
Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Results are in...

The 2012 Presidential election is over, at least in 6th grade. We decided that we didn't want to wait to vote for president, so we held our own election over the course of the last week. As 6th graders, we can and should be involved in what is going on in our country, especially in a year with a presidential election. As we know, the presidential race is between Barack Obama, the current President and Mitt Romney, the challenger and former governor of Massachusetts. Obama is a democrat and Romney is a republican. The campaign has been a very long, tough, grueling process for both candidates and it will only pay off for one man Tuesday night. I encourage each and everyone of you to flip on the television Tuesday night and watch the coverage. Watch as the results start to come in. You will be surprised at how exciting it is. The magic number is 270, as in which ever candidate gets to 270 electoral votes wins the presidency. Going into election day, Obama has a very slight lead in the polls. But anything can happen on election day. 
So, without further delay, here are the results in my 6th grade classes....

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