
Monday, September 24, 2012

Otzi InfoGraphic

Otzi_Profile title=
An infographic is just that: information and graphics. An infographic allows us to learn some information with words and pictures. Here is an infographic of Otzi that I made to help us discuss what he was possibly wearing and doing at the time of his death. Use the infographic to answer the following questions.
Character Profile: Otzi the Iceman
1. What type of climate do you think he was in at the time of his death? Why do you think that? 
2. What did he carry in his birch canister? 
3. If someone was going to rob Otzi, what do you think they would go after? 
4. How do we know Otzi was not prepared for a fight or battle? 
5. What did Otzi mainly use to make his clothing? 


  1. 1.The cold because that is how he froze.
    2.Extra arrowheads or small items.
    3.The copper axe because copper is rare.
    4.He didn't have very many weapons.
    5.Hay and animal hides.

  2. 1. Cold weather, he froze in ice
    2. To carry arrow heads
    3. Hand axe , it was made of copper and copper was valuable
    4. His bow was unstrung
    5. Animal hide

  3. I think he was in a cold climate when he died.
    I think they would go after the everything.
    His bow was not strung.
    Fur hat, animal hide pants, straw cape,boots made of animal hide.

  4. Cold and harsh weather, because his body was preserved in ice. Arrowheads and other small items. His hand axe. His bow was unstrung. Fur,straw,and animal hide.

  5. A low climate because It looks like it from a distace and he is up a little. Maybe money because he may have been rod. Money or arrows or something like that or maybe a arrow head. Because he is died now. He use manly animal hids.

  6. I think that it was very cold at this time because Otzi could have died from climate
    He carried arrowheads and other small items.
    Probably the arrowheads that he had in the birch canister.Because he was found dead in the ice.
    Animal hide a.k.a fur.

  7. 1. I think he was in a very cold climate
    2. Extra arrows and other small items
    3. I think they would go after the Copper hand axe
    4. Because his bow was unstrung
    5. Animal hides

  8. 1. Cold climate because he is wearing a cape and his boots were stuffed with hay
    2. Extra arrowheads and small objects
    3. The copper ax because it was valuable
    4. Because his bow was unstrung
    5. Animal hide, fur, and Straw or hay

  9. I think he was in a cold climate because he was wearing A fur hat, Animal hide pants and, animal hide boots

  10. I think that the weather Otzi was in at the time was very cold because he had a fur hat, a straw cape, boots stuffed with hay, and pand made from animal hide. He might have carried small objects and arrow heads. If someone was going to rob Otzi I think that they would go after is copper axe, because it was very valueable. I know he was not prepared for battle because, he didn't have his bow strung so he could shoot it. He use animal hide for his clothing because it was problably easiest for him to use and to find.

  11. A very cold climate, when they found Otzi he was preserved in ice. Arrow heads and small objects;they were found empty after his death. The copper ax, whatever was in the birch canisters. His arrow was unstrung. Animal hides.

  12. I think it was really cold because they found him in ice
    He carried Extra arrowheads ans other small Items.
    They would problem go after his copper axe and his Arrowheads.
    His bow was unstrung
    He mainly used animal hide.

  13. Spring:cool air and just the right time for a criminal to strike. It problebly small arrow heads . If a robber whant to rob otsi canister . No he wasn't prepare for the fight or battle. Animal skin or hides .

  14. I think that he was in really cold weather.
    He used his birch canister to put arrow heads and small items.
    I think that if someone robbed Otzi they would got after his boots, because then they could keep warm.
    Otzi was not ready to fight in a battle because his bow was still unstrung.
    He used animal hide to make his clothing.

  15. Snowy and not a lot of people around. He carried small arrows heads. All his tools and cloths and arrows. He was not expecting it because the wind was mabe blowing so he could not hear. He used animal fur and parts of the animal.

  16. Extra arrowheads and other small things .
    Hand ax.
    His bow was un strung.
    Animal hides.

  17. 1.winter has a lot of clothing on. 2. Probably little weapons and food. 3. Hand axe 4. Didn't have a lot of weapons barly any food.5. Hand axe or needles.

  18. I think he was robbed because most of his stuff is gone and ther is a hole in the back of his head

  19. 1.Cold
    2.Water food eroows
    3.the water food
    4.Becuse there was no war when he was Alvie

  20. I think otzi was in a very cold climent when he died . I think he carried water in his canister . They would take his bow an arrow. He was not prepared for battle because someone

  21. I think that the type of weather his was in at the time of his death was really cold weather because, if was really cold he would have gotten hypothermia. What he carried in his birch canister was arrowheads and other small things. I think that they would rob his bow & arrow from him.

  22. I think he got robed and killed by the Robber and trown off a bridge in to a stream and sufferd hyperthermia

  23. #1 Coder wether because if you look at him in the 1st pitcher he is all bundled up.

  24. Cold weather frozened Otzi if you look at him he was peuple.

  25. Hypothmia:because he gpt really cold.
    Was robbed:because of his ax.
    Assassinated:was killed
    Died in a battled : some one shoot him

    Was robbed becaus of his hand ax.

  26. 1Cold because of all the clothing on him
    2 arrowheads
    3 his hand ax because it is made out of copper and copper is valuable
    4 his bow was unstrung
    5 animal hides

  27. I think Otzi was in a cold climate when he died.
    He carried extra arrowheads or small items.
    If someone robbed Otzi I think they would go after his animal hides.
    His bow was unstrung he had no protection.
    Animal hides and straw.

  28. 1. Cold because he was frozen in ice
    2.Aroowheads and small items
    3.Ax and bow and arrows
    4.He hasn't strung the bow or made all arrows work
    5.Animal hide

  29. 1. I think it was very cold out, so he wore lots of clothing in the picture.
    2. He used it to carry arrowheadsBand other small items.
    3. I bet they would take his hand axe made of copper.
    4. His bow was not unstrung that ment he was not ready to shoot.
    5. He usually used animal hide.

  30. 1. I think Otzi was in like a winter season because he had all this stuff to keep him warm like the animal hide cap ,and boots

    2. Arrow heads and other small things like sticks

    3. If somebody was going to rob Otzi I think they would go after the copper axe

    4. Otzi was not prepared for battle because his bow was unstrung

    5. He used mostly animal hides

  31. Summer because he was wearing only a shirt
    The bow and arrow
    The bow was not ready and so the arrows

  32. 1. I think it was a cold climate because he had a whole bunch of cloths that are thick for warmth.
    2. He carried arrowheads and small things in the canister.
    3. I think they would go after the hand ax because copper is very valuable and it's his only weapon that is useable.
    4. His bow was unstrung meaning he was attacked he was ready for a battle.
    5. He mostly used animal hides for clothing.

  33. 1:A cold climate because he was dressed for cold weather
    2:Extra arrow heads or small items
    3:His copper axe because copper is valuable
    4:His bow was unstrung
    5:Animal hide/leather
    I think he was assassinated because some one wanted his axe because it was valable

  34. 1. I think Otzi lived in a cold area because of his pants and hat it says that they are for warmth

    2. Otzi carried extra arrowheads and other small items in his birch canister

    3. I think they would rob Otzi of his hand ax and arrows

    4. I know Otzi was not prepared to fight in a battle because bow was unstrung

    5. Otzi mainly used animal hide to make his clothing

  35. 1. I think it was really cold out like thirty to fourth degrees out because he wore a lot of fur and hay for warmth.

    2. To carry extra arrowheads or other small items.

    3. The hand axe or arrows already with arrowheads on them.

    4. His bow was unstrung so he couldn't shoot anything.

    5. It looks like he mainly used animal hides and some hay/straw.

  36. A cold climate because he is very rapped up in clothes to keep warm
    For carrying extra arrow headsor other small items. These were found empty near Otzis body.
    The copper axe is very valuable the animal hide boots and the birch canister
    His bow was unstrung
    Animal hide and hay

  37. 1.a cold climate because he was wearing thick clothing.
    2.Extra arrow heads.
    3. His hand ax made of copper and his birtch canister.
    4.Because his bow was unstrung.
    5.animal hides.

  38. 1 he was probably in the north when he died cause he was Ozzie the ice man
    2 he carried extra arrow heads and other small.
    3 get ready for an attack or get ready to doge a spear.
    4 Cuase he probably didn't have enough weapons or he just likes being stealthy
    5 Mostly animal hides or it's stuff that he finds.

  39. I think cold because he has a warm fur coat. He carried arrowheads or other small items they were found empty near Otizs bag. I think they would go after the hand ax or the arrows. You new he was not ready for the fight or battle because the arrow and bow were not ready. He mostly used animal fur for clothing.

  40. I think that otzi was in a cold climate because he was wereing a fur hat. Otzi would carry arrowheads or small objects in his birch canister. I think if someone was trying to rob otzi they would go after the ax because it is made of copper and is very valuable. He would use animal skins and straw/hay to make clothes.

  41. 1.I assume he was in very cold climates at the time of his death because he had fur things to keep him warm from the cold 2.he had carried extra arrow heads and other small items in his birch canister 3. The small items in his birch canister and some of his animal hide he was wearing during the time of his death 4. His bow was not strung in order to shoot an arrow for retaliation so that is why he was not ready for combat 5. In the picture we looked at and read the captions wich explained that Otizi the ice man was indeed wearing animal hides at the time of his death

  42. I think it would be cold weather because if they found him in ice it would probably be cold. He had extra arrow heads and small items? Hand ax or the fur because it is very expensive. The bows weren't even ready and there were only 2 and that would last him long.

  43. I think a cold climate cause the ice was still there when they found him. What I think he had in his canister was small items and arrow heads. They probably want his body because he is ancient. He did not use good fighting materials for battle. He used alot of animal hide.

  44. 1. I think Otzi was in like a winter season because he had all this stuff to keep him warm like the animal hide cap ,and boots

    2. Arrow heads and other small things like sticks

    3. If somebody was going to rob Otzi I think they would go after the copper axe

    4. Otzi was not prepared for battle because his bow was unstrung

    5. He used mostly animal hides

  45. I think the climate was winter when he died because he's wearing a straw cape and a fur hat.
    Arrow heads and other small iteams.
    I think they're would take his Hand ax made of copper or his arrows .
    Otzi probably would not be able to fight in a battle because he didn't have the proper tools he only had a ax and arrows.
    Otzi mainly used straw (grass) and animal fur and hides.

  46. Winter because he had leather clothing on.

    Extra arrowheads.

    Hand axe made out of copper.

    His bow is unstrung.

    Animal hide for warmth.

  47. Suffered hypothermia becasue the weather can change dramasticly in the alps and he could of got lost and froze to death.
    Was robbed because theirs saw his flocks and valuable stuff and his copper ax which was valuable and they wanted it for them selfs.
    Assassinated because he had a copper ax which was seen to be a sing of power.
    Died in battle because there was a land dispute between the people.

  48. I think he lived in a cold climate because he had a fur hat that was warm and it said he was in the alps.He had animal hides in his boots for warmth.The birch canisters were used to carry arrowheads or other small items.If someone was going to rob otzi 's things they would probably take his hand axe made out of copper which was very valuable to him.We knew he wasn't ready for battle because his bow was unstrung. Otzi made his clothing mostly out of animal clothing.

  49. I think it was cold because his boots where stuffed with hay to keep his feet warm and his pants were used to protect
    against the cold and wind. Otzi carried extra arrowheads and small items in his birch canister. I think a robber would go after his hand axe made of copper because it is valuable. Otzi wasn't prepared for battle because his bow was unstrung. He prolly used the hand axe to cut ans shape the animal hides for clothes.

  50. Blizzard or bad weather because he has hay in his shoes and animal hide ect.

    Extra arrowheads

    The copper ax because it's valuable

    His bow was unstrung

    Animal hide.

  51. Very cold,Nothing,The copper hand ax,His bow was unstrung!animal hide.

  52. 1-A cold place because he was wearing a lot of things to keep himself warm.2-To carry extra arrow heads and other small objects.3-His arrows ,bow, and his animal hide cloths.4-His bow was unstrung and he only had two arrows ready.5-Animal hide.

  53. Cold because he was all dressed warm in clothing.
    Medicine, and food because it can carry small objects,and arrow heads.
    Hand axe becauseb it was made out of copper.
    He only hand an hand axe and nothing else and no one else.
    Animal hide.

  54. 1. I think he was in a cold climate because he had clothes made out of warm fur and stuffed hay to keep warm.
    2. He carried arrowheads and small items.
    3. His hand ax because it was made out of copper, and copper was very valuable.
    4. His bow was unstrung so he was not able to shoot.
    5. He used hay And animal hide for clothing.

  55. I think the climate he was in was really cold weather (winter.
    He carried arrow heads and other small items in his birch canister.
    I think they would go after otzis axe because it was copper and copper was very valuable.

    Otzi was not prepared to fight in a battle because he didn't have that many weapons and his bow and arrow was unstrung so it was hard to shoot.

    He mostly made his clothes out of animal hide and hey to keep warm.

  56. The climate he was in was very cold.
    He carried aros .
    They would steal his tools that he had made. His cloths too.
    He did not have tools made by then
    Animals like bufilo,Irish Elk,and the great big Beast

  57. He was in the stone age, because he has a cape and arrows with him. For carrying extra arrowheads and other small items. They would go after his arrowheads and spears. Because he did not have the right tools to fight.He gets his clothes from animals he kills.

  58. 1. I think he was faced with freezing cold temps. because he was hight up in the Alps.

    2. I think that he carried some food like dried fruit or other dried things that would not be perishable.

    3. Most likely they were hungry and so I think they went to rob him of food.

    4. He probably wasn't going into a battle because if he was he would have had to have more arrows ready to shoot.

    5. Sentce this is still way back then he most likely used what he could find to make clothing and he probably could only find deer skin so that's what he used.

  59. 1. I think it was very cold and icy, maybe in a blizzard. I think this because the way he was looked like he wanted to stay warm.
    2. Extra arrowheads and other small objects.
    3. The copper hand ax, because it was very valuable.
    4. Because his bow was unstrung.
    5. Fur or hide from animals.

  60. 1: I think he was in a cold climate when he died because he was found in the snow.

    2: He used it to carry extra arrowheads.

    3: I think they would go after the tools because the clothes might be easy to make.

    4: He probably wasn't paying attention and could have been assassinated.

    5: Animal hide.

  61. He was on a really high mountain because the book said moutain climbers also known as hikers found him with his shoulders sticking out of the ice.But the italian police thought it was a doll but then they found out it was real so they ruined some of the body cause they used ice picks and other stuff to try to get it out then suddenly a n archeologist arrives and said stop and leave it alone ! They left it alone and he archeologist observed.

  62. I think that he was at a high point on the mountain because it said that mountain climbers had found him.

    Arrow heads and other small items.

    I think that they would go after his cloths and the axe.

    He wasn't, geared up with some sort of armor and some other important stuff.

    Fur and stay and lether.

  63. 1.) In negative degree weather; around -20 Fahrenheit.
    2.) Extra arrowheads and other small items.
    T3.) The copper ax, because it was more valuable.
    4.) He was not prepared for battle because his bow was unstrung.
    5.) Animal hide.

  64. I think he was in cold weather becuse he was frozen when the found him. So he can carry food. They would go for the arrows, bow, and copper axe. His bow was not strung and he only had two arrows done. Animals hide.

  65. -25 becouse he has a bunch of warm cloths. Small items
    and arrowheads would you like to be poked all the time. The hand axe made of copper.
    His bow is unstrung.
    Hand aze

  66. It was probity cold because he Is sorouned by ice. Arrow heads and other small objects. His pants boots and hat. His bow was unstrung. Animal hides

  67. 1.the climate was probably low and in the Celsius, I think ythat because he was frozen in the the ice and all the warm cloths he was wearing.

    2.To carry extra arrowheads or other small items

    3.The hand ax made of copper because it was valuable and scarce at the time.

    4.only two arrows were ready to shoot and fire and his bow was unstrung.

    5.animal hide and fur.

  68. I think it was probably -34 degrees outside at the time because he needed a very furry hat at the time.

    He carried extra arrowheads and other small items in his birch canister.

    They would probably go after Otzis arrows.

    We know that Otzi was probably was not ready for a battle because his bow was unstrung or not ready for use.

    Otzi probably always use animal hide to make his clothing.

  69. I think he was in a vary cold clImate because he had to ware a hat, a big jacket, wolly boots, and a cape.Otzi had a canister filled with arrow heds and other small objects.The cape because it was vary cold in the Alps.Oizi was not prepared for battle because he did not have his bow strung.Oizi may have used a hole lot of animal skins.

  70. 1)It was probably under -40degress because he lived in a very cold place In the ice age.
    2)He carried a four inch stick, rope made of grass and, two flints.
    3)The hand axe because it was very valuable and because they could use to cut and kill animals.
    4)Because Otiz's bow was unstrung and not ready to be Shot for the battle.
    5)His shoes were animal hide boots stuffed with hay in them so they would stay warm ,his Pants were made out of Animal hide to protect from the high winds from the cold, fur hat to stay warm in the Alps,And a straw cape To protect against the elements.

  71. A climate that had humongous sheets of ice? He carried extra arrow heads in it. His hand ax or arrows because they did't have any of the items.It did't look like he was prepared for one. He mad clothing out of animal hides.

  72. I think he died from assassination

  73. I think he lived somewhere cold. He carried extra arrow heads in his birch canister. I think if someone robbed Otzi they would go after his copper hand axe. We know he wasn't prepared to fight because bow was unstrung. He mainly used animal hides and other parts off animals to make most of his clothing.

  74. In a cold place because he was wearing heavy clothing 2. He carried exta arrowheads or small items 3. His clothing because the might be nude or his arrows if they had a bow 4. His bow was unstrung 5. Animal hide or animal skins

  75. 1. Cold climate
    2. Small things like arrowheads
    3.his arrowheads, bow and clothes
    4.his bow was not strung
    5.Animal hide

  76. I think Otzi was at a high altitude on a mountain
    When. His death. Occureed
    I think this was why because he was found in the Alps and he was wearing clothes for cold weather.
    I think he was carrying valuable minerals in his canisters (rubies diamonds iron etc.)
    Minerals in his canisters is what he cold have been robbed of if that was the cause of his death.
    He wasnt carrying a melee weapon (with the exception of his axe) at the time.
    Otzi made his clothing of primary animal hides to keep himself warm in cold climates.

  77. I think he was in a cold climate because he was wearing all warm clothes. He carried extra arrowheads and other small items in his canister. If someone were to go after Otzi I think they would go for his unstrung bow because they could just string it themselves and then use it as a weapon and then they could steal his arrowheads. We know that Otzi was not ready for a battle or fight because his bow was unstrung. He manly used animal hide or fur for his clothing.

  78. 1. I think he was in a cold climate because he's wearing thick, and warm clothing.
    2. Extra arrowheads, and other small items
    3. Hand ax made of copper
    4. His bow was unstrung
    5. Animal hide

  79. 1.He was probably in a cold climate because he has warm clothing.
    2.He carried extra arrow heads and other small items in his birch.
    3.They would probably go for his hand axe because it was very valuble.
    4.Because his bow was unstrung and not ready to shoot.
    5.He usually used animal hides to protect him from the cold wind.

  80. 1. A cold climate because he had fur boots, hat, and pants to keep him warm.
    2. Arrow heads an d other small objects.
    3. The copper hand ax.
    4. His bow was unstrung and only 2 arrows ready to fire.
    5. Animal hide

  81. He was probaly in a very cold climate since he was buried in ice.

    He was carrying extra arrowheads and other small objects.

    They would probaly steal his Hand Axe made out of copper cause it's very valuable.

    His bow was unstrung meaning that he was not ready to fight.

    He used fur or animal hide to keep warmth.

  82. 1. What type of climate do you think he was in at the time of his death? Why do you think that? 

    Cold because he had winter gear on

    2. What did he carry in his birch canister? 

    It's used for caring arrow heads but it was empty

    3. If someone was going to rob Otzi, what do you think they would go after? 

    Arrow heads axe maybe arrows

    4. How do we know Otzi was not prepared for a fight or battle?
     His bow was in strung

    5. What did Otzi mainly use to make his clothing?

    Animal hide

  83. A cold climate because he has boots and long pants on.
    Extra arrowheads.
    His bow and his clothing.
    His bow was unstrung and not ready for battle.
    Animal hide.

  84. 1.i think he was in a cold area because of his clothing
    2.Arrow heads or items of value
    4.His bow was not ready to shoot
    5.Animal hides

  85. 1.Artic Climate because I think he died of that because he is wereing veery warm stuff on the graph .2.Extra arrow heads.3.The coper hand axe because it was veery valuable .4.Otizs bow was not strung to shoot arrows to defend himself.5.Aniamals and just mostly nature.

  86. I think he was in a cold climet . Becous of his boots and coat . He carreied extra arrow heads and other thinks. If someone would rob otzi I think they would go after his pants and coat and his arrows and his bowinarrow. Because he did not have extra arrows and had no knifes. Animal skins and fur +straw

  87. He was in a cold tundra like place.
    Arrow heads and other trinkets.
    His bow or stored food supply's.
    His bow was unstrung.
    Animal hide.

  88. Otzi made his clothing out of animal hide.
    He was not prepared course he dident have a lot of weapons ans tools.
    If they where going to rob him I think they would of took his arrows and cloths and his bow course they are really valubl back they.
    He carred some arrow heads and some small items that he had.
    He was in cold weather course of the cloth he was waring. And if it was hot out he proboly won't have that much cloth on.

  89. 1.I think he was killed in an icy climate because that is where his body was found.2. He probably carried arrow heads or other small things. 3. I think they would go after his clothing his copper axe and his weapons. 4. Probably because his unstrung bow.5. He Mainly used animal hide for clothing.

  90. It must have bean really cold. Airowheads. A caveTharwill be no wondes. Tear it off a animal

  91. Knife did Menuhin nbhgy gfhyhju nmjkj dub hajj Biko by nmj nna arnlp
    Mnjkjkkvhjbhhbh nmkji nmj nbh vgf veg nmk Josie marshland
    Nmjkkmnjkkknmj mnjk mn mk mn nna mkjoi mnkjlphgy mkj nmj kl nmj nmj nmj nbh nbh vbg cf tr ui oik ljk jkl klo jhu joy hu iop klo mn by vgf nmj nmj nmj mk jkl nmj mklonjfhv Ning BMW VHF fms nmj,dgfg mmjkjb jjkffvghmvnvn bnmk nmj fmjfgjigj nmjk mkj nmk iop nag mason bnnbbn bnnnn bnn bnnbbn nnvnvb bbbbbb bnnbbn. N. nnvn. Bnn. B. Bnnbbn nbh nmj kl

  92. 1. Very cold because most of his clothing is to keep him warm.
    2. extra arrowheads
    3. Hand ax made of copper because it was very valuble.
    4. His bow was unstrung which meant he was not prepared.
    5. Animal hide

  93. I think he was in a cold climate because he is wearing a heavy outfit. Nothing was in the canister. The quiver and arrows,the backpack,the hand ax,the belt and his bow. Because his bow was unstrung. Straw for his cape,animal hides for his shoes and pants,and fur for his hat.

  94. Hi mr. K I just want to drop in and say hi I miss you alll of you I wish I was there well just want to say hi

  95. Im starting to think that Otzi is a cro-magnon now some people might say yeah duh but I just got that thought.




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