
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Major Milestone: 200,000 All-Time hits

Earlier this week, Water for Sixth Grade hit a major milestone in its 4 year history: 200,000 hits. This is a lot of hits and the point of posting this on WSG is to show you what you are a part of. For 4 years, students have been blogging, learning, creating, reviewing, and collaborating on Water for Sixth Grade. WSG didn't reach 200,000 hits just by my efforts alone. Much of the credit goes to the students that have passed through my room in the last four years. It is the effort of the students that continues to make this blog a powerful tool. Students have been using it to help them in social studies. Students have been posting interesting, poignant, insightful comments that are read and shared by others. I put a lot of work into this website but so do you! And for that, I thank my former students. To this year's 6th graders, it is your responsibility to continue blogging and putting forth your best efforts with this website. Ask those who have passed through my class and they should tell you that this website does help. It provides anything and everything that you would need for my class, and more. So, as we commemorate the 200,000 hits milestone, think about your responsibility as you are now a part of this website. I so look forward to working with you on Water for Sixth Grade.  


  1. O ya go MR.KLUMPER!!!!!!!!!

  2. Congradutions Mr. Klumper

  3. Congrats!! I miss you mr. Klumper how is my little sister Marlie?? She tells me that she likes you a lot as a teacher!! Thanks for being such an awesome teacher! and for showing me about the ancient civilizations. by the way when i was in 6th grade and we were tryin to figure out who was emailing us and blogging with us. He goes to my church!! well see ya

  4. Good job Mr. Klumper.

  5. Wow! 200,000! And all over the world too! you deserve a pat on the back! For making this popular website!



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