
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ancient India Study Guide 2013

Here is your study guide for the Ancient India Test. The test will be give on Friday, February 1st in class. The test is worth 100 points. There will be a total of 35 multiple questions. Although the study guide is online, the material you have to study is in your Social Studies binder. The work packet contains most of which you need to study. The review games online are also a great thing to take advantage of. Think about how you did on the last test you took (ancient China). How did you do? If you did well, then your study techniques worked. If you did poorly, then your study techniques might need some adjustment. If you need help studying or coming up with some study techniques, seek help! Ask me! I will help you. If you do not have the Internet at home, then you might want to either write down the study guide or print it off. Last thing: Use the study guide and review games! Good Luck.

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