
Thursday, August 23, 2012

WSG Meets the iPad

Today we will be working with iPads. This is the first year we have had the opportunity to use iPads, so I thought we should get right to it. We are going to attempt 2 or 3 activities on the iPads today so we can get used to using them, practice some of the things we will be doing "for real" once we get into our ancient worlds. I hope you are excited. I think iPads are cool but we need to make sure we figure out the best/most effecient/most beneficial way to use them. So today we are going to try "Socrative" and "Lino" (along with WSG, of course.) 
Today's iPad Tasks: 
1. Socrative activity to review FIRST WEEK Material 
2. Use Lino to organize some "interests" of the Ancient World. 
3. Post a comment on WSG: 
 "On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you working with iPads? Do you have one at home? What types of specific things do you usually do on them?"


  1. Stone age will be fun so will egypt i can't wait to have so much fun

  2. I think that ancient china would be fun to learn about. Why? Because I think it is fascinating with the great wall learn about there culture. The other thing that I am fascinated in is ancient greek

  3. I think that ancient china would be fun to learn about. Why? Because I think it is fascinating with the great wall learn about there culture. The other thing that I am fascinated in is ancient greek

  4. I'd have to say ancient Greece and china.they both have a bunch of cool myths.and china respects a lot of mythical dragons

  5. Ancient egypt because the mummys and how we get to learn more about Egypt. Thats not a place that you can see on if you live there. And also we get to learn about mummifacation. THATS COOL!!!!!!!!

  6. The Stone Age because I would like to Learn about the ancheant creatures and people
    Mesopatamia because I would like to learn how they farmed because I like agracaulture

  7. The guy named Otzie sounds very interesting I am very exited to learn about him

  8. I liked the stone age and midevil times. The stoneage talked,about things like neanderthals and mammoths.


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