
Thursday, November 1, 2012

New Feature: "Showcase"

While we wait for the Ancient Egypt unit to begin, I thought it would be a good time to introduce the newest feature of Water for Sixth Grade: the "Showcase." This new feature is designed to share and display student work. In social studies, we create a lot, so I wanted to have something that would allow me to put all your hard work on showcase. With my iPhone, I can easily snap photos of our work. Keep up the effort, and perhaps your work will be on Showcase one day. Keep in mind, though, with 127 students, I am not able to put everybody's work on the showcase page, every time. So don't feel bad if your work doesn't show up.  
How do you get to the showcase page?  At the top of WSG, right below the title, there is a link to the "Showcase" page. Simply click the link and you will be there. 

1 comment:

  1. ooooooooo. i like these! :) People that drew these are really good with art. Better than me! :)


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