
Friday, July 6, 2012

One Week from Today...

One week from today, I, along with some of my best friends, will be basking in the sun and running around the beach on the Pacific Coast. We will be traveling to Huntington Beach, CA which is to the south of Los Angeles.  As you know, I shingle houses all summer for a company called Sandia Roofing. Everyday we shingle, through the rain, the heat and the wind. We push through any elements and work until the house is done, no matter what. Well, I am not the only one working of course. I am joined by the greatest collection of shinglers in the midwest. It is these guys that will be joining me in sunny California. We will be spending 3 days together, having fun, relaxing, and just enjoying doing some together besides work. This is a big trip and a big deal. How is something like this possible you ask? Well, it's simple. We work for the greatest boss. Period. Through his unmatched generosity, he came up with the idea to take us on this trip. Why did he make this decision? Good question. Perhaps to thank us for working hard, perhaps to reward us, perhaps to show us he cares about us and not just making money, or perhaps all of those reason. But I would say the real reason he is doing this is because he is simply a great person and great people do great things. He is providing for some of us the opportunity to do something that we otherwise wouldn't have been able to do. So, one week from today, I will be running around the beach with my buddies enjoying life, tackling the waves and enjoying an opportunity made possible by one very generous person.  Stay tuned, because next week, I will be blogging on Water for Sixth Grade from California, which will be the first ever post outside of South Dakota.  

(Photo: The picture above is an aerial shot from Google Earth of the hotel we are staying at. It is called the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach.  As you can see, it's huge and right by the beach.) 


  1. THAT SOUNDS FUNN i think iiiiiiddddkkk ha

  2. California is awesome, I live near to Huntington Beach. You guys will have a great time. The weather is nice and warm, but not humid right now. Beautiful.

  3. I just got back from california today! We went to huntington beach to! we were there july 4-11


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