
Friday, September 28, 2012

Stone Age Essay

Essay Question: Tell me about the story "I Discover Fire."  In your essay, you need to discuss challenges Johnny faced in communicating with the tribe, what the neanderthals needed help with, how Johnny made the discovery, the strategy of hunting, what happened on each hunt and the resolution of the story (how the story ended).  

Points: 20


  1. Jonney helped the Neanderthalthals chase the Irish elk off a cliff.

  2. Johnny had a hard time trying to communicate with the tribe because the could not talk at all. He helped the Neanderthals with chasing the elk off the cliff with torches using pine resin this time. Peace out homies

  3. Jonney helped the Neanderthalthals chase the Irish elk off a cliff.

  4. Jonney helped the Neanderthalthals chase the Irish elk off a cliff.

  5. The Neanderthals communicated with grunts and head nods.Keeping the fire lit in damp air.When Johnny dipped his touch in the pine resin.The strategy was to chase Irish elk on a cliff.First hunt, unsuccessful the second hunt, with the pine resin was very very susccessful.They ate a lot of elk meat that night at camp!!!!

  6. I discover fire well johney had trouble commuting with the tribe. By using head nods grunts hand movements. Needing to discover fire. He made the discovery with pine rosin. Stealth they were sneaking. After they fell off the cliff. Johney found a gold coin in the bush.

  7. I discover fire is about Johnny discovering pine resin will keep fire going

  8. I discover fire is about Johney going on this task to help Neanderthals discover fire and how to improve on using it.

    Johney helped the tribe by chasing the Irish elk off the cliff what helped keep there torches lit was the pine resin to keep it lit and chase the elk off the cliff.During there first hunt the torches went out and the tribe was trampled by the Irish elk because of the moist air the torches went out and that's how they got trampled.Thats when the pine resin came in handy.

    The communication was bad because the neanderthals only used head nods,grunts,and hand motions. Johney had to figure out there language and what everything meant and most importantly how to communicate.

  9. Jonny rawten is a boy that goes back in time and gets the neanderthals to discover things like fire and he had lots of struggles to find out what they were saying so he just did the head nods. Jonny also used pine resin to keep fire burning so his plan was a success when it came to discovering fire.

  10. Johnny goes to the stone age to help discover and improve fire. It was hard to communicate because they just made grunting noises. They hunted the Irish elk by running it of a cliff by scaring it with fire. This did not work, the torches went out because of the damp air. So the elk then charged and killed two members. Johnny notices that when munga throws the pine resin that is on the stick into the fire it doesn't go out, he shows this to the tribe by putting it into the rain. So when they charged the elk again it succeeded. Then Johnny finds his coin, he completed his task.

  11. One of the challenges Johhny faced was communicating with the tribe. The Neanderthals needed help with keeping their torches lit in damp air when hunting. Johhny made the discovery when muoga was trying to heal ouga's cut on his arm. She was putting pine resin on it and when she was done she tossed the stick into the fire and the pine resin lit right up but only that part of the stick with the resin lit up so Johhny held it in the rain and it staid lit. The strategy of the hunt was to run the elk off a cliff. On the first hunt their torches went out and the elk started chasing them and two of the Neanderthals got killed. On the second hunt their torches staid lit and they chased the elk off the cliff. On their way back to camp Johhny found his coin in a bush and vanished when he picked it up

  12. There first hunt was not susseced because there fire blow out because of the damm wall fall. There second hunt was Susccesd because they figured out the pine resine with stay light for a long time so they chased the Irish elk off the cilff and he got a Golding coin. The neanderals ate a lot I am thinking because they are huge and they got a few of them.

  13. Johnny had trouble with cumucateing with them because he can't mone or grone and when he did he can not under stand them and they did not take a shower

  14. Johnny had to try to communicate with the Neanderthals by grunting and head nods and hand motions but he couldn't understand what they were saying when they would grunt so he just had to do the head nods and the hand motions. The neanderthals needed help with keepeing the fire going in the damp air. Johnny used pine resin to keep the fire going, he showed the neaderthals how to use the pine resin to keep the fire going in the rain. Johnny showed them that the fire would keep going by putting it in the rain. The first strategy of hunting failed because the fire went out when they were hunting the Irish Elk off the cliff. The second hunt was successful because they were showed how to keep the fire going. So they could chase the Irish Elk off the cliff without a problem at all. When they got the meat from the Irish Elk Johnny found the golden coin in the bushes for him to go to the next ancient world.

  15. Johnny helped the Neanderthals discover that resin would keep the fire going.

  16. Johnny did could not talk to the tribe very good because they only grunt head nod. He finds out the tribes needs help with keeping the fire lit so Johnny finds out that pine resin keeps the fire lit. He found that out cause Muga puts it on the cut. And when he put the stick in the rain it did not go out. When they hunted theyd chase the elk off the cliff. When they hunted the fire would go out from the moist air. Then they find out about the pine resin and the touches stayed lit so the elk ran off the cliff.

  17. Johnny did could not talk to the tribe very good because they only grunt head nod. He finds out the tribes needs help with keeping the fire lit so Johnny finds out that pine resin keeps the fire lit. He found that out cause Muga puts it on the cut. And when he put the stick in the rain it did not go out. When they hunted theyd chase the elk off the cliff. When they hunted the fire would go out from the moist air. Then they find out about the pine resin and the touches stayed lit so the elk ran off the cliff.

  18. Jony gos to the stonage and his task was to find a new way for fire to stay gowing.

  19. I remember that two people in the tribe got killed by the elk . They try to chase the elk off a cliff with fire . That is all I can remember from the story.

  20. That the Neanderthal did' t know how to cep the torch lit to jone fond pine resent and the hunt was completed and jone go to go find the gold coen in a pile of elk bones.

  21. Johnny went to the stone age. They can not talk they nod but they get what they are saying. Then they are going to use fire to chase a irish elk. When they get to the Irish elk there fire went out from the damp air. So they went back with know meet and they tried to figure out why there fire went out. They figured because the rain so they tried pine reson. And they waved the fire in the rain and it worked. So they went to another hunt. And they found the Irish elk and they chased it and it fell off the clif and they had a good hunt. With lots of meet to keep them alive.

  22. Johny faced many challenges in commacating with the tribe one of them is Not under standing them when they would grunt and nod. The neandthal needed help with keeping the fire lit when the wanted th chase the elk off the clif. Johnny made the discover when mungu fixed his cut with the pine resin. The first hunt did not turn out so well the fire went out because of the damp air. The second hunt did go well they used pine resin to keep their torches lit and they got an iris elk. The story ended when Johnny saw some thing in the bushes and it was a coin to get to the next level.

  23. What I think happened was that it was hard to communicate with the neanderthals because they could not understand what Johnny was was saying, and Johnny could not understand them because the Neanderthals couldn't speak like we speak. The Neanderthals needed help keeping the torches light so that they can go and chase the Irish Elk off the cliff. So he helped them by using pine reisen to keep the torches lite. The way they proved that they could stay lite was by waving them in the air and going out in the rain and then waving it in the air, too. By the end of the story he found a golden coin.

  24. Johnny has a quest to go on to save a tiger. On his journey he encounters Neanderthals. When he encounters them they are eating part of an animal. Afterward they decide that they're going to go on a hunt and let Johnny go with. When they find the mighty Irish Elk they start chasing it with their torches. Right before the elk jump off the cliff the torches go out because of the damp air. That made the elk get ticked off and then they charged Johnny and the other Neanderthals. Two of the Neanderthals died. Lucky for Johnny (and his speed) he survived. When they get back to camp Munga ( a Neanderthal) uses pine resin to bandage cuts. Luckily Johnny see the pine resin on fire and try's to communicate with the neanderthals. The problem is Neanderthals can't speak so Johnny's bounce up and down while shouting at them and they're sitting there staring at him. After that Johnny figures some thing out. So he runs outside in the pouring rain with a flaming stick and then they get what he's trying to say.
    On the next hunt they chase the elk once again. But this time the torches don't go out and the hunt is successful. Then Johnny finds a coin in a bush

  25. Johnny had no troubles comunicateing with Neanderthals. Johnny improved there life with pine resin in fire. The pine resin stayed lit in damp air so the elk would run off a cliff. The different between hunts is 1st one the torches went out 2nd one the torches stayed lit. After chasing the elk off the cliff he got his gold coin.

  26. When jonny needed to communicate with the Neanderthals he had to grunt and use head motions the Neanderthals whent on a Hun t with torches but in the damp air they when out and they had to retreat with the injured but jonny saw a type of syrup that looked like what he put on his pancakes and it was called pine resin and they used that on the fire and the flame remained and they last hunt was successful because jonny found the resin and the Neanderthals had meat and jonny had his he was on step closer to saving the tiger he killed back when he was in sixth grade and that is my summary of the chapter in ancient quest I discover fire

  27. All Johnny could do to comunnicate with the Neanderthals was grunt and head nods, the Neanderthals needed help with improving fire, They hunted by chasing Irish Elk off a cliff, he made the discovery that Pine Resin keeps fire burning by watching the stick that Munga threw that had the resin on it burn, The first hunt was unsuccessful because their torches burned out and the second hunt was successful because the torches had pine resin on them which keeps fire burning, The story ended with Johnny finding the gold coin in some bushes by the cliff where they chased the elk off the cliff.

  28. Since the tribe could not talk he had to understand their grunts but it took a while. The Neanderthals needed help with their hunting and keeping the fire from burning out so he found pine resin from munga and that kept the torches lit. The strategy was to chase the Irish elk off the cliff. The first hunt did not work because the damp air put them out then the next hunt it worked because of the pine resin! Then after the hunt he got a gold coin.!

  29. The challeges Johney faced was when he discovered fire he started waving it around rapidly and the Neanderthals didn't understand him. The Neanderthals needed help with hunting, they were mostly unsuccessful because their fire would always go out in the damp air. Johney Dscovered that pine resin helped keep the fire Going even in damp air, he randomly took a Stick and put it in the pine resin and then put the pine resin part in the fire and waved it around waved it around rapidly and it didn't go it. There stagily four hunting was to chase irish elk off of the cliff and with. The first time they went hunting their fire went out and the irish elk started attacking them, there second hunt was successful because the fire didn't go out in the damp air because of the pine resin. The story ended when they ended their successful hunt.
    The end

  30. In the story I discover fire, Johnny has to help the Neanderthals to discover and improve the use of fire.
    Johnny had a challenging time communicating with the Neanderthals because they mostly grunted.
    The first time Johnny and the Neanderthals hunted they were chasing the elk and they were about to chase it off the cliff when their torches went out because of the damp air. The Irish elk were no longer scared of them, and killed two people while chasing them back to their cave. Munga used Pine Resin to heal wounds and when she was done healing the wounds, threw the stick with the resin into a pile and it started a fire Johnny shows them that the fire stays lit by waving the stick around and in the rain.

  31. Jonney faced a hard time speaking with the tribe because they do not speak our language. The Nethandrals needed help with keeping the fire going when they were chasing the Irish Elk off the cliff. Jonney made the discovery by pin resin. The stadagy was to Chase the Irish Elk of the cliff. On the first hunt the torches went out when the were chasing the Irish Elk of the cliff, on the second hunt they used pin risen to keep the fire going while they where chasing the Irish Elk of the cliff. The resolution was to use pin risen.

  32. In "I discover fire" Johnny has to shoe this tribe of Neanderthals how to discover and improve fire. Johnny has a hard time by communicating with tribe because Neanderthals has low intelligence. By communicating with them he would use head nodes, hand motion,pointing,ect. The tribe and Johnny went on a hunt to get food. The animal they hunted are Irish Elek, about 9-11 feet tall! Their first hunt was not successfull because their torches went out ended with two people dead and some injured. When Munga tried to close a wond with pin resin, some dripped and started on fire. Johnny then knew that this would help complete this task. He started trying to show the tribe members that it stay lite but they didn't understand. Finally Johnny started to wave the torch under rain and the tribes knew it ment good. Aft discovering that resin wasnt going to burn out they went on another hunt. The reason why they needed fire was because Irish Elek are scared of fire and they would the Elek to a cliff and make them jump off plummeting to their death. The second hunt was successful,their torches didn't die out they got more meat . After the Neanderthals passed head nods meaning thank you Johnny found his coin in the bush a couple yard away and was done with Stone Age.

  33. In I discover fire some of Johnnys problems are cumminicating because hey could not under stand what all the grunts meant and the Neanderthals also had trouble understanding Johnny. The Neanderthals needed help discovering fire .They tried to chase the Irish elk off the cliff but they failed when the fire went out in th damp air so whe Unga was seeking mungas wound with the pine resin that's when Johnny discovers the pine resin lets the fire burn in damp air he proves that by sticking it in the rain and waving torch rapidly on the next hunt they become successful when they use the pine resin to chase the Irish elk of the cliff. In the end he ends up finding the gold coin in the bush

  34. The fact that they can't speak English so he had to yous head nods and grunts but Johnny probably dosn't even know what he's talking about. He made the discovery with pine resine witch keeps the fire going. The neandreathals helped with the hunting And gathering the pine resine. Johnny made the discovery from the resine that the neandreathal unga was using to heal a wound. Finally the strategy for hunting is to chase the elk off a cliff with torches.

  35. In the book I Discover Fire Johnny has to help the neaderthals improve their fire. At first they went out with normal fire and they got close to getting the Irish elk off the cliff by surrounding it and trying to scare it off, but right as they were about to get it off the cliff the torches went out. When they were running two of them died. When they got got back one Neanderthal was repairing a wound with pine resin. Johnny them noticed it burned more. He was waving it in the air to show it wouldn't go out, but the Neanderthals didn't understand what he was attempting to show them. That is caused by that there is no language they speak. Johnny tried furiously to make them understand by standing out in the rain and the two neanderthals watching him smiled. The girl showed them where to get the pine resin and they loaded their torches with it and got ready to go hunting. They started chasing the Irish elk again. They got to the cliff again and they kept scaring the elk and the torches never went out. The elk finally jumped off. Johnny then hugged Unga. He then saw the coin went to grab it and he concentrated on the picture. Then he was gone.

  36. So Johnny had to help the tribe by teaching the neanraths to create fire that was hard because they had low intelligence but johhny helped them by finding resin and showing them if you put in the rain the fire will go out.johnny also helped them by chasing the elk off the elf with the the end Johnny taught them how to use fire and he got his first golden coin hidden in the bushes.

  37. In I discover fire Johnny Had trouble communicating because the tribe didn't speak English. So Johnny had to find out what they were saying by them nodding their heads and grounting. When Johnny and his tribe went on a hunt they had a little trouble because there fire went out because of the damp air. Johnny made the discovery because he helped the tribe keep their fire alive so they could chase the Elk off e cliff. The strategy they used of hunting was they used pine resin to keep the fire alive. Resolution was they went on a hunt and their fire didn't go out so they scared the Elk off the cliff and they got their meat.

  38. The challenge Johnny faced for communication with the tribe is the head nod and grunt. The Neanderthals needed help with the hunt,and how to keep the fire going in the damp air.When bunga threw the stick with pine resin in the fire it lite quickly lite the pine resin on fire.
    The strategy for hunting was to push the Irish elk of the cliff.
    First hunt the fire iwent out when they got the Irish elk at the edge of the cliff.The Second hunt was successful because of the pine resin

  39. I discover fire
    As johnny is sent back in to the stone age he find a tribe of neanderthals and go,s back to there camp but on the walk there a tree gets hit by lighting and that's is we're they get there fire back at camp they orgnanize a new hunt to feed the reast of the tribe the walk for awhile then they come up on a pack of Irish elk and there chase them to a cliff where one buy one there torches go out then as the elk realis the torches are out, then Johnny and the neanderthals make a mad dash the elk chase them and kill 2 of the men in the tribe, when they get to camp one of the girls uses pine reason to patch all of the mens wouldes and when she throws the reson covered stick in the fire pit it bursts in flames that's when Johnny realizes that is the saloshion but when he shows them the torch they look at it then go back to what they were doing then Johnny takes the torch and and walks out in the rain they moushon for him to come inside but then they realis that the torch is not going out the next day the ready for a hunt but there torches now have pin reson after finding the Irish elk and chasing them to the ed of the cliff and they fall off and die then Johnny finds the gold coin and is teupoted out of the stone age

  40. I discover fire is about Johnny going into the stone age and Johnny cannot speak the neananderthals. He goes and sees that nearanderthals discover fire. But they go into damp air and the fire goes out while they try to chase off the cliff and one of the nearanderthals gets hurt. While the nearanderthals is getting its wound fixed the sick starts on fire and there is pine risen. They go out into the rain and it doesn't go out. They go hunting and they chase the Irish elk off the cliff and while the air is damp the fire does not go out.One of the Irish elks die and Johnny finds a coin in the bone.

  41. Jonney faced challenges talking to the Neanderthals because they had no language. All they did was grunt and nod. The Neanderthals needed help with keeping there fire going. Every time they came close to the cliff there touches would go out. Jonney made the discovery when Munga through the extra pine resin into the fire. Jonney saw it go up in flames and knew it would not go out in the rain. Jonney tested it by going out in the rain with the stick and the fire didn't go out. Jonney showed this to the tribe and they prepared from their hunt again. The Strategy from hunting was to chase the Irish Elk off the cliff.The first hunt didn't end well two Neanderthals were killed by the Irish Elk. Two Neanderthals were killed because the torches went out at the last second and the Irish Elk started to chase them. On the second hunt the Irish Elk died. The torches didn't go out because they had pine resin on them. Nobody was hurt in the second hunt and the hunt was very successful.The story end with jonney getting the gold coin because he found a way to help the Neanderthals. Jonney helped the Neanderthals by using pine resin on the torches to keep the fire burning.

  42. Johnny entered the Stone Age and noticed people standing around something. Johnny decided to go up to the tribe. They accepted him and brought him back to their camp. Johnny had a lot of difficulty with communicating with the tribe. All they did to communicate was grunts , head nods and hand motions, how is. Everyday human supposed to desifer that.They brought him on a hunt they had a pretty good strategy, they chased huge Irish Elk off a cliff with fire. They stalked the woods until they spooked their beast. Then they chased it to a nearby waterfall, but the torches couldn't stay lit the damp air made them go out. Then the elk chased them because they were no longer scared. This was a problem for them because people got heart or killed. They got back to camp where they got their wounds closed up with pine resin. The stick was then thrown in the fire. Johnny noticed that it lit up right away. He grabbed it out of the fire emedeitly and realized it would not stop burning. He tried to show them they were confused so he brought it out in the rain. They started to get it and became very excited, so excited that they emedeitly went on a hunt. They stalked through the woods and found the beasts they chased them to the waterfall and stopped the torches did not go out. They charged and the beasts jumped off the cliff. Everyone was excited and Johnny found his first coin.

  43. Jonhy faced lots of challenges like communicating hunting and most of all fire. First when Jonhy gets there he sees a tribe of Neanderthals so he aproces them and he can not understand them so he just grunts back. They invited him to come with them and so he goes back to there somewhat of a village. How Jonhy communicated was just by looking at them and pointing to things. Some problems that theY needed help with is how to improve with there fire how to stay alive and how to hunt and get food. There main stragey of hunting was to push the animal off a cliff they mainly hunted Irish elk. How Jonhy solved his problem was by using pine resin that one of the Neanderthals was putting on one of the other Neanderthals.

  44. I discover fire is about a boy named Jouhny Rawten, johny travels back in to time. He goes back to the Stone Age. The Stone Age is a long time ago! Johny has a task to do. The task is to teach the Neanderthals how to make fire not go out in damp or moist air. Neanderthals are the early man they have some differences to human. Jouhny has a little trouble understanding the Neanderthals. They communicate with grunts and knods. The first hunt that Jouhny went on didn't go so good. They had not yet discover resin to keep the fire going. The way they hunt the Irish elk is by chasing them of a cliff. When they chased them to the cliff all of there torches went out the elk weren't scared any more the Irish elk ran at Jouhny and the others the Irish elk killed Bunga and Dunga were both killed Jouhny threw up at the sight of being killed. Jouhny and the others made it back to camp Munga the girl cared for others injuries with resin she threw the stick of resin into the fire it lit in flames they found the source to keep fire going the secound hunt came and when the reached the cliff the fire didn't go out and the elk all went down the cliff the Neanderthals were so happy. Awhile after the hunt Jouhny found his first gold coin in the woods jouhnys first task was completed.

  45. Johnny had a hard time communicating with Unga, Zunga, Dunda, and Munga, but they did communicate by head nods and grunts. What the Neanderthal neded help with , was to keep the torches lit so they could push the elk off the cliff. jhony made the discovery when one of the neanderthal clice one of their cuts and through a stick with pine resin in the fire. then they went back and tried to push the elk of and this time they secseded.

  46. He did not know the head motions they did or head nods.

    Getting meat from an Irishelk and keeping there torches lit in damp air.

    Munga was closing a wound and when she was done she threw the pine resin In the fire and it ignited and didn't go out.

    Chasing the Irish Elk off the cliff by chasing it with fire.

    The first one their torches went out and two of them got killed, but the second one the torches didn't go out and the killed the Elk and Johnny found the golden coin in a bush.

  47. Johnny had trouble speaking with the Neanderthals because they have there own little grunts and stuff so Johnny uses head nods.
    They needed help with hunting the irish elk and getting fire to stay.
    He grabbed Some pine resign and put it on a stick and that helped the fire stay on.
    They had to find the elk and try to chase it off the cliff. It ended up they got the fire to stay on and then they chased them off the cliff.

  48. Johnny really had no way of comunacating with the tribe because the tribe didn't know how to speak English so it was challenging for him but at the end it all worked out.

    P.s johnny chased the elk off the cliff with torches covered in pine resign.

  49. Johnny used hand gesters to cumunacate with the tibe. The Neanerthals needed help with to learn how to make a fire,Johnny tought them to use Pine Resen. He was learning on the way. The Neanerthals told him about the hand ax and more. Johnny made some mistakes on his adventure. He help Unga SAve Munga.

  50. Johnny is with the neanderthals and they want to go hunting so they figure out how to get a fire started on their torch so they get their torches started and the air is damp when they go to chase the Irish elk off the cliff and their torches go out so Johnny figures out the works of the pine resin and he figured that if he put it on all of the torches the torch will stay lit in the damp air and at the end they succeed in chasing the Irish elk off the cliff. The stratagey works!

  51. The challenges Johnny when communicating with the tribe were that he couldn't understand what they were trying to say and that they couldn't understand him either when they were trying to talk. The Neanderthals neede help with trying to keep there torches lite and they needed help hunting to. The Neanderthals strategy for hunting was that they would chase the Irish elk off the cliff and waited for them to fall to their death and then they would go get them. On the first hunt they failed becaus there torches didn't stay lite when they were all charging at the elk. And the second hunt was successful because they chased them off the cliff and their torches stayed lite.

  52. It was hard for jonny to communicate with the Neanderthal because he dident know how to speak like them. There first hunt was not sucklesful because the fire went out in the damp air. Jonny fond some pine reson and it lit fast and stayed lit. So they used it to hunt when they get to the Cliff the torches don't go out and the elk run off the cliff and die. Jonny then finds the golden coin.

  53. Johnny has to go back time to save the tiger.He could not understand them and they needed help with keeping there torches lit.When the female Neanderthal through the stick with the pine resin on it.There stragetgy was to chase the elk off the cliff.The first hunt two Neanderthals died when the elk killed them after the torches went out.the second was successful and they had lots of food.He found the coin in a bush .

  54. In the story " I Discover Fire" Johny faces the challenge of talking to Neanderthals. He used grunts hand pointing and head nods to communicate.Johny helped the by improving fire. Johny discovered that tree resin would keep the fire going even in poring rain by munga throughing a stick with resin on it in the fire. Their hunting stragity was to chase Irish elk off of a cliff. In the first hunt the fire went out on their torches so the elk started to chase after them and two people died also Johny barfed. In the 2nd hunt they got 2 or 3 Irish elk because Johny discovered a new way of keeping a torch lit. And at the end after the hunt Johny found his gold coin in a bush.

  55. It's this kid named Johnny who goes to the Stone Age. He helps the Neanderthals discover fire and how to improve it. They go on a hunt to chase Irish elk off a cliff but their torches go out in the damp air. While Munga was fixing Ungas arm Johnny noticed that the torch he put on the ground it did not go out. He went out in the rain he waved it back and forth. On the second hunt the torches did not go out and the elk fell off the cliff. At the end of the book he noticed something in the bushes, it was his first gold coin for completing his task.

  56. I discover fire in the book Ancient Quest is about a boy named Johnny Rawten who goes back in a time portal and is stuck in the stone age times for a little bit. Some of the challenges Johnny has to face is learn how to keep a fire going, Johnny solved that with pine resin, and then stood out in the pouring rain and proved that the fire would stay going. Johnny also had another challenge and that challange was not getting killed by a huge beast called an Irish Elk. An Irish Elk is an animal that existed in the Stone Age, it's height was about 9-10 feet tall, and it's antler spand was about 11-12 feet across! In every chapter in the book Ancient Quest Johnny has to complete a task, and if he completes that task he moves on to another level and gets a golden coin, however if he doesn't complete the task he will be stuck there forever.

  57. Johnny goes into the stone age and he helps them discover fire and he helps them kill the Irish elk he was so excited he got back then it kept getting harder he was freezing at night starting to blizzard but he didn't give up not this time he tried his hardest he thought to himself no I'm dieting here not this way I want to die old .At the end of the story Johnny gets out of stone and happy he got what he wanted.

  58. He had to comunacate with the Neanderthal ... It is hard to comunacate because they only use grunts and headnods. Also they have very low and they are hard to work with because of that reason. Johnny had to work with people he didn't know and figure out how to communicate.

    They needed help to hunt the Irish elk There strategy was to hunt the Irish elk with fire and chase them off the cliff the first hunt they had troubles with the fire. The fire went out and the Irish elk wasn't scared anymore so they trampled two of the Neanderthal and two died. The second hunt they figured out that the pine resin would help the fire stay lit. The second hunt was very secsesful and they finally got there meat. He got the gold coin and made it to the next ancient world! Johnny had to keep going to save the tiger.

  59. This stone age test was not as hard as I thought.

  60. The story I Deskover Fire is about Jonny goes back to the stone age to compete a task, he needs to help the Neanderthals with fire. Finaly they discover fire and Jonny and the tribe go hunting for the big Irish elk. It did NOT go well, the plan was to chase the elk off a cliff with torches. The torch went out in the misty air. The elk chased them back camp. Jonny sees Munga trying to close a cut with pine reson. Jonny finds out the pine reson will ceep the fire lit! They go on the hunt and it works. Jonny has a gold coine.

  61. They could only grunt nod and more like when Johnny was trying to get them to see that he had fond out how to keep the fier going. The thing the Netherlands needed help with was keeping the fire going. The woman was trying to heal a wond on some one and the a stik in wen it had rosen on it and when she thue it in it sarted rite away.They would case them off of cliffs . In the fist one the fire went out because of the damp air. The second hunt they got the deer off the clif.They eat the elk Johnny found the coin and left.

  62. Johnny had trouble showing Munga and Unga that the pine risin kept fire going.Johnny had to help the neanderthals discover and improve fire.Johnny made that discovery when Munga through a stick with pine resin in the fire and the part with pine resin cought on fire right away.The way they were hunting was with torches to scare the Irish elk and then chase it off a the end of the first hunt they were unsuccessful, becaus the fire went out in the damp air and the elk killed two people.At the end of the second hunt the hunt was successful and they used pine resin to make it that way. The elk went off the cliff and it splat into many different pieces.Johnny found the gold coin in the bushes at the end and he gave them hugs and said good bye and then went through the time portal to another world.

  63. One of Johnnys problems was trying to communicate with the tribe to try to explain that the pine resin will make the fire stay lit. The neanderthals needed help understanding how to keep the fire lit iin the damp air. Johnny made the discovery while Munga was healing Bunga's cut with pine resin. When she was done she threw it in the fire and it immediately lit up. The strategy for hunting was chasing the Irish elk off the cliff with fire? The first hunt the group was chasing them off a cliff and all all of a sudden the fire went out. Well, let's just say they lost a few friends. The second hunt went a ton better, because Johnny had just discovered fire. The group chased the Irish Elk off the cliff and had a feast for many, many weeks!

  64. Johnny gets to the stone age and looks and sees the Neanderthals.They start head nodding him and grunting to him too. What Johnny did was, nodded to them, he really didn't want to grunt, that would just be weird.The Neandrathals needed help getting the fire to stay lit. Their first hunt, not so good, two died from the group too.They also didn't get the Irish elk to go ether. So after Unga was putting pine reson on Bunga's cut hand Johnny takes some pine reson, and puts it in the fire, and show Unga and Bunga that it works and puts it out in the rain.So then they put it on the torches, and this time they were gone a see if it works. It DID! Then Johnny finds the coin by a bush.

  65. One challenge that Johnny faced was communicating with the tribe. He used grunts and head nods, which was not the easiest for Johnny. The Neanderthals were not intelligent people, they had trouble keeping their fire lit when they were hunting. After the first hunt two members of the tribe got hurt. They were using pine resin to heal the wounds. Then Johnny got an idea to see if the pine resin would start on fire, and it did, and it stayed on fire! The first hunt they whet on was unsuccessful because the torches went out. But with the resin the second hunt was successful because the torches stayed lit. So they had a delishous meal, Irish Elk!

  66. Some of the things He faced communicating were he toyed telling them about the fire by going out in the rain and showing them with the pine resin.
    The Neanderthals needed help with trying to keep fire going.
    He saw manga throw pine resin in a stick in the fire and it didn't go out because she was helping with one if the injuries.
    They chased them off e cliff with the torches on fire.
    They did not get it the first time because there fire went out on them.
    Johnny helped them by keeping there torches on fire and he got his gold coin and went on.

  67. Jonny has problem with the tribe becouse they don't speak english. The Neanderthals need help with discovering fire. Chase a Irish Elk of a cliff. He discovered it becouse of one of the neanderthals tossed a stick in the fire with resin on it. One hunt wasn't successful becouse the torches went out. The other one was successful, becouse they hade descoverd fire. The story ended with Jonny finding the sparkly golden coin in a bush.

  68. In the chapter I discoverd fire Joney meets this tribe and He had trouble talking to them and cummunicatingwith them soon he learned how to communicate with head nods ect. they go hunting and the fist time their torches went out in the thine air Irish elk chased after them because the Irish elk were only afraid of the fire so the Irish elk killed two people. When they got back from the hunt they used pine resin to heal the wounds. That's when Joney Learned that pine resin can keep the fire going in thin air so he showed the rest of the tribe by waving it in the rain. So the next hunt was successful because their torches did't go out and the elk was chased off the cliff.

  69. " I discover fire" is about, johnney rawton and he is trying to help the Neanderthals discover things and help with fire and different things. His first goal is to try to chase an elk off a cliff so in order to do that he has to get fire to chase them. The only problem is the fire burned out in the damp air on the cliff so the elk got mad and they turned around and chased them instead. The elk killed 2 Neanderthals leaving 2 left and johnney. They went back to where they were before and took pine resin and heeled there wounds and scrapes. Then johnney figured out if I take pine resin on a stick and put it in the fire then it will keep lit for a while. So he did so and it worked, it was a little hard for him to show the other Neanderthals it but they eventually understood. So they tried it again to chase the elk off the cliff and it worked they killed the elk. Then johnney completed his task he found the coin in a bush and his task was complete and he moved on.

  70. In I discover fire Johnny faces challenges such as speaking with Neanderthals because when they speak, they use grunts and head nods. Johnny doesn't understand what they are saying. The Neanderthals don't understand the English that Johnny uses also. The Neanderthals needed help using fire. They didn't know that fire dos out in the damp air. Johnny showed them that they need pine resin to keep the fire going. He showed the Neanderthals this by holding the lit torch in the air. The Neanderthals hunted an animal called the Irish Elk. They hunted the animal by chasing it off a cliff. The first hunt was unsuccessful because the fire went out do to the damp air. That resulted in the hunters being the hunted. The second hunt was successful because they put the pine resin in each torch and the torches didn't go out so they won. The story ends with Johnny finding a gold coin behind a bush, He succeeds.

  71. I discover fire
    He can not understand them because they do not speak English. There only way of communicating was noding there heads.The neadrathal need help with making the fire stay lite. When the girl neadrathal is helping the boy neadrathal sew him up with pine rieson. She grows it in the fire and it stays lite.Then jonney sees that it will not go out. Then he goes outside and jumps up and down and try's to show them what he is talking about.The strategy was to chase the Irsh Elk off the cliff .On the first hunt the fire went out when they where close to the edge.Then the Irsh Elk say the fire went out and then the Elk chased them and killed 2 people.On the second hunt the people chased them ,and suprisingly the fire did not go out and the Elk got scared and jump and fell to there death.and the hunt was the end they realized that fire can help you with everything.At the end Jonny found the golden coin.

  72. Johnny Rawten entered the stone age and saw the tribe. When he met the tribe he had troubles communicating. So he learned that Neanderthals communicate with (head nods,grunts,motion etc.). In order to get his first coin out of the eight he has to improve the way of fire and discover It a little more. First Johnny sees unga which is the girl,he knows that because she does not have a beard. The first time Johhny and the tribe go on the hunt it's a failure. They try chasing the Irish elk of the cliff, (which is there plan). But they do not succeed because there fire burns out and they don't have there most powerful tool anymore so the Irish elk have nothing to be afraid of. When they try and escape the Irish elk 2 get injured and unga uses the pine resine to help close the wounds. When johnny sees this he starts wondering what if questions like,what if I put the pine resines on the stick to make the fire stay lit. And when he does it it works. But how can he show the tribe that he discovered a way to make the fire stay lit? That's easy just show them. Wait maybe not so easy because the fact that there Neanderthals they wouldn't know what in the world he was showing them. So he start waving it in front of there faces showing them band other things to,but then he leads them towards his way outside in the rain then shows them that the fire stays lit in the rain. When they go on the second hunt they succeed and the fire stays lit which then they chase the elk of the cliff and get there meat!

  73. he couldnt understand them because the grunts head nods and motions were there language. And he couldnt understand what he needed to survive.

    getting the fire to not go out on the hunt

    he made the discovery when munga was healing a wound and when she was done she through the stick with pine resin on it in the fire and he saw that it would not go out when he went outside and started waving it around.

    the stragety was chasing the elk off the cliff

    the first hunt the fire went out and two neanderthals died when the elk started chasing them

    second hunt there fire didnt go out and they chased the elk off the cliff

    resolution pine resin

  74. Johnny had a hard time communicating with them becanuse they "spoke" in grunts and hand motions. The neanderthals needed help keeping their torches lit in damp ground. Johnny made the discovery when the female neanderthal (sorry I forgot her name) threw a stick with pine resin into a campfire and he saw it ignite thats how he discovered a way to keep them lit in damp areas. The strategy they use to hunt the Irish elk was chasing them off a cliff the first hunt was unsuccessful because there torches would not stay lit by a water fall and the Irish elk became furious and killed two neanderthals, but during there second attempt they managed to chase them off the cliff and they had lots of food to eat. The story ended when Johnny found his first gold coin in a bush he sayed goodbye to the Neanderthals and went into the future! Too be continued kinda thing.

  75. One of the challenges that Johnny faced with communicating with the Neanderthals is that they didn't speak a word of English or any other language instead they used series of grunts and nods. Johnny's challenge in the stone age is to help the Neanderthals discover and improve fire. He helps them improve the fire by figuring out that pine resin keeps the fire going even in the rain. Johnny made the discovery when one Neanderthal was healing the others arm and through the stick with the pine resin in the fire and it immediately burst into flames. When they went on there hunt the had torches and they were trying to chase the Irish elk off of a cliff but the torches went out in the damp air and the elk got mad and charged them and it resulted in two dead Neanderthals and several wounded.

  76. He has to help the neananderthals improve fire to get 1 eight coins to save a tiger. If he doesn't he will die.

  77. He didnt know what the grunting meant because he spoke English
    They needed to discover fire.
    They started a fire and then it went out because of the damp air. Then they put pine resign on it.
    They try to get the elk to jump off the cliff.
    The first hunt irish elk killed two Neanderthals because the fire went out. The second hunt they had pine resign on their torches and the irish elk are scared of the fire and the chased the elk off the cliff?
    After they came back to camp Johnny saw something in the bush and then he walked over and it was a gold coin.

  78. One of the challgeng was when the fire went out. He to talk and waved his head to talk. Their stadirgy was to have the elk run off the the cliff and die. The story ended when he they got the elk and went back he sees the golden coin in the bush.

  79. He didnt know how to speak their language because it was all grunts. The Neanderthals needed help with how to make and how to keep the fire going. Johnny made the discovery of how pine resin will keep the fire going. The strategy on hunting was chase the animal off the cliff.Nwhat happened on each hunt was that they knew the chasing off the cliff startegy would work so they did that every hunt. The ending of the story was that Johnny completed the the quest and found the gold coin in a pile of elk bones!!!

  80. The problem Johnny faced with communicating with the tribe is he can't understand the cavemen head nods and grunts. The neandrathols needed Help with keeping the fire going for a long period of time. There strategy of hunting is scaring the Irish Elk off a cliff. What happened at each hunt after finding out about pine resin was they were successful. And the story ended with Jhonny completing his task and finding the golden coin.

  81. Johnny could not communicate with the tribes grunts and nods,the neadthals could not keep the fire going,Johnny saw how the pine reson kept going , the story ended when the neadthals and Johnny chased the elk off the cliff.

  82. "In I discover fire" Johnny can't communicate because the Neanderthals do not speak English , but speak in grunts and motion. When in the moist air their torches always go out when hunting. Johnny sees it when one of the Neanderthals throw a stick with pine resin on it in the fire. Neanderthals would chase elk off cliffs to kill the. They would use torches to scare the elk off cliffs. When the tribe got to the waterfall the torches did not go out and the elk ran off the cliff. Johnny found the coin in a bush after they killed the elk.

  83. The challenges in the story is they comunicate with grunts and nodes. The neanderthals need help with keep the fire burning. Johnny finds a stiky substance called pine risen. The stradigy was to us the fire to scare the elk and run them off the cliffs. The first hunt did not go well becaus of the ran put it out that is were the pine risen comes In to play. The story ended with the hunt ending well.

  84. When Johnny tried to communicate with the Neanderthals he had problems because obviously Neanderthals didn't sleek English so to communicate he waved head nodded and ocasionaly grunted.They Neanderthals seemed to know what they were doing for the most part, but their teconec for hunting Irish elk didn't always work. They were chasing it off a cliff and the only reason the elk was running from them was because of the fire they had. But when the were close to the cliff the fire went out because of the damp air. The elk imedeently tuned on them chasing them and killing two of the tribe members. Johnny's task was to help them discover fire that would last. After they had lost to tribe members they head back to camp. One of them had a huge gash in their arm so she puts this gooey syrup like substance on it. She used a stick to do so. She threw the stick in the fire when she was done. Johnny noticed how easily it caught fire. To show the tribe what he has discovered he waves it around and holds it in the helping them realize it doesnt go out. So there next hunt goes smother when their fire doesn't go out and the kill the huge Irish elk. Johnny finds the golden coin he needs and is transported back to his world.

  85. To start with the challenges Johnny made with communicating with tribe were defiantly difficult. I certainly don't get how it was so hard to learn English. Anyway, jhonny communicated with the tribe by doing head nods and hand motions and lastly, grunting along with them. I don't get what a grunt is or how you use it in a conversation with a Neanderthal. Back to the story, when jhonny and the Neanderthals went hunting right when the Irish elk were just 2 feet from the cliff the torches went out in the damp air. What did the tribe do you may ask...well I'm pretty sure they ran for it. They ran and they ran. Unfortunately, 2 mean get held behind and died. It's a sad day when you're working with another species and they die. When they got back to the camp site johnny knew what he had to do with his task, what he really had to do. He had to figure out a way to keep the torches from going out. Solution: Johnny sees how the pine resin can keep the fire from going out. The Neanderthals don't get it though, still. What does he have to do? Wave it around of course and hold it up in the rain proving that it can't go out. Finally the resolution. Rousolution: johnny and the others (from what remain) go on a second hunt. How does it end? Successful, considering the fire would not go out this time.

  86. Johnny went to the stone age to help the Neanderthals discover fire. He had troubles with communicating with them. They communicated be grunting and nodding their heads. They went on a hunt and tried to chase Irish elk off a cliff. They didn't succeed because the torches went out from the damp air. After the hunt Munga close the cuts with pine resin. Then she through the stick with the resin on it in the fire. Johnny saw how easily it caught on fire. He grabbed it and tried to tell them but they didn't understand so he went out in the rain and it stayed lit. They understood when he showed them that. They went on another hunt and the tourches stayed lit. After the hunt he found a golden coin in a bush.

  87. I discover fire starts when Johnny Rawten goes to the stone age well first of all before he goes to the stone age he sees a time portal that leads him to the stone age and he goes through the time portal and when he gets there he lands in a bush that has thorns in it and berries and he land in that. And he meets these people named Munga,Zunga,Tunga and Munga is the captain and for there first hunt did not go so well cause there torches went out in the fog so they got some pine resin and that kept the torches lit.So now they are going to sleep and the next morning they try to hunt again and the hunt is very successful because they got some food cause they were starving cause they did not hunt very good.And then the next day they are trying to stay alive without getting attacked by like a saber tooth cat or something like that and then they think tomorrow is going to be even a better day.So this is the next say and it is a good day cause they get the elk to go off the cliff so they have food and it ends but the good thing is they survived through the stone age!

  88. It was hard to talk to Neanderthals when he arrived because he didnt know what they were saying. They needed Johnny's help to hunt irish elk . They needed a method that would be a lot easier. Jonny helped them by making fire to use to chase elk off a cliff. On the first hunt they got the elk to the cliff but there was a waterfall so the damp air put out their torches and then the elk turned on them and chased them,they got two of the tribe members and the rest of the tribe members including jonny got away. When they got back jonny had an idea of putting pine resien on the torches and to test it he held it in the rain and it didn't go out. On the next hunt they got the elk to run off the cliff because this time the torches stayed lit.

  89. A couple challenges are that he already had scares and bruises when he landed in the bushes and thorns and that he almost got ripped apart by an Irish elk and it was hard for the tribe to speak english. The Neanderthals needed help with keeping their torches light on fire. But Johnny made the discovery when Muga was putting pine resin on Ungas arm and then it started raining and when Johnny put pine resin o. The torch it did not go out which made the Neanderthals try it to on their next hunt. The tribes way of hunting was chasing Irish elk of a cliff. On the first hunt their hunt was unsuccessful because the damp air made their torches unlight on their second hunt it was successful because when Johnny figured how to make the fire stay in rain so they chased the Irish elk off the cliff and then they got food and after that johnny found the coin. In Ungas pocket so and continued to the next world the end

  90. He could'nt understand them for awhile then he sorta learned how they speaked.

    They need help to keep there fire light to chase the irish elk off the cliff.

    It end when Johnny finds the coin say goodbye and goes in the portal

    He found the pine resinue in the forest.

    On the first hunt it was unsecsessfull because the damp air made the fire got out but the second was successfull because of the pine resinue made the fire stay
    light so the could chase the Irish elk off the cliff

  91. One challenge Johnny fast comunicating with the Neanderthals was it was had to understand their grunts and nods. It was a little helpful when the Neanderthals would hand motions. The Neanderthals needed help with there torches because on the 1st hunt when the tribe and Johnny tried to chase a Irish elk off a cliff (by a waterfall) the damp air made the torches go out and the elk charged then killing Bunga and Dunga . Johnny made his discovery when Munga was trying to heal up Unga's wounds with pine resin. When Munga was done she threw the stick in the fire and notice that the resin was burning and wouldn't go out. So after Johnny proved that it wouldn't go out the tribe was ready to hunt. The second hunt went down when the tribe chased the elk in the damp air the torches didn't go out so the tribe was able to chase the elk off the cliff with success. The chapter ended once the neanderthals chased the elk off the cliff Johnny finds the golden coin he needs to move on.

  92. The story I Discover Fire is about Johnny Rotten and he goes in to the portal all the way back to the Stone Age times! When he got there he went to a fire and saw that there was Neandrathals there. At first he couldn't really see what they were sitting around, but then he stepped closer, and saw that it was some sort of animal, and they were demolishing it. After a while later they got all their torches lit and went to go hunting. So they started running and they finally saw what looked like a deer,but it was much larger than that! They started to chase it and they started running in a damp area so that their torches went out!! They started to get really scared cause the torches were their only weapon!!! They started to sprint back to their campsite, but 2 of the other Neandrathals couldn't keep up with us and they died cause the beast caught them! They finally got back to the campsite and one of them got hurt so a girl had to fix the wound with some pine resin cause it is really sticky!!! After she was done she threw the stick with the resin on it in the fire and it just lit up!! Johnny saw it and picked it up and started to wave it around. So the put the resin on their torches and lit it and started to hunt. They saw the beast and started to chase it off the cliff and they were successesful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  93. Well Johnny needed to help the nearthanderals to discover they had fire but he needed to improve it .so when he went there they went hunting to hunt the Irish ilk with fire but there was damp air so there fire went out.and the Irish elk .but the Irish elk went after them.and two of them died so that's when Munga took resign and put it on a wound threw it on the fire wich it was on a thenjohny saw it picked it up and it would not go out the he went outside took it in the rain and it didn't go out !Andby the way he found the coin in a bush and so now he can go.he holds it in his hand and he thinks then he's there.And saved the tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  94. When Johnny Rotten was in sixth grade he discovered that he had the abillity to time travel. His girlfriend, Lynda decided to go to the dance with him. when they got to the dance a potal popped up and he decided to go to the dance with Linda. Right away Linda ditch him, now (three years later) he can time travel again. One day he went to the zoo he saw 5 lions, but their was only 4. Then, his friend from the stone age popped up, and he had the opportunity to go to all 8 aincent worlds. But he had to complete a goal & if he did he would get a gold coin, if he didn't he would have to stay there & die. He choose to go to the anient worlds one last time. He chased Irish Elk off the cliff with fire the first time he failed then he found pine resin and found out that the pine resin kept fire going. So they used that to chase the Irish Elk off the cliff. They did that and succeeded. When they were done Johnny Rotten found the gold coin, and went to the next ancient world.

  95. Johnny has trouble communicating with the Neandrathals because they use grunts, head nods, and hand motions and he uses words. Johnny discovered how to keep fire going when their is damp air by putting pine resin on the torch and the setting it on fire and waving it wildly in the air. The story ended, when Johnny and Neandrathals chased them off the cliff THE END. I also did not finish the chapter so, sorry.

  96. Johnny had to do nods, grunts and motions to get them to understand him; plus understand how to improve and discover fire better. One bad thing is they had to hunt Irish Elk with fire and scare them off the cliff. The thing is when they go, the damp air has the fire go out and Irish Elk attacking two Neanderthals. The solution is when pine resin got on the torch in the fire it wouldn't go out!!!!

  97. Jonny had a hard time communicating with the tribe because they spoke with head nods and grunts but not English. Johnny's task was to help the Neanderthals improve how to keep fire lit in the damp air. Jonny figured out how to solve this when somebody threw a stick with pine resinen into the fire and it burst into flames. There strategy of hunting was to chase them off a cliff with fire. On the first hunt they got the elk to the cliff but the damp air made the fire to go out and the elk were not afraid any more. The second hunt ended with them chasing the elk to the cliff and because the pine resine on there torches the fire did not go out and they ended up succeeding in the hunt.

  98. Johnny had a hard time communicating because they couldn't speak English and he wasn't very good with head nods or grunts.The reason Johnny went back to the stone age was because he had to discover fire.How Johnny found the discovery was he saw somebody using it to heal and so he put it in the fire and held it up to show that it worked but the tribe couldn't understand him.So he stood in the rain to show that it worked.The first hunt didn't go so well because when they were at the edge of the cliff to make the elk fall off there fire went out.But on there second hunt it when good because there torches didn't go out and it let them chase the elk off the cliff.There hunting strategy was to chase the elk off the cliff and it worked.And at the end of the story Johnny got his coin and disapeared from the stone age.

  99. Johnny was sent to the stone age to find a token so he could save the tiger he had killed in a colosium.
    Johnny had trouble communicating with the tribe because all they did was nod and grunt.
    Johnny had to help the Neanderthals keep their torches lit so they could succeed on a hunt.
    Johnny figured out how to keep the torches lit when one of the Neanderthals were sealing a wound and when she was done she trough it in the fire and it lit and Johnny picked it up and went out in the rain and the torch did not go out.
    The neanderthals strategy of hunting was to chase the animals off a cliff with fire.
    The first time they went hunting 2neanderthals died.
    The second time they hunted with the (pine resin) the torche s stayed lit when the moist air came and the Neanderthals and Johnny were able to chase the Irish elk off a cliff.

  100. Johnny hits hard in the stone age. Since the Neanderthals don't speak English all he can do is grunt and nod in agreement or disagreement. Johnny nows he has to help the nenanderthals discover and improve on fire. The strategy of hunting the irish elk is chase them with fire over a cliff since that's what they're afraid of. The first hunt was unsuccesdul because the torches wouldnt stay lit in the damp air. While manga put together on of the Neanderthals wound together with pine resin shenthrows the stick down that she used to get the pine resin out and johnny sees a spark when it hits the floor. Johnny shoes them that the fire with pine resin stays lit in the rain. This time with the pine resin keeping the torches lit they find an Irish elk and this time since the torches stayed lit because of the pine resin they manage to run the Irish elk off the cliff.

  101. In I discover fire Johnny faces some problems and the are, that he could not understand the Neanderthals so it was hard to under stand them on the hunt.When he got ther his task was to discover fire for the tribe to save a tiger he killed, and what did he do you say, well he put pine resin on the torches and that keeper them lit, and their hunt was sucsessful and the story came to an end and he made it out and saved the tiger.

  102. Johnny mostly talks to the neaderthals by grunting and noding hs head (grr uhh ooooo). Some of the greatest challenges johnny has to face are he has to hep make their hunt a success. When they went on their first hunt they had two killed and one major injury. Johnny saw the caveperson put pine resin on the wound. When she threw it into the fire it caught fire quickly. Johnny show them this and the new hunting stragity was born. That is the whole story of Chapter 1: I Discover Fire.

  103. I discover fire is about Johnny going back to the stone age and helping the neanderthals with their challenge. Their challenge was to keep their torches lit in damp air. When their first unsuccessfully hunt got done Johnny noticed that when their medicine known as pine resin wouldn't go out. He showed the Neanderthals and when they noticed they used that for their torches for the next hunt. Neanderthals and Johnny surrounded the Irish elk and they got scared so they jumped of the cliff in a painfull death.

  104. He couldn't understand what they were saying because they used grunts, nods and noises. The Neanderthals couldn't chase the Irish elk off the cliff cause their fire kept going out. Jonny found out because when a Neanderthal was getting treated he they through the pine resin in the fire and it right away and so Jonny pulled it out and it wouldnt go out. The strategy of the hunt was to scare the Irish elk off the cliff with fire. The first hunt was unsuccessful cause their fire went out. The second hunt was successful cause the pine resin stayed lit so they were able to scare them off the cliff. The story ended off as the Irish elk ran off the cliff and the other Neanderthals got the irish elk and when the hunters were going back Jonny saw a item in the bushes gleam off the sun so he went over there and surely it was the golden coin so he got transported to the next world

  105. He couldn't understand what they were saying because they used grunts, nods and noises. The Neanderthals couldn't chase the Irish elk off the cliff cause their fire kept going out. Jonny found out because when a Neanderthal was getting treated he they through the pine resin in the fire and it right away and so Jonny pulled it out and it wouldnt go out. The strategy of the hunt was to scare the Irish elk off the cliff with fire. The first hunt was unsuccessful cause their fire went out. The second hunt was successful cause the pine resin stayed lit so they were able to scare them off the cliff. The story ended off as the Irish elk ran off the cliff and the other Neanderthals got the irish elk and when the hunters were going back Jonny saw a item in the bushes gleam off the sun so he went over there and surely it was the golden coin so he got transported to the next world

  106. His fire went out some could not chase th Irish elk off the cliff. His commications where bad so he used head nods and grunts.They needed help with keeping the frie going and so they cold chase the Irish elk off the cliff. How he did that is to put pine resin on the stick and the fire did not go out after he waved it back and forth.The way they got to kill the Irish elk was to chase it off a cliff and make it fall to its death. It ended after they chased th elk off the cliff they went to clam there prize and he found a gold coin.

  107. In the story I Discover Fire Johnney gets sent back to the stone age to complete a task. When he gets there he finds a group of Neanderthals. He thinks he is accepted in to the group but he can't really tell because he can't communicate very well with them. They take him to where they are staying. Then they go hunting for Irish elk. Everyone gets a torch then they go looking for the elk. When they find one they chase in to the edge of a cliff. Right before the elk jump the fire goes out and the elk chases them and kills two neanderthals. They go back to the camp site and one of the Neanderthals closes their wounds with pine resin. When they throw the stick with pine resin on it into the fire it catches fire quickly. Johnney notices and grabs it and runs out in the rain to show that it will work. Everyone grabs a torch with pine resin on it and go hunting again. This time when the elk are at the cliff the fire stays lit and the elk jump. The Neanderthals get meat and Johnney gets a gold coin and completes the task.

  108. Johnny had quite a bit of trouble comunacating with the Neanderthals because they couldn't speak English so they just grunted and did hand gestures. The Neanderthals needed help with hunting because ever time they would try to chase an Irish Elk off a cliff, their fire would go out. Johnny made the discovery by watching munga repair a wound on a guy with pine resin. When she threw it into the fire it wouldn't go out and just that part of the stick was lit. Their strategy for hunting was to scare and chase the animals off the cliff with fire but the fire would go out before they fell off. So finally Johnny figured out to put pine resin on the stick and tried to show them that through multiple ways and they finally got it. They did the hunt, this time with pine resin and the Irish elk fell off the cliff so Johnny completed his task and went to the next place.

  109. The story I discover fire is about a boy named Johnny Rawten who goes in portal to the stone age.His task in the stone is to help the neanderthals discover fire and improve it. It was difficult for Johnny because couldn't speak to the tribe he was with,so he had to use actions and sometimes they didn't know what he was saying and he would become very angry and mad. The Neanderthals needed help figuring out a way to chase the Irish Elk of a cliff without there torches going out. Johnny discovered a way for the torches to stay lit because after Munga put Pine Resin on there wounds to close it up she though the stick with the resin on it in fire and flames started going rapidly without stop. There strategy for hunting was to chase the Irish Elk of a cliff with lit torches.On the first hunt they were chasing the Elk but when the fire went out the Elk were no longer scared and killed 2 of the people in there tribe.In the second hunt they were succeful and chased the Elk of the cliff.In the end of the story Johnny finished his task by helping the Neanderthals improve fire,and he found a gold coin which mean he's able to do another task since he completed the first one.

  110. Johnny Rawteen time traveled to the Stone Age to help the Neanderthals improve their use of fire. He has trouble communicating with them because the nod and grunt, but don't speek English. Johnny goes on a hunt with them but sadly they do not succeed. The goal of the hunt is to chase the Irish Elk off a cliff by scaring then with fire. It usually failed because their torches would burn out. On the first hunt Johnny goes on the fire does burn out and the Irish Elk attack them. After the hunt they went back to camp hungry. The tribe leader, Unga, was wounded on the first hunt, so Munga was trying to help him. She puts pine resin on the wound! Then she throws the stick with resin on it in the fire. Johnny notices that it burns really well, so he takes the stick and goes out in the rain. The Neanderthals see it does not go out. They try hunting again with pine resin on their torches. This time they succeed!!!! They chase the elk off the cliff. On the way back to camp Johnny see something in a bush, he picks it up and decovers it is the token he needs to leave. He says good-bye and leaves.

  111. Jonney can't communicate with the tribe because their is no form of writing yet.The Neanderthals couldn't find out how to make fire, when lighting struck a tree they gathered the hot bark and brought it back to their tribe. They decided to go hunt Irish Elk. They start chasing it of a cliff near a waterfall and by the time the get there the damp air makes the fire go out. The elk turn and charge at the tribe. Two of the members are killed and many wounded. They are helping a wounded man seal a wound with pine resin when she throws a stick with resin on it and it starts burning. Jonney picks the stick out of the fire and realizes that the resin is a natural fuel. Jonney try's to show the tribe but the dont understand. So he sticks it out in the rain and then they understand. They quickly go find more resin to make toarches. Once the all have a toarch they go out to find a elk. Then they found the same elf that that chased before. The tribe quickly runs the elk off the cliff. Then Jonney finds a gold coin in a bush as they start heading back.

  112. Johnney had problems communicating with the Neanderthals because all the Neanderthals knew about communicating is head nods, gestures, and grunts.
    The Neanderthals needed help keeping a torch lit.
    Johnny made the discovery when a Neanderthal put pine resin on another to close a wound. The Neanderthal threw the stick with pine resin in the fire. Johnny picked it out of the fire and stuck the torch in the rain. The strategy of hunting is to make the animal jump off a cliff.
    The first hunt ended with the torches going out. Bunga and dungarees died. The second hunt need with the elk falling off the cliff.

  113. The challenges that Jhonny faced with camunication with the tribe is that he did not know what the Neanderthals were saying because all they were doing is head nods, and grunts. So, Johnnyb was had to try and figure what all the head nods, and grunts ment and that took up a lot of his time. Jhonny had to try and figure out a way to communicate eith the Neanderthals. So, he just acted what he was trying to say. The neanderthals needed help with trrying to keep the fire lit. So, that's what booda sent him to the Stone Age. Jhonny made the discovery of making the fire to stay lit in the damp air from the water fall. When one of the Neanderthals were putting pine Resin on a stick and putting on someone who got injured on the hunt they throw itin the fire. When Jhonny saw it cach on fire right away than he put some on his touch and he stuck it in the fire he tried to tell them that this would work they did not know what he was doing. Than it started to rain and he went out in the rain and he showed them. On there hunt it was successful. Then Jhonny passed his task and found the gold ring in a bush. And thats my Essey about I discover fire. Well, not all of it. Some of the hunts weren't successful but the last one was. Well, thats my easy.

  114. When Johnny first got into the stone age he saw some Neanderthals and when he saw them he got a feeling in his gut. That he had to help them discover and improve fire. After a couple hour of being with the tribe johnny and the Neanderthals decided to go hunting. After a walking through the forest they finally came up to a herd of Irish Elk. Their tequniece was to make the Irish elk scared and jump off a cliff. As they came closer and closer the irish elk kept getting more scared. They made the cliff their torches went out and they were defeated. A little while after their hunt Munga was putting pine resin on unga to heal his wound. Then she through it in the fire and Johnny noticed that only the pine resin part was still lit. So he took out of the fire and showed unga and Munga and they didn't know what he was doing. So he starts waving it around and still nothing. Then he went out into the rain and it was still burning and finally they relized that the pine resin helped keep the fire lit. So they gathered the tribe and went hunting for the Irish elk. When they spotted them they started charging and managed to get the Irish elk at the cliff and jump off. Without their fire burning out.

  115. The stone age that was were Johnny got sent. Right when he got there he saw a bunch of Neanderthals gathered around a dead animal. They have him a nod whitch ment he was with them. All of the sudden they saw a beam of light out of the sky. They all ran to were the beam came from and picked up a burning piece of bark it burnt Jonny. Now it was it was time to hunt. They were hunting Irish elk a animal that was 10 feet tala and it's antlers we're 11 feet long. The first hunt was very unsuccessfulful they were by a cliff about to scare the animals of when all of the sudden there tourches went out the animals were. Ot afraid any more. Two were killed and lots wounded then when they were by the fire one Neanderthal was useing pine resin to fill on others wound. Then Jonny put some on a stick and put it into the fire. It caught on fire emeditly. He was trying to tell them that this was it but they
    Don't understand English. So Jonny waved it back and forth, and put it into the rain, This was it. They went on the second hunt and then on that hunt when they reached a damp wet cliff with moisture in the air the tourches didnt go out they chased the elk of the cliff and Jonny found his coin in the bush.

  116. When Johnny gets to the stone age, he finds out that the Neanderthals only speak with nods and grunts. All Johnny had to do was figure out what his task was and do it, but what was his task? He had a gut feeling that it had to do with fire. They already new what fire is so that possibly couldn't be it. Next, he accompanied them on their hunt. He was the only loud one there! As soon as they were quiet he knew they had found there prey. They waved their torches wildly and chased them all the way to the cliff. The damp air then put their torches out and the elk weren't afraid. All of a sudden the hunter became the hunted and Johnny knew it. They turned and dashed back the way they came from! To of the tribe members where to slow and got squirted guts everywhere. thanks a lot guys ;) One of the tribe members cut his arm open and Munga patched it up with some pine resin then threw it in the fire which sent the fire billowing up to the top of the cave. Johnny could not believe it! They did not now this stuff could keep a fire going! What Neanderthals. Now he new what his task was. He had to help the Neanderthals improve their fire. Knew it! He then took some pine resin on a torch and brought it out in the rain where the Neanderthals were ecsillerated! They cheered and right away in the morning went on the same hunt this time when they chased the elk to the cliff their fire didn't go out. And they chased them of the cliff and had a big feast. Their strategy to chase the Irish elk of the cliff had worked. Johnny waited to see the gold coin and finally found it in the bush and then instantly vanished.

  117. Johnny was sent into the Stone Age for his first challenge. At the beginning he finds a small tribe, they are all surrounding an animal grabbing at the raw meat and shoving it into the mouths. Johnny gets noticed and they accept him into the tribe. After that they go on a hunting trip for and Irish Elk, once they' ve found one they try to chase the animal off a cliff by scaring it with fire. But that doesn't work to well because they chase the animal by a waterfall, and with the damp air all around the fire doesn't stay lit for very long. Once their fire has disappeared the elk realized it and ended up chasing them all the way back through the forest and to the camp. Unfortunatly Unga and Bunga aren't fast enough and sadly get trampolized by the elk. Back at the camp one of the tribe members is tending a wound of another with pine resin. When the tribe member is finished he throws the stick into the fire and the pine resin lights like crazy. Johnny realized that it would work great for the torches. He gets a stick and helps the tribe realize that pine resin would be great. After he conviced them they go on another hunting trip. They get the same elk by the cliff and the damp air, but with the pine resin the fire keeps going and they finally scare the elk off the cliff to its death below. Johnny finds the special gold coin and is on his way back the the real world finally.

  118. Jonney is teleported to the stone age to find the challenge and go to the next time period. Jonney Thinks of a way to improve the beast, fire!!! He find a small tribe eating a deer of some kind with there bare hands!!!!!!!!!!! After there little feast they look at jonney in a weird way. Jonney started comuitcate in nods, grunts and hand signals. The tribe wants jonney to go on a hunt with them. Half way through they spot huge deer a Irish elk! The cavemen grip there torches and charge after the beast near the cliff then the fire goes out!!!!!!!! Run for there lives two cavemen where killed on the way back at the small camp jonney spots a cavewoman healing a tribe member with pine risen. That gives jonney idea puting stick of pine risen on the top, dip it in the fire pit new inproved torches with water prove after second hunt the tribe eats with glory. Jonney finds the coin

  119. Jonnny goes to the Stone Age and has to help the neanderthals discover fire. They hunt Irish elk, by scaring them with fire and chasing them off the cliff. The hunt was unsuccessful because the fire kept going out because of the moist air. So the Irish elk killed one of the neanderthals. So Jonny figured out that pine resin kept the fire going in the moist air. He found that out because when she put it in the fire and it didn't go out. He tried to explain to the neanderthals, but they didn't understand because they only grunted and did head nods. So he stood out in the rain with the pine resin on it.

  120. Johnny could not communicate with the tribe. Hunting. Johnny found the gold coin in the bush.

  121. The Neaderthals used pine resin to keep the torches lit and then scared the Irish Elk off the cliff.

  122. Johnney has gone on his first quest to the stone age.His task is to help invent fire.He has trouble communicating with the neanderthals ,he uses hand movments and grunts to talk to them. The Neanderthals went on the first hunt it was unsuccesfull, they had tried to chase it off the waterfall the damp air blew them out. Johnney improved the torches with pine resin. The second hunt was succeesfull, johnney invented fire.


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