
Thursday, November 22, 2012

A thankful Thanksgiving Post

We have so much to be thankful for.
It's Thanksgiving. A day to give thanks. A day to remember what we are thankful for. It's seems odd to me that only one day out of the year is called "Thanksgiving Day." I think everyday should be called that. Why only officially pronounce our "thanks" once per year? We have so much to be thankful for. We have freedom. We live in America. We can go to school. We have clean water. We have shelter. We have opportunity. These are things that I feel we take for granted, myself included at times. How often do you stop and think about the fact that you have clean water? Probably never. Imagine how often you would think about it if you DIDN'T have clean water? Constantly. Some don't have clean water. You may think going to school isn't something to be thankful for. Imagine not having the opportunity to go to school, what would it be like? You would have no opportunity, no hope. Some don't have the opportunity to go to school and want nothing more than that chance. Your education is the key to your life, future. Seriously, take a long, hard look at all your freedoms, all your opportunities and be thankful. Be thankful everyday. Be respectful everyday. Give thanks by saying it, by working hard, by appreciating who you are and where you live. 
I am thankful for my family, for getting to be a teacher, for freedom, and for guys like Adam Brown, a member of Navy SEAL Team 6 who paid the ultimate price in preserving our freedom when he was killed in the Hindu Kush Mts. of Afghanistan and left a wife and two little kids alone as a result. I get choked up thinking about those who lay down their life for me, for you. Thanksgiving is not a military holiday, but perhaps it should be because everything we have to be thankful for is because of the American Warrior. 
Thank you, 
-Mr. Klumper


  1. I think its great to have Thanksgiving because it is fun to see ypu family and have fun and give thanks.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving mr.k

  3. Im thankful for everything i have


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