots. THey played fighting games. They loved to tell stories. The ancient Aryans were proud and fierce, and deeply religious. They had many gods and goddesses.
    Aryan Houses: The people inb the Vedic period lived in straw and wooden huts. Some homes were made of wood, but not until later, during the Epics Period
    Clothing: Clothing was initially made of animal skins. As the Aryans settled down, clothing began to be made of cotton.
    Indus Valley Daily Life
    Toys: Some toys found were small carts, whistles shaped like birds, and toy monkeys which could slide down a string.
    The Riddle of the Indus: What does it take to build a city with straight streets and well designed sewers? It takes smart engineers and a lot of planning. These well organized cities suggest a well organized government and probobly a well-developed social life.
    In the ancient citty of Mohenjo-daro, scientists have found the remains of a large central pool, with steps leading down at both ends. This could have been a public swimming pool, or perhaps have been used for religious cerimonies.

  26. Aryan Daily life

    Horses: The aryans witch were a big factor to help them with farming and fighting the Natives.
    Jobs: The aryans have groups of people, Brahmama (priests), Kshatriya ( warriors), Vaishya (Traders), and Shudra (workers) the least.
    Clothing: they wore animal skins a lot and then they bigan to make cotton out of them.
    Indus Valley
    Homes: Houses were 2 story high buildings some houses were made by courtyards.
    Clothing: Men and Women dressed in robes. Woman wore jewlry of gold and stuff like that
    Alike:they both had horses

    Dislike:for cloths the aryans did not were robes and Jewlry

  27. Indus valley

    Homes- The house were all almost identical they had a flat roof one or two stories high

    2. Clothing-Men and women wore color robes and the women even wore lipstick

    3.Toys-SOme of the toys were toy carts whistle the were carved to look like birds and toy monkeys that could slide down a string


    1.Yagna- this was the arayans fireplace people would gather to tell stories events of their day and other news

    2.houses-most houses were made of staw or wood the majority of the houses was wood the schoools were taught by a guru even the chiefs son had to listen to the guru writing was done on bark and leaves so it was imperishable

    1.Indus and Arayans were both a ancient civilization back in ancient India the were both people.
    1. the arayans had diffrent houses than the Indus. Arayans had brick house were the Indus had houses of wood and straw

  28. Indus Valley
    Homes: As soon as I read this I realized Hey! I build houses very similar to these on Minecraft! 2 stories high with flat tops and ussualy some water drainage system
    what I dont have in Minecraft is that there pipes that were made of clay led to sewers and then to rivers

    Transportation: I thought oxen and camels being used for transport but then I saw they used elephents and thought that is a whole new way of traveling from what I heard!
    I thought a couple things kinda are less advance versions of cars and new boats. Because they did have boats but not like present day ones and the carts with wheels almost sounded like cars!

    Toys: some of the toys sound like older toys from past centuries like the monkey climbing toy I believe they brought something like that recently and carts could have been there modern day train sets and who knows they could have used the bird toys to pretend they were birds!

    Aryan Daily life

    They Gamble??: I thought that was kind of strange I thought they would learn that sometimes you win sometimes you lose but in gambling you can lose everything or just how much you gamble

    Homes: If I was an Aryan and saw the Indus houses I would want to move even though Aryans were nomadic. Living in a straw and wodden hut would kind of get dull and flammaable. Aryans later did move to wodden homes which are kind of cool the texture and all that but it would still be flammable

    Clothing: an nimal skin sounds like a very messy clothing after all it was attatched to an animal that you might be eating later I would much prefer their cotton clothing that they made later

  29. Aryan Daily Life:
    Jobs-The Aryans started getting ocupations and growing crops their jobs take place in how they are born and the Caste System
    Clothing-Clothing was made out of animal skins and cotton.
    Aryan Houses-During the Epics Period houses were made out of wood as before they were made of straw.
    Indus Valley Daily Life:
    Food-herds of sheep, zebus (a kind of cow), pigs and water buffalo were kept in farms that farmers were in charge of.
    Art-Some people had some really good craft skills such as pottery, weaving and metal working.
    Transportation-Oxen, camels and elephants are useful traveling devices.

  30. I forgot these things in my earlier comment

    Alike: They both had people who specialized as farmers

    Different:The Aryans were not as advance and were nomads

    Clothing: the clothing was made from animal skin later made from silk.
    Aryan Houses: the houses where straw huts later on the huts where made from wood.
    Jobs: The jobs at first you cold pritty much be what ever you wanted to be but later on you where born into what you had to be.
    Toys: they have found menny toys small carts, bird wistles, and toy monkeys that could slide down a string.
    Art: they had veary good art workers because they have found menny small peaces of art.
    Homes: the houses where made of baked brick they where one or two stoirys high evry house had its persinal tolet and drinking well they had verry advanced suwers that whent under the roads and lead to rivers.
    Alikes:they both in the had cloths
    Difrent: indus vally was way more advanced.

  32. Aryans:
    The Aryans Woman wore red dots on there forheads for a sign of Marrriage. The Aryans came from central Asia they entered the indus valley. The Aryans belive in the Four Vedas.
    Indus Valley:
    Houses were one or two story high made of baked brick with flay roofs. Men and women were dresseed in colorful dresses. Women wore jewlery of gold and even wore lip stick.

    Jobs: people started to have occupations, after they settle in to there homes. They created four main groups that people would work in throughout their lives,the Brahmana they were priests, Kshatriya they were warriors, Vaishya they were traders and agriculturists, and Shudra they were workers.

    Clothing: They made most of their clothing out of cotton and animal skins, they grew the cotton.

    Education: A Guru "Teacher" taught the kids everything they needed to know. They would use leaves and bark to write on.


    Homes: Most houses were only 1 story high, sometimes 2. They had flat roofs and they were made out of baked brick. They were bult around courtyards.

    Clothing: They dressed in colorful robs mostly the men and women. They wore beautiful jewelry.

    Toys: Few of the toys were found as small carts, some were bird like whistles. Even toy monkeys!

    SIMILARITY- Most of their clothing's were made from animal skins.

    DIFFERENCE- The Indus didn't have any good Education.

  34. 1.the red mark on the womans head is a sign of eteral love in marrige.
    2.people needed to have jobs so they got jobs. were educated by a guru which means teacher.

    1.they wore colorful robes which were stylish back then and as they are now
    2.The houses were all the same with some same unique chaecteristics that the doors opened to allyways
    3.toy monkey was a toy back then wow,that was must of been fun.

  35. aryans jave rad dots on their porehead this mens they are married and onley the ladies do this if they want to.
    Aryans housie wer made up of Straw and wood.
    the Clothing was made out of amimals skinks and some were cotten

    Emtertainment they danced a lot for the entertainment
    For art the most that they did was pottery they also did weaving and some meatle working
    Toy for the toys they had monkeys that could slide down strings and they had wistles

  36. Aryans
    How they lived, The clans of the Aryans settered in regions of northwest india The clans where called gana if your father was the chief then you would be next
    Aryan Houses, they where made out of straw and wood well but not until later during the Epics Period. Clothing made of animal skins afer they settled thaey where mad of cotten
    Indus Vally daily life
    Homes, there houses where one or two stories high made of baked bricks flat roofs and all where mainly the samewindos overlooking the courtyard the outside walls had no windows clay pipes ran from the pot to the sewers that run under the streets and led into the river. clothing they dressed colorful they wore jewelry very (exspensive) they even wore lip stick they wore bracellets similare to today Toys some toysthey had where small carts whisles toy monkeys thatcould slide down a string!

  37. arayn daily life

    houses-They would live in staw or wood huts.

    when they were not working or fighting-they liked to gamble on horse races and fights.

    clothing- clothing was made of animal skin and eventully became made of cotton.

    indus vally daily life

    toys-there was toys like carts, whistles, and toy monkeys.

    clothing- they would wear colorful robes and jewelery.

    transportation- they used camels elephants and oxen.They allso had carts and ships.

    sim-both lived in india
    diff-one was more advanced than the other

  38. Aryan Daily Life
    Aryan Houses:The Vedic period lived in straw and wooden huts but not till later did the Epics period live in homes made of wood.
    Jobs:Aryans began by growing crops. Then they started to have occupations. In each tribe people would belong to one of four groups the Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, or the shudras. A person occupation depended on its birth so for example if your father was a merchant you were a merchant.
    Clothing:The Aryans clothing was made of animal skins but as the Aryans settled down the y started making it out of cotton.
    Indus valley Daily Life:
    Entertainment:A bronze statue was found of a dancer and that tells that they enjoyed dancing and were good at working with metals.Also there might have been some sightings of a pool that was there. there were also small rooms that might have been used as dressing rooms and also small pools that could of been private baths.
    Clothing:Women and men wore colorful robes and women also wore lipstick and jewelry.
    Toys:they found toy Monkey that slid down a string also they found small carts and bird shaped whistles.
    Similarity:Both Had farmers to make food.
    Difference:The Ayrans Clothing was mainly animal skins and the Indus wore robes.

  39. What different the indus is more advenced then the Aryans
    What's the same is that they are both sivalazations that settled india.

  40. Aryans
    Aryan houses: The kind of houses in the Vedic Period that they were straw and wodden huts. Some of the homed were made of wood not untill the Epics Period

    Education: The kids wher taught by a guru or a teacher. There writting was done on Leaves and bark.

    Clothing: The Aryans clothing was made out of animal skins. As the settled clothin began to be made out of cotton.

    Indus Valley Houses: The house were made of baked brick, they were also were two stories high with flat roofs. Each of the homes had their own private drinking well and bathroom.

    Clothing: Both men and women had to dress in colorful robes. The kind jewelry that the women wore is gold and precious stone. They also had to where lipstick.

    Food: The kind of food that the Indus people eat is wheat bread, barley and rice. The food that the farmers grow are barley, peas, melons, wheat, and dates. Also Farmers raised cotton, sheep, pigs, zebus, and water buffalo.

    Similarity: They both grew crops.

    Difference: The difference between the two are the clothing one is animals the other one is colorful robes.

  41. Arayan daily life:
    houses: they lived in straw and wooden huts.
    Education: kids were taught by a guru which is a teacher. They wrote on leaves and bark.
    Clothing: They made their clothing out of animal skins. Some of thier clothes were made out of cotton.
    Indus Valley daily life:
    Homes: Their homes were 2 stories high, they had falt roofs and they were made out of baked brick. Mostly all of their homes were the same. Each home had their own private bathroom and water well.
    Clothing: They were dresses in colorful robes. The women wore gold jewlery and precious stone. They also wore lipstick and braclets.
    Food: Dinner was tasty it was served with wheat bread. They grew barley, peas, melons, and wheat. Fish were caught in the river.
    Same: They both grew crops.
    Difference: They Arayns lived in huts. The Indus people lived in houses.

  42. My topics are for aryan daily life are

    Aryan houses. The people in the Vedic period lived in straw and wooden huts some house were made of wood but not until later

    Education kids were taught by guru. Even chiefs and sons had to obey guru writing was done on bricks and leaves.

    Clothing made by animal skin but later in life they were made out of cotton

    Here are my topics about Indus Valley daily life

    A beautiful small bronze statue of a dancer was found which tells us that they loved dancing!

    Food for dinner they had warm tasty wheat bread served with barley and rice. They were very good farmers. Farms raised cotton

    Toys some toys were found were small parts of carts. They also loved to play with toy monkeys

    One thing that both things have in common is that they both made cloths out of cotton or animal skin

    One thing that is different is the way of teaching the youth was done in very different.

  43. Indus Valley daily life
    Food: They ate pig, sheep, cow, and fish. the stored their grain in a central storage building. the also ate a variety of plants like peas, melons ect.
    Toys: Kids had bird shaped whistles, and small carts, and a monkey thing that climbed up a rope.
    Transportation: They used camels oxens and elephants to travel over land. they also had a one mast ship possibly used for sailing along the arabian sea.

    Arayan daily life
    Jobs: Many arayans grew crops but the also had the caste system which contained Brahmanas Kshatriya Shudras
    Education:Gurus were the teachers. all students followed a rigorous course of studies.
    Clothing: There cloths were made of animals skins but later made of cotton.
    Similarity: Both had some central meeting place were the public goes to often.
    Difference:Houses, Indus made houses out of bricks when the aryans made houses out of wood

  44. Aryan daily life
    Education they started the caste system and at the top were priest and teachers

    Jobs called the untouchables which they picked up garbage and cleaned stables and handled the dead
    Clothing wool
    Indus River valley
    Transportation wooden chariots
    Entertainment school
    Simarlity they both have a religion
    Differences only the aryans came up with the caste system

  45. Aryan:
    Jobs: People belonged to a social group. the different groups are the Brahmana, the Kshatriya, the Viashya, and the Shundras. Your job rarely ever changes.

    Houses: The doors of houses opened into alleys. They also had a complex drainage system.

    Hobbies: Aryans were big gamblers. They liked to fight and tell stories.

    Indus Valley:
    Clothing: Everyone dressed in robes. Women wore lots of jewelry.

    Homes: Most house were identical. There were special rooms for each thing.(cooking, bathroom, bedroom.)

    Transportation: Animals were used for a major part of transportation. They also used carts and boats.

    Similarity: Both cities had about 35,000 people.

    Differences: The Aryans had huts and the Indus Vally had identical houses that were complex.

  46. Aryans daily life

    Clothing: Clothing was made of animal skins and later cotton.

    Education: Kids were taught by a guru or teacher. Everyone even the chiefs sons had to obey the guru. Writing was done on bark and leaves.

    Jobs: There were Brahmana witch was priests, Kshatriya witch was warriors, Vaishya witch was traders and agriculturists, and Shudra witch were workers.

    Indus Valley Daily Life

    Food: For dinner they might have had wheat bread with barley or rice because they grew barley, peas, melons, wheat, and dates. Fish were caught in the river with fish hooks and each town had storage building for grain.

    Transportation: They used camels, oxen and elephants to travel. They also had ships with one mast used to sail in the Arabian sea.

    Entertainment: They had a small bronze statue of a dancer witch means they liked to dance and make things with metal. They also had a pool witch may of been for religious things.

    Similarity: They both grew crops and had farmers.

    Difference: The Aryans had didn't have any toys but the Indus did.

  47. Aryans
    jobs- You would have four groups to choose from. Brahmana, kashatriya,vishya,and shundra. You could move from group to group too.

    Education- Children were tought by teachers known as gurus. students were taught their studies orally.

    Clothing- Clothing was made out of animal skin. As time passed the clothing started to be made out of cotton.
    Indus valley
    Clothing-People were dressed in robes that were very colorful.Females had gold jewerly and surprising wore lipstick.

    Homes- Home were practically the same. They were made out of bricks that were baked. The roofs were flat. They had drainsso water could flow in the ppes underground and flushed into nearby rivers and streams.

    Entertainment- A bronze dancing woman was found showing they liked to dance and was highly skilled with metals.

    The same thing about these two cities is that there is nothing the same

    The thing that is different about these two cities is that the indus daily life was way more advanced than the aryans. they had bricked houses while aryans had straw huts. The people had colorful and gold stuff to wear while the aryans wore animal skins!

  48. For my three topics from Aryan Daily Life I picked:
    1.What did they do when they were not working or fighting each other?
    Aryans love to gamble. They mostly had fun with storytelling fighting games and racing chariots. They were also deeply religious and had many gods and goddess to worship.
    2. Jobs
    In the beginning people started to have a career. Which started the Caste System. With Brahman at the top then Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra. It changed over time you couldn't just move from group to group. It was based on genetics. If your father was trader you had to be a trader. It was very difficult to go from one group to the next.
    3. Education
    Of course in education kids were taught by a teacher called a guru. Every single student followed a rigorous course of studies. Unforunatly, writing was done on bark and leaves and was very breakable.
    For the Indus Valley Civilation:
    1: Transportation
    The people did NOT use planes, or cars, or trains. Instead they used mostly animals such as oxen, elephant, and camels. The same seal was found in Mespotamia. Which we think could've been a possible trade between the two civilatizations.
    2. Food
    They were very good farmers and so they had very good food to eat. They grew barley, peas, melons, and wheat. Fish were caught in the water with fish hooks, like today.
    3. Entertainment
    A statue of a dancer shows that they could dance probably not as good as today's people. People have found a huge "pool" which could've been used for ceremonies. Also found was smaller "pools" which could've been used as private baths.

    Same:They were both really good farmers.
    Difference: The Indus Valley people had very colorful clothes while Aryan people just wore animal skin.

  49. The red dot on a woman's forehead is there because in the Aryan days, the groom would put a drop of his blood on the bride to recognize their betrothal. But, if a woman is single she may not where this mark because it is a mark of marriage. 2. When the Aryans were not fighting they were gambling. They also loved to tell stories about their many gods and goddesses. 3. Aryan houses were built out of straw and wooden huts. They ate meat, veggies, fruit, bread, milk,and fish. 1. The men and women of the Indus valley liked to get creative with very colorful robes. Women also enjoyed jewelry and lots of lipstick! 2. They had different types of entertainment such as, dancing, swimming, and scientists have they had great hand skills for working with metal. A large central pool has been found that was believed to be used for a public swimming pool or religious ceremonies. 3.Dinner for these people sounds really good. They were very good farmers. A basic meal for them was bread served with barley and rice. A similarity is that they both ate bread, fruits, meat, and veggies. A difference is that they each did different things for entertainment, such as dancing for the Indus Valley, and gambling for the Aryans.

  50. the first for the aryans is they use horses second worked on their farms the last is used chariots. for the indus the first is read the rig veda the second is they bath in the ganges river and wash cloths in it the third is do good things for others for a good life

  51. jobs house and clothing : aryans

    homes clothing food : indus

    1same:they both have intesting clothes
    1diferent: arayans have red dots on their foreheads.

  52. jobs house and clothing : aryans
    homes clothing food : indus
    1same:they both have intesting clothes
    1diferent: arayans have red dots on their foreheads.

  53. Aryan Life
    1. married woman wore the dot on the forehead. man put the dot on the forehead with blood
    2. They were tagt by a teacher. That is a guru.
    3. there clothing was made out of animal skin. then it was made out of cotton.

    Indus Life
    1. They like to dance. they like to swim
    2. Houses all look alike. They did not have windows.
    3. Women wore braclet and lipstik

    both ate fish
    aryan houses built out of straw and wood. idus outof brik

  54. Task 1:
    Aryan Civilization
    Clothing - was mainly made of cotton.
    Education - The guru is the teacher of the school.
    Jobs - This is the caste system, meaning they did the same job as their father did. Only the men worked.

    Indus Valley Civilization
    Houses - They had an advanced sewer system. They had clay pipes leading from the bathroom to the sewer. The houses all look similiar.

    Clothing - The women wore jewelery and lipstick. There was a statue of a chick wearing a bracelet.

    Entertainment - A statue was found that seemed to be dancing. They found a pool which could have been a public swimming pool or used for religous ceremonies.

    Task 2:

    Both civilizations had clothing made out of cotton.

    The houses of the Indus Valley were made of baked bricks and the houses of the Aryan's were straw and wooden huts.

  55. Aryan Daily Life

    1. The red dot on Indian woman's forehead:
    It rings a bell that you have heard or seen Indian women with a red dot on their forehead. This red dot is made of the woman's husband's blood when they were married! Of course the women can choose to have the mark on them, but if someone chooses to not have a mark it won't count against them. I mean it's not against the law or anything.This is not exceptional, if an Indian woman is not married, because if a woman is without a husband, she will not get a mark.
    2. How the Aryans lived in their time: The Aryans lived in clans and decided to settle in different areas, but still in the same area with each other. The area they settled in was the northwestern part of India. Since they are a clan or a collection of citizens together, they had to have had a name, theirs was called Gana.
    3. Yagna: This was a central fireplace that Aryans focused with in their lifetime. This fire place is like the ones we use now, ours are called campfires though, but they're used for the same things like socializing, telling news about their day, and just having a good time. Some things they cooked over their fireplace are normal foods like we have today, such as, vegetables, grains, salmon, or even milk!
    Indus' Daily Life
    1. Indus houses: Their homes were usually looking the same or equal to someone's abode when it comes to the way they build it. The way they make them is 1 to 2 floors high, with oven-baked bricks, and had level roofs. Since they haven't exactly learned how to do the things we do now, they didn't have windows, but they had personal bathrooms and personal drinking wells.
    2. Clothes on Citizens: In Indus, the people wore bright, vivid colored robes, while only women wore gemstones of physical gold, and wore cherry red lipstick! If the women didn't go out with jewelry, they would be considered rude, plus the men wore jewelry as if it was an every day thing too!
    3. The Transportation they use: Just like the Egyptians, the Indus used camels, but they also used their heritage animal, the elephant, and robust oxen! Surprisingly,they also used ships across the one and only Arabian Sea!

    Difference: The Aryans had straw wooden huts, while the Indus' homes are made of oven-baked bricks.
    Similarity: They both had plumbing systems.

  56. Aryans

    CLOTHING: they made clothing at first out of animal skins, then cotton

    HOUSES: people that lived in the Vedic period made houses of straw and wood.

    EDUCATION: the kids were taught by a teacher also called a guru. Writing was done on bark and leaves.


    TOYS: the toys found there were small carts, whistles, and toy monkeys.

    ART: they made cool pottery with beautiful designs, statues of gods, bowls made of bronze and silver, beads and ornaments.

    CLOTHING: they dressed inn colorful robes. women wore jewelry and lipstick.

    SIMILARITY: they both lived in Ancient India.

    DIFFERENCE: the wore different kinds of clothing.

  57. Aryans daily life1) the clothing was made out of animal hide. as the aryans settled down the clothing the began to be made out of cotton.
    2) the people in the Vedic period lived in straw and wooden huts. Some homes were made of wood, but not until later during the epics period.
    3) the writing was done on rock and leaves and hence was perishable. We have few rock adicts to tell us what they studied and wrote
    Indus valley daily life
    1) HOuses were 1 to 2 stories high and made of baked bricks with flat roofs, They they were biuld by a courtyard.2) men and women dessed in colorful robes. women wore jewelery of gold and precious stone and even wore lipstick.
    3) each house had its own drinking well an bathroom . outside walls had no windows clay pipes led from the bathrooms to sewers located beneath the streets.

    difference- the aryans were nomades.
    same both existed in 1500 BCE.

  58. Aryan:
    Jobs: their was four groups, priests, warriors, traders and agriculturists, and lastly workers.
    Education: the kids teacher was called a guru, and they had to listen and do what the guru wanted them to do!
    Clothing: It is made up of animal skins and cotton.
    Entertainment: They enjoy dancing and constructing stuff out of metals.
    toys: Did you know that they played with whistles, mini carts, and monkeys that will slide down a string!
    Art: The weaving, pottery, and metal work was made by craftsmen.
    Difference: The Aryans lived in houses made up of straw and wood, but the Indus had houses made up of bricks and they had flat roofs!
    same: Both Indus and Aryans had livestock and had crops. Also they both rode in chariots!

  59. Aryan daily life
    The people in the veric period lived in straw and wooden huts.

    Clothing was originally made out of animal skins and then when the aryans settled they made them out of cotton

    Even the chiefs son had to obey the guru ( the teacher) their writing was done on bark and leaves.

    Indus daily life

    Some toys that were found were carts and some were even monkeys that could climb a tree.

    Their homes were made out of bricks and were one to two stories high. Each house had there own private drinking well.

    Both men and women dressed in colorful robes. Women wore jewelry made of gold and they even wore lip sticks.

    They both loved to tell stories

    The aryans houses were made out of wood and straw and were huts. The Indus made there houses out of brick.

  60. aryans
    land; the aryans fought for land in india because it needed to be fertile and they had horses for an advantage.
    caste system; the caste system goes in order like brahmins, kshatriyas, vaisyas, sudras and if you want to the untouchables is last.
    language; they brought the new landuage sanskirt to india.

    indus valley civilization
    food; they grew stuff like barley peas melons wheat and dates.
    art; we have found a bunch of animal figures such as monkeys.
    transportation; they used camels elephants and oxen to travel the world.
    one simalarity is that they both used fertile land to farm.
    one differnce is that aryans lived in 1 story houses and the others lived in 2 story houses.

  61. Aryans

    Houses early homes were made out of straw later houses were made out of wood.

    education They wrote on bark and leaves their are not many left.

    clothing Most cloths were made out of animal skins later clothes were made out of cotton.

    Indus Vally

    clothing they wore robes and jewelry even lipstick. Woman today were similar bracelets.

    entertainment They liked dancing and metal work.

    Toys there was a lot of toys like carts bird whistles and monkeys on a string.

    similar the people wore ropes and at the end of the aryans add cottons.

    difference the indus vally was mor advanced then the aryans.

  62. a groom used to apply blood to his brides forhead in regonition of wedlock. the aryans were nomads and they raised livestock such as heards sheep and many other things. the aryans had jobs to build houses and to grow crops they belived in many gods and goddesses they lived in wood or straw houses. indus valley had something simalar but not much they built mienjo daro and they lived longer than the aryans did clothing men and women are dressed in colorful robes. houses were one or two stories high each was built around a courtyard for widows to look over.

  63. Aryan daily life
    houses:The aryans lived in straw houses.some of their houses were made of wood but that wasnt made until the epics period.

    Jobs:they grew crops.And they got an occupation.In each tribe people belonged to one of four groups.
    Education:Kids were taught by a gurru.Even cheifs sons had to obey the guru.

    Indus daily life
    Homes:They were one or two stories high.Made of baked brick and had flat roofs.
    Clothing:Men and women dressed colorful robes.women wore jewelry of gold.
    Toys:some toys were small carts.toy monkeys that could swing down a line.

    similar:they both lived in houses.
    difference:aryans had school and indus didnt.

  64. Aryans daily life

    Education Kids were tought by a guru. Writing was done on bark and leaves. Houses people lived in straw and wood huts. Some were made of wood. Clothing it was mode of cotton.Also made of animal skins.

    Indus daliy life Homes on to two stories high. Each were built around a courtyard. Clothing women always wore jewlery that was gold. Women still wear a bracelit. They are similar by there both in ancient india they different by the clothing.

  65. Aryan Daily Life-The clothing was made up of animal skin.
    When the Aryans were not working or fighting with eachother they loved to gamble.

    Indus Valley Daily Life-The houses were one or two stories high made of baked brick had flat roofs and were all about the same.
    The men and women dressed in colorful cloths robes women wore jewelry of gold and precious stone.

    Similarity- Both of these ancient civilizations were both from India.
    Differance-Instead of being made of animal skins from Aryans daily life the Indus vally had colorful robes and the women would wear a lot of jewelry.

  66. ayrans daily life

    education:kids were tought by a teacher, writing was done on bark and leaves.

    clothing:made out of animal skkins as they began to settle there clothing became made out of cotton.

    houses:some houses were made out of wood, people in the vedic period lived in straw and wooden huts.

    indus valley daily life

    toys: they had small carts, whistles that look like birds and toy monkeys that slide down a string.

    homes:houses were one or two stories hiigh made out of baked brick, with flat roofs they were all built around courtyards, the outside had no windows.

    clothing:men and women wore colorful clothing.women wore jewlery some wore red lipstick.

    alike:they both had clothing and homes.

    diffrent:the indus vlley did not have education and the ayrans did.

  67. One difference is Indus homes are made of baked brick. And Aryan is made of straw. They both have houses. Sorry i went backwards. The aryans love two gamble. They were nomads. The Indus homes were two stories high. Both men and women wore very colorful robes.

  68. Aryan daily
    CLOTHING-was initially made of anmal skins.As the aryans settled down,clothing began to be made out of cotton.
    HOUSES-the people in the Vedic period lived in straw and wooden huts. Some homes were made of wood, but not until later, during the Epics period.
    JOBS-as the Aryans settled in and began to grow crops, people started to have occupations

    ENTERTAINMENT-a beautiful small bronze statue of a dancer was found.
    FOOD-dinner might have been warm tasty wheat bread served with barley or rice.
    TOYS-some of the toys found were small carts,whistles shaped like birds.

    One similarity between these two is the INDUS have and the ARYANS BOTH HAVE CLOTHING, FOOD,HOUSES.


    Houses: Aryan people lived in huts mostly made of wood and/or straw. Some people would have lived in houses made of wood but, not until later in Ancient India.

    Fire-Place: This is also knowen as a Yanga. They would be social during their evening meal. They would talk about what happend that day and other news from the day.

    Jobs: Ancient India had a caste system. Something that is diffrent from then to today. There were four main groups. The Brahmana which were priests and teachers. The Kshatriya which were warriors and kings. The Vaishya which were artisans, traders, and merchants. The Sudras which were farmers and servents. Finally the untouchables which picked up garbage, cleaned stables, and handled the dead.


    Art: Indus Valley had very good team of craftsmen. They could work with pottery. They could weave. They could also work with metal. There were statues found that looked like small animals and what looks like what are thought to be female gods

    Toys: The toys found were things such as monkeys that could slide down a string, small carts, and whistles that look like birds.

    Entertainment: Small bronze statues of dancers were found which proves that they enjoyed danceing. That had public baths that was a lot like a swimming pool. Around the pool there were more smaller private pools.

    Similarity: They both had a caste system

    Difference: Indus Valley people had houses made of mud bricks. Aryan people had huts made of wood and/or straw.

  70. aryan houses-the aryans lived in straw houses
    jobs- they did farming and others

    fighting-they loved gambling


    clothing- colorful clothes

    houses- two stories high

  71. Aryan daily life:
    HOUSES: The Aryans lived in straw and wood houses.
    EDUCATION: children would be educated by a guru or a teacher.
    CLOTHING: first it was made out of animal skins but later on it was changed to cotton.

    Indus valley Daily life:
    CLOTHING: everyone wore robes and women wore jewelry.
    TRANSPORTATION: they often used camels, Oxen, or elephants. they also had chariots and ships.
    TOYS: small carts, whistles, and toy monkeys were some of the toys the had.

    Similarity: they were in the same time period.

    Difference: the Aryan house was either wooden or straw. the Indus people lived in homes made of dried bricks and flat roofs

  72. wor colorful robes bilt houes made of mudbricks more diffrentto marry was less hard back then made stones

    one made stones one did not

    both lived in india

  73. Aryans Daily Life:

    The Vedas:
    Aryan beliefs and daily life are described in this book. It is a collection of poems and sacred hymns composed in about 1500 BCE. the word Vedas means knowledge ehich is probably why the Aryans used it for Hinduism.

    The Aryan people stared to have occupations as they began to grow crops.In each tribe people began to belong to one group. Either Brahmana (priests), Kshatriya (Warriors), Vaishya (Traders and Agriculturists), or Shudra (Workers).

    Education:A person called a Guru taught children. Chiefs sons had to obey the Guru. Writing was done on tree bark and leaves.

    Indus Valley Daily Life

    The Houses were 1 or 2 stories High. They were made of baked bricks. They also had flat roofs
    (after Johnny shaped them, inside joke). They Clay pipes led to the sewers located under the streets. The sewers drained nearly into rivers and sreams. :(

    Both Men and women dressed in colorful robes. The women wore jewlery of gold and other precious stone. They even wore lipstick (just like the Egyptians)! Among the treasures that were found was a statue of a women wearing a bracelet.

    Entertainment Ha, Ha, Ha. :)
    A beautiful (emphasis) small bronze statue of a dancer was found. They must have liked to dance (not suprising) and had great skill working with metals. Scientists believe there was swimming pool in Mohenjo Daro So that must have been another one of their hobbies.

  74. Aryan Daily Life

    Entertainment: They loved to gamble, race chariots,and play fighting games. The Aryans liked to tell stories. They were religious people with many gods and goddesses.

    Education: The Aryans were educated by a guru which means teacher. Everyone needed to obey the guru. They wrote on bark and leaves.

    Jobs: People worked as priests, warriors, traders and agriculturists, and workers. They could move from job to job but later they changed the rules and your job was hereditary.

    Indus Valley Daily Life

    Clothing: These people wore colorful robes. The women wore jewelry and lipstick. Bracelets were worn on the women's wrist and are still worn today.

    Houses: The houses were one or two stories high and were made out of brick. They had private water and private bathrooms. They even had a sewer system.

    Transportation: The Indus people used camels, oxen, elephants, and ships for transportation. They had carts with wooden wheels to move things around.

    Similarity: Both groups ate similar foods of fish and bread or grains.

    Difference: The difference between the groups were their houses. The Indus Valley had nicer, well built houses than the Aryans.

  75. Aryan Daily Life
    Jobs: When Aryans first got to India they started Vaishya, and Shudra. At first they could do whatever one they wanted, but later they couldn't. If your father was a priest you had to be a priest.
    Education: Every kid had to obey the guru. Even chiefs sons. They did their writing on bark and leaves.
    Clothing: It was first made from animal skins but later made from cotton.
    Indus Valley Daily Life
    Toys: Some of the toys they used were small carts, bird shaped whistles, and toy monkeys.
    Transportation: They had many ways of transportation. Some were camels oxen elephants carts with wooden wheels and many more. They also had ships used to sail the Aravian Sea.
    Art: Some of the different kinds of art they had were pottery, weaving, and metal working. The people were very skilled and the found art is very high quallity.
    Similarity: They both took place in the same time period.
    Difference: In the Indus Valley they wore colorful robes and jewels. In the Aryan Daily Life they just wore animal skins.

  76. ARYANS
    they could be a preist wariors traders and they were borned into the group.
    kids where tought by gru aka a teacher they where taught on leaves and bark.
    they are made of animal skin of cotton.
    they wore robes and lipstick and gold and percious
    they were made of baked bricks of mud.
    they ate barley wheat rice peace malon and wheat they at for meat sheeps water bufllo cows and last pigs

  77. Aryan Daily Life:

    Aryan Houses: The Aryans lived on straw hut. Later on some of their homes were made of wood.

    Clothing: The Aryans cloths were mostly made of animal skins. They made it out of cotton as they settled in.

    Education:The kids were taught by a guru which is a teacher. They wrote on bark and leaves.

    Indus Valley Daily Life:

    Toys: The toys they had were small carts, monkeys that could slide down a string, and whistles that were shaped like birds.

    Transportation:They rode camels, oxen, and elephants to travel. They also used ships for when they go on water.

    difference:The Indus Valley Daily Life had bigger, a more complicated house than the Aryan Daily Life did.

    Similarity:They don't know a lot about both of the times.

  78. aryan daily life
    Red Dot:Indian women used to plalce red dots on there forhead.
    Married Indian women get to choose if they want to wear the mark or not.

    Aryan Houses: people in the vedic area lived in straw and wood huts.

    Jobs: They begain to grow crops and people started to have some occupations.

    Indus daily life
    Homes: house were one to two stories high. they were made of brick and had flat roofs.

    Clothing: Girls and boys dressed in colorful robes. Girls wore jewelry of gold.

    Transportation: People used camels, axen and elephants They had ships to

    same: there the same by how the trasportaion.

    diferent:there houses were realy diferent

  79. Aryan daily life:
    1.Red Dot: The man used to use blood and put that on the womans forhead in reconization of wedlock.
    2.Vedas: It's like a book of spells that the Aryans used.
    3.Education: Children were taught by a guru/teacher and the students were imparted orally.
    Indus Valley Daily Life:
    Entertainment: Mainly they just like to dance.
    Toys: some of the toys were whistles or birds.
    Art: They had good craftsmen and they wer best in pottery.

  80. in the aryans article i found that a groom used to apply spot of blood on his brides forehead in recondition of one time the tilak or bindias it is called was a happy married woman.

  81. Arans Daily life
    Homes- they were made out of straw and some wooden. Also they lived under wooden nuts.
    Clothing- used to be made out of animal skins. The Aryans settled and it became cotton. They grew crops when they settled then people started haveing occupations. They would change from one group to another and if or dad was a farmer you would have to be one also.
    Indus Valley
    Homes- The houses were big they were one to two stories high. They were made from baked bricks with flat roofs. Each home had its private drinking well and also its own private bathroom.
    Clothing- Both men and women dresses in very colorful robes. The women also had jewelry of gold and stone also they wore some lipstick.
    What it was like 4,000 years ago- In Harappa and Mohenjo- Daro they were both busy cities they had about 35,000 people in each one. It was 4,000 years ago.
    one difference was that the Indus valley people lived in big houses. And the Arryans lived in small houses.
    Alike-They both wanted the same land. And they were both fighting over it.

  82. Aryans
    1. Houses, Aryan peoples houses were made out of straw and wood they were huts.
    2. Clothing, their clothes were mainly made out of animal skin, till they didn't move around so much then they started making clothes out of cotton.
    3. What did they do when not fighting or working?
    When the Aryans were bored they would race with chariots, gamble, tell stories, and play games.

    1. Homes, houses for Indus people were made from bricks. It had a flat roof, they all looked alike and each one had a private bathroom and drinking well. All the houses had to be built around a courtyard.
    2. Clothing, both genders wore colorful robes. Women wore jewelry made from gold and stones. They also wore lipstick. They found a statue and the women was wearing a braclet and they made copies of it and still wear it today.
    3. Entertainment, there was a statue found that was dancing so the problably liked to dance and that they were good at making statues out of metal. There also was a pool found so it was either used as a swimming pool or for religious ceremonies or both. There were small rooms around the pool so they were problably changing rooms and there was mini pools that could have been Provate pools.
    Differences- Aryans. Houses were made out of straw and wood, Infis houses were made from baked bricks.
    Simerlarities- they had wars, wars with each other and they both wanted good farming land/ fertile land.

  83. XHow the aryans lived:The Aryans had clans they settled settled in the northwestern part of India.
    Aryan houses:some people in the vedic time period had house of straw and wood houses.
    Clothing: the Aryans wore animal skins.

    Toys: some toys were found such as a monkey that may have slid down a string.
    Transportation: there transportation would have been a camel or a elaphant.
    Food: food have been bread and barley .

    There houses were very different Indus had mudbrick houses Aryans had wood and straw houses.
    They both ate bread.

  84. Aryan Houses: The people who lived in straw and wooden huts were from the Vedic period. Until the Epics period, some houses were made of wood.
    Jobs: Peple started to have jobs, as the Aryans began to grow crops.
    There were four groups people began to belong to, the Brahmana, Kshatriya,Vaishya, and Sundra.
    Education: A guru, which is a teacher, was what the children were taught by. The guru also had to be obeyed cheifs sons.

    Alike: People began to belong to one of the four groups in every tribe.
    Difference: During differant periods the houses were made of differant materials.

  85. aryan daliy life
    red dot
    aryan horses

    indus valley daliey life

    similarity:they both used animails and carts

    thier houses did not look the same

  86. Aryan Daily Life
    Yagna: Aryan tribes were focused on the central firepalce. People who took care of the fireplace also cooked, wich was a special job to them. They also told stories at the end of the day by the yagna

    Jobs: There were a bunch of jobs, and they all were part of a class list and this is the class list; Brahmana: Preist, Kshatriya: Warrior, Vaishya: Traders/Merchants, Sundra: Workers/Farmers

    Clothing:Clothes were made of animal skins, but when the aryans came they started making it out of cotton

    Indus Valley Daily Life

    Food: They mostly ate stuff they grew (Barley Wheat Melons peas and dates) and fish they caught

    Toys: Toys found were mini carts monkeys that went down a string and even whistles that are shaped like a bird!

    Homes: Their homes were two stories high with windoes and they had their own private wells inside! plus they actually had sewers

    Alike: Both colonies had farmers
    (Food for indusvalley and Jobs for Aryans)

    Diffrent: The Indus Valley people liked to dress up unlike the aryans, they just wore normal cotton shirts.

  87. Aryan Daily Life
    Jobs: Aryans used to be able to choose their occupation but now the are born into a job.
    Education: Kids were taught by a guru who is a teacher there homework was mostly religious.
    Clothing: Aryans clothes were made of animals skins but when the aryans settled down they started wearing clothes made of cotton.

    Indus Valley Daily Life
    Toys: The toys the found in the indus valley wer small carts,whistles shaped like birds, and a toy monkey.
    Food: They farmed alot and each town had a large storage building for grain.
    Art:they had very good craftsmen because the pottery was very high quality.

  88. arayans days: the women that were married wore red dots on their heads.
    how arayans live: they settled in different regions they settled in different tribes.
    arayans houses: they lived in huts made of straw and mud.
    homes: they had clay pipes under the streets and their houses were two story high.
    clothing: They wore robes that were colorful and jewerly made of gold.
    Toys: their toys were whistles and monkeys on a string.
    Similarities: Both made houses
    and they both grew crops.
    Differences: Indus valley had more money and the Arayans were poorer.


    How did the Aryans live? The Aryans houses were not the best. They were more simple straw and wooden huts. later in the Epics Period some houses were starting to be made out of wood.

    The clothing of this time was made out of animal skins. when the time period advanced they wore cotton cloths. This time period was the Epics time period.

    The Red Dot on the forehead was a sign of a married woman. However today woman in india don't have to wear this dot. The dot was blood from the husbands body a sign of wedlock.


    The houses in the Indus daily life were made out of baked brick. Clay pipes led from the toilet to sewers under the street. Each house had a well for private drinking water.

    The clothing that they wore was usually very colorful. They did not wear pants and a t-shirt they wore robes instead. Woemon wore jewelry made out of gold and precious stone.

    One food that they ate was wheat bread and barley or rice d. Most of their food production was farmed. Some things they grew werebarley, peas, melons, wheat, and dates.

  90. Aryans

    Aryan tribes settled in northeast India. If you were the chief's son, you would become a chief. Some of the aryans homes were wooden huts. Aryans jobs involved farming, priests, and warriors.

    Houses were one or two stories high
    and made of baked brick.
    The roofs were flat topped too.
    Indus entertainment was dancing. Some believe that they even found the public pool. Some of the toys were flutes shaped as birds, and monkeys on a string.

  91. aryan early life:
    houses: there houses were made out of straw and wooden for there huts
    what they did after work: they loved to gamble tell storys or play fighting games
    Clothing: they initially wore clothes made of animal skins but when they settled down the made clothes out of coton
    Indus Valley Civilization Daily Life:
    entertainment: they loved to dance and had great skilles working with metal
    toys: there toys were small csrts bird wistles and toy monkeys the slid down string
    simalrity: they both hade intresting entertainment
    difference: indus made 2 sotry high buildingd were arnans made huts out of straw and wood

  92. aryan houses, jobs, education indus valley homes, clothing enterianemenet most are realiy the same with the what they do for fun but the jobs weremt held by the caste system

  93. The aryaans houses sure were not like todays, they had straw and wood for there little huts. After they got done working they would do fighting games and gamble and sometimes tell stories!
    What they reguarly wore were animal skin and cotton.
    What they did for entertainment they danced and played with metal.
    What they made. They made toys and bird whistles.

    They both are in the same continent.
    difference. The aryans started in 1000 BCE.

  94. Arians earlie life:
    houses were made out of wood and straw

    Clothing:insted of pants and shirts they wore robes as clothing

    Water:Each home had a well of their own for water drinking

    indu valley earlie life:

    toys:they played with a monkey toy on a string andbird whistles

    homes:they had two stories high homes

    they rode cattle axen and elefants to get from place to place

    similarity:they both told stories for fun

    Differance:their homes were differant

  95. indus valley daily life
    In 1922 archeologists found the remains of a city called Harappa.
    their homes were 2 stories high and made of brick with flat roofs and they were all about the same.
    they wore bright robes and women wore gold and valuable stones as jewelry.
    Aryan daily life
    some of the aryan houses were made out of wood and some were made of straw and woden huts.
    Their clothes were made out of animal skin and when they settled down they were made of cotton.
    Once the Aryans settled they started growing crops.
    simalarity:They both had homes and clothing.
    difference:Indus Valley had a city and the Aryans had tribes.

  96. Aryan Ways Of Life...
    Occupations: In each aryan tribe there would for sure be four groups of jobs and what people should do. 1st the Brahmans, they were the priests. 2nd the Kshatriya, they were the warriors. 3rd the Vaishya which were the traders. And finally the the Sudra which were the workers.
    Clothing: They Aryans main clothing overall were animal skins. After they we settled down clothing was then made with a new material which is cotton.
    Education:The Aryan children were schooled by a guru. These children went through very intense classes and studies.
    Indus Valley Ways of Life:
    Houses: The Homes were built 2 stories high. Also the looked almost identical to the other houses the were at Indus valley.
    Clothing: Men and women wore very colorful robes. Also women wore tons of jewelry and and even lipstick.
    Similarity: Both Places were advanced civilizations.
    Difference: The Aryan houses were much different from the Indus Valley Houses

  97. The Aryans grooms used to apply a spot of there blood on the brides forehead. The brides does not have to do this. This is a sign of marriage.
    The Indies people build huge planned cites. They have horses. Wonmen wore jewerly surpise surpise.

    They both are in the same continent
    difference the goon had to put his blood on the brides forhead. But the Indies didnt

  98. Ayans houses, they lived in houses made out of straw and wood.
    clothing, their clothing was made out of animal skin.
    entertainment, they found a beutifulbronze statue.

  99. Aryan civilization
    1.The red dot on the forhead is a sign of marrage is made by a speck of blood from husband (used to)
    2.the Vedas the is a collection of poems and hymns made around 1500 BCE
    3.Aryan houses were made out of straw and wood

    Indus valley civilization
    1.Homes were two stories hight and made up of backed brick with flat roofs they looked the same for the most part was very colorful robes. they wore gold as jewlry and wore lipstick they ate bread barly rice.

  100. aryandail life.
    1.1got normal education.2.lived in houses made of straw.3.ate crops.

    indusvalley dialy life. very good education planned cities had speck of blood on head

  101. Aryan daily life
    1. The aryans had straw and wooden huts. In the epic time period they were made of wood.
    2.The aryans clothing were made of animal skins. When the aryans settle down the clothing will be made of cotton.
    3.When the aryans weren't working or fighting eachother they were gambling. They loved fighting games and telling stories.
    Indus valley daily life
    1. Indus valley houses were one to two stories high with flat roofs made of baked brick.
    2. Indus valley citizens enjoyed dancing and were skilled at metals.
    3. The Indus Valley people had toys like whistle shaped birds, toy monkeys, and small carts.
    Similarity: Both had their own beliefs
    Difference: Their houses were mad differently.


    JOBS: The Aryans grew crops. They were in one of these 4 groups. Brahmana, priests and teachers. Kshatriya,worriors. Vaishya, Taders and agriculturists. Last but not least, Shudra, workers. If you were lucky enough, you chould change groups.
    EDUCATION: A gru (or teacher) taught children like today! They had to write on bark and leaves. But we cant tell what they wrote in todays world because we dont have enough evidents to prove what they wrote.
    CLOTHING: All the clothing that they wore was made out of animal skin. Some clothing was made out of cotton.

    FOOD: Supper might have been warm or cold. Might have been barley, or rice (yummy). Peas, melon, barley, and all sorts of other foods is what they grew.
    TOYS: Some toys are found in carts, and they are found in carts because they cant buy some toys.
    ENTERTAINMENT: Their entertainment was were small people start to dacne around the room. They wore make-up and metals and all sorts of other stuff.

  103. They made thier clothing out of animal skins.Then later on they made it out of cotton.Their jobs were growing crops. The houses were made outof straw and wooden huts.

  104. Indus Valley

    Clothing: Men and women dressed in colorful robes. Women wore jewelry of gold and precious stones and even wore lipstick! Among the treasures found was a statue of a women wearing a bracelet

    Houses: Houses were one or two stories high made of baked brickwith flat roofs and were just about identical.The outside wall had no windows.

    Toys: Some of the toys found were small carts whistles shaped like birds and toy monkeys which could slide down on a string.


    Houses: THe people in the Vedic period lived in straw and wooden huts. Some homes were made of wood but not untill during the Epics Period.

    Education: Kids were taught by a teacher. All students followed a rigorous course of studies which were imparted orally. Writing was done on bark and leaves and was perishable so we have very few rock edicts to tell us what they studied.

    Clothing was initially made of animal skins AS the Aryans settled down clothing began to de made of cotton.

    Similarity: They are both from ancient India.

    Difference: Indus Valley is way more advanced than the Arryans it seems like.

  105. the Aryans

    houseslived in straw and wooden huts.some huts were made of wood.
    clothing made of animal skins.
    the jobs.The jobs were priests,warriros,traders and agriculturists,and workers.

    Daily civalization

    houses were 2 stories high.Made of baked brick.
    clothing men and women wore is colerful robes.women wore gold and presouce stones made into jewlery.
    toys some toys were carts.Whistles shaped like birds.Toy monkeys.

    one samething of both lives are the clothes were made of cotten.
    one different things are the houses

  106. aryanns -the vedas the vedas was the religional book of hymns and poems
    houses the aryan peopels lived in straw and wooden huts or houses whatever it is
    clothing there chlothing was useually made of animal skins because they were nomadic wich means they moved around untill they found fertile land and the resason they used animal skins was because they had animals they would follow and killed them nd killed them and skinned them for there skin

    indus valley
    homes houses were two or one storie high made with bricks,flat roofs,identical
    clothing dressed in colorful robes wore jewerly made of gold and precious stone
    entertainment they enjoyed to dance very skilled with metal

    doference houses were different sized

    same both had farmers


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