
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wax Museum 2012 Donation goes to Joel Kocer

Out of the 432 posts I have published on Water for Sixth Grade, this one means the most to me. I had a chance to talk with Joel Kocer about the his battle with cancer, the Wax Museum, and his trip to Alaska. I wanted to devote a post to Joel because of how inspirational he is in how he faced, battled, and beat cancer. He is one tough kid and he deserves to be honored. I also wanted to post this because Joel's story shows just how much of a difference the 6th graders make with the Wax Museum. In 2010, Joel participated in the first ever Wax Museum held at BVMS. That year, Joel and his classmates voted to donate the money to the Make-A-Wish foundation. The money went towards making a child's wish come true. Little did Joel know that he would be the recipient of a Wish in 2012. Joel was diagnosed with cancer in 2011. In the summer of 2012, Joel received a wish from the Make-A-Wish foundation. The Wax Museum of 2012's donation went towards Joel's wish. I think it is so cool that we were able to help out Joel, who is in our school district, who participated in the very same project and is just an all around great kid. I am honored that Joel took the time to talk with me and share his experiences. 
The Wax Museum changes lives and provides a once in a life-time experience. Just ask Joel.

Read my Interview with Joel Kocer.


  1. Awsome story joel hope you had fun

  2. Joel looked like he had a great time in Alaska. The pictures look awesome but their are missing one thing;BEARS!! :)

  3. Awsome pictures hope they had fun!

  4. that is soo cool i hpoe that dosent happen agian it sounded scary


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