
Saturday, September 22, 2012

WSG Message Board

Just want to post a random comment? Just want to tell me something or talk about something? Well, now you have that chance. I would like to introduce the WSG Message Board. There are many posts on this blog, but sometimes, you might just want to tell me something totally unrelated to the posts I have up. Where do you post questions or comments? Right here, at the WSG Message Board. On the WSG Message Board, it is just a discussion of whatever happens to be on my mind or on your mind! I will be checking this post a lot and posting many comments as well, so check it out and get involved! You can respond to what I say and to what each other says. Let the messaging begin...

The WSG Message Board can always be accessed by clicking on "1-Message Board" in the Label Cloud. 


  1. I think he was ropped and killed because he was found with a empty sack.

  2. I think he was ropped because he was found with a empty sack.

  3. do you like waffles YEAH WE LIKE WAFFLES do you like pancakes YEAH WE LIKE PANCAKES do you like french toast YEAH WE LIKE FRENCH TOAST DO DO DA DO CANT WAIT TO GET A MOUTH FULL OF WAFFLES!!!!!!!


  4. cheese is beast like me!!!!!

  5. Hey Mr.Klumper How's it going? Like last time, I am really bored. But I mostly wanted to contact you again with the blog. Sometimes I wish I could go back to 6th grade on the same team.Especially after my cousin's b-day party. Well, dinner's ready,so, 'till next blog,peace out.

    P.S:My cousin is around 30.

  6. hey M.K., it's me again. I was just thinking a random thought, that is what you do right? Well, what do you think about the living dead:


  7. LoGan D. (class of 2017)October 5, 2012 at 5:32 PM

    Hey Mr Klumper! Its Logan Domagala from your 2009-2010 class year. I just wanted to say hi and that i got selected to play for a Tier 1 Elite team in Milwaukee Wisconsin we're currently ranked as the 10th team in the NATION. Haha hope you enjoyed my comment. Tell your sixth graders work hard for WAX and that its a lot of work at first but its the only thing i remember from sixth grade:)

    Talk to you later,
    LoGan DomaGala

  8. OMG This is like the first time i've ever been on water for sixth grade in like 2 months!!!

  9. Logan, Ronald, and Seth: It is really good to hear from you! Thank you for continuing to visit Water for Sixth Grade. You and your comments are always welcome here.
    Logan: great job on the hockey team. I knew you would be a great hockey player. Keep working hard so i can get some NHL tickets from you in the future :)

  10. Hi Mr. Klumper
    I was thinking what in the world should I make my new Game about (It is easy but I use a certain program that is needed to make it and run it called Roblox) and I just thought Hey Mesopotamia seems like an interesting idea that would be fun to go through and make and I was thinking I could share it with you after it is done at the end of the unit (Through Video) going around explaining a Mesopotamia city (probably sumar) if you dont want to do this it is fine but I just thought it would be fun to do and to help study for a unit ending test here is my profile for it

    (I think only copy and paste works)

  11. hey Mr. Klumper. I am just sitting at home and i decide to visit WSG. I like all of the new post. I also heard that you guys have IPads in your room. That is soo not fair but also very cool.

  12. ARI MASTER BLOGGERJuly 31, 2013 at 7:43 PM

    hey Mr.Klumper hop you are having a great summer so far!! I definitely miss one thing for sure.. blogging... if you could get back I was just wondering what have you all done this summer if anything interesting has summer is just softball, summer basketball, and soccer practices...nothing but sports ending and starting up again.. well have a good week :)

  13. (2yearsago) 3FelicityKFebruary 11, 2014 at 2:51 PM

    Hey Mr. Klumper
    i dont have any homework today so i came to see how water for sixth grade is coming along. I see that you have been changing the webpage design a lot. it looks really cool. Anyways, this summer, i got on a travel basketball team. the coach said it is really fun to watch me play and that they couldn't wait to watch me in high school (he thought i was a sophomore before i told him i was an 8th grader. funny right) Isn't that great. I have been getting that a lot from other coaches too. Tell your current sixth graders to work hard at the wax museum. well.. talk to ya later


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