
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ancient Civilization Hall of Fame

Welcome to the Ancient Civilization Hall of Fame. The ancient civilization Hall of Fame is designed to emphasize those ancient civilization items that are the most important and most influential items in the ancient world. It is our job to think, collaborate, and decide what should be in the Hall of Fame. We are at the midway point of the school year. We have studied four ancient worlds. Before we move on to the second half, we are going to figure out who/what should be in the Hall of Fame from the first half of the year. There are only 20 spots in the Hall of Fame, so at this point, we are going to decide the first 10 items to be enshrined. In the four ancient worlds we've studied, we have covered many, many important and influential items. The problem, though, is that not everything can get in. Just like in sports, only the BEST players make it into the Hall of Fame. We have some tough work and some tough decisions ahead. I have posted the "Showcase" to help us remember and reflect on what we have learned about so far. This will perhaps help remind us and help us make some decisions.
Finally, what do you think should be in the Hall of Fame? Post a comment to get us thinking about what should get selected. This is your chance to persuade "voters" to vote for the ones you think should be in the Hall of Fame, so tell me WHY it should be in. 
Post your comment by FRIDAY MORNING!


  1. I think gunpowder could get in the hall of fame, because if you had a gun in one of the ancient worlds, but no gun powder you wouldn't be able to shoot the bullet.

  2. i think ozti should because he is the longest living cave man and siintest got t study him

  3. I think you should do the great wall of china becaus we spend a lot of time over it and we did a project over it.

  4. I think Artifacts should be in the hall of fame because if there were no artifacts then we would have no information about the stone age because there was no writting system.

  5. i think the Silk Road should be the top 10 because many people travled on it and it is history so i think the Silk Road should be in the top 10.

  6. I think The Great Wall of China should be in the Acient Civilization Hall of FAme because just imagine that big, that long of a wall all the way around a city and also on moutains PLUS they had to do it all by hand, they also had to make platforms to get up to the top part! Also they didnt have the medicine we have today so they were basiclly risking their lives to finish this great and giant wall. I know there are also pyramids but they were made for selfish pharoahs the great wall of china was made for the people's protection! Plus they also made prisoners work on it so its more of a punishment to them.

  7. Irrigation should definitely go on there. Don't agree? Think twice! =)

  8. i think the Fire from the Stone Age should be one because we use it almost everyday

  9. I think fire because you can have bugs stay away and stay warm or lighting
    I think those cats in Egypt that don't have any fur because they catch alot of mice and a lot of other cats catch mice too but my cat is fat and doesn't catch anything

  10. I think the Silk Road should definitely be in the top ten.
    Would drawings from the showcase about the ancient worlds be one?

  11. I thinkthat King Tut should be part of the hall of fame because he has a really interesting story. He was croned king at a really young age and died when he was 19. People found hundreds of walking sticks in his tomb, also.

  12. I think farming should go into the hall of fame because it changed the peoples lives. It gave them food so they would not starve. Fewer people died from starvation. It also helps us. We get food and way less people die of starvation.

  13. I think that fire should be in the hall of fame because we still use it today. We can get warmth, light, we can cook from it, and extreme situations, you can use it for protection.

  14. I think irrigation should be in the hall of fame because it watered crops and without water crops would die and the people could not eat the crops.

  15. I think Irrigation should be in the hall of fame

  16. I think bricks should be in the hall of fame because without bricks there wouldn't be much protection in houses. they also had a big impact back then and they still do today. Also imagine somebody trying to rob you. If you have a mud and straw building they could break into it like the Big Bad Wolf blowing the straw building down in the Three Little Pigs.

  17. I think that Ozti is important because he is the oldest body ever found and he has shown us a lot of the past

  18. I think Irrigation because without it, the people of Mesopotamia would've starved and never have learned how to farm better.

  19. Fire should be in the hall of fame because it basicly changed the world forever!!!

  20. I thick that paper should be in the hall of fame because we use it everyday.

  21. I think artifacts should have been in the top 10 because it helped us know what life was like in that time period.


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